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Magazine celebrated the inaugural Innovator of theYe Yearar Awards,Awards, presented by Audi ZachZach Smith, Lauren Amster,Amster, Audi’sAudi’s BennyBenny Laurence, Kaitlin Bivins and AndreAndre RiveraRivera and Cartier at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.York. Emceed CourtneyCourtney Love with Klaus Beisenbach by Editor in Chief Deborah Needleman, the evening honored the winners featured in the November 2011 issue of the magazine. TheThe awards, created by Design Innovator JorisJoris Laarman, were given to Ai WeiweiWeiwei for Art, Bjarke Ingels for Architecture,Architecture, KatieKatie Grand for Fashion,Fashion, Elon Musk for Technology,Technology, SteveSteve Ells for Food,Food, and the Giving Pledge for Philanthropy. AwardsAwards were presented by leaders in each field.field. Photos by: Neil Rasmus/BFAnyc.comRasmus/BFAnyc.com Presenter Richard Saul WurmanWurman with ArchitectureArchitecture InnovatorInnovator Jason Wu and Julia FraucheFrauche BjarkeBjarke Ingels InnovatorInnovator AwardsAwards designed by Joris Laarman Presenter MarcMarc Jacobs and Deborah Needleman Design InnovatorInnovator Joris Laarman Emmanuel PerrinPerrin and Mercedes Abramo of Cartier with AnthonyAnthony CennameCenname MoMA’sMoMA’s AgnesAgnes Gund garden lobby Marina Abramovic, Julian Schnabel and Deeda Blair Presenter TomTom Sachs Boykin Curry,Curry, CelerieCelerie KembleKemble and CharlotteCharlotte MossMoss FashionFashion InnovatorInnovator Katie Grand,Ke Kevinvin Carrigan of Calvin Klein, Deborah Needleman, FashionFashion NewsNews EditorEditor Whitney VargasVargas and MarcMarc Jacobs Cartier displaydisplay Carl Icahn TechnologyTechnology InnovatorInnovator Elon Musk and mom, Mae Musk Caroline and SidneySidney Kimmel Get ON the LISt.LISt. BecOmeBecOme A WALLWALL StReetStReet JOuRNAL INSIDeR.INSIDeR. journalinsider.comjournalinsider.com AudiAudi displadisplayy FoodFood InnovatorInnovator SteveSteve Ells Presenter Jonathan Safran FoerFoer TomTom DelevanDelevan and LelaLela RoseRose A Service of The WallWall StreetStreet Journal AdvertisingAdvertising Department ©2012 Dow Jones & Company,Company, Inc. All rights reserved.reserved. 6AO1230 205578265.indd 2 12/27/11 3:05 PM 205578265.indd 3 12/27/11 3:05 PM FEBRUARYWSJ. MAGAZINE | ISSUE NO. 22 16 EDITOR’S LETTER critic Peter Meehan’s irreverent friendship. 18 BACKSTORY 33 MAKING IT 21 SOAPBOX Kirk Miller’s bespoke suits Anjelica Huston on fame, are infused with masculinity. fashion, love and time. 38 SKI, HIKE, SWIM 26 TRACKED Indulgent essentials for Movie mogul Brian a sporty getaway. Grazer’s first day on a very big job. 76 OPEN SECRET Within an Italian palace, 28 PARTNERSHIP a tiny study’s carved walls Chef David Chang and reveal secrets of a duke. 42 THE COURT OF COPPOLA The exquisite taste of Jacques Grange coupled with the very personal vision of Francis Ford Coppola have made a historic Italian palazzo a destination for the ages. BY RITA KONIG PHOTOGRAPHS BY JAMES MERRELL 50 THE JET SET Upending the stuffy image of private planes, the maverick father and daughter behind 42 58 VistaJet put a fashionable spin on luxury travel. BY STACY MEICHTRY ETA.COM. PHOTOGRAPHS BY ALEXIA S 54 BURIED TREASURE Afghanistan’s ancient cultural artifacts are in danger of being destroyed as digging begins on the extremely valuable copper mine that houses them. BY MARISA MAZRIA KATZ PHOTOGRAPHS BY LEON CHEW 58 THE LOOK OF SPRING Plan for the season ahead with the most coveted accessories from the designers of the moment. PHOTOGRAPHS BY ZOE GHERTNER STYLING BY POLINA ARONOVA 64 MADE BETTER IN JAPAN From perfect denim to three-star boudin noir— how the Japanese are mastering the art of iconic American clothing, French cuisine and more. BY TOM DOWNEY PHOTOGRAPHS BY TUNG WALSH 72 THIS WOMAN IS CHANGING THE WAY WE SEE ART With federal funding for the arts diminishing, Anne Pasternak is single-handedly spear- heading projects, to the delight of the public. BY MARSHALL HEYMAN PHOTOGRAPHS BY STEFAN RUIZ [COVER] Anjelica Huston photographed by C edric Buchet 26 in New York City. Hus ton wears a Michael Kors top and CLOCKWISE FROM BOTTOM: DARCY HEMLEY; JAMES MERRELL; ZOE GHERTNER. DRESS $1,600 CLUTCH $7,130 BANGLE $3,060 RING $320 BOTTEGAVEN David Webb earrings and ring. Styling by Tiina Laakkonen. February 2012 13 0212_WSJ_TOC_02.indd 13 12/20/11 4:25:00 AM Final_Ad_Grid_WSJ_Mag_Safety.indd 2 12/21/11 2:50 PM Final_Ad_Grid_WSJ_Mag_Safety.indd 3 12/21/11 2:50 PM Editor’s Letter FEBRUARY CULTURE CLUB E TRY TO MAKE A MAGAZINE ABOUT people and ideas that change how we think about the world. An ambitious but simple mission. WFrancis Ford Coppola’s fi nest hotel yet, the Palazzo Margherita (page 42), redefi nes luxury in a way that is restrained yet exquisitely comfortable. He and French interior designer Jacques Grange have married Moorish and Tunisian infl uences with an Italian aesthetic to create languid, 19th-century grandeur where you might imagine yourself the protagonist of a novel. Entrepreneur Thomas Flohr (page 50) is trying to give the conservative world of private jets a full fashion makeover by luring customers to his upstart VistaJet by the same means that bring them to part with money for luxury handbags: the creation of desire. Japan (page 64) once threatened to take over eve- rything from cars to electronics. Today it proff ers the goods other nations are most proud of, at a quality to rival the originals. In Japan they’re perfecting the art of American denim, Italian espresso and French cuisine. Lastly and mostly lovely, our cover girl, Anjelica Huston (page 21), is in a league of one, challenging conventional, often boring notions about beauty, career paths and what it means to be a woman in Hollywood. Everyone who met her at our shoot pretty much fell in love with her hon- esty and gameness. Let’s just say that doesn’t happen every day. Deborah Needleman, Editor in Chief [email protected] PERCEPTIONS An albero di castagno, or chestnut tree, in the Italian countryside, by artist Leanne Shapton. EDITOR IN CHIEF Deborah Needleman COPY CHIEF Kate Crane WEB EDITORS Allison Lichter, PUBLISHER Anthony Cenname CREATIVE DIRECTOR Patrick Li PHOTO EDITOR Damian Prado Robin Kawakami GLOBAL ADVERTISING DIRECTOR MANAGING EDITOR Brekke Fletcher ASSOCIATE EDITOR Adrienne Gaff ney EUROPEAN EDITOR Rita Konig Stephanie Arnold FASHION FEATURES DIRECTOR PRODUCTION MANAGER CONTRIBUTING EDITORS ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER/EUROPE Whitney Vargas Leah Phillips Doug Brod, Shawn Carney, Claudio Piovesana PHOTO DIRECTOR Nadia Vellam JUNIOR DESIGNER Alex Konsevick Michael Clerizo, Sara Ruffin Costello, BUSINESS MANAGER ART DIRECTOR Pierre Tardif FASHION ASSISTANT Mariana Belo Joshua Levine, Charlotte Moss, Julie Checketts EXECUTIVE STYLE EDITOR David Farber ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR David Netto, Kevin Sintumuang, SENIOR MARKETING MANAGER MARKET EDITOR Andrew Lutjens Alainna Lexie Beddie Dana Thomas Jillian Maxwell WSJ. Issue 22, February 2012, Copyright 2012, Dow Jones and Company, Inc. All rights reserved. See the magazine online at www.wsjmagazine.com. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. WSJ. magazine is provided as a supplement to The Wall Street Journal for subscribers who receive delivery of the Saturday Weekend Edition and on newsstands. WSJ. magazine is not available for individual retail sale. For Customer Service, please call 866-WSJ-MAGZ (866-975-6249), send email to mag.feedback@wsj .com, or write us at: 84 Second Avenue, Chicopee, MA 01020. For Advertising inquiries, please email us at [email protected]. For reprints, please call 800-843-0008, email [email protected], or visit our reprints Web address at www.djreprints.com. 16 February 2012 0212_WSJ_Edletter_02.indd 16 12/19/11 5:57:11 PM Backstory FEBRUARY From left: Vivien Leigh cocktail; Huston with photographer Cedric Buchet; Leigh p. 21 as Blanche DuBois; ANJELICA HUSTON Bowery Hotel Anjelica Huston was drinking a Vivien Leigh cocktail lobby bar; Levy. at the Bowery Hotel in New York when Ariel Levy met her. “We got to talking about how insane it is that in ‘A Streetcar Named Desire,’ Blanche DuBois, who is For the supposed to be a washed-up old mess and is frantic Bowery Hotel’s about being seen in harsh light, is 30 years old,” Levy Vivien Leigh drink recipe, says. Huston is now 60, and Levy, a staff writer at visit wsj.com. “The New Yorker” and author of “Female Chauvinist Pigs,” is 37. A sign of the times perhaps, but no one would consider these women past their prime. From left: Merrell; gnocchi; Filomena p. 42 THE COURT OF COPPOLA hard at work; Konig; European editor Rita Konig and photographer James a sketch of Mr. Merrell traveled to Southern Italy to fi lmmaker Francis Coppola’s room by Ford Coppola’s latest hotel, the Palazzo Margherita, Jacques Grange. where rooms start at 400 euros per night. Because it does not open until this month, they had the property to themselves, with all its royal grandeur, hospitality and on-demand Italian movies.
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