Volume 3 No. 1 Tucker Hockeys official newsletterreinforcing hockeys POSITIVES to all ages! 2006 Winter HockeHockey ZonesZones Creativityy on Ice A Key to Success in Hockey, and in Life By Martin N. Walker tude, desire to win, determination, hockey knowl- Creativity is one of the keys to success in edge and experience. Take two players who are hockey, or any competitive sport, as it often is identical in all those areas, and what will be the in life. The ability to size up a situation while it difference between them? The more creative evolves, then find a way to make a successful player will be aware of a wider range of options, play, often when there seems to be no hope of it able to think of possibilities that his or her opposi- thats when the crowd lets out a collective tion hasnt thought of, and may have difficulty re- oooh and the opposition looks flat footed. sponding to or defending against. Wayne Gretzky may not have been the biggest In his book Civilization, Kenneth Clark talks about guy, the fastest skater, or the hardest shooter, but confidence and optimism as essential to the peri- his creativity set him apart, and made him fun to ods in history when we produced to our greatest watch. He was full of surprises. Nobody knew works of art. Those ingredients are essential in what he was going to do, but they knew that hockey, too. Players are unlikely to take risks and whatever it was, it would be dangerous. try new things if they arent confident and opti- mistic. Its our job as parents and coaches to pro- Athletic creativity springs from the same place vide an environment that fosters confidence and in human beings as the inspiration for great optimism, from the beginning. works of music and art, architecture and engi- neering, literature and science, and also our It all begins with players having ideas and trying sense of humour. Those great works at the apex them out. Its not easy, especially when the kids of human achievement, symbols of the best are young, to resist leaning over the boards and weve achieved, are very different from a mo- telling them what to do. But thats the coach mak- ment in a hockey game. But the root of cre- ing the decision for the player. ativity is the same for both, and thats where I want to draw the comparisons. Its important for players to be free to make mis- takes and assess them and learn without being Each hockey player has his or her own physical overly self-critical. We have to instil behavioural attributes, skills, strength and conditioning, atti- cont. p. 3 For the LOVE of GAME! For the LOVE of GAME! For the LOVE of GAME! For the LOVE of GAME! For the LOVE of GAME! For the LOVE of GAME! For the LOVE of GAME! For the LOVE of GAME! For the LOVE of GAME! For the LOVE of GAME! LookLook InsideInside forfor Whats Inside: OlympicOlympic HockeyHockey Schedules!Schedules! People at the Rink Hockey from a Managers Perspective ............ 4 The only things that are going Salute to Minor Hockey Week ............ 7 Skating Skills Lateral Crossovers ...... 9 to change you from where you are The Merits of 1-on-1 Coaching ......... 22 today to where you are going to be five Forward Striding Technique ............. 19 years from now are the people you Upcoming Programs ..... 13,14,15,16,21 meet and the books you read Olympic Hockey Schedule ............... 26 Lou Holtz The Fighting Spirit Winter 2006 page 1 Hockey Zones Tucker Hockey 998-5035 GUARANTEED to Improve Your Skating! Exceptional Hockey Value Parents/Groups/T Types of just need to determineeams times, Rex Tucker Director, B. Comm Programs Offered dates, guaranteed budget and 1 Session per week for 10 weeks or recruit a minimum of 10 players 14 Years + Hockey 2 Sessions per week for 5 weeks or Instruction Experience 5 Sessions in a week A Professional Power Skating Instructor since 1997 CustomizedCustomizedCustomizedCustomized Full Time Professional Hockey GroupGroupGroupGroup Programs ProgramsProgramsPrograms Coach since 2002 Tucker Hockey NCCP Advanced 1 Certified Coach find the ice, set up the curriculum will and provide professional instruction Customized Curriculum since 1996 Power Skating, Hockey Skills, Past Instructor for Hockey Alberta Conditioning or Combo Programs (coaching clinics) Programs Weekdays Weekdays after 4:00 pm which deliver RESULTS! before 4:00 pm & Weekends Taught Czech, German and Austrian ONLY $210 per player ONLY $290 per player Players in the Czech Republic includes 10 on-ice sessions includes 10 on-ice sessions for Five Summers (based on 10 players) (based on 10 players) Note: All programs subject to ice and staff availability; prices based on 10 to 1 player to instructor ratio www.tuckerhockey.com Winter 2006 page 2 Hockey Zones Tucker Hockey Enterprises Ltd. Creativity on the Ice (contd.) Director: ...................................... Rex Tucker boundaries like no checking from be- when to apply that knowledge on the ice, Executive Assistant ..................... Karen Adler hind and ensure those limits are not and that means trying the play, finding Hockey Assistant (Summer) ... Mark Bomersback Hockey Consultant ....................... Lyle Hanna crossed, but other than that, players need out when it works and doesnt. Inevita- Business Consultant ...................... Ern Rideout guidelines and a framework within which bly there will be times when it doesnt. On-Ice Instructors ......................... Rex Tucker to play, not a set of dictates and restric- How a coach handles those situations is ................................................... Lyle Hanna .................................................. Ern Rideout tions. As in life, so in hockey the most a real test. ............................................ David Mahoney successful players act flexibly, given the .............................................. Paul Cammack requirements of the situation, rather than Suppose the coach has told the team ...................................................Todd Kurio ............................................... Derek Howat bureaucratically, given some set of rules when its a good time to make that pass, ........................................... Chimo Pederson for play. and when its dangerous. A player tries .......................................... Michael Painchud the pass. If the pass works, theres no .........................................Mark Bomersback ................................................ Fran Portman How many times do we hear someone problem, a little praise, may be a com- ................................................. Chad Radke say, You should never pass in front of ment about the pass not being picked off. ............................................. Thomas Walker your own net. The fact is, a defensive When the pass is intercepted, its more ............................................. Geoff Lambert ........................................... Jessica Mcintosh zone cross-ice pass that results in an of- difficult. The exact response depends ............................................Morris Lukowich fensive rush is a good thing, and an in- on what works best for the particular (Maximum Scoring Edge Program) tercepted pass is not. The key is deci- player. But the objective is still to have Hockey Zones Newsletter sion-making and execution. A young the player try it again, but to have it work Managing Editor ........................... Rex Tucker player who is repeatedly told never to next time, and the coach needs to re- Advertising Sales ....................... Karen Adler pass in front of his own net is unlikely to main positive. Contributing Writers ...................... Lyle Hanna ............................................Morris Lukowich break the habit until years later, and by ........................................... Martin N. Walker then it will take him some time to do it. Thats when a players young, but what ................................................... Rex Tucker about older players, bantams, juniors, ...............................................Michael White We tend to forget that these kids are even adults? We all like to be praised. Ad Rates learning to read, when to ride their bikes We dont enjoy being told we screwed One Page .................................. $294 across busy roadways, and theyre up. We do want to get it right the next Half Page ................................... $179 teaching themselves to navigate comput- time. As a players level of hockey ad- Quarter Page Ad ....................... $129 ers and interactive games. When to vances, so does the complexity of the Business Card Ad......................... $79 make a cross-ice pass is not so compli- decision-making. Does the player al- *Rates do not include GST. cated. Younger or older, lets give them ways get it right? Of course not. But Advertising Enquiries: Karen at credit for the brains with which theyve once its done, the best anyone can do is [email protected] been gifted. learn from it, maybe have a laugh. Send ads with Tucker Hockey Ad in subject line to [email protected]. When to make a pass in front of the net When a mistake is made on the ice, who can be taught to a player with a rudi- knows it better than anyone else? Al- Mailing Address P.O. Box 82113, 1400 - 12th Ave. S.W., mentary understanding of the game. Of most always the player, and he or she Calgary, AB T3C 0N0 course, the youngster needs to learn continued on p. 11 Ph: 998-5035 Fax: 244.5037 E-mail: [email protected] www.tuckerhockey.com Welcome to Hockey Zones The
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