,-~--~ - ~--- ------ --------- - ~---.---.=--=---- - - - - ---------- - -- R.I. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC. 130 SESSIONS ST. PROVIDENCE, RI 02906 Israeli Physicians Threaten To .Strike TEL AVIV (JTA): A ~ildcat the physicians' demands for stand­ strike by merchant mariners was by pay and extra shifts could result settled today but a far more serious in total collapse of an already shaky labor crisis loomed as 2500 salaried wage policy .. They snid that even if . physicians employed at the demands are justifiable, yielding government, municipal and private to them would only bring similar VOl;UME LIX, NUMBER 35 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1976 20¢ PER COPY hospitals and by the Histadrut sick demands from ·other sections of the fund handed in mass resignations labor force. As of this morning, the effective December I. government's policy was to accept NE Con~ul General Is To Speak The physicians took the action some of the resignations but to after they were censured at yester­ reject others and order the doctors At JFRI Initial Gifts Dinner day's Cabinet meeting for resorting to stay on the job. wounded in the attack on the to a rule-book work slowdown this Sap Deaollllradoll Gothic Line and was given an past month in support of demands In Tel Aviv, hundreds oC award for his role in the attack. for additional pay and casing of physicians dcmonstrated·today out­ After the war, Mr. Sivan joined their work load. side the office of Prof. Chaim the civil service of the Mandate Ad­ The Cabinet decided to set up a Doron, · acting chairman of Kupat ministration of Palestine as a dis­ ministerial committee, headed by Holim, the Histadrut sick fund to trict officer and carried on after the Premier Yitzhak Rabin, to deal whom their resignation notices were State of Israel was established as specifically with the doctors. A presented. Doctors employed by the assistant district commissioner of ministerial committee already exists government handed in their notices Tel Aviv. to haodlc lal>or troubles and wage to Prof. A. Mentchel, director In 1952, Mr. Sivan was granted a policy. The physicians saw the es­ general of the Health Ministry. UN Fellowship to do post-graduate t ab Ii sh men t of yet another They were particularly incensed research in public administration at deliberative body as a stalling tactic by remarks by Health Minister Vic­ the University of Liverpool, intended to postpone a decision. tor Shcmtov last week who cited England. Shortly after his return to "Our presentation of resignation one physician for allegedly refusing Israel in 1953, he was asked by the notices is a move of despair," a to admit an ailing woman to a President of Israel to head his office spokesman for the doctors said. government hospital because of the for two years. MELAVEH MALKAH: The Bureau of The work slowdown will continue. slowdown. The woman was sent to Mr. Sivan's first appointment in Jewish Education invitfl the entire Finance Ministry officials said another hospital where she died. the Foreign Service was as Consul community to attend a Melaveh in Los Angeles and later as head of Malkah on Saturday, November 20, at I p.m. i_n the Jewish Community Ress Will Be Honored By RAANAN SIVAN mission there. His other overseas positions included Counsellor at the Center, l'roviclence. Dr. Benjamin The new Consul General of Israel Chinin, prof.. _ of economin and Embassy in Ottawa, Consul Jewish Seminary Friends for New England, the Honorable urban affain, past president of the Raanan Sivan, will be the keynote General of Johannesburg and Con­ sul General to London. Bureau, and an authority on the speaker at the Initial Gifts Division cvnent scene In Israel, will be the Mr. Ress is a graduate of Brown of the Jewish Federation of Rhodo In the Ministry for Foreign Af­ University (Phi Beta Kappa), and fairs, Mr. Sivan served as guest speaker and will addrfll the Island dinner, Wednesday, subject of Arab-Israeli relation,. Harvard Law School. He received November 17, at 6 p.m. at Temple spokesman and press officer, direc­ an honorary LLB in 1966 from tor of the Division of Public Havdalah, community tinging and Emanu-EI, 99 Taft Avenue, it was refreshments will follow the speech. Brown University, Honorary Doc­ announced by Herman C. Sclya, Relations and director of the Con­ tor of Humanitarian Service from sular Division. Co-chairmen of the The Melaveh Mall<ah is spon-ed chairman of the Initial Gifts Divi­ jointly by the Adult Education Com­ Providence College in I 971, sion. Initial Gifts Men's Division arc Dr. Providence Hebrew Day School Alden H. Blackman and Harris N. mittee of the Bureau and the Mr. Selya announced that the Jewish Community Cenier. Anudim Award in 1973 and Chief Air Force Pilot on the Rosen. National Conference of Christians Entebbe rescue mission, Col. Brotherhood Meet Features and Jews Brotherhood A ward . Joshua Shani, will be guest of honor Mr. Ress is a member of the at the dinner. Israel Consul, Press Aftaehe National Patrons Society of the A sixth generation Israeli, Mr. Jewish Theological Seminary of Sivan was born in Jerusalem in On Sunday morning, November Appeal. America, and an honorary member 19il. His ancestors, who settled in . 14, at 10:15 a.m. in the meeting hall From 1950-55, Mr. Rapoport of the Temple Emanu-EI , Tsfat (Safed) in 1832, brought with ofTcmplc Beth El, the Brotherhood acted with the Habima Theatre as Providence, board of directors. He them the first Hebrew printing press will sporuor a meeting featuring the well as in films. From 1955-70, he JOSEPH W. R~ is a trustee and treasurer of Brown to the Holy Land. His school days consul and press attache of the worked in Israel radio as producer, University, director of Citizens were divided between Jerusalem Israeli Consulate in New York, announcer and emcee and was loan­ Joseph W. Ress of Providence Trust Company, former president and Cambridge, England. - Azaria Rapoport. The meeting is ed to Israel Television Temporary will be honored by the New and present member of the In 1941 , Mr. Sivan -volunteered open to the public. Authority at its inception in May of England Friends of the Jewish executive committee, Jewish for the British Army, was com- Mr. Rapoport was born in Israel 1968. Theological Seminary of America Federation of Rhode Island; as well · · d d , h · k · and graduated from high school in Mr. Rapoport has written a mtSSione an ,oug t 10 a crac m- ·Tel Aviv. He later studied literature at the twelfth annual National as former president and present fantry regiment in Iraq, Syria, column on arts and entertainment Community Service Award dinner member of The Miriam Hospital Tobruk and Italy. He was severely and history at the Hebrew Universi­ in Ma'arlv, Israel's leading daily on Sunday, December ·5, at the executive committee, former co­ ty in Jerusalem while working as newspaper, and has also written for Copley Plaza Hotel, · Boston. The trustee of the Rhode Island IU~INGER'S NE.W CAREER announcer, writer and actor of Kol Variety. A ward he will receive, among other Charities Trust, life trustee of the BOSTON: According to a story Yerushalayim Broadcasting. · Prior to his current position, he things, recognizes his devotion to Rhode Island School of Design, in the Boston Globe, Dr. Henry He served witlf various units of took a leave of absence from the Judaism and a commitment to and a former president and cam- Kissinger is already making plans the British Army, with Palmach un­ Israel Broadcasting Authority to widening its influence for the good . paign chairman of the U nitcd Way, for a new role for himself after step­ its in the Jerusalem area, and later serve as a representative for the of all men. Inc. ping down as Secretary of State. as a military correspondent with the Israel· Aliyah Center in New York. According to the newspaper, Israel Defense Army. ht 1949, he He was appointed to his present Kissinger is considering writing a was part of the officers' mission of post as· .consul and press officer of Weekend To Memorialize book and t~e beginning of a new the Israel Army to the United States the Consulate General of Israel in career on TV. on behalf of the United Jewish New York in October .of 1973. Rev., Mrs. Meyer Smith Professor William Green will be the scholar-in-residence for a special weekend oflearning and dis­ cussion in memory of Reverend and Mrs. Meyer .Smith, who were known and highly rcga-rded throughout the Providence Jewish community. This· unique weekend_ • fo their memory is being sponsored by their daughter, Mrs. Julius A. Zucker. Professor Green was born in Boston, holds a BA in religion from Dartmouth College, studied at Hebrew Union College and at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In 1974 he earned a PhD in religious studies from Brown University. He held the position of scholar-in­ residence for. the Jewish Communi­ ty Federation of Rochester, New . PROF. WILLIAM GREEN . York, 1974-76. Clmcntly he is Jewish topic "Synagogue, Com­ assistant professor of Religious munity and the ME Generation." FASHION FUND-RAISER: A fashion •h- fvncl-ralalng -t.,.._. by the °"!'n•ton-V!(arwlck-Eaat Oreenwkh · Studies at the University of He will speak to the members of section of the Wamen'• Division of the Jew~h hderatlon of ll!hode hlond taak place_OII November 4 at the i.,clte­ · Rochester. Temple Emanu-El's .Men's Club on mont Country Club. Miu Baker's of l'rovldence prepared the show. F.nlm left to rltht, Shirley Halaband, Sylvia At the Friday evening service, Sunday, November 14, al 9 a.m .
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