PAIGE 2 NEWS 3 OPINION 7 FEATURES 9 SPORTS 13 NOV. 10, 2010 Official Student Media of Valencia Community College 1 Nov. 10 2010 VOLUME 8 • ISSUE 14 VALENCIAVOICE.COM Official Student Media of Valencia Community College By Victor Ocasio [email protected] A masked man ducks and dodges between dingy streets and alleyways, seeking to vanquish evil wher- ever it appears. His gadgets are ready, his fighting skills honed, and his costume complete. He is the su- perhero of Winter Park, Master Legend. But unlike his inked counterparts of Marvel and DC, Master Legend is very real. He is part of the growing international community of real life superheroes who have, in recent years, gained popularity due to the slew of comic movies that have been flooding the mainstream market. But the overall message of these masked heroes is much bigger than mere imitation and role-playing. “The real life superhero thing is about getting out there, being ready to fight evil, jumping into action and putting your life on the line if you have to,” said Master Legend. “You have to accept that fact as a superhero.” Continued on page 9 PAIGE 2 NEWS 3 OPINION 7 FEATURES 9 SPORTS 13 NOV. 10, 2010 Official Student Media of Valencia Community College 2 Contents Latin American Student Association brings cultures together JFK nephew speaks at Rollins College Students played a game of limbo, The general gossip of people, places and 3 things with Paige Branson lots of food and crazy hats!! Diversity on 5 campus “Holidays are always my favor- ite time of the year...Whether it’s John F. Kennedy’s Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines, 10 ‘Superheroes Anony- or even birthdays...My family and I nephew visits Rollins mous’ director speaks are always celebrating family tradi- tions!” -PB College! Tuskers back 14 in race Book Watch: “Nature is the infrastructure of our community.” Harry Potter Quidditch -Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Superheroes!! “I personally believe that we should all be more aware and concerned with about being better ‘energy entre- Director Ben Goldman preneurs!” - PB produces a documentary about real life superhe- roes...Will Zombies be Upcoming movies: next? 1. Unstoppable - 11/12 “Southern Gothic ideas, court proceed- “A superhero at Valencia.... ings, protests and capital punishment.... 2. Morning Glory - 11/12 Do you know ‘That Guy’?!” This sounds like a great book!” -PB 3. The Next Three Days - 11/19 -PB 4. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows “I cannot wait for the X-Box 360 updates with ESPN release of the new Harry Paige: I think we should create a team at Valencia..Don’t Potter movie!” -PB “I never have time to play you think that would be epic? games and i’ve never had Veronica: I’m down!! an interest but from what I hear...Xbox 360 has tons of Paige: Really? great games!” -PB Veronica: When can we start? Release date: 11/19 PAIGE 2 NEWS 3 OPINION 7 FEATURES 9 SPORTS 13 NOV. 10, 2010 Official Student Media of Valencia Community College 3 Kennedy encourages the ACHIEVEMENTS: — Harvard University graduate. community to conserve — Holds a Masters Degree in Environmental Law. — His published books are “Crimes Against Nature” (2004), “St. Francis of By Veronica Figueroa Assisi: A Life of Joy” (2005), “The Riverkeepers” (1997), and “Judge Frank M. [email protected] Johnson, Jr: A Biography” (1977). Nephew of late president John F. Kennedy, — Helped lead the fight to turn back the anti-environmental legislation Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was present at Rollins during the 104th Congress. College for its Winter Park Institute event last Thursday night. — Named one of “Time” magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success “Nature is the infrastructure of our commu- helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. nity,” Kennedy began. John F. Kennedy, Jr. was introduced by Lewis Duncan, Rollins’ fourteenth president, as a “de- fender of the environment.” Kennedy, Jr. has been a environmental activist for over 25 years. Kennedy shared a testimony of a trip he made to the Appalachian Mountains. He said that during the Bush administration Get down to 1.4 million acres of that area had been flat- Veronica Figueroa / Valencia Voice tened by 22-story high drag-lines. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. spoke to the Rollins College audi- business with “They are cutting down one of the richest ence about environmental issues, Thursday night. ecosystems in our country that has over 80 dominant tree species,” he said. His perfect solution to conserve energy is Columbia College. He expressed in his lecture that global to build a national marketplace that rewards warming and the acidification of the ocean good behavior, which would be efficiency. are two of the greatest environmental issues “Every American can be turned into an energy “Columbia College’s price was right, schedule that the Earth is facing. entrepreneur.” was perfect and location was convenient. “According to a ten year study, most fresh The Rollins College Winter Park Institute is Columbia College had everything I was looking for and more.” water fish have a dangerous amount of mercu- a program very similar to Valencia Commu- ry in them,” he said. “Most of the key creatures nity College’s Visions and Voices. They are Marie Linda Celestin ‘06 in the ocean need a certain pH level in the wa- both programs in which intellectuals from a Bachelor’s degree in business administration ter in order to form shells. When we make the broad range of expertise come and share with water acidic, our oceans will become impover- the students or teach master classes. On campus. Online. Or both. ished and most of these species will cease to To find out more about Kennedy’s activism, exist. This is all happening very fast.” go to robertfkennedyjr.com. Toll free: (877) 999-9876 • www.ccis.edu/realpeople 2600 Technology Dr. • Orlando, FL PAIGE 2 NEWS 3 OPINION 7 FEATURES 9 SPORTS 13 NOV. 10, 2010 Official Student Media of Valencia Community College 4 UCF Cheaters By Don Lee and Christi Parsons Tribune Washington Bureau Surge in jobs comes as Obama departs for trip By Luis Zaragoza ANNUAL recovery may be regaining some of the five years, but his Asia trip, which in- Close to 600 students in a senior-level busi- The Orlando Sentinel Jobless 10 9.3% momentum lost in the spring. cludes pursuing a free trade agreement ness course at University of Central Florida must 8 The decline of the construction indus- with South Korea and dealing with retake a midterm exam after a professor was rate 6 The U.S. economy last month unex- 4 try showed signs of bottoming, manu- the contentious issue of China's cur- tipped off to cheating on a midterm exam. 4.2% pectedly produced the biggest burst of Percent of civilian 2 facturing continued to expand, and rency at the Group of 20 summit, will Students who admit to cheating will be given labor force that new jobs since last spring, raising hopes 0 auto sales were stronger than expected. be fraught with political risks, both the chance to complete the course if they attend is unemployed, ’99 ’09 an ethics seminar, Professor Richard Quinn told of stronger hiring ahead and giving a by month, Meantime, the Federal Reserve's an- abroad and at home. students Those who don’t step forward will be boost to President Barack Obama as he seasonally nouncement Wednesday that it plans to Much of the trip's message will be found out anyway, Quinn promised during an embarked on a 10-day trip to Asia that adjusted: 9.6% buy an additional $600 billion in Trea- crafted for a domestic audience. The emotional lecture. will focus on creating new opportuni- sury bonds to stimulate spending and White House is working on making 10 The incident, Quinn told students, has left him ties for American workers. investment also has added to hopes of a statements and generating pictures “physically ill, absolutely disgusted” and “com- But Friday's jobs report laid bare the 8 stronger recovery. and videos that stress the central mis- pletely disillusioned” after 20 years of teaching. underlying challenge the president 6 Obama said Friday before depart- sion for the next two years: Obama's All the students, even those who didn’t cheat, faces as he tries to rev up the sluggish ing for India, the first stop on the Asia search for jobs. 4 must take the rewritten midterm exam by mid- economy as well as his own political swing, that the latest employment re- In India, Obama will be accompanied night Wednesday. Students who are found not fortunes after Tuesday's Republican 2 port was heartening. He noted that the by a large delegation of U.S. corporate to have cheated will be able to keep the higher landslide in the midterm congressional 0 private sector has added jobs for ten executives. The White House is hoping score of the two. elections: Obama remains committed Oct. Oct. straight months, including more than to have specific announcements about An investigation is under way to determine to the idea that the key to prosperity ’09 ’10 100,000 in each of the last four months, business deals consummated during how students got their hands on the exam for Americans is greater participation © 2010 MCT while also acknowledging that the job- the president's travels, including the key in advance. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in the global economy, but he has yet less rate remained "unacceptably high." possible sale of as many as 10 Boeing Someone anonymously dropped off a copy of to convince millions of Americans that Now, with little chance of getting a C-17 military transport planes to the In- the exam key at Quinn’s office not long after the his strategy will return them to finan- The economy needs to create about 7.5 newly Republican-controlled House dian government.
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