Stick Together Tuneintonlsht

Stick Together Tuneintonlsht

^ . 'Ill SYRACUSE, HERALD JOURNAL, Wednesday, Octobor4iHl950^J: I ','40 1 ^•^^^^^^^^•^^^^^^^•^^^^••••••••••••^••B ^•••••^hfl^Hl4HlVAB^^'^P^P49^VI^BB^^4H|IIIBVHtf A^^btVMitl>4MVVIiil4ilV|bBkfi|f|tf>4Hil1hi|ti|iB|iVi^^ ! k - ••' . • .^f the morning'telecasts'o£ the United . No. 26RL-1925 has been: Issued to the un- Nations sessions. liersicncdwsell wine and liauor, at'retail AUTOMOBILE < B — i Stick Together in a club, under, the Alccholic^everage Con- AUTOMOBIL^^*^™™^* ^™''*™ *******'*****«*w»i^*««i»**^»Ej '••..'.: '*-..'* '•'•*-.' ,•••'," RAD I TIMETABLE trol Law. at 737 Grand AvenuK Syracuse, Autos':for Sale c Onondasa County. New York,,Ior on- Autos' for 'Sale and "The.Halls of Ivy," theme sonff The Herald-Journal '« not responsibly for last mi'nute 1 ises consumption. •..' - ! iKUCK 2-Dioj;....,, „„ ...... S 65 4-door ers Ray Green and Bill Kezia'n and M , r* \i .../ ......... ,$145 heater. A real buy; $2g; of the NBC radio show co-star- .: V. .V . ring Mr, And • Mrs. • Ronald Col- in-'radio anil television programs made 'by stations Quarterback Carson Leach of Duke Luisi's Club Flarainso, fU^tfmtt* Hide Trouble Free V/ith : V37 Grand Ave.. • •*«••*! '•* " mau (\VSVU, 8 tonight), is now University all .played in the NortI • • • ft « »*••**•••$ V i D Carolina state high, school cham- FOKD—Ml Tudor.....; ,$395 OODGC-.1D4? t Custom •on the .market, in record and TODAY'S RADIO AND TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS , - - .- —.has been issued to the un- rLYMOUTH~.'41 Club Coupe $445 Heater, defroster. , airloam cush pionship football game at •Winston- dersieneft d to/sell .wine :A;id liquor at retail sheet music form. Like the show l"i restaurant.:under ,the Alcoholic 3tv- other extras. ::A5kinr : »805. g it hails from, the' disc is a big 7:45 I'.M.— WHKN*— The Perry t'omo Show, music, with Mindy; Carson, cucst vocalist. Salem. in 194S when Fayetleville Law,; Rl-580,: South Salina Not junk. Eveiy one In good running . > :• DODGE— 1937 By THOMAS D. COOUCAN ' 8:00 P.M.— U'SVH-TV— Four Star Rcvut, starring comedian Danny Thomas. ' Syracuse. OnondacaV County, New condition •••... r RADIO AND HEATER— $50 hit with listeners. defeated Burlington, 14-13. Green York, for, on-pre mi set; consumption. : _ - PHONE 2-9547 . DANNY'THOMAS, who gave up i * w , "* 8:00 P.M.— \VSVK-~The Halls of Ivy, co-slarrins Mr. and Mrs. Uonala Colman. kicked the extra points that won . !^ IRVING :HURWIT2.,. , !-; ' E. J.ARNSTINE CO. 8:30 r.M.— \VSYK— The Great Gllderslccve with Willard Waterman, Marylec Hobb. FORD— 1949 Pordor Sedan, ; Loaded: a steady job selling peanuts, pop- THE RING Crosby Show, sched- for Fayelteville and Koziah anc Irvine's Tap; Room. 580 S. Saljna St. 724 \V. \Gen,escc, st, ' 3-3859, radio, air conditioning, extra Unhts. 9:00 r.M—WSVIt—You Bel Vour Ufe, comedy mti* show, wllh Groucho Marx. Loach performed for Burlington, , , - Open Evenings side view mirror., plastic covers, over- corn and candy, in a Toledo theater uled to begin its 1950-51 season last a-.DO P.M.—.WSYIl-TV—Television Theater, dramatic auiz shew, with Jane Sutherland. CITATION TO PROVE WILL A.sood Place to do business. drive./ A: one: 'owner, low mllease Wednesday ni^ht, but cancelled P.M.—WFBL— The Binr Crosby Show, with Bob llovc and Judy Garland, guests. 1HE PEOPLED or the State of New York.- by , Buick, 1942.• Spec.: Sedettc. R..H.. per- car In exceptionally fine condition. for a chance to see the audience. the crace ot God/ free and independent^ feet condition.: 2-tonc gray. J595. Cost nearly $2.200 new; Si. 570. 1/3 because' o£ the death of Bine's 10:00 P.M.— WSYK-TV— Break the Bank! «ulz show, with Bert parks, emccc. McNamee vs. Lof gi-an rp Ada Gates, distributee. 312 N. Townsend :, Chevrolet,, liKl Club Coupes (2). R.. flown. 20 months to pay. Glen Bur- from the stage, makes his TV (father, will start tonight on WFBL 11:00 P.M.— WH£\— Holiday Hotel/variety ihow, with. Don Ameche, emcee. ^ Syracuse. ;N. ,,Y.: National Surety , H. , Take your pick. $595. dick fifties & Service. North Syracuse. Plymouth. 1941. 2-door. R., «., ?495. Dial 3-S320 . Ope nL , Mori.. , Wed.. Pri. CorP.,.surety on bond. Hills Bid*.. Syracuse. r' bow on WSYR-TV at S tonight. at 9:30. Bob Hope and Judy Gar- NEW VOKK {^)--Two former Au< re ,: Pontiac. 1940 Club Coupe. R., H Real eves. - till 8:30.: . : ,••:• • University ot-San'-Fancisco team- iS'i-bVi * w>.Grover.:; creditor. 812 Ren- sharp. J495. , Starring vehicle for, the whims- land will be guesting. wjck Ave,. Syracuse, N.'iY.i -Syracuse Home Fprcl. 1939 Tudor. A-l condition, $295. FOED— 1949 Custom Sedan. Radio, « * . # mates will be, opposing each other Association, creditor. 212 N. Townsend St.. Plymouth. 1939. 4-door. 1195 heater. Good condition- Will sacri- ical, multi-accented comedian, is Syracuse, ;N. rY.; Wallace^ Van Dusen S1.250. Call 4-8838. :_ SONGSTRESS JO STAFFORD in : National aBsketball Association astributcc;:,. unknown; James Van DuW Ford. 1937-60" Tudor. :jH5." the NBC Four Star Revue, a one- distributee, unknown:, Jane Wise, distribu- Poatiac. 1937. 4-door. $95 FORD— 1940 Custom de luxe ?ordor. will start a worldwide broadcast play this season. And both men are SHELL'S USED CARS Very, low mileage; Just ;like new; hour musical comedy show which 1 K 22_9_N. West St.. Cor. Park Av^J-SS23 heater and seat covers, undercoatlnsr, over the State Department's Voice centers. Joe McNamee signed with A real cood buy. Will trade/ B ft B took the airlanes for the first time Rochester while pbn Lofgran, fel- BUIck 1S50 Special De Luxe 4-boTr" Aato Sales Co.. corner Jackson and last week. of America in the next two weeks. 1 Fully equipped, low mileage. Su- The 15-minute weekly series will low Don, is playing for Syracuse. or. any "of them be dead, then'-to"' their perbly clean. S2CO under 1 ist. 74-7272. Montgomery., Ph. • 2-5460. , Open eves. Thomas shares the star credits I i- be aimed particularly at the young distributees, legatees. devisees.<heirs-at-law. FORD— 1948 convertible Radio, heat- with; Ed Wynn, Jimmy Durante next; or kin. executors, administrators and The Best Buys at er, Columbia overdriv: e Goins In the people behind the Iron Curtain. VERSATILE LINEMAN assisnu. it any there be. all of whose names. 'service.- Musi 5ell. .4-6516. _ and Jack Carson, who rotate as .(. _•_ *»i * Places of residence and, POSUoffice ad- : dresses are unknown aad canno". after due Jimmy's,Auto Saies FOHD— 1935 , Coupe. Extremely cood 'STATE COLLEGE, Pa. CUP)— •-:.;-.• i _ *,: condition throuchout. headliners of the show once a diliKcnce and riilicent inquiry therefore be : month. HaUback Owen: • Dougherty is the ascertained. r..;_". v.; -.., <;. •, ...: •'.- • : Low Overhead . ,CALL 5-8634. •i i i A. A. MILXE'g satirical comedy only ; Penn State.\, letterman, who Doe. and,Mary Roe., the names FpRD—1910 2-DOOR. EXCELLENT The versatile comedian of night 'Joh. n Doe" . and^'Mar. y Roe" beint. t fictitious ,:,; ,, 1-pw-Priced Cars MECHANICAL CONDITION. R. & H. on English society and business, plays both offense; and fehese this and used, !Wr designate : the 'distributees, GOQ_p_jrinES..; S3S5. 0-1855 . _ clubs, stage and movies, has just :i : :i t and next or kin or Benjamin I '4lBV,ick; Club^'Convertiblc, '. "The Great Broxopp," will be pre- ; season. : , -- ;-^i\ii/:i';;.. ;:: : • • • • . • ' : f FORD—'S? Tudor "35",. Special at ?95 completed a starring role in a S^VanDusenTdeS " i«i S iSi^SS???^ ••••,-.•.. 53H5 ~ sented 'On NBC Television Theater Carson. 7:45 ThomasV;*--! '8:007.^Sutherland,:,9:0ll_l^ 'J * 0J l Hope™;^ 9:30 1 oor nice a : new motion picture, "Call Me of whose, names. v places of residence and <.?,ST^Jj^F" " n ' sef r S"covPe«-S30a JOLEN MOTORS » L . ...ii post office:iaddresses;are unknown and can- % AA ^V.H«;- ^', J : ^s.S375 over WSYR-TV at- 9 tonight, fea- PUBLIC NOTICE : 33 cu nalnt anri . .. E. OPenE___ v es. 5-8 32 8 Mister." His other film assign- lot; after due-diligence and diUgetU, inquiry ^t , 'SSSSI*r ." turkig -Chester Stratton. Faith ".J NOTICE IS HEREBY >;GIVEN: that License therefore be ascertained, and to all'persons ••& r^I, JiS f 5 K FORD— 1949 Custom '8' Tu<Tor, Radio ments were "The Big City," and WSYR-FM No. 26CL-56 has,: been .Issued to the un- merested in the estate of:Benjamin S. Van ' ->« pi,?"^ ?i T?,oor' neu "r"" •- heater, seai covers, white wall tires. Brook. -Philip Tonge, Rex'O'Mal- dersiBned. to s»:U wine: arid liquor: at retail 3 m oor n "The Unfinished Dance. 1\- Dusen; late of;,the; City, of, Syracuse, in saiti I l^ft °^.,i^ ' " clutch Puncture proof tubes. 8,600 actual ley, Michael Dreyfus and Jane \VSYR WAGE (iiS WNDR H2G01 \VOLFU430) in a club, under the 'Alcoholic Beverage Con- County ;ol Onond^sa,':N<?W: York, deceased, miles. Private sftle. Phone 72-0888 or Remembered for his portrayal Sutherland. National ;."[ American :;--;k^MutuaI ' ; ^Columbia trol Law, at HOG West.Genesee Street. Syra- either asicredltor&'/lcftatees. distributees or t"D°0r ' ' • '' ............. ._ rd. : '-*"*—*M'jr.i-l -' .." -"* cuse. Onondaea county.-JUc.w York, lor on- otherwise, send, Greetinfi:,'^i i-.> ; rd ,• Tudor;;, new .paint ..;,.. .575 of the renowned character Jerry * . * •• * :00 Girl-*Marnea MarkjiTrall Jim Deline : Mews. Box premlses consumptions 'V;^::. •••,-. Whereas;.;Ada ,Gates, .whofresides at 212 FORD— 1947 Tudor. Good mechanical MHe.^Vcsl;of Scivay on condition,: Special . .... ....... 51.075. Dingle on,the Fanny Brice—Baby • Hedda, Hopper starts a nft\v Portia;.^ :' ,.. Pop parade Jim pelme •• Juke Box :;• POLISH ARM Y vVfiTEttANS 'i ASSOCIATION North Townsend Street-in the;City of svra- Rd.

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