! -i. ■ » - S ■f ’ ' \ ■ / .. •X •- ' • - ; ' , ■.. -. , . , ' , ■ V- iPAGB TWELVE SATURDAY, JANUARY 26,1968 .'J‘ / 1Eoe^in0 1 | m lh J ATcniffe Daily ^iet P r ^ Run For the Week Faded Tht Weather s\ January 35, 1958 Foreenat of l>. S. Weather nnietw thought came to me, "Wouldn’t it dallverod tha wrong load o f ahirta be delightful to make some home­ Beauty tlonsultant About Town to tha barber ahqp. League to Hold Hdq. Co. Queen Fog and light rain or drizala to­ made bread?” Out came the Nevertheless the green emblem 12,6.33 recipe book and, I waa to learn, night, Low tonight in mid-SOa. Fog 'Y ' ' The public is invited to attend’ Heard Along Main Street does bring a couple of Ideas to IMscussions on Will Speak Here the gospel services in Orange Hall one doesn’t make one loaf' of mthd. lUmBbar of Um Audit and rain tapering off Tueadsy. a t 4 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. And on Some of Manchester*B Side Streets, Too bread; one makes four ^at a time. nurenn at Uirculatien. First, wouldn’t it tend'to make Mrs. Mildred Leavitt, beauty High Tueaday in mId-SOa. The services, conducted by Miss This posed quite a problem, as I Water Program Manchester— A City of Village Charm a customer nervous to see the bar­ consultant In a leading Hairtford Mary Clarke and Miss Janette do not own a mixing bowl which Y 1 ber standing there with acissors in store, wlU be the guest speaker at Graves, are non*denominational.. Tit for Tat <$’struck 11 and it was time to leave. would take 16 cups' of flour, es­ An Integrated federal-state-locsl hand and badge on chest for patch­ the meeting of Manchester Em­ It was Animal Week in a class It Wasn't until the nfext day that— pecially since the recipe said to water eonaervation program as VOL. tVII, NO. 99 (^URTEEN PAGES) M A N C H E S T E R , C O N N ., M O N D A Y , J A N U A R Y 27, 1958 ing up any errors. It might make blem Club, No, 251, Wednesday (Claaalfled Adverttring on Pnga IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS Members of the Holy Name So­ at the Keeney St. School last-week. fantastic as it may seem—he real­ let it rise in a place 85 degrees un­ it difncult to give a haircut if the proposed by the League of Woihen evening in Tinker Hall. ciety of James' Church are re­ One day, all -of the piiplls were ized he'd forgotten to insure the til it was double in bulk. customer was so nervous that he Voters will be the subject'‘oif^twO- ' She will discuea “How to Be a minded that the society will receive asked to tell the rest o f th# class tw o . youngsters. I had a-plastic dishpan which held his hands over hla ears. Lovelier You’* by achieving a cor- ' in a body at the 7 o'clock Mass about their kindness to pets. > Hurriedly he called his friend and would'do the trick, and decided .the Second, somewhere In Manches­ unit discussion meetings o f the rect color foundation and the use tomorrow morning. One little boy said, " I lucked a received the dampening news that only place that was warm enough ter there stands a pharmacist Manchester League this week. rji Prices Slightly T ' ■ ^ of cosmetice. Guecte of membere U.S.f Sovietym Sig j T JL A J another agent had dropped in that was down in the celliji) on'the hot whose jacket proclaims he can boy for kicking a dog." To be held Tuesday, at 8 p.m. at will.be welcome, at a amali fee. Manchester Auxiliary Police will morning. "YOu never brought the air furnace pipe. Curiosity got thq give' a haircut. the home of Mrs. Foster Harry, 43 Following the program refreeh- continue the series of iiiterdepart- Current Diagnoeis subject up so I figured you didn’t after an hour, and I went down to W e may see k few bloody heads Forest St. and Wednesday at 9:30 menta will be eerved. Mra. John ment practice shoots Monday night We understand that there’s an want to be bothered,” the friend see how my dough was rising. in the next few days and a few a.m. at the home o f Mrs. Myron Mitchell and Mrs. Maurice Oaudet at the indoor range at Police Head­ Elvis Presley fan working at the explained. ' ’ .. Horror of all horrors! The plas­ lairdos that look like the wearers Bogllsch, 669 W. Middle Tpke., both Aiid Alleghany will pour. Membere of the Com­ Ajgreemenito Push Alleghany ^ quarters. I hospital. The. agent sputtered awhile and tic had melted to tlie shape of the had caught their heads In an ap­ sessions will discuss the problems mittee are Mre. Charlee iAthrop, One night recently a young man finally the friend said, " I ’ll tell pipe, and wa:^ ' stuck there— the plesauce maker. o f water eonaervation, which ‘is on Mrs, Floyd Alcox, Mrs. Earl Clif­ The postponed meeting of the was brought there after being in­ }rou what let's do. You insure one dough did not rise, but cooked to the national agenda of the League New York, Jan. 27 (yp)— ford', Mrs. David Grossman, Mrs. Board of Directors of the Red volved in a minor automobile acci­ twin with, your company and the a hard lump. Friend husband, to In That Order? of Women Voters, with emphasis New York, Central stock James Darby, Mrs. John Tierney, Cross. Manchester chapter, sched­ dent. A few minutes later another other agent can insure my other ease m y disappointment, said, Third graders at the Bowers on basic water resources. A com­ Mra. Frank Obremekl, Mrs, Emqat opened at {15.37 a share to­ uled for earlier this month, will man, an.xious to know the con­ youngster.’”’ "Give it to the birds in the morn­ School last week were asked what prehensive presentation of a pro­ Bamea, Mre. James Gleason, Mrs. day after a delay of an hour be held Tuesday evening at 8 dition of his friend, called and And that’s the way it Went—al­ ing.” He was right, it was for the they liked best about school. gram 6t eonaervation based on a Charlee Tarpinlan and Mrs. Charles and a half while specialists on o’clock at the chapter office. asked, "How bad off is the man though. needless to say, a certain birds. One little girl’s reply was, "Mu­ liver baain ayatenx coordinated Washington, Jan. 27 (/P)— ^talrllnera and Soviet Jet llnera like Ponticelli, club president. who was just brought in from the What hurt even more was the sic, vacations, holidays and the with a water shed system, which Is the Ruaaian t t l 104. the stock exchange matched a Mideast amount of disappointment was Soviet Ambassador' Georgi Tickets will be available at the last day.” , The chief Soviet goal In the Center St. -accident?" registered by the agent’s manager, remark of my son, sitting at the believed by many experts to be the Miss Jean Blanchard Zarubin said today the United flood of buying and selling or­ door Monday evening, at the The attendant's reply: "All kitchen table, glancing through most practical and efficient in this negottattona which atarted Oct. 28 ders. Church of Assumption hall for Shortly thereafter the agent de­ shook up!” the recipe book; ’’Mommie, ■ why Column Closer ares, will be made by the panel.-A Chosen queen of Hq. and Hq. Co., States and Russia will sign waa to increaae and broaden the those wishing to enjoy an evening cided maybe he was in the wrong The opening price was off business and is now operating an don't you ever try anything new?” In the Index to the Sears cata­ picture of financing for such a pro­ 1st Bn., 169th infantry Regiment, an agreement on stepped-up U.S.-Soviet exchange of people. of card playing. Mr, and Mrs. J. Playing for High Stakes I'm not signing this because I logue, "m arriage” is cross-refer­ gram will also be presented. The United Stateajiought primarily 12 cents from la.at Friday’s' Egypt Near E. McKeever will conduct the mili­ IBM machine which to date has Mias Jean Blanchard wilt compete cultural exchanges today. Dulles Cites A couple of weeks ago, a group not offered him a "tall, cool one.” hate to admit that I actually never enced to "welding.” On the panel will be Mrs. Jerome for the title of queen of the regi­ Save After NegoUaUona ‘ toward thia agree­ to atep up exchange of informa- close. tary whist. Setback will also be of area people gathered in East thought of the plastic melting, but A Non. Nathan, Mrs. Jack Goldberg, Mrs. ment atarted exactly three montha tion. I The original tranaaction waa played. Mrs. \V. G. McNally will ment' at the Military Ball Feb. 8 Hartford to organize opposition to then. I have an excuse— ” I ’m a Mark Krsvitz, Mrs. Leonard Sea- ago. The agreement today may have Mos^e on 12.000 aharca. This arrange for Uie prizes. Mrs. J. W. Difference at the State Armory in Hartford. Federation the toll being charged on the It was one of those conversa­ woman.” der and Mrs. James Cooper. Mrs. Mias Blanchard, a senior at Msn- Zarubin, who ia leaving Waahlng-1 a long-range effect on the poaaibil- repreaent-d a bunching of many Mobility of Stevens heads the refreshment Bulkeley Bridge.
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