if,epte% meitieeta VOLUME XX WASHINGTON, D.C., JULY-AUGUST, 1966 NUMBER 106 PACIFIC Cleveland's brief and inspirational discuss Bible truths with Mr. Moore. stay, several church appointments An appointment was arranged and General Conference Visitors were arranged for him. In the middle Elder Fountain was able to give of the week, on Wednesday night, he Archie Moore his first Bible study with in the Pacific Union spoke to a large congregation at the regard to the Adventist faith. Mr. Philadelphian church in San Fran- Moore, who was then residing in San DURING the month of April and the cisco. On Sabbath morning, May 7, Diego, California, was later contacted first part of May the Regional con- he again spoke to a packed audience in the evangelistic Go Tell visitation gregations throughout California have at the Normandy Avenue church in program of Evangelist Eric Ward, been thrilled with the visits from some Los Angeles, and on Sabbath after- who was building up a program of a of our General Conference brethren. noon he was the guest speaker at a large evangelistic campaign in the F. L. Peterson and C. E. Moseley large union meeting in the new city of San Diego. During the course have both traveled up and down our Tamarind church in Compton, South of this Go Tell campaign Mr. Moore California Coast and have had speak- Los Angeles, where many were thrilled was contacted time and again and ing engagements in many churches. with his dynamic message. had the opportunity to study the Fam- Congregation after congregation have We are more than grateful for the ily Bible Course that was presented expressed their appreciation for the inspirational visit of these godly men by the house-to-house visitation in the messages that have been given by in our midst during these weeks pre- Go Tell campaign of this time. Later these brethren and for the inspiration ceding our General Conference Ses- on when the baptisms were planned of the onward march of the work as sion. as a result of this evangelistic crusade, it has been reported by them. G. N. BANKS, Secretary it was felt that Mr. Moore might take Churches in San Francisco, Oakland, Regional Department his stand for the truth, but it did not Stockton, San Jose, Sacramento, Bak- Pacific Union Conference happen. ersfield, Sun Village, San Bernardino, After the Watts riot came in Los Riverside, Pacoima, Los Angeles, and Angeles, and the general public on Pasadena have heard the voices of the West Coast became much more these men as they have told of the on- Ex-Champion Baptized aware of community needs, a com- ward progress of the message during munity uplift was set up in a large 1966. HERE is a story that will interest Negro section in Vallejo, California. Also in the month of May we were many. Perhaps it would be best to be- Richard Bland, who had worked in blessed to have Evangelist E. E. Cleve- gin with an incident in the city of San Diego with Elder Ward's meetings land in our midst for a one-week em- Los Angeles a few years ago. Elder as one of the laymen, and who had phasis program. His main assignment T. M. Fountain, now living in Los met and discussed the truth with Mr. in being with us during the week of Angeles, came in contact with a po- Moore in that city was called to a May 1 to 7 was to be the principal liceman friend of his whom he was work assignment in Vallejo. One of speaker during a two-day workers' giving counsel to interest him in the the big banking concerns was rede- meeting in Los Angeles of all the message. In the course of conversa- veloping a large housing project Pacific Union Conference Regional tion on one occasion this friend said known as the Country Crest Housing workers. to him, "I have a friend to whom I area, and they decided to place This special meeting was held in would like to have you give some Brother Bland in charge of the the Vallejo church in Glendale, Cali- Bible instruction." Then he informed real estate operations concerning this fornia, and during these two days Elder Elder Fountain that this friend was large unit. This business organization Cleveland led out in a real evan- none other than the former light- also included a community direction -listic workshop in which latest pro- heavyweight champion of the world, plan in which they involved Archie ,dures in evangelistic approach were Archie Moore. Elder Fountain ex- Moore. It was felt that so great an stressed and discussed. During Elder pressed his willingness to contact and athlete would be an inspiration to the 2 THE NORTH AMERICAN INFORMANT held in the city of Vallejo. The Go Tell visitation program was a key factor in this campaign. Over 111 in- terested people graduated from this program on April 3. Many of them have been baptized, and more will be baptized, according to those who have been conducting this effort. Much credit goes to Brother and Sister Rich- ard Bland as laymen leaders for the success of this Go Tell program. Sister Bland served as secretary and recorder and spent many hours in directing it and recording lessons. A word of trib- Left to right: Archie Moore, newly baptized ute goes to the members of the Berea member, with F. L Bland, associate secretary church for the interest shown in this of the GC Regional Dept. and G. N. Banks, Regional secretary of the Pacific Union. work. A tribute also should be paid to the wise planning of the pastor, young men of the area, and would Edward White, and to a successful help to allay some of the community program, and to the evangelistic team J. W. Allison, Jr., is shown shaking hands in front of the pulpit in the University church unrest of young people in the area. consisting of Elder and Sister B. R. with Gloria Blow, who was baptized as the one thousandth member of the University At this time, Edward White, pastor Spears, evangelist and organist; Elder Seventh-day Adventist church in Los Angeles, of the Berea Seventh-day Adventist and Sister Ralph McGann, singing California. Church in Vallejo, invited Evangelist evangelist and receptionist; Elder and fellow ministers here in California B. R. Spears and his company to come Sister L. L. Bennett, associate evan- have been following the method. And to the city and hold an evangelistic gelist and receptionist; Elder and Sis- as a result many new converts have crusade in the interest of soul win- ter E. A. 'White, associate evangelist been baptized into our churches. Any- ning. These meetings began on the and receptionist; and Bible workers, one interested in using this method evening of February 4, 1966, and in E. Porter, Mary Jackson, and G. Em- and wishing first-hand guidance may connection with this campaign a new, merson. write to Elder Eric C. Ward, 5805 large Go Tell visitation program was Alta Vista Avenue, San Diego, Cali- carried forward. Brother Richard Bland = Since coming to California, Evan- fornia 92114, and I am sure he will and his good wife, along with other gelist Eric Ward has introduced his share the information with you as to faithful laymen, flooded their housing own version of house-to-house evan- how you may succeed in this program. area with the Go Tell literature, and, gelism. This is now known as the Go of course, they were personally in Tell evangelistic program. It is a contact with Mr. Moore and saw to it method whereby the church develops OAKWOOD COLLEGE that he was once again lined up in a visitation program that involves the this Bible training program. It was whole layman membership of the News Notes not very long before Mr. Moore was church. In simple analysis it means attending the meetings in Vallejo, that each individual within the church The founder, C. H. Harris, and along with a number of the young is assigned about five people in his president, C. J. Nagele, of the Harris people with whom he worked. His own community area that he is re- Pine Mills visited Oakwood College heart responded to the appeal of the sponsible to visit and take the lessons for the purpose of determining message. He took his stand for the to. He also picks the lessons up and whether a profitable branch could be truth and was baptized in one of the gives guidance wherever necessary. As located on or near the campus. Word recent baptisms. As of this writing week by week the members continue has reached the college that the report May 6, 1966, Brother Moore is now a this personal contact with the inter- to the board was good. The officials champion for the cause of God in this ested persons, it is not very long be- are awaiting information from the De- wonderful truth. fore very deep and alive interest is partment of Forestry on the availabil- G. N. BANKS, Secretary built up. The people are invited to ity of hard and semi-hard wood within Regional Department come to the meetings, and eventually 100- or 150-mile radius. The possibil- Pacific Union a large well-planned graduation ex- ity of the mill locating in Huntsville ercise is prepared in which these seems very promising. News Notes newly interested people, after com- 1"- The image of Oakwood College is pleting their lessons, are graduated expanding. The president of the = The evangelistic crusade arranged and given a very distinguished certifi- United Student Movement was a guest by Edward White and conducted by cate of graduation.
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