Official Organ of the Irish Tourist Association Vol. XII.- o. 11. AUGUST, 1937. Threepence. b. If. 86A Air-liner" EIRE," EI-ABK, of Aer Lingus Te6ranta, operating on Irish Sea Airways between Dublin, Bristol and Croydon, with four de Havillano Cipsy Six Engines of 200 h.p. each, and cruising at 1'38 to 142 m.p.h. It carries a crew of two and sixteen passengers. Captain-O. E. ARMSTRONG. IRISH TRAVEL August, 1937 I HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS SOLVE ALL EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS THROUGH US. Cutlery, China, Glassware, Delph, Aluminium, Lounge, Table and Kitchen Requisites. Prompt atisfactory Service. Have your Old Silver made New THE MUNSTER &LEINSTER BANK Lro. We have been appointed Sole Agents and HAS 215 BRANCHES &< SUB·OFFICES IN ALL PARTS OF IRELAND, INCLUDING Receiving Depot for Newbridge Cutlery Co., Ltd.. DUBLIN GALWAY for Repairing and Replating Cutlery, Spoons and BELFAST ~ATERFORD Forks. Also HolIoware articles : Teapots, Jugs, and CORK DERRY Dishes of every descriptioll, etc., etc. LIMERICK KILLARNEY COBH (QUEENST01NN) Prices on request for special Hotel quality. AND IS REPRESENTED BY AGENTS AND Guaranteed Silver Deposits. CORRESPONDENTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD SPECIAL FACILITIES IRISH HOTEL SUPPLIES. LTD. AVAILABLE FOR TRAVELLERS HAMMAM B ILDINGS, EVERY DEqCRIPTION OF HOME AND FOREIGN BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED 11.13 UPPER O'CONNELL STREET, DUBLIN. Head Office: 111anaging Director: SOUTH MALL. CORK 'Phone: 44966. T. G. JO ES. THE "DRIVEURSELF" HIRE SERVICE Operated by CLERYS CYRIL McCORMACK, STRAFFAN, Ireland's Great Department Store CO. KILDARE, particularly invite all visitors to Dublin Enables to see their beautiful collection of VISITORS TO IRELAND IRISH LINENS TO SEE THE BEAUT!ES OF THE COUNTRY IRISH REAL LACES IN IRISH HOMESPUNS ECONOMICAL LUXURY AND COMFORT. IRISH POPLINS and Cars are delivered free Dublin, to your Hotel, Station or Roat. at reason"ble rates, taxed. insured and ready IRISH BELLEEK CHI A for your Holiday. We have regular customers for "HE TAKES THE TROUBLE. these goods all over the world YOU GET THE PLEASURE." OlERV &CO., Ltd. I O'Oonnell St., Dublin Phone: STRAFFAN 9. Grams: "McCORMACK, STRAFFAN," ~=~=:'=""--=='~=====--';';;';;~'-------------------"'" August, 1937 IRISH TRAVEL \ L!fi the ~omyoursnaps CHIARASCURO is a rather difficult word much used in highbrow art circles. Simply defined it means the play of contrast of light and shade in a picture. The glint of the sun on rippling water; the shadows of the leaves beneath the trees; the lights in baby's frank open eyes. These are all difficult subjects, often spoiled by snap anaemia, which reduces the "chiarascuro" to veiled obscurity. Let Agfa Isochrom Film strip off that veil, :and make your; snaps full of intriguing light and shade. ISOCHROM FILM AGFA SPEFJDEX CLACK-the camera that stops you m1u1nlJ IFREE- BOOKLET, "How to take PhotograPh.," Irff! OD opportunities. Presa a button and out shoots the tront ready tor application to W. GAW. LIIIlTlID 168. South Earl Street-- InstantUBe. No. 51 takes 16 Ictures1f' x2.' and costs 32/6.' No. 74 DUBLIN. l .. '-:: takes S pictures 21' x 31', pJce 311 le. Bothtake standard roll tIlm. Sol. dillribulor. oJ AI/fa PIwtOl/rG1'h1JJ Product' Jor th.I.F.S. IRISH TRAVEL August, 1937 • SIX ROUTES TO IRELAND COR K-Direct. Leave Paddington *5.55 p.m. FISHGUARD to Every Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Leave Euston *6.5 p.m. Sail 10.15 p.m. LIVERPOOL to DUBLIN Nightly (Sundays excepted). Leave Euston *6.5 p.m. Sail 10.15. p.m. LIVERPOOL toBELFAST Nightly (Sundays excepted). GL AS G 0 W to BELFAST-Direct. s~ from Glasgow;10.0 p.m·t Nightly (Sundays excepted). via Greenock. Every Monday, Wednes­ GLASGOW to DUBLIN day, Friday and Saturday. via Greenock. Every Monday, Wednes­ GLASGOW to DERRY day, Friday and Saturday. • Restaurant Boat Express. tSaturdays 10.30 p.m. ARDEN LOVERS visiting Ire1and Donegal G should make a Handwoven point of seeing Lissadell Tweeds and Gardens, where a very Handknitted large collection of Alpines Stockings, and other Hardy Plants Jumpers, etc., can be seen growing in also fine Rock Gardens, Moraines, Handmade Retaining Walls, etc. Lingerie and Hand­ BANK OF IRELAND SEEDS A SPECIALITY. embroidered ESTABLISHED 1783. Goods, always in FACILITIES FOR TRAVELLERS LISSADELL IS SITUATED stock. AT ABOUT FOUR MILES WEST Head Office: COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN. OF THE SLIGO - BUNDORAN BELFAST .. GORK .. DERRY ROAD. AND 100 TOWNS THROUGHOUT IRELAND. MANAGER, LISSADELL, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUSINESS TRANSACTED ON ARRIVAL OF LINERS SLIGO BY DAY OR NIGHT AT COBH (QUEENSTOWN) AND GALWAY DOCKS. IRISH FREE STATE. 266 August, 1937 IRISH TRAVEL SUBSCRIPTION: Wholesale from the 5/- PER ANNUlIII, Irish Tourist .\lIocialion Post Free. and from Eason & Son, Ltd. COPIES FREE TO ALL lIIIElIIIBERS IRISH Retail from OF THE all Newsagents and ASSOCIATION AND from the OF ITS ASSOCIATE Irish Tourist Associalion. DEPARTlIIIENT. Price - 3d. ~~~;;; TRAVEL .. ~ ...~.:". OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE IRISH TOURIST ASSOCIATION, DUBLIN ~ ...:.;:. ..• ~.. VOL. XII. AUGUST, 1937. No. 11. , ,. lbfatorr IS .mabe N the light of sUbs~quent .triumphs nus of the world's most important in transatlantic flymg, the Principal Contents of air service. We voice a universal I following extract from the Irish sentiment when we congratulate the Independent, dated Tuesday, July this lswe. pioneer flyers, and express our hope PAGE ~th, merits particular comment:- Colourful Ireland. that all the experiments will be By A. D. O'Brien 270 carried out without a hitch." "Rynanna (Foynes) and Port ::\femories of Erin. A dream has, at last, come true I Bo/wood were a year ago names By .. Ragged Staff" 273 almost unknown, even in their Eighteen years after two pioneer Round the Irish Free State. flyers (Alcock and Brown) made the immediate neighbourhood. Last By A. S. ]enki1lSon 274 first non-stop flight over the North night there sped out from each a The Connemara Pony Show. huge Rving boat in the first experi­ By U. 0'Brien-Hitching 277 Atlantic, two commercial flying boats, the Caledonia and the mental flights of a four-Power Ireland's Unique Folklore. attempt to establish regular com­ By Dr. Aake Campbell 278 Clipper Ill:, have each accomplished scheduled crossings both ways. The mercial transatlantic services by Summer Resorts in Ireland 282-286 air. The United States and Great Caledonia flew (on 5th July) from Of Interest to Hotels ..... 291 Britain are supplying the flying Foynes, in Co. Limerick, to Bot­ machines; the Saorstat and N ew­ wood, Newfoundland, in 15 honrs foundland offer the most suitable 9 minutes, and made the return bases and the shortest crossing. The journey ten days later between these United States, British, Saorstat airports in 12 hours 7 minutes. The and Newfoundland Governments Pan - American Clipper Ill. com­ will establish and control a joint com­ pleted the outward journey­ pany to carry mails and passengers Botwood to Foynes-in 12 hours from Europe t& New York. It 40 minutes, and the homeward hop will probably take two years or more in 16 hours 24 minutes. There before the full programme is carried was not a hitch all through these Qut. Experiments will be 'made experim ntal flights. with many different types of craft These triumphal "double cross­ before the best is selected and built ings" of the Atlantic augur excel. in sufficient numbers for a twice­ lently for the speedy and successful weekly service. When this begins culmination of a most important the Saorstat will assume its real world transport service. importance as the European termi- (For Pictures please turn to page 291.) IRISH TRAVEL August, 1937 IRISH LEGENDS By SEAMUS MacCALL No. &-THE LADY OF CASTLE FERRITER A Tale of County Kerry YBIL HEAD, in the north-west corner of Dingle, County Kerry. commemorates no prophetess of S classical legend. Sybil, in this case. is an anglici­ sation of the Irish name. Sibeal. which is itself a Sybil Head, on the Coast of Kerry. modification of the English name. Isabel. and the particular Isabel who is here immortalised was the with naked. travel-stained feet. And they came, one very beautiful daughter of a chief of the Galway family and all, to do honour to the lord of Castle Ferriter and his beautiful young wife. of Lynch. Her father, says the legend. had promised her in But in the midst of the festival an alarm was sounded gr~at ar~y marriage to an Ulster chieftain. But the beautiful A of l!lstermen was approaching, led by Isabel had a will of her own, and she had already fallen the dlsappomted sUItor. And with him was a levy of Connachtmen, led by Isabel's father. deeply in love with the young lord of Castle Ferriter in County Kerry. The great festival ended suddenly. The guests Castl~ An urgent message from Isabel brought young Ferriter save only the fighting men, were sent home. and Ferriter was made ready for a siege. to the rescue on the very day arranged for the formal betrothal. The lovers thereupon eloped, leaving behind The attack began that evening. To keep his wife an angry parent and a disappointed suitor to plan revenge. and son out of danger. young Ferriter led them through After a hasty marriage Isabel and her husband a secret passage underneath the Castle. and settled journeyed onwards into Kerry and took up their them comfortably in a cave to which the only other residence in Castle Ferriter. access was from the sea. Autumn gave way to winter. Wild seas lashed During the night a sudden storm greatly aided the against the rocks of the Castle cliff, surged far into defenders, and when the garrison made a strong sortie the underlying caves, and bubbled and foamed beneath early next morning the discomforted attackers were the Castle itself.
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