----------------, Marian McPartland His playing here does not have the re- to Records on Halycon ART FARMER sourcefulness of the recent Q11i1t1essentw M c GENTLE EYES-Mainstream MAL 371 : A Time Recordi1t$: St'.1;io11or the satiric extravagan,e rec TEDDY MA~IAN • for Love; Didn't We; Sou/sides ; So Are You; Song WILSON M PA~TLAND of ,ome of his best work. but it is solid. stri of No Regrets; Gentle Ra,n; We've Only Just swinging piano as only he can play. The nu- farr Begun ; God Bless the Child ; Gloomy Morning ; Gentle Eyes. son d'etre for the album. however. is the sl ·" thir Personnel : Farmer, fluegelhorn; Robert Dem­ with Ms. Sullivan. Her flannel voice anda Irib mer, Robert Politzer. trumpets ; Garney Hicks. style that makes it all seem too easy arem tio r trombone ; Hans Low, Hans Solomon . Leszek peak form, and Hines is an extraordinan ~ Zadlo. reeds; Fritz Pauer, pianos ; Julius Schey­ bal, Richard Oesterreicher, guitars ; Rudolf Han­ accompani,t. A couple of times he gets lo,I ,i 1:­ sen, Jimmy Woode , bass; Erich Bachtragel , for a second or so, but for the most part he re n drums ; Jula Kock, percussion ; 15 strings ; Step­ provides carpet. wallpaper ahd ceiling for the ,u r hanie. vocal ; Johannes Fehnng , conductor . vocab . Ch . Rating:***** The stereo recording separates them 11,ilh ,t rt This is gorgeous music. Made in Vienna splendid re,ults . At times Hine s seems to~ fea with a European orchestra assembled by the '"'•·'· • -,::..-: •,;_"'1.JlltlJlltTJll.~C!lf,-wt,,r .,: ,; · * running off into his own thing. but he new Out Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, this al­ 0 ELEGANT PIAN O-Teddy Wilson and Marian Mc­ gets in the singer's way and his sense ofs11,m1vin Partland improvising on two pianos in a beaut~ bum features some of the best ballad playing is impeccable. Significantly, the song, cho1en l ful blend of 1nd1vidual styl es Selecuons include ever recorded. Ou,et Night , Shony Stockings , Btuesette . and Lover are superior ,tandard, . · Pa r Farmer is exquisite throughout. His horn i, Man . Halcyon LP 106 ... $5.98 The Ellington set is less successful. II re- me 0 A DELICATE BALANCE- " Marian McParlland played with timeless beauty. as if inspired by minds me of the LP Monk made of Ellinglon dir i plays a piano and a half " - Playboy the tranquility of an Austrian village. His Halcyon LP 105 $5 98 tune s in · 55. in that both arti sts were appar• of C Cassette n 8-Track . $6 98 melodic simplicity on Time for Lm ·e and the entl y stifled by the sheer melodic cw- wa : O AMBI ANCE- "Marian 's playing Is refreshing. In- tit le song. written by pianist Pauer, is perfect. pe r venlIve " -81/1 Evans Halcyon LP 103 .. $5 98 And Sou/sides, composed by the album's pro ­ 0 INTERPLAY-" playing Is inventive and always ere musical and the emotional range considerable - ducer. f:rich Kleinschuster , is the all-time tha down be■ 1 Halcyon LP 100 . .. $5.98 smoothest soul music I know of. l D Marian McParlland "Library " o1 all tour Halcyon Really, there isn't much to criticize. The ver LPs LPs 100/ 3/ 5/ 6 $20.00 guitar counterpoint is striking , as is the sensi­ HALCYON RECOROS he P.O. Box 4255. Grand Cen1ral Station tivity of the rhythm section. And if now and ,to New York . NY 10017 then the strings seem smarmy , Farmer is tran ­ Please rush copies of the albums indicated above to by scendent, above it all. Name ,mt Gemle £yes is simply beautiful mu,ic. Address I -boum e ve~ city Ian, State ZIP qu., Remittance enclose S Sorry . no C.0 .0 sen Free surface postage anywhere in the world . ..J EARLHINES pletene ss of the Duke ' s writing. Both artI11i L son EAR L HINES AND MAX IN E SULLI­ became enmeshed in the tunes to the pom1 --------------- VAN - Chiaroscuro CR 107: II I Had You; I've Got that only mode st embellishments were lbc the World On a Stnng; Almost Like Be,ng In Love; EAR-TRAININGCOURSE! One Hundred Years From Today; Am I Blue; result. The most successful cut on the MOili Along the Santa Fe Trail; Ace In The Hole; They record was Jr Don't Mean A Tlii111:w11h i All Laughed; He's Funny That Way; Conlessin '. stark rhythmi c jazz line. Similarly, Hinesd ANSWER--.. Personnel : Hines. piano ; Ms. Sullivan . vocal. BOOKLET best with the two-note C Jam Blues, diving Rating:****½ for a concise. exuberant set of variat10 RUTGERS EARL HINES PLAYS DUKE ELLING­ also finds him in top form. pl TON- Master Jau Recordings MJR 8114: I Love Mood I ndi,:o UNIVERSITY ting the line with an exquisite pattern MUSIC You Madly; Sophisticated Lady; I'm Beginning To See The Light; Warm Valley; Do Nothing Tiff You chords and then mining several choruses11 DICTATION Hear From Me; C Jam Blues; Everything But You; the unalloyed Hines imagination for a mailer• SERIES Mood Indigo; Come Sunday . ful performance. Hines freaks will \I.antIlle \ren Personnel : Hines, piano . A ten record course in basic musician- Rating : * **½ set for these two cuts but the other track, .rt ship, ear-training and sight reading. 12" lps disappointing. It's nice to have these plea The redoubtable Hines continues to en­ Over seven hours of intensive study interpretations but they are overlong lighten with the magic of solo piano . Playing covering all of the fundamentals of Hines seem, nervou s in trying to filter unaccompanied. his individuality nows unfet­ music. Paced for easy learning with the melody. tered with utter disregard for any rules but test materials enclosed . Lady is dressed in a diaphanous go11nci those of his own musical logic . He may begin " .. a li stener acquainted with the arpeggio\ . Warm Valley is always nice a ballad meditatively, but that is no barest rudiments of staff notation hear, but after the fir , t statement Hines d1Ja could , by conscientiously workin~ his guarantee that the tune won't be suddenly have much to follow with . Part of the rea way through the Rutgers Set acqutre a buoyed by a stride interlude, a little boogie , is that some of the material was new to h quite respectable foundation of basic and those characteristic note flurries that and while we may be impres sed by the knowledge . Solid , usable matter , nei­ seem to gobble up the keys . ducer's report that mostly first takes ~ ther watered down ,nor 'popularized '." In the past few years. he has been used, this is obviou sly not the best methodl'ar -John Briggs, THE NEW YORK TIMES over-recorded and the tricks he u,e s when IThe Rut gers Set is now in use in ove r 2,000 optimum mu sical results. - ~10 in,piration is lacking-a heavy reliance on Universiti es as well as in countless High Schools tremolos , vacuou s virtuosity, and a resulting and by individuals throughout the wo rld. harmonic dullness - are becoming too famil­ pj; sTs;;;"dTo LP Set-;s ';s";iw ';i;o;' , ppd. , iar. Both sides of the master can be heard on I I enclose □ Check□ Money Order for $50.00. these record ings. CHARLESMcPHERSON ~ If usiRIB ankAmericanl, A■er im Express,D iaersC lub I The session with Maxine was recorded live SIKU YA BIBI ( DAY OFTK I ar Master Charce,gi ve u mber_______ I at the Overseas Press Club and it is a delight ­ LADY)- Ma1nstream MAL 365 Don't Eipi ful set. Hines wa, in a vivaciou s mood and he Lover Man; God Bless the Child, Miss Bro•• ~d I You; Good Morning Heartache; For Hea,er I expirationdate . _____ I plays con,istently well on the five cut , he has Sake; I'm a Fool to Want You; Lover ComeBaCI to himself. although some of them tend to go to Me. I Name I on too long . Always using the melody as a Personnel: McPherson. alto sax, Barry piano . Sam Jones, bass, Leroy Williams. dr I Address I refrain for proper perspective , he takes hap­ On tracks 1. 3. 5. 7 add Ted Dunbar. guitar.st py . mood y . nostalgic. irreverent trip, on the section of six violins . two violas. two ce : City StatP. Zip I compo,itions . I particularl y like Srrin,: with ranged&condu cted by Ernie Wilkins 1MUSIC MINUS ONE1 it, false endings. and recurrent inventivenes s. Ra!lng **** L4~W_:_5~~T~E!,_~~y~~ ~· ..!.,0023J and the wi,tful Conf<•ssin' . This album of fine . warm music dcd1c 22 D down beat o Billie Holidav contains some of Dunbar's short guitar solo - his only featured impression that this b a solo effort. Nothin g is llcPherson's mo , 1 moving playing on spot on the date. further from the truth. Thi s is a co hesive little ·ecord, notably on the four track, with Enhancing as well is the presence of Barry cooking-no. make that burning-band that ,!rings. In mood and feeling. these recall the Harris. Mc Pherson' s erstwhile mentor and grooves like a mon ste r. 'amous Charlie Parker 11·irhSrrings ballad longtime co llaborator. His comping is ju st The " in the Bud" con figurati o ns of Pier ce .hings, and in a se nse the album is also a about perfect. and his solo co ntribution s. es­ at the keyboa rd sound fre sh and different :ribute to the durability of the Parker tradi- pec ially the moment on Heartache and the coming from an organist.
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