Louisiana;Memphis, Tenn.; WGOK Mobile, Ala WBOK, Both Wash- Ington; 15% of Community Tv Systems in Aber- Tions

Louisiana;Memphis, Tenn.; WGOK Mobile, Ala WBOK, Both Wash- Ington; 15% of Community Tv Systems in Aber- Tions

Danville Ill. Ownership: WITZ and W1TE: ley City, KBMB -TV Bismarck all N. D., and Group Ownership CONTINUED Gilbert E. Metzger, John R. Ax and Louis C. KXAB -TV Aberdeen, S. D. John W. Soler, Metzloff, each 331,1 %; WITY: Same owners president- general manager and principal stock- plus Dennis J. Keller, 25% each. holder. Jessica L. Longston Stations -KSAR Burley, Louis C. Metalof--See Metzger-Ax-Metzloff. Northeast Radio Network Stations (all fm)- Ida. (86 %); KSEM Moses Lake, Wash. (56 %); D. H. Mews-See Seaton Stations. WRRL Wethersfield, WRRE Bristol Center, KAYO Seattle, Wash. (32 %); KPUG Belling- WRRA Ithaca, WRRD DeRuyter, WRRC ham, Wash. (50 %) Mrs. Kathleen Brownlow Meyer Broadcasting Co. Stations- KFYR -AM- Cherry Valley all New York. Sale to Ivy Ward and R. E. Pollock, who are associated TV Bismarck, KUMV -TV Williston, and KMO'f Broadcasting Co. pending FCC approval (see with Mrs. Longston in some (TV) Minot, all N. D. William A. Ekberg, presi- Erdman Stations above). the ownership of dent. Ownership: Marietta M. Ekberg Trust )f these stations, own KRSC Othello, Wash. (Etta Hoskins Meyer, mother of Marietta Northern Tv Stations -KTFA (TV) Anchorage tfason Lonndy -See Sonderling Stations. 35.3 and others. and KTVF (TV) Fairbanks, both Alaska. Stock- Ekberg, trustee), %, holders: A. G. Hiebert, 31.4 %; William J. Robert O. Lnkkason -See Community Radio. Midnight Sun Broadcasting Stations -KFAR- Wagner, 9.93% of KTFA (TV), 7.1% of KTVF Joseph L., Kenneth P., and John T. Maguire. AM -TV Fairbanks, KENI -AM -TV Anchorage, - Hill, presi- (TV), and others. See Miners Broadcasting. KTKN Ketchikan, all Alaska. Harry Northwestern College Stations-KTIS -AM -FM Nalco Theatres Stations-WTMV (TV) Utica, dent; Alvin O. Bramstedt, general manager. Minneapolis, Minn.; KNWS Waterloo, Iowa, N. Y.; WAMT (TV) Memphis, Tenn., and Ownership: Lathrop Co., 80.6% and others. and KFNW Fargo, N. D. KMPT (TV) Oklahoma City, Okla Stockhold- Midwestern Broadcasting Co. Stations -WTCM, George W. Norton Stations-WAVE -AM -TV ers: M. A. Ltghtman, 51.18 %, and others. WPBN -TV Traverse City, WTOM -TV Cheboy- Louisville, Ky., and WFIE -TV Evansville, Ind. Martin Theatres of Georgia--WTVM (TV) Co- gan, WATT Cadillac, WATC Gaylord, WATZ lumbus, Ga., WTVC Alpena, and WMBN Petoskey. all in Michigan. Olean Broadcasting Corp. Stationa-WMNS and (TV) Chattanooga, Ownership: Les Biederman. 30 %; Edward Olean, WSET Glens Falls, WIPS Ticonderoga, Tenn. Ownership: E. D. Martin and R. E. Mar- 22.5 %; Drew McClay 15% William all New York. Ownership: Donald W. Merri- tin 50% . Biederman, Jr.. each Kiker, 16.25 %; Fred Zierle, 16.25. man, 50 %; James C. Gleason, 10 %; Daniel S. Mathis Staffons-WSJC Magee, WCPC Hous- Miller Newspapers. Soudera, 10 %; Herman C. Mosch, 10 %; F. Ken- ton and WXTN Lexington, all Miss. Owner - Paul -See Gannett yon Reed, 10 %. ship: Marvin, Robin and Ralph Mathis. WSJC: Miners Broadcasting Stations -WPAM Potts- Oliver Broadcasting Corp.-See Community 75 %; WCPC: 62.5 %; WXTN: 90 %. ville, WLSH Lansford and WMBA Ambridge, Broadcasting. Mattson Stations -WXXX and 25% of WDAM- all Pa. Joseph L., Kenneth F. and John T. TV Hattiesburg. WAML Laurel and WABO Maguire and John W. Angst. J. E. O'Neill Stations -KJEO (TV) Fresno and WLUC KTRB -TV Modesto, both Calif. Owned 100% by Waynesboro, all Miss. David A. Matison Jr. Mining Journal Stations -WDMJ, -TV J. E. O'Neill. Herbert Mayer Stations -WXEL (TV) Boston Marquette, WMIQ Iron Mt., WIRN (TV) Wake- and WPHD (TV) Philadelphia. field, and WLST Escanaba, all Mich, and 50% Edward L. B. Osborne-See Coggins -Osborne. interest in WROD Daytona Beach, Fila. Frank Max Wendell Mayes Stations -KBWD Brownwood, J. Russell Jr., principal stockholder. Osnos-See Woodward Broadcasting. KNOW Austin, KCRS Midland, 50% of KSNY James H. Ottaway Stations -WENE Bingham- Snyder, 40% of WACO Waco, and 50% of KXOL Anthony C. Morici-See Eilman -Morid . ton-Endicott, N. Y.; WDOS Oneonta, N. Y.; Fort Worth, all Tex., and 50% of KTOK Okla- Mormon Church-See Corp. of President, WVPO Stroudsburg, Pa. homa City, Okla. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Merritt Owens -See Dandy. R. B. McCall Jr.-See Lamar Stations. Carleton W. Morris Stations -KSUN Bisbee, Pagan -Ray Stations -WBOK New Orleans J. Elroy McCaw Stations-WINS New York, KNOG Nogales, and KHFH Sierra Vista, all ICAOK Lake Charles WXOK Baton Rouge, all KTVR (TV) Denver, KTVW(TV) Tacoma, Arizona. KYOK Houston Tex., and WLOK KELA Centralia -Chehalis (50 %), Morrison -Quirk Grain Corp. -See Seaton Sta- Louisiana;Memphis, Tenn.; WGOK Mobile, Ala WBOK, both Wash- ington; 15% of community tv systems in Aber- tions. WyyXOK, WLOK and WGOK are owned Jointly deen, Astoria, Kenewick and Pasco, Wash., and Morgan Murphy-Walter C. Bridges Stations and 3.8% of Concert Network Inc. (see above). WEAU-AM-FM-TV Eau Claire, WISC- AM -FM-- KAOK and KYOKiar by Messrs. Pyaglin, McClatohy Broadcasting Co. Stations -KFBK- TV Madison. WMAM, WLUK -TV Green Bay - Ray and Ed Prendergast, Thomas Gresham AM -FM Sacramento, KMJ-AM -FM -TV Fresno, Marinette, all Wis.; KVOL Lafayette, La.; 62% and others. KERN-AM -FM Bakersfield, KBEE -AM -FM Mo- of WLUC -TV Marquette Mich. Morgan and B. J. Palmer Stations WOC-AM-FM-TV desto, all Calif.; KOH Reno, Nev. Headquar- Elizabeth Murphy own 64.6% and Mr. Bridges Davenport, WHO- AM -FM -TV- Des Moines KMA ters: 21st & Q, Sacramento 4, Calif. Eleanor 18.6% of WEAU stations: Murphys, directly Shenandoah, all Iowa and KFAB, KMTV (TV) McClatchy. president. and indirectly, own 50% of WISC stations; 50% Omaha, Neb. B. J. and D. D. Palmer own 85.9% of KVOL stations. Mr. Bridges owns 74% of of WHO stations and WOC -TV, 100% of WOC- Drew McClay -See Midwestern Broadcasting. WJMC -AM -FM Rice Lake and WHSM Hay- AM-FM, and minority interests in KMA, KMTV .< ward both Wisconsin. Sale of WEAU and and KFAB. C. A. McClure Stations -WCHK Canton and WISC pending FCC approval (See Walker Sta- WGBA Columbus, both Ga.: WULA Eufaula, Dave M. Palmer Aaron B. Robinson. Ala. tions below). -See Herman C. Mooch-See Olean Broadcasting. Peoples Broadcasting Stations (Nationwide In- Tracy S. McCraken -See Frontier Broadcasting. surance Co.) -WRFD Worthington, Ohio; , Cecil G. Murdock -See Aaron W. Robinson WTTM Trenton, N. J.; WMMN Fairmont, W., John McCrary -See Cyril W. Reddoch. Nail Corp. Stations - KPTV (TV) Portland, Va.; WGAR -AM -FM Cleveland, Ohio; WNAX. M. McDonald Ore., KCOP (TV) Los Angeles and KOBY San Yankton, S. D., and KVTV (TV) Sioux City, J. Jr.-See Seaton Stations. Francisco. Purchase of KCOP and KOBY pend- Iowa. Ownership: Peoples Broadcasting is sub - Ralph J. McElroy-See Black Hawk Broad- ing FCC approval. Ownership: Paul V. Shields, sidiary of Nationwide Insurance Co. casting. chairman; John G. Bannister, president; Ken- yon Brown, director, broadcasting div. For Mr. Ralph Perry Peres -See American Colonial r D. A. McGee -See Kerr -McGee Stations. Brown's holdings, see under his name above. Broadcasting. Donald. Lloyd C. McKenney Stations -KMDO Fort P. Nathanson -See Rocky Mountain. Perry Stations - WJHP -TV Jacksonville. Scott, Kan; KRMO Monett, KBHM Branson National Theatres Stations- WNTA- AM -FM- WNDB and WESH -TV Daytona Beach, both (50 %), both Mo. TV Newark, N. J. (New York City) WDAF- Fla. Ownership: WJHP -TV is owned 100% by , AM-TV Kansas City, Mo.; KMSP -T.' Minne- John H. Perry Jr.; WNDB is 40% owned by McLendon Stations -KLIF Dallas, KILT -AM- apolis, Minn. National Theatres also owns Mr. Perry and his family; WESH -TV is 50% FM Houston, KTSA San Antonio, all Texas; motion picture chain. Officers: John Bertero, owned by Mr. Perry and 50% by his brother, KABL Oakland, Calif.; WAXY Louisville president; B. Gerald Cantor, chairman, execu- Farwell Perry. Ky. and KEEL Shreveport, La. Barton R. tive committee; Charles L. Glatt, radio -tv di- C. Wrede Petersmeyer -See Corinthian. McLendon, chairman of board; Gordon B. vision. National Theatres owns 100% of WDAF McLendon, president; W. S. Morgan Jr., vice stations and approximately 90% of WNTA sta- Edward Petry Co. -See Transcontinent. president national sales manager; C. W. tions and KMSP -TV. Last two are in name of Herbert L. Pettey-See Dolph- Pettey. Weaver Flower Odom, Jack Lee, Jack Fiedler. National Telefilm Assoc., of which National Richard Wilcox, Glenn Callison, James Foster Theatres owns 90 %. NTA is program producer John H. Phipps Stationa-WCTV (TV) Thom- and Don Keyes, vice presidents. and operates National Telefilm Network. Note: asville, Ga. and WPTV (TV) West Palm Sale of KMSP -TV to 20th Century -Fox Film Beach, Fla. McLendon Ebony Stations -WOKJ Jackson. Corp. FCC Miss.; KOKY Little Rock, Ark.; KOKA Shreve - pending approval. David P. Pinkston Stations-KDAV Lubbock, port, La..; WENN Bessemer. Ala. John M. Nationwide Insurance Co. -See Peoples Broad- KPEP San Angelo, KZIP Amarillo, all Tex.; McLendon and associates. casting. KPIK Colorado Springs, Colo. Mr. Pinkston owns 50 %. Leroy Elmore owns 50% of KDAY, Bob McRaney Stations -WAMY Amory, WROB NBC Owned Stations -WRCA- AM -FM -TV New KPEP and KPIK. West Point (50 %) and WONA Winona (50 York WRC- AM -FM -TV Washinggton WMAQ all Mississippi. %), AM- 'M, WNBQ (TV) Chicago, WRC' -AM -TV Plough Inc. Stations -WMPS Memphis, Tenn.; ). Philadelphia, KNBC -AM -FM San Francisco, WJJD Chicago, Ill.: WCOP -AM -FM Boston, Edward Menden -See Star Broadcasting Sta- KRCA (TV) Los Angeles, WKNB -WNBC (TV) Mass.; WCAO -AM -FM Baltimore, Md.; and tions. New Britain, Conn.; (Sale of WKNB -WNBC WPLó -AM -FM Atlanta, Ga. Harold R. Kral- (TV] pending FCC approval.) WAMP -AM -FM stein, president, broadcasting subsidiaries. Meredith Publishing Co. Stations-KCMO-AM- Pittsburgh, Pa. All represented by NBC Spot Ownership: Abe Plough, 13.9% and others. FM-TV Kansas City Mo.: KPHO -AM-TV Sales.

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