The Road to Colonialislll February 1993 Vol. 6, No.3 $4.00 in SOIIlalia , D 3 (~Liberty consists in doing what one desires. "-]. S. Mill Volume 2 • IICapitalism Comes to Poland?" by Krzysztof Ostaszewski • IIFear and Loathing in New York City," by Murray N. Rothbard September 1988 Plus articles and reviews by Loren Lomasky, Michael Christian, Richard • IIScrooge McDuck and His Creator," by Phil Salin Kostelanetz, R.W. Bradford and others; and an interview with Russell • IILiberty and Ecology," by John Hospers Means. (72 pages) • liThe Ultimate Justification of the Private Property Ethic," by Hans­ Hermann Hoppe January 1990 • liThe Greenhouse Effect: Myth or Danger?" by Patrick J. Michaels Plus reviews and articles by Douglas Casey, Murray Rothbard, L. Neil • "The Case for Paleolibertarianism/' by Llewelyn Rockwell Smith and others; and a short story by Erika Holzer. (SO pages)" • "In Defense ofJim Baker and Zsa Zsa," by Ethan O. Waters November 1988 • liThe Death of Socialism: What It Means," by R W. Bradford, Murray • IITaking Over the Roads," by John Semmens Rothbard, Stephen Cox, and William P. Moulton • liThe Search for We The Living," by R.W. Bradford Plus writing by Andrew Roller, David Gordon and others; and an inter­ • "Private Property: Hope for the Environment," by Jane S. Shaw view with Barbara Branden. (80 pages) Plus articles and reviews by Walter Block, Stephen Cox, John Dentinger, James Robbins and others. (SO pages) March 1990 • liThe Case Against Isolationism," by Stephen Cox January 1989 • "H.L. Mencken: Anti-Semite?" by R W. Bradford • IIAIDS and the FDA," by Sandy Shaw • IIHong Kong Today," by RK. Lamb • JlProperty, Population and the Environment" by John Hospers • IIUbertarian Intellectuals on Welfare," by George H. Smith • "Ronald Reagan's 'Revolution'," by William Niskanen Plus articles and reviews by Sheldon Richman, Richard Kostelanetz, Plus articles and reviews by Karen Shabetai, Jane Shaw, Jeffrey Tucker, John Hospers, Loren Lomasky, James Robbins, Leland Yeager, TImO­ Leland Yeager, William Wingo and others; and a short story by thy Virkkala and others. (80 pages) Jeffrey Olson. (72 pages) Stimulate Your Mind! There is a world of good reading in Liberty! Whether you want to catch up on what you missed, provide intellectual relief to your friends (or enemies!), or complete your collection, now is a good time to buy. Enjoy! March 1989 May 1990 • IIRonald Reagan: An Autopsy," by Murray N. Rothbard • IIConservativism in Its Latter Days," by William P. Moulton • IIWhat ifEverything We Know About Safety Is Wrong?" by John • "A Population Crisis?" by Jane S. Shaw Semmens and Dianne Kresich • liThe Death of Thinking in the Schools," by Karl Hess • IIWhat Do You Do When Your Mother Asks You to Kill Her?" by Mi­ • IlKilling as Therapy," by Thomas Szasz chael Endres Plus articles and reviews by Bill Kauffman, Richard Kostelanetz, Robert Plus articles and reviews by Stephen Cox, Jeffrey Friedman, David Higgs, Bart Kosko, Loren Lomasky and others. (72 pages) Ramsay Steele, Sheldon Richman and others. (72 pages) July 1990 May 1989 • "Conversations with Ayn Rand (part 1)," by John Hospers • IIMan, Nature, and State: Free Market Slogans are Not Enough," by • liThe Orwellian University," by Charles Thorne Karl Hess, Jr • "Strange Subcultures of the Right," by John Baden • liThe Media's Election-Night 'Coverage' Policy," by Margaret M. • IIff You Believe in Dentistry, Why Should You Mind Having Your Fries Teeth Knocked Out?" by William P. Moulton • liThe End of the Secular Century," by Murray N. Rothbard Plus articles and reviews by John Baden, David Friedman, Bill Kauff­ Plus articles and reviews by Stephen Cox, David Gordon, Justin Rai­ man, James Robbins, Mark Skousen and others. (72 pages) mondo, and other. (72 pages) July 1989 • IIViking Iceland: Anarchy That Worked," by David Friedman Volume 4 • liThe Myth of the Rights of Mental Patients," by Thomas S. Szasz September 1990 • IIFetal Rights: The Implications," by Tibor Machan • IIConversations with Ayn Rand (part 2)," by John Hospers Plus articles and reviews by RW. Bradford, John Hospers, Jane S. • "Is Environmental Press Coverage Biased?" by Jane S. Shaw Shaw, Jeffrey Tucker, Leland Yeager and others. (SO pages) • "The Pro-Life Case for the Abortion Pill," by Dr Ron Paul Plus articles and reviews by Michael Krauss, James Robbins, Richard Volume 3 Kostelanetz and others; and aficci6n by Harvey Segal. (72 pages) November 1990 September 1989 • IISmokes, But No Peacepipe," by Scott Reid • IIHolocausts and the Historians," by Ralph Raico • "You, Too, Can Be a Junior G-Man," by David Hudson • liMy Expulsion from the Rand Cult," by Murray Rothbard • "Sex, Drugs, and the Goldberg Variations," by Richard Kostelanetz • IIAbortion Without Absurdity," by R.W. Bradford • HWhy is Anyone Virtuous?" by David Friedman • IILibertarians and the Avant-Garde," by Richard Kostelanetz Plus articles and reviews by Robert Higgs, Leslie Fleming, Alexander Plus articles and reviews by David Friedman, Loren Lomasky, Gary Tabarrok, Sheldon Richman and others; and an interview with Ed North, Jeffrey Tucker and others. (72 pages) Crane. (80 pages) November 1989 January 1991 • "The Lost War on Drugs," by Joseph Miranda • IIMeltdown: The End of the Soviet Empire," by David Boaz, James • "Goodbye, Galactic Empire," by J. R Dunn Robbins, Ralph Raico and Jane S. Shaw • IILife With (and Without) Ayn Rand," by Tibor R. Machan continued on inside back cover . .. see page 58 for first volume ofLiberty February 1993 Inside Liberty Volume 6, Number 3 4 Letters Liberty's readers don't necessarily agree with us - or with each other. 7 RofloeHonl Liberfy's editors on radsln in baseball, anarchisln in Congress, the new colonialism in Africa, revolution in Canada, nuclear waste in the White House, term limits, fat preachers, teen age voting, and the lies of the New York Times. Features 19 The New Civic Religion by R. W. Bradford Election '92: 23 The Blunder thing by Chester A. Arthur 27 Clinton, the President? by Chester A. Arthur What it Means 29 2OO-Proof Populism by Bill Kauffman 31 What If you gave a party and nobody came? by Chester A. Arthur 38 The Road to Dystopia Ron Lipp reports from eastern Europe, where something has gone wrong in the transition from socialism to free markets. 42 In Freedom's Way James Ostrowski maps the difficulties on the road toward freedom. 45 Race and Civility Leland B. YtQger argues that racism is natural, surmountable, and pitiable. 47 The Half Open Door R.K. Lamb challenges the libertarian doctrine of open immigration. 50 Just Deserts John Hospers sheds light on a subject seemingly sentenced to an indefinite term in the darkness of narrow minds. 53 A Feminist Defense of Pornography Wendy McElroy decries feminists who would sell equal liberty for the pottage of paternalistic legislation, and whore after conservatives, all to stamp out pornography. Reviews 59 Has Feminism Run Its Course? Jane S. Shaw isn't afraid to ask this and other dangerous questions. 61 CrisisI Crlslsl Crisis? John L. McCormack finds a new work predicting the end ofWestern Civilization not only useful but "exhilarating." 63 How to secede In Politics Scott J. Reid unravels the logic of a book about the morality of political unravelings. 65 Radical Hayek Gregory F. Johnson makes sense of a new critique of Friedrich von Hayek's work, and determines just how much of a libertarian the great economist and social philosopher was. 69 War With the Animal Kingdom Is extremism in defense of animal rights itself a vice? John Hospers thinks so. 71 Malcolm X Reborn Jesse Walker separates myth from reality, and discovers the meaning of the rebirth of the Malcolm cuIt. 73 Booknotes on the joys and wonders of the human body, at the molecular, sexual, journalistic and economic levels. Departtnents 75 Classified Ads 77 Notes on Contributors 78 Terra Incognita [ Letters ] were abortion to be made me:::::: ===========================~=- "bootleg" abortion industry would ,.,;:::__ arise. The point I was attempting to Mantle of Non-SCience 1992)on the politics of hurricanes. But I make in my earlier letter - apparently Jane Shaw's review of the universal­ also believe that he missed the most im­ unsuccessfully - is that this is no rea­ ly used textbook, Environmental Science portant issue from the standpoint of son per se not to make abortion illegal, by G. Tyler Miller, Jr., finds alarm in its both liberty and human suffering which just as the fact that some murders take misuse of science ("Nonsense and Non­ was the failure of building codes. place anyway, is no reason not to make science," September 1992). At my Hurricanes do damage three ways: murder illegal. state's flagship institution of higher ed­ Storm surge, tornadoes, and gusting Adrian Day ucation, the University of Colorado, wind. The first two will destroy or se­ Annapolis, Md. Boulder, the academic department verely damage most residential struc­ Facing the Universe called Environmental, Population, and tures no matter how well constructed. I happened to be rereading Aldous Organismic Biology sports two profes­ However most properly built homes Huxley'S The Doors ofPerception, and sors teaching Global Ecology and Intro­ should suffer no from structural damage was struck by a passage: "To be shaken duction to Environmental Science. The sustained winds alone. This was exactly out of the ruts of ordinary perception, to former believes that we are inevitably the experience of the Mississippi Gulf be shown for a few timeless hours the running out of resources (both biologi­ Coast during the 220 mph winds of outer and inner world, not as they ap­ cal and economic); the latter believes Hurricane Camille. pear to an animal obsessed with survi­ that population growth is the root of all The majority of the severe damage val or a human being obsessed with threats to the planet's ecology.
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