•pppplf . ^ ill Miii ! M iWiiMiillM Student Weekly Publication The Rice Institute VOLUME XXVII Z738 HOUSTON, TEXAS, SATURDAY, SEPT. 27, 1941 Number 2 Hurricane! i f« President Delivers Safety Zones Annual Matriculation To Be Set Up Destroy Trees on Campus Address to Freshmen Winds approaching hurricane in- was extensive damage to oak and Traffic Department tensity smashed three 12-foot leaded elm trees lining the walks and | "I bank for you upon a sound body, Tries Compromise windows in the eastern end of the roads in southern and western por- Physics Amphitheatre early Wed- tions. Tony Martino, head gardener, Sound character, and sound mind," With Students nesday, partially flooding the upper mourned the loss of two giant oak portions of the auditorium and trees near the main entrance, both Dr. Lovett tells Class of 1945 The traffic engineering division wrecking 14 lecture chairs. The of which he estimated to be more began Friday the establishment leaded windows were blown in short- than 100 years old. Another casual- President Edgar Odell Lovett, delivering- the annual ma- of safety zones for Institute hitch- ly after 1 a.m., and chairs in three ty was a pin oak planted by his own triculation address Wednesday at 9 a. m. in the Physics Am- hikers at Lamar and Main and at back rows topped over by the force hands in 1916, phitheater, told the assembled Class of .1945 that he banked the intersection of Outer Belt Drive of gales that reached an estimated In what Martino refers to as 65 miles per hour. for its members upon their sound bodies, sound characters, and and Main in front of Autry House. zones 2 and 3, in the western and sound minds. Administrative officials said Fri- northwestern portions of the cam- The zopes, established after con- day that total damage was "slight," pus, there was widespread destruc- "Right now you start to do your part," he asserted before ferences between Earl Wylie and with additional equipment within tion among elm trees, dozens of Pat Nicholson, president of the stu- an overflow audience that packed the auditorium damaged a the amphitheatre unharmed. Car- w^cfy suffered the loss of branches dent council and editor of the few hours earlier by winds approaching hurricane intensity. penters began reconstruction Thurs- and top foliage. Martino said that j Thresher, and Mayor C. A. "Neal" "That part can have no lower aim than to advance the thought day after all janitors had responded j four or five years would be required Pickett, Police Chief Ray Ashworth, and the well-being of mankind." to an emergency call to clear the j to erase the effects of the hurricane and Traffic Engineer T. E. Willier, flooded portions of the auditorium on all trees. will be continued only if students Lift Up Your Hearts! before Dr. Lovett's matriculation Workmen continued Friday to re-! use them for the purpose they have address at 9 a.m. Wednesday. move fallen trees and debris and re-1 "You will begin by lifting up your hearts and keeping them been set up, Ashworth emphasized Damage to Trees pah trees which lost branches and j up. Thus I am sure you will begin with hard work and high en- Thursday. Elsewhere on the campus, there foliage. | deavor. I am sure you will end with hard work and high Students on Curbs achievement." The police chief pointed out that Dwelling briefly upon the international situation, the the zones were established to keep Sophs Suspended Catherine Coburn students out of the streets and out president declared that the will to justice must and will nrevail. of danger, and hat cars stopping for5 On Hazing Charge Named Associate "To our dismay, yet to our despair, we see abroad the will to Institute hitchhikers at either Autry force and the will to justice inextricably locked in combat. It is The Fall Committee reported Fri- Yearbook Editor tr . , T -,mar aT.;i 'VTair will pull u flllfd tf. tfco death • LofV> <*?, rtrjot 8111'VI VP * both frhwt riot 'lip into the safety loading zone to take day the suspension of two sopho- Catherine Coburn, junior from The will to pustice must and will prevail. & students off the curbs. Members of mores for a period of fourteen days Dallas, was named associate editor the traffic engineering division "There is freedom a plenty in the earth," he continued, upon conviction of hazing. The of- of the Campanile today by Bob added that the zones would be abol- "but how unequally and unevenly its spread! We cannot enjoy fense was committed in East Hall. Knox, editor of the yearbook. Miss ished and students liable for fines freedom ourselves until these inequalities are ironed out. To It was the first reported hazing Coburn served on the editorial staff ranging from $5 to $50 if they con- since the opening of the new term. of the Campanile last year and was remove them is the business of justice." tinued to remain in the streets to '1 he Hall Committee ordered the recommended. Knox said, by the Attributes of a Sound Mind catch rides as before. The solicita- suspension immediately aftec an in- 1040-41 editor, Kenneth Arthur. Dr. Lovett characterized honesty, humanity, and justice as the attrib- tion of rides is now an offense under vestigation. Meetings Today utes of a sound mind. "Veracity," he said, "is the prime virtue of an honest the new city traffic code which went mind. Veracity is the mark of the making mind,—and it is the making Dean Weiser said at 10 affn, Fri- Knox also announced meetings of into effect here September 9. mind of man that has built up—stage by stage—the accepted body of hu- day that he was beginning a com- both the editorial and business Zones Marked man knowledge." plete investigation of the matter. i staffs, held Friday at 1 p.m. in Zones at both hitchhiking termi- 0 : rooms 201 and 202 of the Adminis- He declared that, the highest goal of the humane mind of the liberating nals will be plainly marked "Load- ! tvation Building. At the meeting I spirit is freedom, flanked by courage, and that the humane spirit of '.he ing Zone. Rice Students," police of- President Lovett Laurence Judd, Campanile business I present day strives to prepare more and more men and women to weai the ficials said Thursday. manager, outlined the advertis- | dignity and bear the responsibility of freedom. The hitchhiking controversy be- Presents Staff ing sales campaign and made as- Justice, as evaluated by the just mind, itself outweighs all other eoiijT' tween city and campus developed signments to his group of salesmen I siderations. Dr. Lovett asserted. "The just mind is all-Comprehensive lis I particular, it weighs knowledge and truth, freedom and courage," last Wednesday when Captain Bill President Lovett introduced the while Knox discussed the theme of Burton of the traffic department in- officers of the naval ROTC unit and the 1042 Campanile and made edi- Determined (o Advance formed the Thresher that students their wives last night at an alumni toi ial assignments. The president lashed out at those who have prophesied 'the downfall ! of Western civilization. "They say that Western civilization is dyinu." he catching rides as in former years dinner at 7 p.m. in the Commons. All those interested in working on continued. "We do not subscribe to the diagnosis. We confidently antici- • would be liable to fines under the Lyle Cashion, ex-student director either the editorial or business staffs j pate the recovery of the West. And we are determined still to advance . new code. The loading zone compro- of the current drive to increase of the Campanile were urged to at- i the principles, spiritual values, and ideals which have animated Western mise was worked out Thursday, Fri- alumni interest in Institute affairs, tend yearbook meetings, Knox said. | civilization," day, and Saturday, but work on the addressed an audience of 100 on "Freshmen are especially included "It. is the tranquil spirit of faith and hope which sustains," he de* zones was delayed by the weather. progress made to date. in this invitation," he added, "as it clared. "And from your own accumulating experience you may learn that is important for them to gain early ! individual progress in science or in religion precludes in no way individual experience if they intend to work on progress in religion or in science." the yearbook in the future." Glenn Miller Arrangements, Shakes Hands W ith Each Freshman The president, as is his custom, entered the amphitheater from IhtjSjJl j north door a moment before 9 a.m., and began speaking without introduc£|j| Raffle at Dance Tonight Dramatists Offer 1 tion after a burst of applause from an estimated audience of 500. It was President Lovett's twenty-eighth matriculation address sinc$|i Noel Coward Work ! the opening of thr Institute in 1912. Only on two occasions when be was The Saturday night dance series will be held at the date intermis-1 I in Europe has he failed to speak to the freshman class on the first Wedne; sion, with raffle tickets being sold 1 The Dramatic Club will offer its continues tonight at the Elks Club, j day classes are held. at the dance for 25 cents, up to the 1annua l reception for the student with Walter Symonds and the The complete text follows: last minute, President Elizabeth . body Thursday night at 8 at Autry Knight Owls sharing honors with l Ladies and Gentlemen of Rice 1945: Knapp said Friday.
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