Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 22 17 n.d. Form Telephone Call form for Nixon to Call Colonel Frank Borman of Apollo 8. 1 pg. 22 17 11/08/1968 Form Telephone List for Nixon. 1 pg. 22 17 11/10/1968 Form Telephone List for Nixon. 1 pg. 22 17 n.d. Form Telephone List for Nixon. 5 pg. 22 17 n.d. Other Document List of names from Chapin. 1 pg. 22 17 n.d. Other Document List of names. 1 pg. Thursday, August 14, 2008 Page 1 of 3 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 22 17 11/21/1968 Memo From Woods to Nixon Re: Charles Jones called with congratulations and offered help if needed. 1 pg. 22 17 11/18/1968 Form Appointment Request form for meetings with Clarence Chapman, Burt Early, and Ed Low. 1 pg. 22 17 11/14/1968 Memo From Woods to Chapin & Haldeman Re: Loren Berry called to ask to speak with Nixon. 1 pg. 22 17 11/14/1968 Other Document Information concerning William Gorsett. 1 pg. 22 17 11/12/1968 Form Telephone log-in form for November 12-14, 1968. 1 pg. 22 17 10/20/1968 Form Telephone List for Nixon. 1 pg. 22 17 10/17/1968 Memo From Chotiner to Haldeman Re: recommendation that Nixon thank Governor Dan Evans for a statement made in support of Nixon. 1 pg. Thursday, August 14, 2008 Page 2 of 3 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 22 17 n.d. Other Document A note to call William Mc.C. Martin. 1 pg. 22 17 10/09/1968 Memo From Woods to Nixon Re: recommendation that Nixon call Robert Benedicto of the Phillipines. 1 pg. 22 17 01/05/19?? Letter Telegram from Nixon to Sen. Young Re: congratulations to the newly elected officials of Pinellas County. 1 pg. 22 17 12/20/1968 Letter From Downs to Chapin Re: request that Nixon be shown a booklet about a Protestant view on the Catholic ban on birth control. Booklet included, entitled "The Papal Ban on Birth Control." July 25, 1968 by Americans United (not scanned). 42 pg. Thursday, August 14, 2008 Page 3 of 3 TELEl'rtONE CAI.L ----------------~---------- Colonel Fran~ Borman (Air Force) Commander of Apollo 8 PUR?OSE: To wish him arId the crew good luck on their mission. Other Crew MemberS: Navy Captain Jame~ Lovell Air Force Major William Anders FACTS: Length: 6 Day ~jlss:'on Depart Saturday, ~ecember 21 - 7:15 a.m. Return Friday, Decem0er 27. Moon: First mar~ed Lunar flight. 1elevision: Ij TV transm16~lons will be made (two of them while the spll.cecraft 1s a mere 60 miles from the moon'6 6arface. ) ?£ / /.­$ };2. .' -so - ~- ' ~~..J j,'ur lLL ~rK.J Qi) L£I"" =- \lNt4<­ ~/'~ u- V {Sf"J =- ~ ~~ R~ lu· '/7 eJ_ IV,; ___ I~~ /-~ tJ we....!-. l C ~ M-~ S:.- ~ ~ 0 - 'i ~ '., ­ £ ..... ~ TELEPHONE""" CALLS IIfRS. GENE I'lcGOVERN (Marl) GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN NEIL l'loELROY (re ~yeel CLEM STONE LEADEBSRIP (lD. part) Senator Mlke llansf1eld Speaker John ftoCormack Kajorlty Leader carl Albert Senator Rueeell Long Senator Everett Dlrksen Senator George fturphy (congratulstlons on Senate rB~e8) Kajorlty Whlp Hale Boggs Mlnorlty Whlp Les Arends ftlnorlty Conference ChalrllllUl Melvln Lalr/l (t/'lllnll:s tor trlpe 11:1 ollJllpalgn) Polley Chalrman Jchn Rho/les AGRICULTURE COMMITTEB Allen Ellllller Bnd Gecrge Alksn Bob poage Eln/l :Page Belcher APPROPRIATIONS COJU£ITl'EE DIck Russell a.!l/l ft1ll.t YQI.!.M: (Rusllell lIuOOaa/llQg Hayden) George Mahon a.!ld Frank Bo" (tllankll tor help alOIl@; the -y) AHJIIED SJlB.VICES COJUUTTEE DlCk Hussell aDd Margsret Smlth Mendel Rlver, and Bl11 Bates BAllK:ING AND CURRKNCY COJl.KITT&,B John Sparkllllln B1I./I Wall.oe Bennett WrIght Patms.fi and .Blll WI/1nall LABOH COftMITTEE -Salph Yarborough anll Jack Javlts Carl Perklns and .Blll AIres - , ­ I"INANCE - WArs AND MEANS Hussell Long an~ John Wl111a&8 Wilbur Ml11s and John Bzrnes (might os11 Tom Curt1s too) POamGN RBUTIONS Bll1 Fulbr1ght and G\?OTSEI A1ken (Vl0B Hlckenlooper) TOlll l!.orfS&ll &r:Il1 Ross A(lIl:!.r (noEl Frances Bolton INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIBS Henry Jackson aa.d Gordon Allott ("-lce Kuohel) WB¥DEI Aspinall anl1 John SaYlor COJllKEB.CE COPlltITTEE Warren t1agnuson an<l Norrie Cotton Harley Staggers and Bl11 Sprltl/!j8lj JUDICIARY COJllMI'I"I'EB James 1iia§tland and Boman Hrusy ('1!oe Dlrll:llen) Kan.ny Caller an<l Bl11 l'ieCu.lloch GOVERNMENT OP.e:B.ATIONS COMMI'M'EE John MaClellan and Karl 1'Iua.d t Bll1 Dawson and Flo Dlt7er MERCHANT MARINE COMMITTEE Eddie GarmatE and Bill Maillard POST OFFICE COKMITTEE Ralph Yarborough and Hiram FOng Thad :euleki and Bob Corbett PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Jennings Randolph and John Sherman Cooper George Fallon and B1l1 cramer RULES COMMITTEE mIl Colmer and Allen SIlIi th SPACE COMMITTEE Clinton Anderson and Margaret SlIlith George Miller and Jim Fulton VETERANS COMMITTEE Tiger Teague and Ross Adair PRESIDENT ELf:CT RMN TELEPHONI> CALLI> !'IRS. GENE McGOVERN (Mary) / (; " ./' CLE!'I STONE , "' -/ / !. {'-­ , ,0" , \ , i ,. - " " , SENATOR RUSSELL LONG '" SENATOR GEORGE MURPHY .- I .' MINORITY WHIP LES ARENDS MINORIT¥ CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN MELVIN LAIRD POLICY CHAIRMAN JOHN RHODES , , ,~ J. J Dick Russell ,)1"1•. 1...., John Williams (t>. c,' _"'Wilbur Milla i ", ... ' John ByrneB \' Bill Fulbriqht Jackson '-';' ~'cordon Allott . l ".\llioman Hruska )~-'JOhn McClellan Dwight Chapin Staff of Richard M. Nixon 450 Park Avenue New York, N.Y. 10022 (212) 661-6400 f-.'/./~ ~ll~ -­ November 21, 196B MEMORANDUM TO: RMN FROM: Rose Mary Woo.:!s Charles lone::; of Richfield was in town for a Board Meeting and just called to ask me to tell you how happy he is. Also wanted you to know that if tlmre is 3nythilg he can do, all you have to 00 i8 pw,h the button. D,l\ TE_____.....::......::.....:-_ _ _ REQUESTS APPO INTME NT INVITATION/ EVENTS --------------7--------------------------------------------------------------------­ ACTION NAME REQUEST COIJI PLETION ,Clarence Chapman o~ ,P o rtland~ Oregon . Would like to talk with' ~ ' 'RN to suggest the appoint­ /o. ~ ,Portland= 631-2182 . ment of Robert Spitzer a~ j\.t ' . ~~1 " : Sec. of A~riculture. : ~p : . NO B~rt Early phoned:Gorsett will be in NYC , 19 a g ain for William, 11/22/68 at the n@ ~@R e, f}J-'l . ..r.'~- Gorsett , Early will be at the Hilton · on 11/22/68. #If 0 · see memo f or home,phone info. \ ; . · Ed Low , Wants to speak wi th RN Lubb ock~ Texas · with regards to National' · PO 2 - 1562 · Policy Message VIP , SW 2 - 5245 , Telegram , ' No emb r 1~ ~ 1968 MEMORANDUM TO: Dwight Chap~b Halde m~ \ . FROM: Rose Mary Woods LO REN BERRY cal led again today to speak for a few minutes to the President- Elect. His Numb ers : Area Code 212 293 1531 293 6~84 - --- -------------------------~~---------------- 1---- - - . ----~--- - ------- ----- ---- - \ - - -------------- It o--~ ---­ ~__I_l --=l ~ ~ r­ --­--\---­ NOV 1 . 1966 'PL~~ t:r:N~~ I ~/~ -377-1"2-.> 1­ ._ ... - .. -- ­ -----~ - ___, _~ . _H . k-~ 1.--­ - - -- ­. - :£:. 1'Jt<. @ ~=- "1'/,,-- X.,y-:"2 Z F( -l:t;J ,t;. 9~ ~ . 7~~1/~~1 / . 1-5­ c-_o dI.:~_~ .~ ~___ ~ ---I=iZt; ~ ' -. ----f------~ t() . ¥,~ __ _ - -­ , -­ - - - R N TliLEPE01;E enLS .sunday O~tober 2~, l~~Q fO 7-5821 Cons. L.,~ Art",,;, 202 Ja'.k f)l'c,:~'us BO 9-9339 (If yvw h~"_"c,,'t cGlled) (S;,\I uuc; tlJi~ morr.il'(';- you ;r:i"I1t- waT1~ t(J "all r.L',) -------~----_.---- -.-~._- -- ----~ TOO 80B HALDEMAN Ml.lRAAY GHOTIN(R OCTOBER 17 • I HAVE" A NEWS REPORT fROM THE BREMERTON YASHIN!n'ON SUN OF OCTOBI:R \1. QUOTING GOVl"RNOR DAN' EVANS AS BEING nl F1JLL SlIPPORT OF DICK. IN THE REPORT HE SAYS' "THE F1JNDArlENTAL H£ASON nlE REf'1I8LLCAN FARTY IS ATTRACTING ALL THE ATTENTION AND SUPPQRT. lS GIlR OWN PRF."IOF.f<fTIAL CANOIOATE. \MO W1LL PROVIDE nu: L£ADERSKIP TO BRING iHE PEOPLE or THE ""AiION To~nu;t!.. AlIlD nn; DlfrEREJICE fl£TWEDi THt TVO PARTlES." • • . c October 9, 1968 MEMORANDUM TO: RN FROM: rmwoods RE: Recommended Telephone C~I I John Mitchell rec"."nend" that you c~11 ROBERT BENEDICTa ~---New York _~ WH 3~2935. Ben<'dicto is s~cond "'an ;n the Phi I ippines. He;s als<J Pr€sident of th.. 'Philippine Sank in New York. H~ has" m..ss"o.. For RN that he "ants to del i"..r o,,€r th.. tel ..phon<,. • v V WE§TERN l,JN1QN..naJ.< ......, 'lif< n~tHNG BLAN"R .~. I " , """mos ..... J ~ •... STRAIGHT WIRE ITO: SENATOR C. W. YOtINO 7880 RIOOE ROAD SDUNOLE. F'LOIlIDA DEAR BILL - HBARTIES'I' CONGRATULATIONS ro ALL NEWLY ELl:CTED OWICur.q OF PINELLAS caurrrr. WXLCCIlE ro 'rIlE: GREAT nAM. Oli' LOCAL. STATB AlfD RATIONAL LEADERS WHO WILl. BE WORKmQ TO BRING GOOD GO'VERNnN"I' ro OUR illATION. SIJlUERXLY. RICHARD I'l'tXON .... "._---........... "'.,_.... _-,,--- ....... PLEASE TYPE OR WRITE PLAINLY WITHIN BORDER-DO HOr- fOLD I--~ ~"'I .
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