Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-63323-0 - Two Saints: St Bernard & St Francis G. G. Coulton Index More information INDEX Abailard, I, 10, 70; and study Beds, feather, 74 of theology, 91 92.; Beghards, 82., 83 St Bernard and see Beguines, 82., 83 Abbacies, 41 Begule, M. Lucien, 71 n. Abbot, difficulties of, 46; Benedictine ideal, 62. duties of, 47 Benedictines, In., 12.1; decay Abbots, and Bible-study, 85; of, 94, Joachim on, 94; building by, 73; and leave poverty-ideal of, 89; and to wander, 85 universities, 2. Abraham, 98 Benedictinism, later, 12.1 93, 107 Bible (medieval), in French, Adam,Accidia, 87, 98 80; and heresy, 16; study, Alaric, 68 85,93, II9 Monas­ Alexander III, Pope, 79 teries, St Bernard);(and see struggle Ambrose, St, 15 for open, 78 fr.; Waldo's Anchorites, 61 translation of, 77 Bilson, J., 71 n. AngelicaAnimals, hilaritas, 8; conversion 67 of Bishop, and property, 74 wolf, 74; St Bondmen, 74 Bernard and see Booth, General, I Ion. Anse, Etienne d', 77 Bourbon, Etienne de, 14, 76, Anti-Catholicism, 75 77,79 Antichrist, 59 Boyers, Arnulf of, 33 Anticlericalism, 72. Brakelonde, Jocelin of, 46 Apocalypse, 95 Brescia, Arnold of, 3 Apostacy, 43; Joachim ac­ Brother Body, IIO cused of, 85 Browne, Prof. E. G., 87 n. Architecture, Art, 70, 71; Buffon, 5 Catholic, 63 Bunyan, 16, 67 Aristotle, 72. Burgundian, Burgundians, 6; Armageddon, 59 architecture, 71 n. Arnulf, Boyers Burgundy, 5 Augustinians,see. 100 Cain, 43 Bab! creed, 87 n. Calabria, 84, 93; reformed Babylon, 68, 97 Cistercians in, 85 Bacon, Roger, 15 Cambrensis, Giraldus, 28 Baxter, 67 Canon Law, 49 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-63323-0 - Two Saints: St Bernard & St Francis G. G. Coulton Index More information INDEX Canticle, St Bernard on the, tecture and art, 71 and note; 35,52 collective wealth of, 73, Capitalism, (medieval), II4; 106; contemporary criti­ of friars, II 5; St Francis's cismof, 57-8; (early), 46, as­ attack on, II4 ceticism of, 58, their dislike Carmelites, 100 of begging, 73; foundation Cistercians of, I I ; foundation deed CartaCasamari, Caritatis, abbey see of, 85 of, 33; Cathari, 82 growth[Carta of,Caritatis] II, 48; ideal, ch. Catholicism and social sense, 24 Joachim and, 85, Celano, Thomas of, mpassim;96; and labour, 32; at Paris, Speculum 2; and poetry, 33; and re­ Perfectionis105, 108; [Mirror],101 101, form, 50; (reformed),collec­ Celestine III,Tres 85 Socii, tive endowments of, 106, Celibacy, clerical, 93 in Italy, 85; and silence, 32 Champagne, Thibaut of, 39 Cistercianism, puritanism of, Chatillon-sur-Seine, 10 7 I ; reasons for failure of, Chaucer, IU; his Citeaux, 10; architecture 0,51 Parson's 14; puritanism at, 30; rapid 107 Children(inMiddleAges),9,loTale, growth of, II ; Christian Scientists, 64 Cistercians, St Bernardsee also Church (medieval), all-con- Clairvaux, ch. II Ber­ quering, 6; contemporary nard and familypassim; at, II; and criticism of, 40, 73; feudal­ hospitality, 35, 36; love of ism of, 6; friars' contribu­ monks for, 47-8; numbers tions to, II7; growth of at, 30, of novices, 22; puri­ freethought in, 91; Joa­ tanism at, 30; as seminary, chim's conception of, 87; 2 I ; sermons at, 35; Stephen, paganism of, 6; and pea­ abbot of, 2; St Ber­ sants, 72-3; reasons for nard, Cistercians,see also Monas­ failure of, 72-3 teries Church-building in Middle Oement m, Pope, 85 Ages, by laymen, 71 OersY (medieval),. 82; and Churches (medieval), inartistic Bible, 79; and celibacy, 93; 63; medieval monastic Greek clergy and Bible, 93; (lighting of), 38; ignorance of, 15 ; and St Benedict and see jesting, 33; morals of, 66; Church services (medieval), unclerical, 19 clerical and lay ignorance of, Clergy (secular), Joachim on, 15 ; preaching at, 79; 88; St Bernard on, 55; Mass and see Abbot, Bishop, Monks,and see Cistercian, Cistercians, I n., 85, Parish priests chs. II, III 22; archi- Ouniacs, 1 n. passim, © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-63323-0 - Two Saints: St Bernard & St Francis G. G. Coulton Index More information INDEX Ouny, and art, 71 2.2., 30, 58, Conception, Feast of, 70 Exordium59 Magnum, Constantinople, 84 I n. Feudalism, of medieval Consuetudines, Conversion Church,6 Conversio,Conversion see (of monks and Fiore, abbey of, 85; nuns), Io-II, 41, 43, 49; Joachim and see causes of, 39 ff., 65; forced, Flanders, 82. 66; selfish, 61; of wolf, 74; Fontaine-Ies-Dijon, 4 Converts Fontenay, 30; Begule Converts,and see St Bernard and, 29; Fontevraud, 77and see unreal,65 Food, 13, 14; Monas­ Corazzo,85 teries and see Coutances, Henry of, 48 France, French, freethought Cram, Mr R. A., 70 in, 75; Crime, 39 Manuel71 n. ri'Archeologie Crusade, Second, 2., 2.0 Franciscanism,franfaise, and modem Crusaders, 32., 75 needs, II 8 ff. Franciscans, Friars Dante, 2.0, 84 Franks, 6 see Darwinism, 2.5 Freethought, in Middle Ages, Demonology, medieval, 50 72.; in Church, 91 De Musset, 69 n. Friars, chs. IV, V Devils, 102. n. 70, 100; and begging,passim, 92.;62., De Vitry, CardinalJacques, 2.6 capitalism of, I I 5 ; dress of, Dijon,4,5 92.; (early), 58--9, 97, few in Dominicans, Friars Holy Orders, I Io,and leper­ Douay version,see 2.6 n. hospitals, II2., and manual Dress, of Humiliati, 83; labour, 107; failure of, 51, Friars, Monks and 58, 113, 117, 12.0-1; and Dupanloup,see 2.'5 Inquisition, I 12.; as mission­ preachers, 112.; and money, Eales,70n• II5; and poverty-vow, 100, East, Christianity in the, 86 106, II5 ff.; puritanism of, Education (medieval), 75; 61; strict, 92.; at univer­ Clairvaux and sities, lI6; and usury, II4 Edwards,see Jonathan, 67 Emmaus, 2.8 Gallows, 39 Enlart, 71 n. Gardner, Prof. E. G., 96 Erasmus,lI5 Gaza,94 Eugenius III,;PraiseojFolly,I7 Pope, 12., 2. I, 33 Genesis, 2.6 n. Evolution, idea of, in Middle Geneva, Lake of, 14, 2.1 Ages, 92. Germans, 2.8 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-63323-0 - Two Saints: St Bernard & St Francis G. G. Coulton Index More information INDEX Giano, Jordan of, 105 Jesting, 33 Gibbon, 18 Jesuits, 64, 70 Gilds, 82 Jews, 84 Giles, Brother, 70 Joachim of Fiore, ch. IV Gospels, 77, 78 100, 106; Everlastingpas­ Gothic, Goths, 6, 71 n. sim,Gospel, 86; Grammont, Order of, 106 Exposition oJ Greece, 84, 92; Clergy Joachites,the Apocalypse, 75 94 Gregory, St [theand Great], see 15 76 Gregory IX [Ugolino], 101 n. JOClilator,Johnson, Dr, 66, II4 Grosseteste, 40 Jordan, Giano Guerricus, Brother, 49 Judaism,see 103 Jura, 5 Harding, Stephen, I I Harvest, 34; and Mass, 35 Laity (medieval), 75; St Ber­ Heaven and Hell, 50, 51, 97 n., nard on, 45; and church IID-II, II5 services, 30; ignorance of, Heisterbach, Caesarius of, 38, 15, (Latin) 77 39,65 Languedoc, 7 Henry, Prince of France, 41 Laon,76,82 Heresy, Heretics (in France Latin, medieval ignorance of, and Italy), 75; friars burned 15,77 as, 91; St Bernard and, 21, Laughter, 108 22; St Francis and, II2 Lawsuits, 83 Hermits, Hermitages, 85,88,90 Leo, Brother, 108 Hodgkin, Thomas, 106 Leopardi, 69 Holbein, II 5 Lepers, 67, II2 Hospitals, Lepers Little, Dr A. G., 105, 121 Humiliati, see75, 81 ff., 93 Lombard, Peter, 91 Hymns, 33 Lombards,6 Louis VII, 13, 14,43 Inge, Dean, 91 n. Lucius ill, 82, 85 Innocent ill, 82; and Joachim, Luther, 3, 16 85 Lyons, 76; "Poor Men of", Inquisition, II2 110 Isaiah, 20, 22 Islam, 93 Mahomet, 93 Italy (medieval), 26, 63, 82, Maitland, S. R., 90; capitalism in, II4; free­ 15 Dark Ages, thought and heresy in, 75; Manichaeism, 92 . Joachim in, 84; usury in, 114 Manning, Cardinal, 24, 62 Map, Walter, 79"""80 Jerome, St, 15. 32,67 ff. Mariolatry, 70 126 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-63323-0 - Two Saints: St Bernard & St Francis G. G. Coulton Index More information INDEX Marseilles, I I 5 from world, 40,53,66; and Mass, Masses, 32, 55; Gospels rents, 6o; silence in, 66, 93; at, 77; and harvest, 35; St wealth of, 60, 73; Francis on number of, 110 Monks and see Melchizedek, 33 Money, Franciscans and, II5 Monks (medieval), and Messiah,99Mercatores, 82 63; asceticismangelica of, Messina, 85 bilaritas,58,67; begging, 73; claus­ Milan, 82 tration of, 66; discipline of, Mills, lord's, 76 58; dress of, 17,95, and sal­ Milton, 79 vation, 49, 53; as "God's Celano Minstrels", 89; and Gos­ MirrorModernism, of Perfection, 24 see pels, 79; and manual labour Mohammedans, 84 (weaving), Monas­ Molesme,73 teries; and82,andsee meditation, 36; Monachism, Monasticism (me­ and money, 66; and personal dieval), contemporary opi­ salvation, 6 I, Monks, nion of, 49, 6o; decay of, dress of; possessionate,and see 73; 59, 6o; difficulties of, 45; and poverty, 89, 95; and failure of, 59; ideal, 60, prayer, 32; puritanism of, abandoned, 94; Joachim's 62,66; and religious doubt, conception of, 88; puri­ 52,54; and solitude, 61; and tanism of, 62; St Bernard teaching, 67; youth of, II; on, 49, 53, 69; undemo­ Chaucer cratic, 83; and war, 65 and see of, 33 Monachism (modem), 64 Montbard,5Monks, Mirror Monasteries (medieval), Morison, J. c., in, 93,107; Bible-studyaccidia in, Life of SI 85 ; casuistry in, I 9 ;churches Muhammad,Bernard, 18 Mirza 'Ali, 87 n. in, 17, lighting of, 38; Muslims, 87 n.
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