All India Council for Technical Education Common Management Admission Test CMAT-2015-16 (Second Test) ALL INDIA MERIT LIST All India Council for Technical Education announces the All India Merit list based on the scores obtained by the candidates in computer based Common Management Admission Test CMAT-2015-16 (Second Test) conducted online from 19-Feb, 2015 to 22-Feb, 2015. • The merit list indicates Roll number, Rank and the Score of all the candidates. CMAT-2015- 16(Second Test) score is valid for the admissions of academic year 2015-16. • The Scores obtained have been calculated by assigning: o +4 marks for the correct answer o -1 mark for incorrect answer o 0 mark for no answer • A national merit ranking has been arrived based on the Total Score. In case scores are same for more than one candidate, the ranking has been done on sectional score considered in the order of: o Quantitative Techniques & Data Interpretation o Logical Reasoning o Language Comprehension o General Awareness • In case more than one candidate secures same ranking as per the above criteria, the same Rank will be assigned to all of them but will be displayed by sorting their names alphabetically. The Rank of the subsequent candidate will then be extended by the number of additional students having the same Rank. For example if three students are at 25th Rank then subsequent student will be ranked as 28th. • Percentile has been calculated using the formula: Percentile P = ( (N- your rank)/ N) x 100 (Where P is percentile and N is total number of candidates appeared for exam) • The candidates would be able to download the electronically generated score card with complete details using their login details from http://www.aicte-cmat.in from 25th Mar – 25th Apr 2015. Separate Score Cards will not be sent by email or by post to the candidates. • Admission authorities and institutions, however, will be free to take their own decision at the time of admission as to what weightage they wish to give to a particular section. • Instances of incorrect information provided by the candidates, if detected at any stage, would make the candidate liable for disqualification. • Any dispute concerning CMAT-2015-16 would be subject to Jurisdiction of the competent courts within the territorial jurisdiction of New Delhi only. • Customer Care Number 022-40679404 and webmail support [email protected] for Score Card related issues would be available till the time downloading Score Card option is accessible. • Any request for providing details related to an individual’s examination under RTI should be considered only if received within one month of result declaration. • All queries regarding post CMAT-2015-16 admission process must be directed to concerned state authority for admission or institutions. CMAT-2015-16 (Second Test) All India Merit List Rank Roll No Candidate Name QTDI LR LC GA TOTAL Score: Percentile Score: Score: Percentile: Score: Percentile: Score: Percentile: Score: Percentile: 1 692390093 PAWAN KHANNA 85 99.94 100 100 65 99.41 55 99.9 305 100 2 729437099 K SUNIL KUMAR 85 99.94 95 99.96 65 99.41 60 99.94 305 100 3 699399000 GAURAV JITENDRA DAVE 95 99.99 95 99.96 60 98.93 45 99.57 295 99.99 4 708406413 SUPREET GUPTA 87 99.97 90 99.75 65 99.41 49 99.74 291 99.99 5 729437097 PRAKASH RAJPUT 95 99.99 85 99.14 70 99.7 39 98.69 289 99.99 6 717414745 BASAK SHUBHADEEP ANJAN 92 99.99 85 99.14 56 98.34 50 99.8 283 99.99 7 729437451 SHETTY KRISHAN BHASKAR 82 99.92 80 97.9 60 98.93 56 99.92 278 99.99 8 707405692 ASWINI ANAND 68 99.34 85 99.14 75 99.88 49 99.74 277 99.99 9 684384693 SOURAV BASU 90 99.98 92 99.89 70 99.7 24 88.38 276 99.98 10 706404576 ROHAN THULASEEDHARAN PILLAI 79 99.84 81 98.3 70 99.7 46 99.64 276 99.98 11 699398928 POOJARY JIVITESH JAYA 77 99.79 81 98.3 58 98.64 60 99.94 276 99.98 12 729437093 SITA RAMNATH K 73 99.63 75 95.91 80 99.96 46 99.64 274 99.98 13 683383316 S RAJAGOPALAN 62 98.82 96 99.98 76 99.91 37 98.35 271 99.98 14 723420435 RISHI SATISH 83 99.93 85 99.14 77 99.93 22 85.92 267 99.98 15 672375956 ATISHAY JAIN 87 99.97 73 94.91 71 99.76 33 96.82 264 99.97 16 706404632 PUSHKAR DESHPANDE 87 99.97 80 97.9 51 97.29 45 99.57 263 99.97 17 693391736 GUPTA ROHAN SUDHIR 90 99.98 85 99.14 71 99.76 15 70.42 261 99.97 18 717415180 AKSHAY SATISH SURYAWANSHI 71 99.53 90 99.75 78 99.95 22 85.92 261 99.97 19 697396788 AKHAND PRATAP SINGH PARIHAR 82 99.92 90 99.75 55 98.14 33 96.82 260 99.97 20 700399300 JOSHI ADWAIT RAJAN 62 98.82 72 94.4 71 99.76 54 99.87 259 99.97 21 740433091 MIKIN MAYURBHAI SHAH 80 99.88 81 98.3 61 99.08 36 98.12 258 99.96 22 694394614 HARSHA VARDHAN B V 70 99.45 81 98.3 64 99.28 43 99.36 258 99.96 23 694394777 ARPIT PRAKASH AGRAWAL 77 99.79 90 99.75 69 99.63 21 84.43 257 99.96 24 712409705 NAYAN AJMERA 65 99.1 96 99.98 75 99.88 20 82.72 256 99.96 25 726435643 BHALCHANDRA ADITYA SHRIKRISHNARAO 59 98.42 91 99.86 78 99.95 28 93.41 256 99.96 26 736428387 VENKATESH TORGAL 86 99.95 50 74.3 75 99.88 44 99.42 255 99.95 27 705402687 ASHWANI PUSHKAR 80 99.88 85 99.14 55 98.14 35 97.83 255 99.95 28 698398254 GAYATRI BABAN HAADAWALE 77 99.79 71 93.76 81 99.97 26 91.75 255 99.95 29 684384573 ARKA MUKHERJEE 60 98.58 90 99.75 51 97.29 54 99.87 255 99.95 30 725438484 NAVDEEP TULI 60 98.58 85 99.14 75 99.88 35 97.83 255 99.95 31 699398562 ACHAL ANILKUMAR SINGH 71 99.53 86 99.37 61 99.08 36 98.12 254 99.95 32 708406714 SURVASE GAURAV ARVIND 55 97.73 87 99.52 70 99.7 42 99.26 254 99.94 33 702400700 TOTLA VIPUL SUSHIL 78 99.81 96 99.98 51 97.29 28 93.41 253 99.94 34 695393068 VIJAY SARAF 87 99.97 90 99.75 51 97.29 24 88.38 252 99.94 35 687388065 GAURAV JAIN 62 98.82 90 99.75 67 99.54 33 96.82 252 99.94 36 709407417 GARUD SUMIT SUNIL 56 97.93 91 99.86 50 96.97 55 99.9 252 99.94 37 706405109 NEEL VYAS 55 97.73 77 96.95 80 99.96 40 99 252 99.94 38 694394324 SAURABH CHANDEL 72 99.59 66 90.21 60 98.93 53 99.85 251 99.93 39 699398847 CHAUDHARI ASHAY KIRAN 63 98.92 70 93.06 71 99.76 47 99.68 251 99.93 40 729437357 RAJESH KUMAR SARAF 96 100 64 88.3 65 99.41 25 90.73 250 99.93 41 702400137 JUEE SUNIL GAIKWAD 87 99.97 85 99.14 68 99.6 10 53.39 250 99.93 42 684384727 AMIT DAS 76 99.76 80 97.9 69 99.63 25 90.73 250 99.93 43 709407602 SHELAR OMKAR DILIPRAO 73 99.63 90 99.75 58 98.64 29 94.06 250 99.93 44 698398219 CHIRAG 58 98.27 85 99.14 75 99.88 32 96.44 250 99.92 45 683383674 SAURAV JAIN 51 96.86 80 97.9 68 99.6 51 99.82 250 99.92 46 729437100 DEEPAK BUNDE 50 96.58 80 97.9 75 99.88 45 99.57 250 99.92 47 692390785 PATEL DHIREN PRADEEP 62 98.82 83 98.81 69 99.63 35 97.83 249 99.92 48 699399082 SHETTY PRATHIK SHEKHAR 45 95.04 91 99.86 71 99.76 42 99.26 249 99.92 49 666368864 KHUNT UTTAM DHIRAJLAL 81 99.9 90 99.75 51 97.29 26 91.75 248 99.92 50 705403031 SAURABH SHARMA 71 99.53 66 90.21 81 99.97 30 95.43 248 99.91 51 705402876 GIRISH KUMAR 58 98.27 87 99.52 62 99.19 40 99 247 99.91 52 719417040 JAYANT DAGA 57 98.12 85 99.14 81 99.97 24 88.38 247 99.91 53 699399197 BAQISHAH MAKANDAR 51 96.86 65 89.33 75 99.88 56 99.92 247 99.91 54 689389281 SILKY MEHROTRA 76 99.76 80 97.9 60 98.93 30 95.43 246 99.91 55 700399489 SOWMYA DAYANAND SHETTY 64 99.01 60 84.87 70 99.7 52 99.83 246 99.9 56 697396159 TRIAMBAK KALA 62 98.82 85 99.14 45 95.24 54 99.87 246 99.9 57 693392468 SUBRAJIT MAITY 51 96.86 76 96.48 49 96.52 70 99.98 246 99.9 58 712410614 KOTHARI ANSHUL ABHAY 95 99.99 85 99.14 51 97.29 14 65.26 245 99.9 59 694394691 ABHINAV PAHWA 75 99.73 90 99.75 70 99.7 10 53.39 245 99.9 60 719417130 RAVIPATI TEJASWI RAO 75 99.73 85 99.14 61 99.08 24 88.38 245 99.9 61 693392183 JALDIP P PATEL 65 99.1 90 99.75 75 99.88 15 70.42 245 99.89 62 738429180 CHANDAN SHARMA 83 99.93 90 99.75 55 98.14 15 70.42 243 99.89 63 706404202 AKSHAY SHARMA 76 99.76 77 96.95 51 97.29 39 98.69 243 99.89 64 726435722 QUADRI MEHVISH ALAM 74 99.67 88 99.56 64 99.28 17 75.14 243 99.89 65 732426099 NAMITHA T R 66 99.2 82 98.66 61 99.08 34 97.11 243 99.89 66 683383771 SAARANG AGARWAL 64 99.01 91 99.86 68 99.6 19 78.95 242 99.89 67 721418804 LAVESH KUMAR 86 99.95 100 100 27 80.48 28 93.41 241 99.88 68 699399199 CHHATRE CHINMAY SHEKHAR 79 99.84 82 98.66 46 95.65 34 97.11 241 99.88 69 693392099 ANURADHA KUCKIAN 72 99.59 100 100 56 98.34 13 62.6 241 99.88 70 683383429 SAHIL SINGLA 72 99.59 90 99.75 51 97.29 28 93.41 241 99.88 71 697396105 MANORE VEDANT AJAY 63 98.92 80 97.9 57 98.52 41 99.14 241 99.88 72 687388088 SHITANSHU GOYAL 90 99.98 90 99.75 41 93.34 19 78.95 240 99.88 73 683383578 RAHUL KUMAR 80 99.88 95 99.96 40 92.72 25 90.73 240 99.87 74 681382353 TUSHAR BHARGAVA 68 99.34 85 99.14 52 97.54 35 97.83 240 99.87 75 698398265 HADAWALE MIHIR BABAN 68 99.34 75 95.91 70 99.7 27 92.69 240 99.87 76 725438661 NIKHIL GUPTA 64 99.01 82 98.66 62 99.19 32 96.44 240 99.87 77 708406762 VARSHA VIJAY KULKARNI 62 98.82 86 99.37 67 99.54 25 90.73 240 99.87 78 705403163 APARNA BHARGAVA 62 98.82 85 99.14 65 99.41 28 93.41 240 99.86 79 700399675 SHUKLA RAJIV SANJAY 52 97.12 85 99.14 72 99.79 31 95.97 240 99.86 80 721418357 TARUN VERMA 80 99.88 68 91.69 62 99.19 29 94.06 239 99.86 81 703401361 AYUSH KUMAR 75 99.73 85 99.14 49 96.52 30 95.43 239 99.86 82 689389224 ANUJ MISHRA 75 99.73 78 97.26 52 97.54 34 97.11 239 99.86 83 704402031 KULKARNI MIHIR SHRIKANT 74 99.67 85 99.14 52 97.54 28 93.41 239 99.86 84 698397957 SRUTI SAJITH 71 99.53 72 94.4 73 99.82 23 87.21 239 99.85 85 729437204 RAJIV GARNEPUDI 63 98.92 62 86.82 65 99.41 49 99.74 239 99.85 86 700399697 NAMITA KIRAN KHEDKAR 59 98.42 87 99.52 69 99.63 24 88.38 239 99.85 87 738430026 POOJA DARSHAN DHINGRA 54 97.5 95 99.96 60 98.93 30 95.43 239 99.85 88 697396004 AVIRAL SINGH
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