niaiw bulletin, bend, okeoon, Thursday, may 22, 1 . ji PAHE 7 Uio front door of tho court houso In March 17, LEGAL NOTICES In 1914 nnd Juno 10, 1914, says the FISHWAYS WORK Ijciid, nnld county, at 2 o'clock la mada homestead nnd n,i.iiiinnit "Listen!" Good Judge tho afternoon of said day, soli at homestead entries Nos. 07.171 NOTICJJ TO CIIKMTOHH. public auction to tho highest lilddor, nnd In tho County for cash, tho rollowlng ihr,l.Ali llh 8W, 8B W Court of tho Htnto of described SB''4 8,'3- - property, trf-wl- tr s4 12; "And remember it, too." Orogoti for tho County of De- Tho north half raNBVW TO START SOON IN 'At) or Section KNK'i Ktt NWM NHVi. NH I schutes. Fourteen (Sec. 14) SWM NUM. NV, flHM M In Township 10, B. oMlango NR. In tho Mntter of tho Kslnto of Henry 10 K. li, T. 22 H. H. 8 K NWI. SUM The better the O, amy, Deceased. W. M. In Deschutes county, taken and quality of your lovlcd upon as iTOA1-- NWUNWM, Hoc. 18, Nollco Is hereby given that tho tho nronortv of tim 22 8. It. 9 E. WlUnmotto morldlan, ehew, the more you'll enjoy it. undorHlgned was said defendants, or as much thorcof lias STATE OFFICIALS WILL on Dm .iri iv .r may filed notlco of Intention to mnko May, 1910, appointed as bo necessary to satisfy tho final three-yea- r proof to administrator said Judgment In plain- establish INSPECT SITES. Ol 100 OSiniO or t 10 nbovn tinmml ,ln. favor of tho claim to tho land above described bo- Ml tiff against said In- You get more out of your to- ceased by I he count v Uulea f n... defendants, with foro II. C. Ellis, U 8. commissioner, terest thereon, together with all costs Ml schutos county, Oregon. at Ilend, Oregon, on tho 23rd day of bacco money, too you save ConM ruction Planned In Ojicn and disbursements that have or may May, 1919. Knflro Tlumifore, all persons holding accrue. part of it ffl claims against tho - Claimant names as witnesses! ' for something else. I)m('Iiii((m (o Salmon Hiieenlng estate of said de- B. E. HOI1KIITH, ' cmiseu nro norouy pro-so- ot Josoph C. nrown, of Bond, Oregon. A small chew of notified to Sheriff. ; this quality of DllclifN Kavo tho same, duly verified accord- Ilpbert anthcrgood, Robert K. Ordered lo Dated at Hond, Oregon, April 23rd, Eaton, George tobacco tastes good ing to Jaw, at the office of DoArmond 1919. E. Oratt, all of Ln und it Trout of Central Oregon. & Krsklnc, In tho O'Kano building, S'ISc Pino, Oregon. JJ Hond, Oregon, 7-- 1 JAS. BURGESS, lasts and lasts. attarnoys for tho ad- lc ministrator, within six 0772O Register. months from XOTICi: IOH PtfllMCATfO.V. (From Saturday's Dally.' tho (Into of tho first publication hereof. Not Coal Lands. Department of 08018 THE REAL TOBACCO Preparatory (o tho.liiHta'uutlon of K. K. tho Interior, U. 8. CHEW OUAV. Land Office at Lakovlow, Oregon, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. up dull ladders for Halmon In tho Administrator.,'.., of tho Kstnlo April Not Conl Lands, Put in two styles or (J. 1C, 1919. rlvor, provided for by appro- Henry Gray, Deceased. Is Department of tho Interior, V. 3. Dalo or first Notlco hereby lvon that Arthur priation by the laat k'glnlature, publlcatldn, Moy 10, D. Olscn of Camp Lewis, Land Otflco at Lakevlow, Oregon, short-cu- J910- - Washington, RIGHT CUT is a t 10-1- 4c April 15, 1919. tobacco MoRtor who on Juno 11th, 1914 mado homo-stoa- d Fish Warden It. K. Clanton Notlco Is hereby given that James W-- entry No. 07720, for northwest B fine-c- ut and Htnto Oatno Warden Carl I). NOTKH Ol." O. Hoffman or La Oregon, CUT is a long tobacco COSTKHT, quarter, Section 1C, Township 21 8. Pino, who Shoemaker will, In company with Department of tho Interior, United on August 28th. 1914, mado homo-stea- d States hand Kongo 10 E. Willamette morldlan, Deputy DlBtrlct O, Had-le- y, office, Lakovlor, Oregon, entry No. 08018 ror BV4 Warden W. has filed notlco of intention to make NE. April 22, 1919. three-yea- N14 Section 10, Township make art Inspection of tho flsh- - final r proof to establish SEi, 22 1 To William It. Chlpp of Hond, Ore- 8. Rnngo 10 E. Willamette morldlan. ,way altos about the end of the pres gon, contentee- - claim to tho land nbovo described boforo his commanding officer pur- has filed notlco ot Intention to mako ent month, Mr, lludley You aro hereby final threo-yea- r proof announced notified that suant to tho Act of Oct. C, 1917. to establish TUCK WINS FOR REDMOND hero this morning. Thoy will Charles F. Whltmoro, who lvcs claim to the land nbovo described bo- ulso Dend, Oregon, Claimant names us witnesses who Rteps as bin postoffico ad- will glvo foro II. C. Ellis, U. S. commissioner, tako to have tho laddor at tho dress, did on their testimony boforo If. February 24, 1919, file C. Ellis, U. 8. nt Bend, Oregon, on tho 24th day C. O. I. dam thoroughly overhauled. in this ofIce his duly corrnlinri,.l commissioner, at Bend, of May, 1919. TRI-COUNT- Oregon, on May 23. 1919; Tho building Huh application to can-collati- IN Y TRACK of ladders at contest nnd securo Wm. E. IJoguo. Claimant names as witnesses: MEET or your John It. Sutllef. J. 11. Cllna fallR, Stool head faUn Dig homestead entry, I William Holllnshcad, William and ,No. F. Doguc, C, II. Clow, nil of La Pino. fnllR has boon advocated , jorj ,vo, 08C4C, made uregon, E. Bcesloy, William E. Boguo. David for several April r,. 191C, tor Wood, Orogom yours tho 88BU, sec. 7-- 1 II. all ot La Pine, pant by Mr. Hndley, who ruw lc JAS. BURGESS, 7-- Eight Dm In nnd two seconds wore Smith of or 2; NKVi. NBUNW'.i. XKU . hku 1 lc JAS. BUROESSr Redmond, Kidder Red tho need of Increasing the available Hectloh 11. township Rcglsterl nil Hint Arthur Tuck, inond. 22 south, rnngo Register. spawning grounds for salmon, nnd 18 t'asl, Willamette meridian, and-a- s gruunus OHt'JSl Redmond IiIkIi school athlete, could Grade Conijwtc. at tho samo tlmo filling the De iur lor nis contest lio alleges NOTICE OF SALE OF that Lam Informed tuid believe nnd NOTICE VOH PUBLICATION. TIMBER Hike In tho muull at Madras County results, wlnncru being schutes river with tho great food fish. therefore Not Coal Iinds. INI). stnto that tho said William Is un- 1 1 Department Notice hereby given by Saturday. In totnl scoro wait 4 6 given ln tho order of placing, arn Tho construction of ladders will In It, Chlpp resided on said lam! nniv ot tho Interior, U. 8. tho Land Offlco at Lakovlow, Oregon, dersigned, tho administrator of tho fts fojlowa: offcctromovo.lho natural obstacles about three months and not longer of points, easily sufficient to win the than four months April 21, 1919. estate John J. McGrath, deceased, CO-ya- which have kept the salmon from after ho filed on It. pursuant moot, even It hi team mate lind danli, grade llourlgan and then Notlco Is hereby given that Charles that to an order of the coming Into tho ujipcr river. abandoned the land and county court of Crook county, Ore- of Crook county, Grime of Deschutes never returned; ho never Thomas of La PJne, Oregon, who on not ndUcd eight inure polntn. Mad ma High Water Hlndcrx. that made October 14, 1914, gon, mado and entered on tho Gth day county, Culp of any Improvements or cultivation on mado homestead Mj'coniP'jilnco I, Jefferson county. High entry No. 08122 for Section of April, 1919, ho will sell at public IiIkIi school took with 40-ynr- water has prevented a care said. land,, except tho building SEtf. d dash, midgets of a auction to tho highest bidder at tho Whltmore ful study of condition at tho falls, housa. which he sold and had had 1, Township 23 8. Range 10 E. Wil- 3C points, llortil third with 22 und of Deschutes, Olrodo of Crook, lamette meridian, has filed of front door ot tho county court J, necesRnry before tho exact tht land, when ho loft notice houso in Bend, Deschutes county, Prlnuvlllu brought up tho rear with King of Jefferson, location samo" as nbovo Intention to mnko final thrco-yca- r and npcclllcatlotiR for 'tho laddors can stated, and does not proof to Oregon, on tho 19th day of May, 100-yar- d now csUfbllsh claim to the M. In tho grudo ttchoop division dash, graded Shattuck .over Intend to return to the land 1919, at 2 o'clock p. m.. all tho rlcht. bo decided on, but by tho end of tho ianu.. Timt nis or abovo described before E. L. Clark, Crook county Jefferson of Crook, Tuckta of Jorfcrson, Mc- abandonment tho v. a. titlo and Interest ot John J. McGrath, wosWflrytj month It U believed that tho river land was not, and Is not duo to his commissioner, at La I'lne, Ore- deceased, or In follow- nocond nnd Dpschuto'sPthlrd; Nooly of Deschutes. gon, on the 30th day of May, 1919. his estato tho Tho will bo low enough to pctmlt an In- employment or sorvlco In any ca- ing described premises, towit: winners In (ypltiK mid shorthand 100-yar- d danli, midgets King of pacity In the United States, nor to lit .iiaimam names as witnesses.' spection by tho state offlcallfl.
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