Romance Newsletter Volume 7 October 2019 Edition 10 A God-Fearer Whose Heart Was Closed The story of Lydia’s conversion is not only to open eyes (Psalms 119:18), ears (Psalms 40:6), brief, it is different, in certain respects, from others doors (Colossians 4:6) as well as hearts, but He uses in the book of Acts. There is no recorded sermon; means to do it, and the means here is the gospel. not even a brief outline. In fact, the preacher’s name Lydia’s untaught heart was opened and her ears is not mentioned until after his sermon. The place unstopped when she honestly received “in where the sermon was preached was unique; it was meekness the implanted Word, which is able to save not inside any building, but it was down by the your souls.” (James 1:21) Gangites river and the women only audience was The Lord can prick an honest heart and open it also unusual. when it accepts the good news of salvation through Anyhow, except for a brief mention of her now the blood of Jesus Christ. The Lord opened Lydia’s and then, all that we know about Lydia is found in heart in the same way He did that of the eunuch, by these few verses. Nonetheless, she is pictured as a bringing him together with a man of God who beautiful person from Thyatira in Asia Minor and a “preached the gospel of Jesus to him.” (Acts 8:35) seller of purple. At that time, purple was a Caesar The renowned scholar Lenski in his controlled substance and numerous individuals commentary on Acts wrote, “The Lord opens the working in the business of selling purple were of heart, but the hand with which he lifts the door latch and the household of Caesar. This may account for draws the door is the Word…and the door opens as we Paul’s statement in Philippians chapter 4, verse 22. heed.” (page 658) “All the saints greet you, most of all those who are As a result of Lydia’s understanding (heart) of Caesar’s household.” being opened as she listened to the gospel being And, she was one “who worshiped God.” The preached by Paul, she was led to be baptized. The original word means God-Fearer and it was only way she could have learned about baptism was commonly used in reference to a Jewish proselyte from the sermon which Paul preached. Baptism for as in the case of Titus Justice. (Acts 18:7) Lydia was the remission of sins is a part of the gospel (Mark dedicated to worshipping God and she did not allow 16:16), and Paul was sent to preach the gospel; thus, her business to interfere with her worship, neither he preached baptism and when the gospel is did the absence of a church building [Synagogue] preached as Paul preached it, baptism for the excuse her. Rather, she found a place to worship remission of sins is preached. and was willing to hear what Paul said. Although Lydia had never heard this message However, in spite of her devotion, her regular before, she and the other women, with open minds worship, and her honesty, her heart was closed, and hearts, learned for the first time the importance otherwise there would have been no need for it to of baptism and they were baptized. be opened. One may wonder how could the heart -RICHARD RODGERS of such a person be closed? Well, she wasn’t born with sin (Ezekiel 18:17-22); her heart was not closed by Hereditary Depravity nor by the hardness of a corrupt life, nor by religious prejudice, but it was closed to the teaching of Jesus simply because she had not been taught. The eyes of her understanding had never been enlightened by the gospel of Christ. (Ephesians 1:18; Luke 24:45) The opening of Lydia’s heart by the Lord in no way involved a miracle nor a direct operation of the Holy Spirit upon the heart of the sinner. God is said Don’t Blame God The Reality of Hell There is an old “Devil’s Proverb,” which reads: “If The reality of Hell no longer exists in the minds you see a blind man, kick him, for why should you be of many people except as a relic from a kinder than God?” Of course, as from the beginning, superstitious past. But regardless of what humanity Satan’s so-called wisdom is always deceitful. may believe about the Bible; the truth remains the Nonetheless, as the Jews of Jesus’ day, when things same, because truth is changeless. Yet, in spite of become tough or if something “bad” happens, folks the Bible teaching on the doctrine of hell, its often blame God. Even Christians have imagined that existence has been denied. Robert Ingersoll said, God is punishing them for something. “The idea of a hell was born of revenge and One day as Jesus and His disciples were passing brutality on the one side, and of cowardice on the by, they observed a man who was blind from birth. other…I have no respect for any human being who (According to Christian tradition, the man’s name was believes in it…I dislike this doctrine, I hate it…” Celidonius) “And His disciples asked Him, saying, Although not quite as strong, other religious leaders ‘Master, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he have voiced similar statements on this subject, but was born blind?’ Jesus answered, ‘Neither has this man there is a place of everlasting punishment called nor his parents sinned’ then He added, ‘but that the hell. (II Thessalonians 1:7-9) There are more verses works of God might be revealed in him.’” (John 9:2-3) in the Bible about hell than there are about heaven. Although Jesus had healed others in Bethsaida, It matters not what folks may say, the Bible teaches Jericho, and Galilee who became blind, this man may that those who neglect to include Jesus Christ in have been the only person healed by Jesus who was their lives; even though good in many other ways, born without sight. However, since Jesus performed cannot enter into heaven. (Revelation 20:12-15) miracles to prove His claim of being the Son of God, One of the greatest preachers of the 20th this was an opportunity to demonstrate his power by century stood before a group of young preachers healing the man born blind thereby leaving no doubt and said, “Preach on hell, but let it be with a about Him being the Messiah. broken heart. Tell men about hell, but let it be with The Apostle Paul wrote, “O the depth of the riches tears shed for those who are to be condemned. Tell both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How them of a loving Saviour who died to save them unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past from hell.” finding out!” (Romans 11:33) Because of what our Lord has done for us, we The words “wisdom” and “knowledge” in this may choose our eternal home. Yes, there is a hell, verse refer to God’s plans which are based upon the but there is also a heaven. I could relate the horrors information that He alone possesses; therefore, of hell as they are described in the Bible, but it’s whatever happens, His plans are right since they are sufficient to say, “Please don’t go there; heaven is founded upon God’s infinite wisdom and knowledge. the place for you.” We live in a complex world and often answers to There are some verses at I Corinthians 2:9 in life’s problems are “past finding out.” So, perhaps our which Paul talked about the blessings of the greater focus should rest upon the promises of God. Christian Dispensation, but application can be made That is when difficult times come, remember that He to the blessings of the eternal dispensation. “Eye is “the God of all comfort” (II Corinthians 1:3-7), and has not seen…the good things God has prepared for with the testing of one’s faith (James 1:2-4), comes the those who love him.” Our eyes have seen beautiful promise: “No temptation has overtaken you that is not sunsets. They have seen the night sky filled with common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you diamonds; no two alike. Our eyes have beheld the be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation grandeur of the Grand Canyon, the Great Smokey he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be Mountains, the majesty of Niagara Falls and breath- able to endure it.” (I Corinthians 10:13) taking ocean views, but they have never gazed upon Anyway, after the blind man washed the mud from anything comparable to the beauties they will his eyes, he could see for the first time in his life and behold over there. And the thought of being when those who knew the man asked how his eyes reunited with those saints who, in times past, graced were opened, he told them that he simply did what our hearts and blessed our lives ought to make us Jesus told him to do and his blindness was healed. want to go to heaven. -RICHARD RODGERS -RICHARD RODGERS God Has Spoken Hearts That Hunger There are a number of ways to verify that the Bible Two thousand years ago on a mountain overlooking is indeed the inspired Word of God, but numerous the Sea of Galilee, hungry hearts gathered around a Bible students find the compact way things are written teacher anxious to be taught.
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