PREVENTING RADIATION TOXICITY THROUGH DIET A WORLD BUSINESS ACADEMY EBOOK BETH ELLEN DILUGLIO, MS, RDN, CCN, LDN JULIE M. BROWN, MA, LMHC CONTENTS RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS: NUTRIENT IMPOSTERS 4 RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS AND THEIR EFFECT ON THE HUMAN BODY 6 TRACKING RADIATION 7 RESOURCES AND REFERENCES 10 ALKALIZING AND ACIDIFYING FOODS 11 PREVENTING RADIATION TOXICITY 13 RADIATION EXPOSURE NUTRITION INTERVENTION STRATEGIES 14 NUTRITION INTERVENTION STRATEGIES REFERENCES 18 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 20 World Business Academy 308 East Carrillo Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 www.worldbusiness.org www.safeenergyproject.org Preventing Radiation Toxicity Through Diet Beth Ellen DiLuglio, MS, RDN, CCN, LDN Julie M. Brown, MA, LMHC All articles ©2013 Beth Ellen DiLuglio, MS, RDN, CCN, LDN 2008-2013, All rights reserved, except for article on page 13 ©2013 Julie M. Brown, MA, LMHC 2008-2013, All rights reserved, and excluding the CDC’s National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals and the National Toxicology Program’s Report on Carcinogens All photographs ©2013 Isaac Hernández/IsaacHernandez.com Book design: Isaac Hernández RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS: NUTRIENT IMPOSTERS BETH ELLEN DILUGLIO, MS, RD, CCN, LD/N Did you know that radioactive elements mas- active elements and they are eaten by small fish. fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, herbs querade as nutrients and get absorbed by the The small fish will be eaten by larger fish who get and spices are especially good sources. Choose body? Nutrients are indispensable to all process- a “double dose.” Then we eat the large fish and produce that has been allowed to ripen on the es that take place in the body, they are indispens- get an even more concentrated dose of toxins vine to maximize production of antioxidants and able to life. We get our essential nutrients from and radiation. The concentration of toxins and phytonutrients. Eating a plant based diet low on food and water. When radioactive elements are radioactivity in fish can be thousands of times the food chain will also reduce our exposure to released into the air or water, they mimic nutri- greater than what can be measured in the water toxic chemicals, pesticides and radiation. ents and find their way into our food supply and they swim in. Bioaccumulation leads to an over- PROTECTIVE FOODS into our bodies. dose for everyone! Seaweed such as kelp, nori, dulce and sea veg- WHAT IS A RADIOACTIVE ELEMENT? RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS WREAK etables are especially protective against uptake A radioactive element is a chemically unstable HAVOC IN OUR BODIES of radioactive iodine-131 as well as blocking form of an element that is formed during nucle- These dangerous nutrient imposters are sent strontium-90. Miso (fermented soybean paste) ar fission, a process that occurs during produc- to do the jobs of healthy nutrients and become has an alkalizing effect and provides calcium, tion of nuclear weapons and nuclear power. They incorporated into our bones, brains, soft tissues iron, B vitamins and zybicolin (helps detoxify and become dangerous free radicals, emitting ioniz- and crucial hormone producing organs such eliminate radioisotopes). ing radiation powerful enough to steal electrons as the ovaries, testes and pancreas. When sur- Healthy foods high in calcium can help block from surrounding molecules. These unstable ele- rounding tissues become radiated over time, the strontium-90 uptake (almonds, collard and turnip ments can damage tissues, cell membranes and damage can become incapacitating. Radioactive greens, blackstrap molasses, spinach and sar- DNA. This damage can lead to altered hormone elements that settle in the bone and radiate the dines and salmon with the bone in). function; bone decay (osteoporosis); immune bone marrow can lead to suppression of both suppression; altered cell membrane function red blood cells (anemia) and white blood cells Foods high in potassium are also important and cancer. Radioactive elements are obviously (immune dysfunction). (baked sweet and white potatoes, tomato paste, not meant for human ingestion! Some radioac- white beans, carrot juice, bananas and spinach Radiation can damage the DNA of the cell, al- are good examples). tive elements occur naturally, such as radon and tering the delicate genetic blueprints that lie at uranium, and are found in the ground where they the base of our existence. When the genes for Cruciferous vegetables (arugula, Bok choy, should stay! Many radioactive elements can have cell replication are damaged, the cell will divide broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, a “half” life of hundreds to thousands of years! nonstop and form cancer cells and ultimately collards, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, mustards greens, radishes, turnips, wasabi and watercress) RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS IN THE AIR, tumors. The fetus and growing children are es- provide us with antioxidants, indoles and sulfur. FOOD AND WATER pecially sensitive to radiation. Critical periods of development can be irreversibly disrupted, lead- Supplements can be helpful in creating a nu- Radioactive steam and radioactive waste can be ing to altered functioning of the brain, nervous trient rich environment in which radioactive im- released into the air and enter our lungs, come system, cardiovascular system, etc. posters are crowded out. Taking a high quali- down in the rain and end up in our water and food ty supplement containing Vitamin C, Vitamin E crops. If we don’t ingest enough healthy essential WHAT CAN WE DO?! Complex (tocopherols and tocotrienols), carot- nutrients, the body will absorb the radioactive im- Purify Your Water through reverse osmosis, dis- enoids, CoQ10 and selenium along with ade- posters. For example, iodine-131, strontium-90, tillation or softening. These processes will remove quate levels of B vitamins, Vitamin D and essen- cesium-137 and plutonium-239 can be absorbed radioactive elements. It will remove healthy nutri- tial minerals would be a prudent start. Be sure to as if they were iodine, strontium/calcium, potassi- ents as well so be sure to consume a diet rich in vi- discuss supplementation with a qualified health- um and iron respectively. Cobalt-60, culfur-35 and tamins, minerals and phytonutrients (from plants)! care practitioner. cinc-65 will be taken up as if they were vitamin B12, Willard Water is an easy way to add major minerals Glutathione is a master antioxidant and is actu- sulfur and zinc. Low doses of radiation appear to and trace minerals back into your drinking water. be even more dangerous as they stealthily incor- ally produced by our bodies from glutamine, gly- porate themselves into our bones and tissues. This ANTIOXIDANTS PROTECT cine and N-acetylcysteine. Cordyceps, Gotu Kola, is known as the “Petkau Effect.” AGAINST RADIATION milk thistle and alpha lipoic acid have also been Antioxidants protect us against the oxidizing shown to increase glutathione levels. A topical li- BIOACCUMULATION CONCENTRATES posomal cream containing glutathione can also RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS AND TOXINS effects of free radicals and may reduce the dam- age caused by radioactive elements. Plant based boost our internal levels. Toxins accumulate as we go up the food chain. foods are naturally high in antioxidants as a pro- So, in our struggle to stay healthy, it’s important For example, plankton absorb toxins and radio- tective measure for the plants themselves. Fresh not to be afraid, but instead Be Aware! 4 5 RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS AND THEIR EFFECT ON THE HUMAN BODY BETH ELLEN DILUGLIO, MS, RD, CCN, LD/N THE AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION’S As radioisotopes “decay”, they release ioniz- TRACKING RADIATION were during above ground nuclear bomb test- POSITION PAPER ing radiation (a known carcinogen) that is strong ing. Sr-90 in drinking water was also significantly Ionizing radiation is a known human carcinogen. enough to remove electrons from surrounding higher in these counties. “It is the position of the American Dietetic As- The “St. Louis Baby Teeth Survey” (conducted in molecules or atoms. sociation to encourage environmentally respon- the 1950’s and 1960’s) demonstrated that radio- REVERSE OSMOSIS FOUND TO REMOVE SR-90 sible practices that conserve natural resources, The resulting free radical can damage cell active fallout from nuclear bomb testing in the Sr-90 is mistaken for calcium and settles in the minimize the quantity of waste that is generated, membranes and DNA, the blueprint of the cell USA was indeed being absorbed by humans. bone, radiating bone marrow, damaging red blood and have the least adverse effect on the health Low doses of radiation are more damaging The presence of radioactive Strontium-90 in cells, white blood cells… contributing to childhood of all living organisms and the environment. All than a direct hit on the cell’s DNA (which can be deciduous teeth was an indicator/marker of cancer, immune deficiency and osteoporosis. components of the food system, from farmer to repaired quickly), known as the Petkau effect. how much radiation the mother was exposed to consumer, are affected by the availability and www.radiation.org during pregnancy. This study and scientific de- cost of energy and the availability and quality of PETKAU EFFECT bate on the issue (Dr. Ernest Sternglass – June CANCER: RELATION OF PRENATAL water. [Harmon AH, Gerald BL; American Dietet- In 1972 Dr. Abram Petkau discovered that bio- 1963 issue of Science) led to a partial test ban RADIATION TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE ic Association. Position of the American Dietetic logical damage to cells is greater from ionizing treaty on nuclear bomb testing between the USA DISEASE IN CHILDHOOD Association: food and nutrition professionals can radiation delivered in low doses over long peri- and the USSR despite the ongoing “Cold War.” implement practices to conserve natural resourc- ods of time versus high intensity exposure over a STERNGLASS EJ. CANCER: RELATION OF PRENATAL es and support ecological sustainability. J Am Diet short period of time. THE “ST. LOUIS BABY TEETH SURVEY” RADIATION TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE DISEASE IN Assoc.
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