CLINICAL RESEARCH Steroid-Refractory Acute GVHD: Lack of Long-Term Improved Survival Using New Generation Anticytokine Treatment Alienor Xhaard,1 Vanderson Rocha,1,2 Benjamin Bueno,1 Regis Peffault de Latour,1 Julien Lenglet,1 Anna Petropoulou,1 Paula Rodriguez-Otero,1 Patricia Ribaud,1 Raphael Porcher,3 Gerard Socie,1,4 Marie Robin1 There is no consensus on the optimal treatment of steroid-refractory acute graft-versus-host disease (SR-aGVHD) after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. In our center, the treatment policy has changed over time with mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) being used from 1999 to 2003, and etanercept or inolimomab after 2004. An observational study compared survival and infection rates in all consecutive patients receiving 1 of these 3 treatments. Ninety-three patients were included. The main end point was over- all survival (OS). Median age was 37 years. Acute GVHD developed at a median of 15 days after transplanta- tion. Second-line treatment was initiated a median of 12 days after aGVHD diagnosis. Therapies were MMF in 56%, inolimomab in 22%, and etanercept in 23% of the patients. Overall, second-line treatment response rate was 45% (complete response: 28%), MMF: 55%, inolimomab: 35%, and etanercept: 28%. With 74 months median follow-up, the 2-year survival was 30% (95% confidence interval: 22-41). Risk factors significantly associated with OS in multivariate analysis were disease status at transplantation; grade III-IV aGVHD at second-line treatment institution; and liver involvement. None of the second-line therapy influenced this poor outcome. Viral and fungal infections were not statistically different among the 3 treatment options; however, bacterial infections were more frequent in patients treated with anticytokines. Over an 11-year period, 3 treatment strategies, including 2 anticytokines, give similar results in patients with SR-aGVHD. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 18: 406-413 (2012) Ó 2012 American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation KEY WORDS: Steroid-refractory graft-versus-host disease, Infection, Anticytokines INTRODUCTION aGVHD (SR-aGVHD) is associated with increased mortality, and the long-term mortality rate remains Acute graft-versus-host disease (aGVHD) is a ma- around 70% [1,2]. jor complication after allogeneic hematopoietic stem First-line treatment of aGVHD is steroids at a dose cell transplantation (alloHSCT). Its frequency varies varying from 1 to 2 mg/kg/day. Response to first-line between 30% and 80% of transplants, depending on steroid therapy is obtained in 40% to 70% of the pa- the type of transplantation. The occurrence of aGVHD tients [3-5]. Consequently, aGVHD remains steroid reportedly decreases relapse of hematologic malignant resistant or refractory in 30% to 60% of the patients. diseases after alloHSCT; however, steroid refractory Numerous second-line treatments have been reported, such as steroid bolus, antithymoglobulin (ATG), my- From the 1Service d’hematologie-greffe, Hopital^ Saint-Louis, cophenolate mofetil (MMF), tacrolimus (FK), siroli- Assistance Publique-Hopitaux^ de Paris, universite Paris 7, Paris, mus, and others. More recently, targeted treatments France; 2Eurocord, Hopital^ Saint-Louis, Paris, France; 3Biosta- against molecules, particularly cytokines implicated tistique et epidemiologie medicale, INSERM U717, Universite in lymphocyte activation, have been used, including 4 Paris 7, Paris, France; and Inserm U728, Universite Paris 7, monoclonal antibodies targeting the anti-interleukin Paris, France. Financial disclosure: See Acknowledgment on page 413. 2 receptor (anti-IL2-R) or anticytokines molecules, Correspondence and reprint requests: Marie Robin, MD, PhD, such as antitumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) [3,5- Hopital^ Saint-Louis, Assistance Publique-Hopitaux^ de Paris, 15]. Encouraging results have been reported with Universite Paris VII, 1 avenue Claude Vellefaux, 75475 Paris, these agents, with response rates around 50%. Cedex 10, France (e-mail: [email protected]). However, until now, no survival advantage has been Received April 29, 2011; accepted June 24, 2011 Ó 2012 American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation demonstrated with any second-line treatment, and no 1083-8791/$36.00 consensus has been reported concerning the optimal doi:10.1016/j.bbmt.2011.06.012 second-line therapy for SR-aGVHD. Systematic 406 Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 18:406-413, 2012 Second-Line Therapy of Steroid-Resistant aGVHD 407 reviews on SR-aGVHD [2] indeed almost invariably were monitored weekly by polymerase chain reaction conclude that 1-year survival still ranges from 30% (PCR) for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus to 40%, that most of the series include few patients, (CMV), adenovirus, and toxoplasmosis. Blood cultures and that follow-up time is usually too short. were performed daily during hospitalization, and se- With this in mind, we here report data on nearly rum galactomannan dosage was performed twice a 100 patients with long-term follow-up. In our center, week. Preemptive treatment strategies were used for the policy to treat SR-aGVHD has changed CMV and EBV reactivations. For bacterial infections, over time. From 1999 to 2003, MMF was regularly only sepsis, pneumonia, and documented infections used, whereas, after 2004, inolimomab (anti-IL2-R) or were taken into account. For viral infections, respira- etanercept (anti-TNF) were used: inolimomab was tory viral infection, CMV, EBV, adenoviral infection, preferentially used in patients with primarily skin disseminated herpes infection, HHV6 encephalitis, involvement and etanercept in patients with primarily and varicella/zona (VZV) were taken into account. All gut or liver involvement. We conducted a retrospective data were collected from the PROMISE database and study to compare response rates and infection incidents the patients’ charts, which are prospectively filled. All after these second-line therapies and looked for im- patients gave their consent for data collection before proved overall survival (OS), if any, in patients with transplantation. a first episode of SR-aGVHD. Statistics MATERIALS AND METHODS The main endpoint was OS in each treatment group. Secondary endpoints were response to treat- Data, Definition, and Procedures ment, infection rates, relapse rates, and mean treatment Patients included in this study received an allo- cost. Response to treatment was judged into 4 cate- HSCT at Saint-Louis Hospital, Paris, France. Children gories. Complete response (CR) was defined as the above 4 years of age and adults were included. All disappearance of any GVHD signs from all organs consecutive patients who received these second-line involved during at least 1 month. Stable disease (SD) therapies for SR-aGVHD were included from 1999 was considered when the grading of GVHD in all or- to 2010. All patients continued to receive a calcineurine gans was identical after treatment compared with time inhibitor (CNI) in addition to second-line treatment. of treatment initiation. Progressive disease (PD) corre- Some patients treated by MMF received tacrolimus sponded to worsening of GVHD grading in at least (FK), others received cyclosporine A (CsA), Because 1 organ. Other patients were considered to have partial no difference in patients’ characteristics and survival response (PR). Factors associated with CR were ana- was noticeable with either CsA or FK (data not shown), lyzed using logistic regression models. Cumulative inci- patients were grouped into a single treatment, that is, dence of CR and infections after second-line treatment CNI and MMF. Patients who received a GVHD pro- were estimated using the usual methodology [18].For phylaxis by MMF could not be included in the second- CR, progression and death were considered as compet- line therapy group MMF. Ninety-three patients met ing events, and patients receiving a third-line treatment the inclusion criteria. Acute GVHD was defined ac- with no evidence of progression (ie, while in PR or SD) cording to modified Glucksberg’s criteria [16,17]. All were censored at the time of third-line treatment initi- patients were treated with corticosteroids (2 mg/kg/ ation. When comparing survival according to CR, sur- day) as first-line treatment. SR-aGVHD was defined vival of patients achieving CR was counted from the as a progressive disease after 3 days of treatment, stable time of first evidence of CR, whereas survival of patients disease at 7 days of treatment, or partial response at 14 who did not achieve CR was counted from the date of days. After the beginning of the second-line treatment, initiation of second-line treatment. Survival of patients steroids were initially continued at the same dosage for who received a third-line treatment with no evidence of a minimal duration of 14 days and slowly tapered over progression was censored at that time. Viral, bacterial, time; CNI were continued. Disease staging and grad- and fungal infections were analyzed separately, with ing were prospectively evaluated at regular intervals death being considered as a competing event. The asso- (day 13, 17, and 114). Etanercept was given subcuta- ciation between second-line treatment and infection neously at 25 mg per dose twice a week for 4 weeks and was analyzed using Cox proportional cause-specific then pursued at 25 mg once a week for another 4 hazards model [19]. To model recurrence of weeks. Inolimomab was given intravenously at 0.3 infectious episodes, the Anderson-Gill approach was mg/kg/day for 8 days, then at 0.4 mg/kg 3 times
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