![1962-08-23, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Thanday, August M, IMt AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES JMCK8HAW CHEVROLET LARGE 1958 PONTIAC I960 FALCON 1961 CHEVROLET SELECTION STAR CHIEF 2-DOOR STATION WAGON 4-Door DODGE SALE!! Beautiful Fordomatic "6" Standard Shift $1095 $1195 $1895 USED CARS MA. CHEVY'S SPECIAL o» NO DOWN PAYMENT WITH CREDIT 1959 1958 ■ 1962 ’61’ ‘ ’62' ONCE A YEAR CHEV CHEVROLET S CORVAIR 1941 FALCON. Standard shift, radio and heater. 5 2-DOOR SEDAN ■ Rod and white 2-tone, ft 1 OQE 9-PASS. "6 Standard Shift ■ Loaded Immaculate in CLOSE OUT n STA. WAG. Including 1959 FORD 4-Door Station Wagon. Standard shift, $795 : Air Conditioning Cll 6 cylinder, radio and heater, etc Diamond blue Power 9 *1495! finish. Excellent in $1195 Steering JACKSHAW ■ SAVE SOME DRIVEN LESS THAN 100 MILES! SALE! H CHEVROLET • 1961 FORD 4-Door Country Squire Station $1495 543 East 185th St. ■ $2195 Wagon. Radio and heater, auto- ft 4 Aft ft <0 IV. 1-9173 ■ COMPLETE SELECTION/ • mafic transmission, very dean V ■ 999 in COMPACTS, FULL SIZED CARS, H.OOR MODELS, Your Car Down Payment AND BANK FINANCING 1959 PLYMOUTH Sport Coupe. Automatic 1959 FORD 1962 CHEVROLET 1960 CHEVROLET SHOW CARS, OFFICIALS CARS and DEMONSTRATORS transmission, radio and heater, power steer­ HARDTOP CONVERTIBLE CONVERTIBLES ing and brakes, ft 1 OAR Turquoise immaculate throughout . V ■ A Red and White 327 Engine GLAVIC DODGE Beaut Stick CHOICE OF 2 FROM 1957 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE. Hydramatic, DIRECT FACTORY DISCOUNT DEALER radio and heater, full power equipment, $1295 $2695 $1895 536 E. 185th St. near Lake Shore Blvd. KE. 1-3375 Ravin black, excellent $1595 throughout _________ CALL IVanhoa 1-9173 ^^ 1958 THUNDERBIRD Hardtop 1959 GALAXIE 4-Door. Automatic Cruisomatic, radio and heater. transmission, radio and heater, coral and white tu- ft< QQE COME TO tone, extra sharp .... V ■ GUO and broket, sharp — $1795 NOTICE LaTOUR 1960 OLDSMOBILE Super "88' 1959 FORD CUSTOM 300, 2-Door. Be it hereby known that at any LABOR DAY SALE! BEST 1 Fordomatic, 6 cylinder, radio and time after the publishing of 4-Door Hardtop. Hydramatic, radio this notice, one 1958 Chevrolet TROTTER ond heater, power steering and SERIES 2 door Del Ray, finish. Sharp V$1095 ■ ——• SERIAL No. D58J199537 will be Chryslers, Plymouths, Valiants OLDSMOBILE, INC E ” $2195 sold for $697. This car may be purchased by making weekly MOST MODELS—WILL SACRIFICE FEATURES 1961 CORVAIR MONZA Coupe. 1961 FALCON 2 Door. Radio and payments of $6.90. Absolutely no cash needed until first pay­ FORD Poworglido, radio and heater, heater, Fordomatic, deluxe trim, ment is made late in Septem­ We Also Need Your Used Car! FOR A-I l BUYS like new ft 4 QQR X’ $1695 ber, 1962. throughout V ■ OUU DESCRIPTION , Color: Metallic Blue. 1960 CHRYSLER Saratoga USED CARS Interior: Tutone Blue. $2195 QUICK Body Cond.: Excellent. 4-Door Sedan COMMERCE FORD Equipment: Standard trans­ 1960 FORD mission, V-8 engine, radio, 1960 DESOTO Adventurer 13608 St. Clair MU. 1-4000 heater etc. $1995 STATION WAGON 4-DOOR Meeh. Cond.: Excellent. 4-Door Sedan JOE O’BRIEN Open Doily Till 6 P.M., Mon. & Fri. Till 9 F.M. This car and many other cars VB engine, Fordomatic, ft 9KAK 1958 PLYMOUTH 4-Door radio and heater------- ftlUUU are being stored by and can SERVICE be seen at STATE STORAGE $895 Liquidation Lot Division of Hardtop 1961 FORD Cleveland Car Co. at 16403 “OK” Euclid Ave. comer of Ivan­ 1958 FIAT CONVIRTIBLI V-8 • SKILLED HANDS hoe. Phone IV. 1-5173 in Cleveland. Hours: Monday and "600" $895 Fordomatic, radio, hooter, power USING Friday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M., other steering. Gloaming white finish days 8 A.M. to 9 P.M., other days 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Closed 1957 CADILLAC Convertible $2495 a MODERN TOOLS USED CARS Sundays. New Top $1695 ■ AMD 1961 CHEVROLET 1960 VALIANTStation 4-Door Forkwood Station Wagon. 6 1959 PLYMOUTH cylinder, radio and hoator, automatic 1957 DODGE Wagon $AVE MASS. ITATION WAOON transmittion, whitewall tirei, beauti­ 4-OOOR SEDAN • GENUINE PARTS ful Aqua finith with matching VB. Automatic franemltslan, radio, 6 cyl. automatic. A real CCQK interior. Mutt too AYS buy for ONLY 9999 heater, power steering. A fine PROMPT SERVICE AT A to appreciate QdbUOO YOUR BEST BUY eith eigle otors nc GLAVIC DODGE K -W M , I . SI 396 FAIR PRICE 1961 CORVAIR 2-Door Sport* Monza. Roman rod 1961 CHEVROLET 1960 CHEVROLET 534 I. 185th SI. KE. 1-3375 CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - VALIANT DEALER finish with matching red interior, IMPALA 4 DR. HARDTOP standard transmission, radio and BISCAYNE 2 DOOR 20941 Euclid Ava. IV. 1-4500 1959 BUICK heater, whitewall tire*. This car Economical 6-cylindor eng ins with Powsrglide, radio, heater, power steering and brakes. All £ Open Mon. & Fri. Eves. Till 9 P.M. COHVSHTISU standard transmsision. ftl RQK $1748 Like new condition. — ViHGW white beauty, only 9 & *99 1960 FALCON Fully factory equipped with power 4-DOOR DELUXE steering and brakes, dynaflow, 1959 CHEVROLET 1958 CHEVROLET 1958 CHEVROLET Driven only 10,000 miles. Automatic, radio, heater. Gorgeous eoral Convertible. Black with contrasting IMPALA 2 DOOR BISCAYNE 4 DOOR ' SAVE finish with ftC YAK a red vinyl interior, radio and heater, Hardtop, beautiful solid blue finish V-B. Powerglide, radio, healer, brand L TOUR offset by new white wall tires. black top V" ■ new white wall $995 GLAVIC DODGE $1388 Automatic, radio and $1095 Euclid-Green Motors, Inc. OLDSMOBILE! $36 fi. 183th St KE. 1-3375 1B300 Euclid Avq. at Groan Rd. KE. 1-1875 1959 PONTIAC 1961 FALCON 1957 PONTIAC PHONi 2-Doer, radio and healer, standard 1957 PLYMOUTH shift, plus many other factory fea­ 2 DOOR HARDTOP VB CATALINA 1-DOOR 4 DOOR SEDAN Hydramatic, radio, heater, power 1960 CORVAIR | 1960 FALCON 261-2800 ture., 1 owner, 1960 RAMBLER Standard transmission, ft 4 QOK 25200 EUCLID $1388 Automatic, radio, haator. steering and brakes, tutone 4-door, automatic, ft 4 OAA 4-door, radio ft 4 4 OA low miloege - - .. Good tiro*. ft® finish, white walls. ** 4-DOOR SEDAN radio, heater V-8, automatic transmission, newer radio and heater .... V 8 A®W Ond heater ... V- I Av 1959 FORD ■tearing, brakes and windows, radio, 1966 CHEVROLET hardtop, auto­ heater. Soo this one. ft 1 AflK matic. good condition, $500. Deluxe 4-Door Sedan. Brown and TERMS TO SUIT TOUR NEEDS 1957 FORD 1958 FORD 1961 T. BIRD take pick New LOW PRICE ONLY torn RE. 1-6660, 5-9 p.m.____________ beige, white wall*, power steering, Convertible, automatic, ftftQE 4-Door. Standard shift custom radio, air flow hooter, ftftAM POSI-TRACTION. complete with GLAVIC DODGE radio and heater BpVerw with overdrive HARDTOP 49 Fordomatic. JI ft 3.64 ring and pinion gean, 1967- Cl 1 S34 I. 185th St. KE. 1-3375 Cruisomatic, radio, hooter, white A beauty - BETTER USED CARS 60 Pontiac; wash machine. JIM CONNELL CHEVROLET 1958 CHEVROLETS 1959 PONT1ACS wall tiros, power GQOGA MU. 1-7436. USED CAR LOT Including 1968 FORD convertible, white 1958 CHEVROLET 1959 ANGLIA. English Ford .good Fully equipped, choice GOQE Leaded, choice ft 9 QAR steering and brakos Biscayne 2-Do»r Sedan; 6 cylinder SIMCA OCTANE ROADSTER black top, 8, automatic, radio 15201 Euclid Near Shaw Ave. UL. 1-2515 condition, $600. RE. 1-3676. of 4 . from 0©** of 2 from V ■ WUU 1760 engine; powerglid*, radio, neater. heater, whitewalls, original owner 1960 DODGE. Pioneer ,2 door hard­ $660. PO. 1-0103. After 6 p.m. cal Seo this one-owner $ARR top, low mileage, automatic trans­ 1958 MERCURY 1955 DeSOTO 1960 FALCON LI. 1-8093. car todayl yOww 1940 RENAULT 4-DOOR mission, radio, heater, chrome 4-daor hardtop, RQOA 2-door hardtop, auto., ft4^ME MOM STATION WAOON 1960 FALCON 13,000 miles, A-1 skirts, electronic mirror, clean; 1999 DODGE CONVERTIBLE beyond description VVVV radio, hooter V ■ UU Fully foetory equipped. Standard mechanic owner, asking $1295 1956 OLDSMOBILE 27 STATION WAGONS OLEN-BILKIS must see to appreciate. make offer. LI. 1-3969. "98" 4-Door Hardtop. Equipped with WH. 4-2512. transmission. A fine family ear. 1958 FORD RETRACTABLE 1969 FORD Galaxie convertible power steering, power windows, NO CASH NEEDED 1964 CHEVROLET, new paint, new 1958 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE power seats, and ft JB ft ft aqua, A-1, power, 17,000 miles fully equipped p*IOQ clutch, no rust. 15448 St. Clair ave. through#** 61496 wife’s car, $1,525. Call PO. 1-5477 FRESH SHIPMENT Full Prise Wk. IV. 1-1466. 1957 BUICK CONVERTIBLE Automatic Transmission Service BY owner; 1966 Buick Super, al! '57 Chevy 4-dr. wagon _.$497 $5.13 CUSTOMIZED 1967 Chevrolet, 2- 1997 FORD CONVERTIBLE 1956 FORD 1961 CHEVROLET power, or 1966 Chevrolet 6, 2 door Ford 4-dr. wagon----- $297 $3.13 GREAT door sedan, V8; powerglide, radio, EASY TERMS FREI TOWING 1957 DODGE CONVERTIBLE stick shift. 26151 Elinorc. 2-Door Parklan* Station Wagon. '55 Ford 9-pass. wagon $297 $3.13 heater, power steering, wheel MAM 2-DOOR RE. 1-0922. Radio and heater, automatic trans­ '58 Edsel 4-dr. wagon—$497 $5.13 discs; new brakes, back-up lights, 1954 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE Special On Bdnd Adjustments 1981 FORD Fairlane "500”, white- mission, power Marc. 9-pass. wagon. $497 $5.13 windshield washers. Jet black fin­ $6.13 6. oyL paworghde, AIAAK 1952 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE walla, stick shift, 6 cylinder, $1,596 steering pwWW Plymouth wagon $597 ish, clean, no rust; must see to ap­ Plymouth wagon------$497 $5.13 USED CAR BUYS radio and boater------- Call 631-5316. '57 preciate; $750. 943-5066._______ 11 1958 CHEVROLET '56 Chevy 2-dr.
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