April 28, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E679 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING OCCUPATIONAL A TRIBUTE TO REDLANDS POLICE CELEBRATING THE 60TH BIRTH- THERAPY MONTH CHIEF, LEWIS NELSON DAY OF REVEREND NORMA JEAN PENDER HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN OF FLORIDA HON. JERRY LEWIS HON. DEBBIE STABENOW IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA OF MICHIGAN Tuesday, April 28, 1998 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, in honor Tuesday, April 28, 1998 Tuesday, April 28, 1998 of Occupational Therapy month, I would like to Ms. STABENOW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today recognize Occupational Therapists nationwide Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, I to pay special tribute to Reverend Norma Jean for the wonderful work they do on a daily would like to bring to your attention today the Pender who is celebrating her 60th birthday. basis to help Americans regain their full phys- fine work and outstanding public service of my For thirty-five years, Ms. Pender has served ical capabilities. I would like to recognize Con- good friend, Lewis W. Nelson, the Chief of Po- the people of Michigan and has been a tire- tinued Care Corporation of Miami which will lice for the City of Redlands, California. After less leader for the community. Ms. Pender re- soon be celebrating the opening of its Reha- a long and distinguished career, Chief Nelson ceived her license to preach the Gospel in the bilitation Division and will become part of this is retiring and will be recognized for his many Christian Episcopal Church in 1974, and was wonderful network of occupational therapy years of service at a banquet in his honor on ordained in 1978 by the late Bishop E.P. Mur- providers. May 21st. It is important to realize the contributions chison. In 1982, she accepted the call to the Lewis Nelson served in the U.S. Army as a that Occupational Therapists make in our daily position of Pastor of the New Jerusalem Tem- medical specialist in Vietnam from 1967 to lives as well as the positive impact they have ple Baptist Church. In 1985, she was ordained 1969. He received his Associate of Arts de- on the health care community. In addition to in the Baptist faith through the National Baptist gree from San Bernardino Valley College contributing to a significant decrease in a pa- Convention, USA. (1970±72), his BS from California State Uni- tient's hospital length of stay, they also reduce Along with her responsibilities to her church, the amount of care and services patients re- versity-Los Angeles (1972±74), a Master of she has also been committed to a vast array quire after discharge. For the patient, the ben- Public Administration from the University of of community projects, such as the NAACP, efits of therapy translate into the prevention of Southern California (1975±77) and a Masters the American Business Women's Association, further complications or disabilities and the of Science from California Polytechnic Univer- and the Minister's Volunteer Services for the ability to resume their normal lives. sity in Pomona (1993±95). Harper Hospital Cancer Society. The commitment of our nation's Occupa- He began his professional career with the During her thirty-five years, Ms. Pender has tional Therapists to providing an opportunity Redlands Police Department in 1969 as a po- served as musical leader, teacher, community for those with physical ailments and disabilities lice officer. Since that time he has consistently spokesperson, and spiritual advisory to people to participate to their fullest abilities should be moved up through the ranks receiving pro- of all ages. Most of all, through song, she recognized and recommended. motions to police detective (1973±74), police showed her passion for life and her faith in f sergeant (1974±77), police lieutenant (1977± God. 82), police captain (1982±83), and chief of po- While many of us know her as Reverend IN RECOGNITION OF ROY WYSE lice 1993±present). Throughout his career, he Mother on a popular radio show she hosts has earned professional certifications from the each weekday, Ms. Pender is also known as HON. RICHARD A. GEPHARDT California Law Enforcement Command Col- a woman committed to family, the community OF MISSOURI lege (1992±94), the FBI National Academy and the gospel. I thank her for the example IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (1983), and the Law Enforcement Executive she has set for so many of our young children Tuesday, April 28, 1998 Development Seminar (1998). as well as adults and wish her a very happy Mr. GEPHARDT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Chief Nelson has been a member and lead- birthday. to pay tribute to a good friend and dedicated er of numerous professional organizations in- f representative of working people, Roy Wyse. cluding the San Bernardino County Chiefs and IN HONOR OF THE 25TH ANNIVER- Roy is retiring as Secretary Treasurer of the Sheriffs Association, the FBI Law Enforcement SARY OF THE NEW KARLIN United Auto Workers International Union after Executive Development Association, the Cali- HALL AND CLUB thirty-six years of leadership in the union. fornia Police Chiefs Association, the FBI Na- Roy was hired by the Ford Motor Company tional Academy Associates, Police Futurists in 1951, and immediately joined UAW Local Society, the National Institute of Criminal Jus- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH 249 in Claycomo, Missouri. After being elected tice, the California Peace Officers Association, OF OHIO to the shop committee, Roy quickly rose within and others. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the UAW leadership. He was elevated to Sec- Over the years, Chief Nelson has also been Tuesday, April 28, 1998 retary Treasurer in 1995, the second highest closely affiliated with a great many community Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to office in the union. organizations including the Veterans of For- The safety and welfare of the working men honor the 25th anniversary of the dedication of eign Wars, Rotary Club of Redlands, Red- and women of the UAW have always driven the new Karlin Hall and Club in Cleveland lands East Valley United Way, Redlands Fam- Roy's life. He has been a tireless fighter on Ohio. their behalf, and his efforts have had a tre- ily YMCA, Youth Development Incorporated, Early Czech settlers in the area gave the mendous impact on the ability of working fami- Redlands Baseball for Youth and Redlands neighborhood surrounding lower Fleet Avenue lies to hold a secure job, receive a fair pay- AYSO Soccer. the nickname, Karlin. The name stuck and the check, and raise a family. Roy has worked to Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join me and our original Karlin Hall became the center of the help people outside the union as well. His colleagues in recognizing the many years of Czech Karlin neighborhood. The hall was community involvement has ranged from serv- remarkable service of Chief Nelson. My home- founded in 1936 by three lodges of the Czech ing as president of a local board of education, town of Redlands, California is especially Catholic Fraternal Insurance Society, the teaching Sunday school classes, and working proud of the work he has done on behalf of Catholic Workmen. In 1972, a disastrous fire as a volunteer fireman. our entire community. I also want to wish left the original hall in ruins, but it was rebuilt I applaud Roy's commitment to public serv- Chief Nelson, his wife Kathleen, son Brett, and in the same location and reopened May 1, ice, and wish him and his wife Pat all the best daughter Kristen much happiness and the very 1978. The dedication of the new Karlin Hall in the years to come. best in the years ahead. marks the beginning of the renovation of lower · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E680 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks April 28, 1998 Fleet Avenue and the Slavic Village area. class, the Roman Catholic priests who live in areas of intellectual engagement where we Today, 14 different groups call Karlin Hall their every dormitory, the Mass recited nightly can make a real contribution.'' home. and the forbidding of men and women to Notre Dame has long had a special place The anniversary will be celebrated with spe- enter each other's dormitory rooms after a among American universities but not largely certain hour. It comes as well in the work for its scholarship. Founded in 1842 by a cial masses at St. John Nepomucene Church being fostered here. priest of the Congregation of Holy Cross, it and Our Lady of Lourdes Church. The three- Political scientists are reclaiming Augus- was to American Catholics in the mid-20th day party to commemorate the occasion starts tine to examine ``just war'' theory. Law pro- century what City College was to New York May 1 and will include live music, Slovak folk fessors are focusing on neglected church Jews, a welcoming place to study without dancing and social dinners. views about dying in legal debates on as- fear of prejudice. My fellow colleagues, please join me in sa- sisted suicide. Historians are emphasizing The dominance of its football team under a luting the members of Karlin Hall. the role of local parishes in understanding series of legendary coaches beginning with urban race relations. Knute RockneÐand the public way in which f Some of these approaches would have been teams recited Mass before each gameÐfo- TRIBUTE TO CORTEZ KENNEDY dismissed as almost ridiculously retrograde cused the loyalty of many American Catho- a generation ago, yet scholars here and else- lics who tended to regard Notre Dame with where say the American academy seems sur- almost Lourdes-like devotion.
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