CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES-14 PAPER 1 OF 1985 MEGHALAYA (UP TO C.D. BLOCK HOUSEHOLD POPULATION AND TOWN LEVEL) BY RELIGION OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD ]. TAYA'NG, OJ the Indian Administrative Service, Director oj Census Operations, Meghalaya. CORRIGENDUM Paper 1 of 1985-MEGHALAYA Sl. Particular:; For Read No. 2 3 J. Preface, Page (iii) Siks Sjkh~ 1st Para, Line 5 ~. Introductory Note Part I the household Part I of the house­ Para 2, Line 6 hold. 3.' Distribution of the Population of the major religious Communities between rural and urban areas. 1710 1716 Page 2, Statement I, Col. 4 +. Page 3, Statement I Col. No. 14, Line No. I 28.69 +28.69 Col. No. 23, Line No. I 32.65 +32.65 Col. No. 23, Line No.4 L £ J. Page 8, Statement II Orissa Line 14, Col. 17 241,26 241,263 Sikkim Lim' 17, Col. l.1 7,105 7,10!i 6. Page 16, HR-15 Col. 16 (Jow~i Town, 164 164ll ,. Page 21, HR·1!) Col. 17, Rongram (U) 8930 7930 B. Page 3:), Appendix 'N, East Khasi HilLI CoL r; (R 78 75 Col.li lUi 78 Co]. 7 (lJ) 7j g, Page 5P, Appendix 'lJ' Nongpoh C.D. Block (T) Col. No. 5 3 CONTENTS Pages PREFACE iii Introductory Note 1-13 Note on Table HH-15 15 Household Population by Religion of Head of Household 16-27 Note on Appendices and Annexure to Table HH-15 29 Appendices A -Details of Religions having Population of 100 or more shown under 'Other Religions and Per,uas;on,' in Main Table HH-!.). Religions - . 31-41 B -Details of Religions having Population less than 100 shown under 'Other religions and Persua,ion,' in Main Table HH-15. On Religions 43-70 (i) PREFACE The data presented in this paper are based on in the Social Studies Division who did the important the religion of the head of the household collected work of scrutiny of the names of the religions returned through the Household Schedule during the 1981 in this state. Shri N. Rama Rao, Asstt. Registrar Census. These data relate to six main religious com­ General, India (Census Division) ancl Shri Madan munities viz., Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Siks, Singh, Senior Research Officer and their colleagues Buddhists and Jains and 'Other religions and persua­ in the Census Division deserve special mention for sions' and 're1igion not stated'. The data are presented scrutinising of the data and their uniforn presentation. in Tabk HH-15 Household Population by religion of head of household, Appendix A-Details of Religion Shri L.R. Marak, Investigator and Shri L.R. Lyng­ shown under 'Other Religions and Persuasions'. In doh, S.A. and the other staff members in the Directorate Main Table HH-15 the strength of which is 100 or under the guidance and supervision of Shri K.S. more at State level and Appendix R-Details of other Lyngdoh, Asstt. Director of Census Operations, did Religions and Persuasions the strength of which is a commendable job in the tabulation and compi­ less than 100 at State level. The data were tabulated lation of the Data. manually during the tenure of Shri J. Tayeng, I.A.S. as Director of Census Operations, Maghalaya to whom It is hoped that this paper will be useful to the I am grateful. I also thank Shri P. Padmanabha, I.A.s, administrator, planners, research scholars and other ex-Registrar General and Census Commissioner, data users. India, Shri V.S. Verma, LA.S, the present Registrar General India and Shri V.P. Pandey, Joint Registrar General, India under whose able guidallce and direction Shillong, D.P. KHOBRAGADE, this paper has been finalised and urought out April, 1985. Dy. Director qf Census Operations, in its present form. Thanks are due to Dr. N. G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General, India and his colleagues Meghalaya (iii) INTRODUCTORY NOTE Religion is an important and perhaps the basic ring institutional households (2) information on the re­ cultural charactcrastic of the population. In a secular ligion of each individual returned for question 8 of the state like India several reli!!;ions have thrived and Individual slip in respect of individuals in the insti­ every decennial census provides an interesting picture tutional households. of the religioUs persuasions of the people. The data on religion yielded by the census are of great interest The instructions to enumerators for filling up to the public as well as to the scholars. At the census question 2 on religion of the head of the household in enumeration a variety of answers might have been the household schedule are given below:- provided to the questions on religion, some spurious and some merely sects to a major religion. A census "You have to record the religion of the head of enumerator had instructions to record the religion the household as given by him against this question. as actually returned by a respondent. While writing the religion, you have to write the a.b­ breviations as follows on the line against this question In the 1981 Census, question on religion was and not in any dotted boxes provided at the end of included in the Individual slip filled in for every the dotted line against this question: person and the Household schedule filled in for a hOiehold. In question No.8 of the Individual slip, the For Buddhists Write B religion of the person enumerated was recorded as For Christians Write C returned. In Question No. 2 of part I the Household Schedule, the religion of the Head of the household For Hindu! Write H as returned was filled in. For ]ains Write] A household is defined for the purpose of Census For Muslims Write M as a group of persons who commonly live. together and would take their meals from a commoI1 kitchen For Sikhs Write S unless the exigencies of work prevented any of them from doing so. There could be a household of persons For 'others' record actual religion as returned fully. related by blood or a household of unrelated persons, If a person says that he has no religion, it may be or a mix of both. Example. of unrtlll.ted hou5eholdll recorded accordingly. If a person refuses to state .hi8 are boarding houses, messes, hostels, residential hotels religion you may write 'religion not stated' . You should rescue homes, jails, ashrams, etc. These are called not enter into any argument with the household for institutional households. In the case of institutional filling up this question. You are bound to record households the information on religion of the head faithfully whatever religion is returned by the head of the household was not collected in the Household of the household. For institutional households, put schedule. However, the information on religion of 'X' against this question." each inmate of the institutional household was col­ lected in the individual slip filled in by the enumerator A Summary for every person in the institutional household. The following are the main religious communities in the State of Maghalaya as a whole. These are The head of the household for census purposes arranged in alphabetical order at the state level: is the person on whom the chief responsibility for the maintenance of the household falls. ReligiOUS Persons Males Females Sex­ Community ratio In the present paper the data on main religious (Female communities as returned in question 2 of the Household per Schedule of the 1981 Census are being made available. 1000 In respect of the irunates of the institutional house­ males) holds, however, the data have been abstracted from the relevant Individual slips as the household schedule 2 3 4 5 does not provide data on religion in respect of the institutional household~. In the present paper the Buddhists 2,739 1,453 1,286 885 data on religion are presented for the State/District/ Christians 702,854 354,203 348,651 984 C.D. BlockJU.A.JTown. Hindus 240,831 132,062 108,769 824 Thus the data presented in this paper are based on ]ains 542 374 168 449 (I) information on the religion of the head of the Muslims 41,434 22,087 19,347 876 household in respect of normal households and the Sikhs 1,674 855 819 958 households of houseless population i.e.all households bar- 2 The percentage of the population accounted for The pattern of distribution of the population of by each of these major religious communities in 1981 these major religious communities between rural and Census and the rate of decadal growth of population urban areas is as follows: during 1971-81 are given below at state level. ,STATEMENT I Religious community Percent- Decade age to growth total rate Religious Rural Percentage Urban Percentage Popula- percent- Commu- Population to rural Population to Urban tion 1981 age nity 1981 Population 1981 Population 1971-81 1981 1981 2 3 2 3 4 5 Buddhists 0.20 45.85 Buddhists 1023 0.09 1710 0.71 Christians 52.62 47.89 Christians 593102 54.19 109752 45.48 Hindus 18.03 28.69 Hindus 141819 12.96 99012 41.03 Jains . 0.04 102.24 Jains 200 0.02 342 0.14 Muslims 3.10 57.26 Muslims 34219 3.13 7215 2.99 Sikhs . 0.13 32.65 Sikhs 403 0.04 1271 0.53 For the conveninece of the reader, Statement I showing the growth of six major Religions, 'Other religions and persuasions' and 'Religions not stated during 1971-81 is given below: STATEMENT I Growth of the Major Religious CommuDities showing (a) Percentage to Total Population and (b) Percentage Increase 1971-81 SI.
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