Houlton, Maine, Wednesday, September 25, 1912. Vol 52. N o . 39 Care of GasoSine satisfaction from your engine nr! lighting plant with a continuous NEXT |1E variation in the quality of the gaso­ The increasing nnmber of auto­ line. mobiles in the country and the con­ "Gainful tests have demonstrated ROADS MOVE sequent increased consumption of that t*he most satisfactory method gasoline, makes tlo* following from of storing gasoline is underground. (BY LYM AN H. NELSON) the Gas Review of interest to many This is desirable for two reasons : of our readers : In the first place, the liquid is kept ( Flour for Every “ To get the best, results from an cool and at a constant temperature, ! The vote recently on the Good now dealing with the subject shall engine or from a lighting plant, you thus reducing the tendency toward be equitable in this respect. In otti­ Baking Need Boade Amendment 1b particularly should always use as near as pos­ evaporation. In the second place, •igniflcant when it is analyzed by er words, each county in the State is sible the same grade of gasoline. the underground method keeps it Bread, cake acd pastry better than ever cots titles. I have had the vote tabu­ vitally interested in whatever pro­ The best kind of gasoline in most safe from any possibility of fire or gram shall be adopted in the future. lated In this way by clerks in the instances, must be determined by explosion. Fire can not get to an before, reward An endeavor was made at the time Secretary of State’s Office with the experience. No one can tell off­ underground tank. the cook of the special session in March to following re s u lt: hand whether you should use a high “ There are a number of under­ who uses have a special committee or commis­ Yes. No. or low test liquid. When the gas ground devices on the market for » sion appointed at that time who William Androscoggin 6,481 1,076 engine user has found a quality of storing gasoline that are sufficiently should be busy.this Summer and Tell Flour, Arooetook • 6,607 1,686 gasoline that produces the best re­ low priced that everybody can afford Fall making a minute examination Cumberland 12,899 3,129 sults, he should endeavor to secure to use them. If, for any reason, you Milled from Ohio Franklin 2,879 797 of the whole question and present this quality all the time. The car­ find it impossible or undesirable to their facts and information to the Red Winter Wheat by our H n e u c k 8,682 966 buretor on an engine is adjusted for keep gasoline underground, it should A next legislature for guidance and as­ special process, it is richest Kennebec 7,148 2,188 a certain grade of gasoline. When be stored in an air-tight tank con­ own sistance in their work. Governor- Knox 8,040 688 this grade is used, it makes the m ix­ structed of sufficiently heavy metal in nutritive qualities and goes Lincoln 1.885 668 elect Haines was particularly favor­ ture the way.it should be, and your to withstand the bumps and knocks farther than most flours. Oxford 4,465 1,268 able to this Idea, but for various engine works nicely. If you use a it would necessarily receive. A Penobscot .8,766 2,809 reasons it was Impossible to bring it lighter grade than usual, you will tank of this kind should have some More loaves to the barrel means Piscataquis 2,219 791 about at that time. It seems to me, find that much more gasoline is con­ sort of a covering in order to pre­ big economy* Remember and order 4,288 1,262 however, that a similar result could Pagadahoc sumed than is necessary, because vent the sun from striking it direct­ a barrel today. os) Somerset 2,081 414 be obtained if Governor Plaisted the carburetor is set to feed a lower ly. W hile this method of storage is Waldo 2,289 1,069 could now be induced to ask men in grade gasoline. If a lower grade not recommended, it will be found Washington 8,449 1,166 , various portions of the State identi­ gasoline is used, the feed to the cy­ reasonably satisfactory under some fied with the different interests in­ York 8,481 1,909 linders will not be rich enough, and conditions. volved to act as such a commission. consequently you will find a lack of “ The apparent negligence in the Total 78,984 21,064 These men in conjunction witii the power. You can easily see from handling of gasoline, as well as us­ This tabulation shows that not Highway Commissioner’s office this that it is very necessary to ing it, is not due to wilfulness on the only the State as a whole voted over­ could begin at once preliminary maintain the quality of gasoline as part of the consumer. It is an old ALMON 6. FOGG CO., Distributors. whelmingly at a ratio of nearly four plans for the work so that when the near the same point as possible. adage which reads, ‘Familarity to one in favor of the Bond Issue, next legislature meets, it will be pos­ “ To give you an idea of the ease breeds contempt.' Being constant­ but this ratio holds in almost every sible to proceed at once with a thor­ with which gasoline vaporizes, let ly associated with gasoline has ' ifcitanee when the county vote is ough understanding of the situation. us state that the boiling point for caused too many of us to become SPECIAL LOW RATES taken separately. This analysis in­ Such commission should, of course, water is 212 degrees Fahrenheit. neglectful of its dangerous qualities. dicates that there is no division be* include those prominent in the A u ­ To Vancouver, Seattle, Nelson, The average grade of gasoline will Severe fires and injuries often oc­ ttreen the city and country vote, for tomobile Association who have done vaporize at 113 degrees. Tn other cur from careless handling of this San Francisco, Los Angeles, etc. * rural counties having no large cen­ so much to further this matter and words, in many sections of the coun­ liuuid. On account of tho quantity ter of population like Oxford County who are so vitally interested in it, TICKETS ON SALE SEPT. 25th to OCT. 10th, 1912, try the sun is hot enough i:i the involved, the question of storing Franklin County and others show but I think it should also include summer time to actually boil gaso­ gasoline is probably of more import­ Caribou, - practically the same ratio as those others representing perhaps a slight­ line. ance than the question of handling Presque Isle, - $ 65.30 with a more populous center like ly different point of view. I do not “ To illustrate the difference be­ it. It is a known fact that the ex­ Fort Fairfield, ) Penobscot and Cumberland. It ap­ know whether any funds would be tween gasoline and kerosene, and to plosive power of gasoline is many Houlton - - 63.60 pears then that the approval of the available for the use of such a com­ give you the ratio between the diffe­ times greater than dynamit*-. If we Oldtown, - 60.15 Bond Issue is Dot only overwhelm ­ mission, but it seems to me that this rent grades of gasoline, let us state will not forget the t r e a c h e r o u s Bangor. - - 59.95 ing in nnmber, but prevails generally would properly be apart of the H igh­ that it requires .31.3 degrees Fahren­ qualities of it. there is very little St. Stephen X. B® 62.65 t^e entire State regard- way Commissioner’s work and it heit, or almost a half more beat, to danger in handling it. Always keep leak location or*povulation. m ight not be improper to use some W. U. HOWARD, 11. R. A.. <’. R. R., ST. JOHN, N. B boil kerosene than it does water, this in mind in order to si-cure the thing that is jioticeable is of the present unexpended funds in and approximately a half less to best results : ‘Gasoline should be tiidt the vote upon this question was that department for this purpose. boil gasoline than is required to boil maintained at a constant tempera­ 4o eery large totaling over 100,000 Certain it is that it is more impor­ PA I I IMP PA one E N G R A V E D S c P R IN T E D water. It is necessary to give some­ ture.’ This is true, regardless of votes and the voters have spoken in tant to. get at the facts concerning what of a technical description of the quality or test of the liquid. If U H L lJ IlU UHnUO AT THE TIMES OFFICE a manner beyond dispute their de­ road Instruction and maintenance this subject in order to understand you an* going to use a low grade mand for better roads in Maine. before we proceed to build them it thoroughly, and every user of gasoline at a certain test, be sure The Constitution is now amended than to wako up after a million dol­ gasoline should under.-tand its qua­ that the gasoline is kept as nearly and future legislatures have the lars has been spent and find that Be­ lity and nature. as possible at that test. It is the power to provide funds for carry in mistakes have been made.
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