Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1982 Daily Egyptian 1982 2-26-1982 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 26, 1982 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 67, Issue 107 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, February 26, 1982." (Feb 1982). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1982 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1982 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'Daily 73gyptian Friday. February 26. 1982-VoI. WI. No. IcrT 80uthem Illinois University Thompson defends closing of Bowen By Mille All..., Bowen," told Thompson that .Dd CII .... KHe ..,.er the building at Anna to which Staff Wrhen the Bowen children would be transferred is "too expensive to Gov. James Thompson came renovate." to SIU-C Thursday to promote a The building, Dewey Cottage, business-govemment alliaDce ''hasn't been lived in for 20 but ended up defending his years and other state agencies decision toclose the A.L. Bowen have refused to use the facility" Developmental Center near because of its c:oodition, Johns Harrisburg. said. Thompson was greeted at the Thompson told Jobns "No McLeod Theater entrance, by one will be transferreoJ until about 20 employees of the decent facilities are found. center, who carried signs "You know me," Thompson saJiog "Save the Bowen Cen­ said. "I don't lie. My main ter" and "Koltmeyer is not c:onc:em is the cbiJdren." forgotten" • a reference to the Rea told Thompson that in­ center's lormer director who lormation Irom the public resigned in protest over the bearing would be pre!leDted to closure last mday. ' him and asked him ''to keep an State Sen. Gene Joboa, D-59tb open mind" on the subject. District, and state Rep. James Thompson said he would be Rea, D-59th District, also were "glad to receive anything you on band to express their con­ send me, but 1 can't teD you I'D c:em over !be closing. change my decision. Thompson announced last "As Island bere, my mind is Friday that he intends to shut not open," he said. "Let'. take down the center and move its it into the Legislature and see 157 residents wbo are ~hat they say. The Legislature, developmentahy disabled bas the linaI word." cbi.\dreri and yOtmg adults, to Tbomp800 told Johns and Rea ' Staff P .... by Micbael MareoUe the ADna Mental Health and Pretesten aI the Bewn Cellter c ....., treeted .heIl he came here 'I'1l1ll'lday. State Sea.' Getle Development Center. See THOMPSON. Pap IZ The decision to cloee the GoY. Tho.,... wtUa flowers .... lips ........ left. D-adl DWtrict. .as .... _ laud. eenter came under fire at a public hearing Tuesday, in 1 Harriaburl. Rea.. and Jobna :Hey., anybo,dy seen Thompson?' -~~u:-= ,or:'e:: What do~ do whee the 'sbaken"'to- ':iiJ;esiin the patience. -. mittee that· beard testimony governor throws a big ~ economic deYeIclp'..uent 01 the Sbe ut'fftd before 2:38 from It employees, ~ and for 500 01 the regIo~'s state," the gOW4DOI' arrived. p.lO. to give GoYerDOr bus~ 8JI!.OOf a crowd of business, industry and The crowd,except for about TholOPHD a ~uet of 450 at M:iIao JUlUor High in education elite - and be two dozen ~le concemed flowerS from the J'eSldent8 of Marion. doesn't show? about the _Qvernor's ao- ~ center aDd a scra~ of Johns, who wore a sticker WeD if you were witb the nounced closing of the Bowen p,ICtures and cfippings ear.... "I represent the kids at crowd' standing by in the DeveJopmentaf Center near .' 'bighligbting the pos!tive McLeod Theater Thursday Harrisburg, bad (Jed SIU-C to aspects of the center.: you waited, aDd waited, a.Mt staod four deep in a IiDe at ti.-e 10 contrast, several waited. Southern Illinois Airport for a businessmen in tbree-piece --in9Pocus--------- Some two hours and 15 cocktail party the governor suits whispered in disgust as minutes late, alter a captive bad planned as a finale to the they left by a back door of the audience sat tJm:Jugb the sales pitch. Communications Building. state's impressive, 40- Terah Steams. a speech Said one, "WeD, if Big .Jim ,minute, multi-media sbow pathologist with the Wabash doesn't think I have better intended to get Illinois' and Ohio special education things to do, he can seD his "private" movers and c:oopetat!ve, showed extreme own state..... Four Carbondale men arrested in drug probe ByRodF...... Enforcement Group, the FBI spiraq to distribute cocaine, saff Writer 'and the federal Drug Eo­ one e:ouot of attempting to forcement Aaenr.Y. distribute, one count of illegal Thn!e Carbooda1e men were Carboodali Police Chief Ed use of communication devices, arrested con drug cbarses Hogan said that during the and seven counts 01 Wednesday nigbt follow 109 investigation, federal agents distn"butioo. lederal grand jury indictments bought cocaine lrom the men 'Jones is charged with one banded down last week, and a iDsiae Mr. 8's Townhouse, in count of coospiracy and one fourth turned hLlftgeIf ia tlJe 200 block of North count of distribution. Thursday. Wasbington Speller is charged witb one City police arrested Buford _ Hogan said police believe that eooot of c:oospiracy, lour counts Lewis, 33, of 415 E. Fisher, Lewis ran Mr. 8's TownhGuse of unlawful use of com­ Terry Jooea, 24. of the 100 bloclI: and a pool baD at 110 E. Oak St. municatioo devices, aDd one of North Gum, and Herbert as fronts for the drug bUSiness. count of distribution. Speller. 28, of 309 E. Elm. 00 Jan. %1, city police and Cole is charged with one count Also named in the in­ other agents raided the ~ ball of coospirac:y to distribute and dictmmts was Cleatus E. Cole, and coDfiscated 'several four countn of distribution of H, 01 1195 E. WIdDut, who 'poundIt" of cannabis and lour cocaiDe. turned himself in to V.S. baDdguns. Wesley Smith. 22. of MaximWD penalties lor marsba1s Thursday. 318 E. Jackson, bas been in­ conspiring to distribute. The indictments resulted dieted for ''fombly resi.:.tiog distributing, and attempting to &om a year-Ioog investigatioo a DEA agent ia that raid. distribute cocaine are a fine of Staff P ... ., Mlcbel MarceUe by (;arboodaJe police anCi ~ The drug operation netted $25,000 01" 15 years in prison, or Perhaps !lOt IepDy, bat HAed&eIea effeetively.. the SIaftIt· aaIIes state Department of Criminal about $200,008 • year tm!I" the both. The maximum penalty for Ita point clear &e CnIIIIer ~ .... a neeM ,..11 ..... Investigation. A1so assisting in last four years, Hollan said. ~wful Use of COIDJDUDication ....WaS .alclt lit Cape Gin..... Me. 'I1Ie ''spGr1''1I tIte_Jed the iDYestigatioo were· SIU-C The indictmenta cbarge W.ttee8 is a fine of $30,000 or aI leday" Fena _ ...... aM t. Police, the Southem '1lliDois Lewis with one count of ~ four years in prison. or both. Collapsed walkways' design Wews CRoundup-- Hinckley's trial delayed temporaril.Y W...sHINGTON (AP) - A. federal appea~ pa~l canceled 'inadequate', says inv~ation late Thursday the March 9 trial date for premdential assailant John W. Hinckley Jr. - ooIy six hours after it was set by a WASHINGTON (AP) - Tbe engineerinQ fam was Gillum- was totally inaOOquate and lower court. Kansas City hotel walkways CoIaco strUcturaJ Enginef>.-. of c:ouJd not even bold CI tlllrd of the The U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that trial coold not be which collapsed and killed 113 SL Louis. weight required for sucb • the structure t.y Kansas City scheduled until the government decides whether to seek people last summer were rehearing of a decision that barred use of notes and a oral designed to support Jess than a In earHer court documents, building codes. Itatement obtained from Hincltley. third of the weight capacit-J the architectural fll"lD clahr.ed required by city code!I, fede"tal the walkways were "safe, Two of the tlvee botE,) walk­ investigators said iimrsday. properly erected, properly ways all suspended by steel Israeli ambassador warns of action "This wbole waikwoy IDSpected and ~ly and rods that h'.mg from the botel (system) was inadequately adequately supported." ceiling, collapSed - ~wing WASHINGTON (AP) - Israel's new ambassador binted designed," said Dr. Edward O. steel, concrete and ~es onto strongly Thursday that his nation may soon order a military prra~, who beaded ttae federal The tragedy last July 1'1 was the crowded h.'ltel atrium where strike into Southern Lebanon if there is no abatement of the investigation by the National the most devastating struclllnll the tea dance ",as under way. arms buildup by Palestine Liberation Organization forces Bureau of Standards into· the collapse ever in the United Officials said about 63 people Mosbe Arens told reporters the danger to Israel is "grtJWi~g accident at the Hyatt Regency States. In addition to those were believed to ~ on the two day by day" and ''you might almost say it's a matter 01 time" Hotel. The bureau released ib! killed, more tf:an 200 people, walkways .. before his government feels compelled to take "some action most of them attending an that would bring about casualties." fm~f~~a~~ :r:; evening tea dance, were in· Investigators said the w.llk­ Such a development would be certain to exacerbate tenSions engiiJeering company involved ,!IJred. ways gave way wben th~ throughout the region. in designing the would hanging rods pulled through the comment on the fedrmal report.
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