Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 12-9-1982 The BG News December 9, 1982 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News December 9, 1982" (1982). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4077. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4077 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. The weather Cloudy and cold today. High in the mid 20s. In- creasing cloudiness to- good night. Low in the low 20s. morning BG News Wedsnesday Bowling Green State University December 9, 1982 House criticizes Reagan's proposal to house deadly missiles together in Wyo. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Reagan Senate - would amount to "telling the administration, stung by House re- world we are disarming unilate- jection of production plans for the MX rally." missile, ran into stiff criticism in the In a television interview, the de- Senate Wednesday on its proposal to fense secretary conceded that "... bunch the deadly nuclear missiles some way we have not yet been able together in Wyoming. to convey to the American people or to "'The public is getting the idea the the Congress the really serious na- whole thing is a boondoggle," Sen. ture, the growing nature of the peril" Henry M. Jackson, D-Wasn., one of from the rapid Soviet arms buildup. the Pentagon's staunchest allies in Congress, told Secretary of Defense GEN. JOHN Vessey, chairman of Caspar Weinberger. the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified that "I don't think you realize the degree three of the four joint chiefs originally of trouble the MX basing mode is in opposed the "dense pack" plan, but now," Sen. Sam Nunn, iD-Ga.i, a one of those said he would agree to it if strong supporter of military spend- the plan would help with arms control ing, said as the Senate Armed Serv- efforts. The administration argues ices Committee began hearings. that a deployed MX missile puts the Sen. William Cohen, iR-Mainei. United States in a stronger position told Weinberger that a "political deci- for arms control talks. sion" had apparently been made to Edward Rowny, special representa- cancel the basing plan favored by tive for arms control negotiations, former President Carter in favor of said the MX was not merely a "bar- "a basing mode that is more environ- gaining chip," adding, "We need it for mentally acceptable but may not be our security, but once we get it, it does technically feasible." give us leverage." President Ronald Reagan vowed SEN. HOWARD Cannon, (D-Nev.), after the vote to "do everything I can winding up his service in the lame- to take this case to the country." duck session following his defeat in Senate Majority Leader Howard the November election, said he Baker, (R-Tenn.), said he expects the strongly supported the MX but not bill with the MX funds to be brought necessarily the so-called "dense up in the Senate next week. pack" plan for deployment near War- "We are somewhat stronger over ren Air Force Base, Wyo. here," said Baker, an MX supporter. Weinberger defended the feasibility Sen. John Stennis, (D-Miss.), the of the plan, which is designed to ranking Democrat on the Armed cluster the missiles so closely that in Services Committee, also supported the event of a Sovet attack the first the administration, which has dubbed exploding enemy warhead would de- the missile - originally called MX for stroy or cripple the rest of the ene- "missile experimental" - the Peack- BG News photo/Patrick Sandor my's warheads in a phenomenon eeper. -> D 11 Paul TnomPson'(le^') design and technology major, and Gordon Hamm. computer known as "fratricide." V_ampilS KOllCTS- science major, maneuver their way down the steps in front of the Student Services He said Tuesday's 245-176 House "IT MAKES no difference what you building Wednesday afternoon. The two freshmen took advantage of the unusually vote to delete $988 million for the first call it, if the Congress is not going to warm weather to sharpen their skateboard skills. five missiles - if sustained by the see MX page 7 Israelis, Lebanese clash in gun battle BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Israeli the pro-Syrian Alawites battled Pales- the Israeli-occupied city 25 miles were being ambushed, "fired back at army spokesman who said he wit- saries from Egyptian President Hosni and Lebanese troops clashed Wednes- tinian-backed Sunnis for dominance south of Beirut. the sources of the shooting," the com- nessed the clash, denied Lebanese Mubarak, Minister of State for For- day in their first firefight since the of Lebanon's second largest city, SO THE ISRAELI military command munique said. radio reports that the Israeli patrol eign Affairs Butros Ghali and Assis- June invasion. Two Lebanese soldiers miles north of Beirut. suggested that the Lebanese-Israeli tried to enter the compound. tant Foreign Minister Osama el-Baz, were killed and one Israeli was clash was accidental. The Lebanese However, a Lebanese communique Mubarak's chief political adviser, wounded in the 15-minute gun battle The Lebanese government radio command said it resulted from a said the shooting occurred during a THREE HOURS after the episode, conferred for three hours with Presi- near the Lebanese Defense Ministry also reported that Israeli troops heated argument. heated argument between guards at there was no sign of tension between dent Amin Gemayel after meeting in the Beirut suburb of Yarze. ringed tne southern port city of Sidon the Defense Ministry compound and Israeli and Lebanese troops in the with Prime Minister Shafik Wazzan Police, meanwhile, reported nine ana made a house-to-house search An Israeli communique said a Leb- an Israeli army patrol that "pulled to area. When two Israeli jeeps slowed and Parliament Speaker Kamal As- people killed and 24 wounded in the after an Israeli patrol was reported anese soldier apparently fired his a stop near the statue of Emir Fakhr- as they passed a Lebanese checkpoint sad. continuing fighting in Tripoli between ambushed before dawn near the city. weapon by mistake as two Israeli Eddin at the road intersection of the half a mile away, the soldiers in the militias of the Sunni and Alawite jeeps and an ambulance were passing Defense Ministry compound." It did jeep waved, and the Lebanese sol- Ghali and el-Baz were the first Moslem sects. But the Israeli military press center the Defense Ministry in convoy. not say what the argument was about. diers waved back. senior Egyptian officials to visit Leb- The Arab Bank and several other near Beirut said it had no reports of anon since Egypt made peace with buildings were reported set on fire as any searches or unusual activity in The Israeli soldiers, thinking they Lt. Col. Arieh Brosh, an Israeli Meanwhile, two high-ranking emis- Israel. Students reimbursed Mastering two languages pays Items get replaced Editor's Note: This is the first in a business and commerce, the U.S. Locey said the Americans' weak- University would benefit by learn- two-part series on the importance needs to know foreign languages ness in worldwide communication ing a foreign language. of learning a second language. more than any other country in the was best noted during the Iranian by Tereaa Tarantlno through," Ohm said. world, Buron said. staff reporter Ohm said all of the damaged prop- crisis. "WE SEE it as an advantage to by Deborah Schmook While foreigners learn English to "What happened in Iran is an health-related careers such as erty was picked up a few days after he staff reporter communicate in world business, Private funds have been used to and other residents of the rooms in- example of how little we know," he medical, social work, nursing, Americans often rely on others to said. "Almost none of the Ameri- physical therapy and others be- replace the appliances damaged by a volved talked with Ragusa. Since that Students entering all professions translate for them, Dr. Michael problem in the outlets of six rooms in time everything that was damaged cans stationed there knew the local cause of the large number of Span- would benefit by mastering a for- Locey, associate professor in language and relied on friends for ish-speaking people in northwest Harshman-Bromfield, according to has either been replaced or repaired, eign language, several faculty French, said. Dr. Donald Ragusa, dean of students. Ohm said. information." Ohio," he said. "Knowing Spanish members of the University say. In addition to worldwide commu- would help in treating patients and "The funds were donated by an "I just got my turntable back today "We need to learn foreign lan- "THE PREDOMINANCE of En- nication in business and govern- communicating with them." unknown source in order to take care (Dec.l)," Ohm said. "The only thing guages in order to fulfill the need of glish as a national language tends of the problem quickly," Ragusa said. that hasn't been returned is my fan. ment, knowledge of a foreign Job opportunities for teachers in communicating with all human to give a false sense of security to language can help a person com- the U.S. would be better if appli- The money for the replacement of and that's only because it's on order. beings in the world," Dr.
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