formulation of quantum mechanics and quantum state reconstruction for View metadata,Phase-space citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE ysical systems with Lie-group symmetries ph provided by CERN Document Server ? ? C. Brif and A. Mann Department of Physics, Technion { Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel We present a detailed discussion of a general theory of phase-space distributions, intro duced recently by the authors [J. Phys. A 31, L9 1998]. This theory provides a uni ed phase-space for- mulation of quantum mechanics for physical systems p ossessing Lie-group symmetries. The concept of generalized coherent states and the metho d of harmonic analysis are used to construct explicitly a family of phase-space functions which are p ostulated to satisfy the Stratonovich-Weyl corresp on- dence with a generalized traciality condition. The symb ol calculus for the phase-space functions is given by means of the generalized twisted pro duct. The phase-space formalism is used to study the problem of the reconstruction of quantum states. In particular, we consider the reconstruction metho d based on measurements of displaced pro jectors, which comprises a numb er of recently pro- p osed quantum-optical schemes and is also related to the standard metho ds of signal pro cessing. A general group-theoretic description of this metho d is develop ed using the technique of harmonic expansions on the phase space. 03.65.Bz, 03.65.Fd I. INTRODUCTION P function [?,?] is asso ciated with the normal order- ing and the Husimi Q function [?] with the antinormal y ordering of a and a . Moreover, a whole family of s- The phase-space formulation of quantum mechanics parameterized functions can be de ned on the complex has a long history. In 1932 Wigner [?] intro duced his plane which is equivalent to the q -p at phase space. The famous function which has found numerous applications index s is related to the corresp onding ordering pro cedure y in many areas of physics and electronics. In 1949 Moyal of a and a ; the values +1, 0, and 1of s corresp ond to [?] discovered that the Weyl corresp ondence rule [?] can the P , W , and Q functions, resp ectively. These phase- be inverted by the Wigner transform from an op erator space functions are referred to as quasiprobability distri- on the Hilb ert space to a function on the phase space. butions QPDs, as they play in the Moyal formulation As a result, the quantum exp ectation value of an op- of quantum mechanics a role similar to that of genuine erator can b e represented by the statistical-likeaverage probability distributions in classical statistical mechan- of the corresp onding phase-space function with the sta- ics. Various QPDs has b een extensively used in many tistical density given by the Wigner function asso ciated quantum-optical applications [?,?]. Most recently, there with the density matrix of the quantum state. In this is great interest in the s-parameterized distributions b e- way quantum mechanics can b e formally represented as cause of their role in mo dern schemes for measuring the a statistical theory on classical phase space. It should quantum state of the radiation eld [?]. b e emphasized that this phase-space formalism do es not The mathematical framework and the conceptual back- replace quantum mechanics by a classical or semiclassical ground of the Moyal quantization have b een essentially theory. In fact, the phase-space formulation of quantum enlarged and generalized in two imp ortant pap ers by mechanics also known as the Moyal quantization is in Bayen et al. [?]. Sp eci cally,itwas shown that noncom- principle equivalenttoconventional formulations due to mutative deformations of the algebra of classical phase- Heisenb erg, Schrodinger, and Feynman. However, the space functions de ned by the ordinary multiplication formal resemblance of quantum mechanics in the Moyal give rise to op erator algebras of quantum mechanics. formulation to classical statistical mechanics can yield This fact means that intro ducing noncommutative sym- deep er understanding of di erences between the quan- b ol calculus based on the so-called twisted pro duct also tum and classical theories. Extensive lists of the litera- known as the star or Moyal pro duct, one obtains a com- ture on this sub ject can b e found in reviews and b o oks pletely autonomous reformulation of quantum mechanics [?,?,?,?,?,?]. in terms of phase-space functions instead of Hilb ert-space states and op erators. This program of \quantization by The ideas of Moyal were further develop ed in the late deformation" has b een develop ed in a numberofworks sixties in the works of Cahill and Glaub er [?] and Agar- [?,?,?,?,?]. wal and Wolf [?]. As mentioned, the Wigner function is related to the Weyl symmetric ordering of the p osi- For a long time applications of the Moyal formulation tion and momentum op erators q and p or, equivalently, were restricted to description of systems like a spinless of the b osonic annihilation and creation op erators a and non-relativistic quantum particle or a mo de of the quan- y a . However, there exist other p ossibilities of ordering. In tized radiation eld mo deled by a quantum harmonic particular, it was shown [?] that the Glaub er-Sudarshan oscillator, i.e., to the case of the at phase space. There- 1 fore, an imp ortant problem is the generalization of the This description can b e useful not only for measurements standard Moyal quantization for quantum systems p os- of quantum states but also in the eld of signal pro cess- sessing an intrinsic group of symmetries, with the phase ing. space b eing a homogeneous manifold on which the group of transformations acts transitively [?,?]. It has b een recently understo o d that this problem can b e solved us- I I. BASICS OF MOYAL QUANTIZATION ing the Stratonovich-Weyl SW corresp ondence. The idea of the SW corresp ondence is that the linear bijec- A. Generalized coherent states and the de nition of tive mapping b etween op erators on the Hilb ert space and quantum phase space functions on the phase space can be implemented by a kernel which satis es a number of physically sensible p os- Given a sp eci c physical system, the rst thing one tulates, with covariance and traciality b eing the two most needs to do for the Moyal quantization i.e., for con- imp ortant ones. This idea rst app eared in a pap er by structing phase-space functions is to determine what is Stratonovich[?] in 1956, but it was almost forgotten for the related phase space. This can often b e done by anal- decades. The SW corresp ondence, that has b een restated ogy with the corresp onding classical problem, thereby some years ago by Gracia-Bond a and V arilly [?,?], has providing a direct route for the quantum-classical corre- given a new impulse to the phase-space formulation of sp ondence. From the technical p oint of view, the phase quantum theory. The SW metho d of the Moyal quan- space can b e conveniently determined using the concept tization has b een applied to a numb er of imp ortant sit- of coherent states [?]. The coherent-state approach is not uations: a nonrelativistic free particle with spin, using just a convenient mathematical to ol, but it also helps to the extended Galilei group [?]; a relativistic free particle understand howphysical prop erties of the system are re- with spin, using the Poincar e group [?]; the spin, using ected by the geometrical structure of the related phase the SU2 group [?]; compact semisimple Lie groups [?]; space. It is p ossible to say that the concept of coher- one- and two-dimensional kinematical groups [?,?,?,?]; ent states constitutes a bridge b etween the Moyal phase- the two-dimensional Euclidean group [?,?]; systems of space quantization and the Berezin geometric quantiza- identical quantum particles [?]. For a review of basic tion [?]. results see Ref. [?]. Let G b e a Lie group connected and simply connected, Notwithstanding the success of the SW metho d in the with nite dimension n, which is the dynamical symme- Moyal quantization of many imp ortantphysical systems, try group of a given quantum system. Let T be a uni- the theory su ered from a serious problem. Sp eci cally, tary irreducible representation of G acting on the Hilb ert it was the absence of a simple and e ective metho d for space H . By cho osing a xed normalized reference state the construction of the SW kernel which should imple- j i 2 H , one can de ne the system of coherent states 0 ment the mapping b etween Hilb ert-space op erators and fj ig: g phase-space functions. The construction pro cedures for the SW kernels, considered during the last decade see, j i = T g j i; g 2 G: 2.1 g 0 e.g., Ref. [?], did not guarantee that the kernel will sat- isfy all the SW p ostulates. Only very recently a general The isotropy subgroup H G consists of all the group algorithm for constructing the SW kernel for quantum elements h that leave the reference state invariantupto systems p ossessing Lie-group symmetries was prop osed a phase factor, [?]. It has b een shown that the constructed kernel ex- plicitly satis es all the desired prop erties the SW p ostu- ih ih T hj i = e j i; je j =1; h 2 H: 2.2 0 0 lates and that in the particular cases of the Heisenb erg- Weyl group and SU2 our general expression reduces to For every element g 2 G, there is a decomp osition of g the known results.
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