Patented June 8, 1948 2,442,973 UNITED STATES PATENT of FICE 2,442,973 TREATMENT OF TEXTILE MATERIAL WITH ALRALINE CELLULOSE ZNCATE SOLU TIONS Sidney M. Edelstein, Elizabeth, N.J. No Drawing. Application July 12, 1944, Serial No. 544,650 9 Claims. (C. 8-115.6) 2 This invention relates to the treatment of a shapes and sizes of the meshes, as in a mosquito textile material. More particularly it relates to netting. treating a textile fabric with a solution of cellu In general, a coating is applied to a textile lose in alkali metal zincate containing an excess material, as by passing a fabric through a solu of alkali over the amount required to convert the 5 tion of wood pulp in sodium zincate solution, add Zinc present to zincate, precipitating the cellulose ing a precipitating agent to precipitate cellulose from the solution upon the fabric and then wash upon the textile, and then washing and drying ing the thus coated fabric preferably to remove the product. most but not all of the zinc present, the zinc It is necessary that the washing of the fabric left being bonded by the coating to the fabric 0. with precipitated cellulose thereon be continued and giving special desirable properties to the until most of the zinc is removed. This is nec product. essary to give a clear, non-hazy film of the cellu This application is a continuation in part of lose. On the other hand, the washing is not to my copending application Serial No. 423,163, filed be continued until the last of the zinc is removed December 16, 1941, now abandoned, for Textile 5 if all of the special results from the cellulose zinc material and method of making, which, in turn, ate treatment of the fabric are to be obtained. contains subject matter derived from my appli Washing of the fabric with precipitated cellu cation Serial No. 407,445, issued as Patent lose coating adhered thereto is best effected for 2,322,427, on June 22, 1943. the present purposes so as to give removal of the The invention comprises the herein described 20 Zinc compound to about the extent obtained in product and the method of making it including the following manner: if the precipitation of the the incomplete removal of the zinc as stated cellulose is effected by treatment of the cellulose above. In a preferred embodiment the invention Zincate solution with a concentrated solution of Comprises application of the cellulose solution in alkali, the alkalinity remaining is partly removed alkali metal zincate to a fabric to be mercerized, 25 by Washing and then neutralized and in fact precipitating the cellulose from the solution by acidified with an acid such as dilute sulfuric acid. means of the mercerizing sodium hydroxide solu If the precipitation is effected initially by the tion, and then washing and drying the product, addition of an acid such as dilute sulfuric, then the precipitation by the mercerizing solution giv the additional acidification is of course unneces ing a product in which the stiffness or 'hand' 30 sary. In either case the acidified treated fabric of the coated textile is not reduced materially by is washed with water until most of the acid is repeated laundering. removed. Then the remaining trace of acid is The invention comprises also the addition of neutralized as by a dilute solution of sodium car an acid to cause precipitation of cellulose from bonate or ammonium hydroxide. That part of alkali metal zincate solution applied to a fabric, 35 the zinc which remains at the conclusion of the Washing the fabric and thus formed cellulose washing is precipitated by the carbonate or ann coating thereon until most but not all of the zinc monia treatment. In an alternative method, the present is removed, and then converting the re final neutralizing with soda or ammonia, is maining zinc to insoluble form, as by the addition omitted and the washing is discontinued when of an alkaline zinc precipitating agent such as 40 the pH of the washed goods is about 3 to 4. Sodium carbonate or ammonium hydroxide to The treatment of a fabric with the zincate establish a pH above 7. Solution, precipitation of the cellulose, and wash In a preferred embodiment, the invention com ing out the precipitating agent removes most of prises the use, as textile material to be treated, the zinc but leaves a substantial proportinn of of cellulosic fabric as, for example, one of cotton 45 it in the fabric, aS, for instance, about 0.02% to or viscose rayon. With such fabrics the alkali 0.4% of the dry weight of the fabric. Larger metal zincate solution partially dissolves the sur amounts of zinc than 0.4% may be present in face portion of the fabric which, in turn, is re certain goods processed according to this inven precipitated along with the cellulose of the cellu tion but are not necessary. This zinc is itself lose zincate solution. As a result, there is prac 50 mostly embedded in the coating of cellulose so tically integral union of the coating to the inner that it is anchored thoroughly to the fabric. portions of the cellulosic base material. Also, the This zinc left in the coating of the fabric not, partial solution of the base fabric followed by only retards development of mildew but also in subsequent precipitation causes bonding together creases the retentivity for pigments and fillers of the threads at the positions of crossing. This 55 as, for example, for iron Oxide pigments, thio Strengthens the fabrics. It also stabilizes the cyanine or clear filler. 2,442,973 3 4 An especially important result is obtained clear and may be applied to textile materials when the sodium zincate solution of cellulose is without further clarification. If desired, how added to a fabric and the fabric then treated with ever, the solutions so made may be filtered, alkali as in the common process for mercerizing Settled, or centrifuged, to remove any suspended cotton. Here the concentrated alkali, say of material that may be present in objectionable strength about 20%, precipitates the cellulose. amount. The fabric is then soured in a usual manner, The solution is applied to the selected textile washed and dried: I have discovered that zinc material in any suitable or conventional manner. ate solutions of cellulose so added and then pre Thus, fabric or thread may be passed through cipitated with alkali are retained on the fabric O the cellulose solution and then between squeeze after repeated launderings better than when the rolls to remove excess of solution. Or, the textile precipitation is effected by acidification. In fact, material may be passed over a roll which at its it has seemed from a number of experiments that lower part only contacts the solution and then the stiffness or 'hand' of the fabric containing between Squeeze rolls, a suitable arrangement the coating of cellulose precipitated by strong 15 being a two-roll system in which the lower roll alkali is either unaltered or actually slightly in dips into the Solution and the overriding roll and creased by repeated laundering. The greater lower roll Squeeze the textile between them. retention of the cellulose when precipitated by After the Solution has been placed upon the alkalinity, as compared to precipitation by such textile material, the treated material is then sub agents as sulfuric acid, is considered to be due 20. jected to treatment to cause precipitation of the to the effect of the strong alkali upon the fibers cellulose in situ. This precipitation may be made of the cotton or like material at the moment of . in various ways, the precipitation of the cellulose. In a. particularly satisfactory method, the As the textile material to be treated, there is treated textile. is passed through an acid bath selected one that is not rapidly soluble in alkalies containing, for example, dilute sulfuric, hydro at room temperatures. Cotton, flax, and viscose 25. chloric, acetic, or other relatively inexpensive acid rayon are particularly satisfactory as the textile in concentration of about 1 to 5 parts for 100 material. Silk and acetate rayon may also be parts of water. A large excess of the acid solu used if the treatment with my cellulose solution tion is used, so that acidity remains after pre is made rapidly and the treated product is then 30 cipitation. Particularly good results from the promptly neutralized with acid. Particular advan standpoint of toughness of the cellulose film are tages are obtained when glass fibers are used as obtained when the acid used is a strong mineral the textile material, the alkalinity of my solu acid, such as sulfuric or hydrochloric, and its tion so modifying the surfaceportions of the glass concentration in the bath after the precipitation fibers, as by incipient or substantial solution, that 35 is approximately 2%, say 1 to 4%. When acetic satisfactory adherence of the cellulose coating is acid is used, on the other hand, the treated mate obtained. Glass fibers so coated unay be dyed in rial after drying is inclined to be somewhat softer accordance with technique for viscose rayon or. and suitable for uses in which softness of the cotton. textile is required. The textile material to be treated is preferably In place of the precipitation by acid, the cellu in the form of a fabric, although the treatment lose may be precipitated in any manner described may be applied less conveniently to the textile in my said patent, or by (1) heating the textile material in the form of single strands of yarn or and adhering cellulose solution by steam heat, thread.
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