INDEX Names mentioned more than once on a page are indexed only once. Names of places are printed in italics. ABAS, Shah of Persia, 67 Barnard-Castle, 64 Abergavenny, Lord, 66 Barnston, Robert, 187 Accrington, 116, 123-28 Bateman, Messrs, 54 Acland-Hood, Alick, 136 Beardsall, Robert, 178 An Act for inclosing the Forest of Bell, John, 7 Delamere, 158 Berry Field, 122 Adam, James, 6, 10 Beverley, 64 Adam, William, 6 Birch, Douglas, 95 Adams, Roger, 62, 63, 65, 70 [Bird], John, Bishop of Chester, 176, Adam's weekly courant, 62 !?7 Africa, 187, 188 Birkenhead, St Anne's, 181 Aitken, Max, 143 Birkin, George, 51 Aldridge, Charles, 181 Birmingham, 54, 64, 134, 143, 144 Alexander, David, 37 Black, J., 'Manchester's first news­ Almond, Richard, 23, 27, 29 paper: The Manchester weekly Altham, 123 journal', 61-72 Ambrun, Archbishop, 69 Blackburn, 139, 188 America, 188 Blomfield, Charles James, Bishop Amery, Leo, 144, 145 of Chester, 150, 179 Anglesey, 54 Blue Robin, 65 Anne, Queen, 5, 151 Blundell, Nicholas, 3 Antwerp, 61 . ,-. Bolton, 135 Antwis, William, 159 Bonar Law, A., 133, 140-44, 146 Appleton, Edward, 12 Booth, John, 167 Ashton, Thomas, 116, 120-22 124, Borthwick Institute, [York], 149 126 Boscowen, G., 51 Ashton Green, 122 Bourbon Union, 68 Ashton-under-Lyne, 142, 143 Bowler, Peter, 51 Aspinwall, Thomas, 116, 117, 120 Bowler, William, 51 Aspinwall (Family) 16 Bowles, George Stewart, 139 Astbury, 174-77 Bracegirdle, William, 50 Augustinian Friary [parish of Bradford, 117 Warrington], 192 Bramhall, 48 Australia, 142 Brandeth, Thomas Share, 179 Austria, 68 Brereton, John, 176, 177 Automobile Association, 11 Brereton, 48 Brice, Andrew, 63 BACKUP, Tobias, 7, 9, 12 Bridgeman, [John], Bishop of Bagnall, John, 187, 188 Chester, 150, 151, 171 Bagnall, Samuel, 187 Bristol, 63, 64 Baldwin, J., 172 Britain, 61, 66, 69, 70 , Balfour, A. J., 133, 134, 136, 139, British Library, 154 140, 143, 146 Brittain, Robert, 51 . ... Bamfurlong Miners, 122 Brittain, Samuel, 48 Barbados, 187 , . , .... Brock, William, 159 203 204 Index Broster, Peter, 39, 55 , Cow Lane, 46 Broster & Son, 55 , Diocesan Calendar, 156 Broughton, Richard, 170 , Diocesan Gazette, 156, 181 Brown, Ellen, 30 , Diocesan Record Office, 149 Brown, John of Chester, 49 , Diocesan records and the local Brown, John of Stockport, 4.9 historian, 149-85 Brown, P. G., 190 , Diocese, 149, 150, 152-55, 158, Brown Susannah, 51 159, 162, 163, 165, 167, 168 Brown, Mr, 173 , Directories, 39 Brown, Messrs William & Henry, , Eastgate Street, 45, 46 45 , Freeman's Rolls, 187 Browns of Chester, 51 , Rows, 45 Bruce, Sir William, 6 , St Benedict, 174, 175 Brussels, 61 , St John, 149 Buenos Aires, 67 , St Martin, 172 Bullocke, Thomas, 162, 165, 166 , St Olave, 178 Bunbury, Sir Gh., 173 , St Oswald, 179, 180 Burrowbridge, 64, , St Werburg, 174-77 Burrows, Holmes, 46 , Slave Trading partnerships, Burscough, John, 27 1 750-56. J87-89 Burton-in-Wirral, St Nicholas , Watergate St, 46, 54 Church, 9, 10 Childwall, 15, 16, 19-21, 27, 32 Bury St Edmunds, 63 ' " , Church, 32 Bushell, Henry, 187, 188 , St David's Church, 5 Bushell, Mrs, 52 Church Minshull, 10 ' Butler, Jesse, 117 Church of England, 169 , Northern Province of, 149 CAMPBELL, Colin, 10 Churchill, Randolph, 131, 135 Canada, 142 Cirencester, 63 Canterbury, Archbishop of, 66 Clarke, P. F., 132, 146 Canterbury, 63, 64 Clayton, John 167, 168, 170 Casselton, 64 Clayton, William, 12 Cecil, Lord Robert, 139 Clayton-le-Moors, 117, 123 Census of population, 73-113 Clerical Tax of 1291, 192 Challinor, Raymond, 118, 122 Clitheroe, 122, 125, 126 Chamberlain, Austen, 141, 142, 144 Clulow, John, 54 Chamberlain, Joseph, 131, 134, 138, Colbeck, E. C., 190 140, 141 Coleman, Mrs C., 191 Chandler, G., 3 Cologne, Archbishop of, 66 Chaplain, Henry, 144 Cologne, 61 Chapman, Thomas, 178 Colonial Naval Officers' Lists, 187 Charteris, Colonel, 66 Colvin, Howard, 5, 6, 9, 11 Cheshire, 5, 37, 48, 50, 52-55, 64, Commonwealth, 158 65. 149. '55, 188 Conservative Party, 145 , Record Office, 149, 150 Cooke, William, 25 Chester, Bishop of, 8, and see pp. Copenhagen, 61 149-85 passim. Corless, Lawrence, 187, 188 Chester, 31, 37-56, 62-65, 173-77, Cotton Trade Tariff Reform Asso­ 179, 180, 187, 188 ciation, 139 , Abbey, 150 Coventry, 51 , Bridge St, 45, 46 Coventry and Lichfield, Diocese, , Bridge St Row, 54 i?4, 175 , Cathedral Church, 180 Cowup, Thomas, 87 , Corporation, 54 Cranfield, G. A., 62, 66 , , Assembly, 46 Cromer, Lord, 140 Index Crosbie, Bailie John, 7-10 Erivan, 67 .,- .- Crosbie, William, 10 Europe, 65, 68, 69 . : Cumberland, 149 . t, Evening Post, 70 Exeter, 63 DARLINGTON, 64 "' '-! Eyles-Bart, Sir John, 67 Davies, Dr C. S. L., 61 Davies, Pierce, 49 FAIRCLOUGH, Eleanor, 33 Davis, Dorothy, 37 Farndon, 170 Deakin, Samuel, 54 Farnworth, 126 Declaration of Independence, 13 Federation of Lancashire and Dee, River Navigation, 49 Cheshire Junior Unionist Associa­ Defoe, D., 47 tions, 135 Delamere Forest, 158 Fiennes, Celia, 5 Delamere Parish, 158, 159 Finch, John, 28 Delamere, St Peter's, 158, 159 Fisher Act, 1918, 190 Denbighshire, 149 Fitzroy, Sir Almeric, 134 Dent, Abraham, 37 Flintshire, 149 Derby, Earl of, 16, 32 Folkes, Richard, 76 Derby, Edward George Stanley, Food Taxes, 142-45 I7th Earl, 133-36, 139-46 France, 68-70 Ditton Brook, 16 Free Trade, 134 Doncaster Campus System, 190 Frederick William I of Prussia, 69 Downham, [William], Bishop of French, George, 53 Chester, 150 Freston, , 136 Dryden, John, 55 Frewen, Archbishop of York, 171 Dumfries, 6-12 -' Frodsham, 156 , High St, 6 .: : . , Midsteeple, 6-12 GARVIN, J. L, 140, 143 , Midsteeple Committee, 7, 10, Gastrell, [Francis], Bishop of ii Chester, 151 , Town Hall, 10 Gateacre Chapel, 5 , Provost of, 6 Gazette, 70 Dumfriesshire, 6 General Election, of 1906, 132 Dutton, D. J., 'Lancashire and the , of 1910, 133, 139 new Unionism: the Unionist party George III, 158 and the growth of popular poli­ Gibbons, Grinling, 5 tics, 1906-1914", 131-48 Gibbs, James, 11 Gillow, Robert, 188 EATON, Joseph, 3, 179, 180 Gladstone, Herbert, 124, 125 Eaton, Peter, 3 Glaisdale, 64 Eccles, 120 Glasgow, 6, 7, n, 63 Edinburgh, 6 , College, 7, 9, 11 Edwards, Richard, 50 Gloucester, 160 Eight Hour Day, 115, 121 Glover, Thomas, 117, 120, 121, 123, Elliot, George, 167 124 Ellis, John, 50 Gloverstone, 172 Ellison, Norman, 190 Gnosspelius, J. B. & Harris, S. A., Emery, P. J., 191 'John MofTat and St Peter's Empire, 68, 69 Church, Liverpool', 1-14 Enclosure Acts, 191 Goodwin, Charles, 188 Enfield, William, 3 Goodwin, William, 187, 188 England, 2, 12, 15, 51 Gorst, Sir John, 146 , North, 63, 64, 66, 74, 133, 136 Grant, Dr, 64 , North East, 116 Greenall, Thomas, 115-21, 123-28 , North West, 116 Greenland, 67, 69 2o6 Index Gregory, R., 118 Thomas Greenall and the Labour Griffith, Thomas, 46 Party, 1900-1906', 115-36 Grub Street journal, 61 Hincks, John, 187 Gwynne, H. A., 143 Hind, Miss A. F., 181 Hitchmough, Hannah, 33 HALE, Lancashire, 16, 26, 33 Hitchmough, John, 27, 31 , Chapel, 30, 31 Hockaday, F. S., 160 , Manor House, 5 Hodge, John, 126 Halebank, 16, 28 Holborn, St Andrew, 3 , End, 16, 26, 31 Hollingsworth, William, 162, 165- H ale's Wood, 16 67. Halewood, 15-33 Hollinshead, J. E., 'Halewood town­ , Cock and Trumpet, 26 ship: a community in the early , Eagle and Child, 26 eighteenth century', 15-36 , Green, 16 Holmes Chapel, 10 Hale Hall, 17,26 ' Home Office, 74 , Higher Lane, 16 ' Home Rule, 131, 133, 145 , Hutte, 16, 29 Harwich, 135 , Macket's Lane, 16 - Horwood, Richard, 79, 89 , North End, 16, 26, 31 Houghton, James, 28 Halifax, 65 Houssar, Lewis, 66 Hall, [George], Bishop of Chester, Hull, 64 i?i Humphreys, C. A., 190, 191 Hall, David, 22 Huncoat, 123 Hall (Family), 22 Huyton, 12 ' " Halsall, 10 Hyde, Francis E., 191 Hamburg, 61 Hyde, Mr, 168 Hamilton, David, 6 Hamilton, Thomas, 6 INCE, 115, 116, 120, 121 Handel, George Frederick, 55 Independent Labour Party, 117 Hapton, 123 Ireland, Elizabeth, 28 Harper, Henry, 31 Ireland, Robert, 24 Harris, S. A. & Gnosspelius, J. B., Ireland, Roger, 23 'John Moffat and St Peter's Ireland (Family), 17 Church, Liverpool', 1-14 Ireland, 131, 133 Harrison, Miles, 179, 180 Isherwood, Robert, 116 Haslingden Weavers, 125 Ives, Robert, 21 Havoarden, 172 Hawksmoor, Nicholas, 10 Haydn, Joseph, 55 JACOBITE Disturbances, 31 Heap, Joshua, 181 Jamaica, 188 Heaton, Butler & Bayne, Messrs, , Colonial Naval Officers' Lists, 181 187 Heaton Norris, 41 John, Abbot, 174, 175 Hemingway, J., 45 Johnson, John, 50 Henderson, Arthur, 122, 126 Johnson, Robert, 172 Henry VIII, 149, 174, 175 Johnson, Simon, 50 Henshall, William, 53 ohnson, Thos, 3, 8, n, 12 Heywood, 135 ohnson, Thomas 24 Higginbotham, Henry, 166, 167, ohnson, Mr, 161 169 ones, John, 161 Higginbotham, Oliver, 160-67 Joynson-Hicks, 137 Higginbotham, Ottiwell, 160-67 Judd, D., 138 Hieginbotham, Robt, 167-70 Hill, J., 'The Lancashire miners, KEARNS, Gerry, Reviewer, 193 Index 207 Khkdale, 135 79-87, 89-95, 133-38. i, 181, Kirkham, 188 ' 187, 188, 191 Knowsley Hall, 3, 5 : , Advertiser, 75 , Athenaeum, 74, 95 L.C.M.F., see Lancashire and Che­ , Bluecoat School, 2, 5 shire Miners' Federation , Bridge St, 91 L.R.C., see Labour Representation , Brownlow Hill, 90 Committee , Brunswick Street, 76 Labour Fund Scheme, ug, 120, 122 , Byrom St, 79, 88 Labour Party, 115, 116, 123, 124, , Castle St, 92, 94 126-28, 131, 132 , Chapel St, 5 Labour Representation Committee, , Chapel Street, Bridewell, 75 116-22,125-27 , Christ Church, 88 Labour Representation Committee, , Church Alley, i Parliamentary Fund, 122 , Church Lane, i Lancashire, 5, 16, 23, 63-65, 67, , Church St, i 115, 116, 118-20, 123, 125, 127, , Clayton Square, 89 132-35.
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