ST. LAWRENCE RIVER FACTS: LENGTH = 775 MILES. • THE RIVER STARTS WHERE LAKE ONTARIO EMPTIES AND FLOWS NORTHEAST TO THE ATLANTIC OCEAN. • THE RIVER DRAINS THE LARGEST FRESH WATER SOURCE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH, THE GREAT LAKES. • JUST EAST OF MASSENA, THE RIVER LEAVES 62 CENTRAL NEW YORK MAGAZINE JULY/AUGUST JULY/AUGUST Ian Coristine has shot many views of Boldt Castle, which was built by millionaire hotelier George C. Boldt. The 120-room castle is a monument of Boldt’s love for his wife, Louise. After her death in 1904, work on it stopped, and the structure was abandoned until 1977, when restoration began. In 2001 Brennan Stained Glass Studio, of Syracuse, created and installed a stained-glass dome for the castle. jjaa tthousandhousand iislandsslands new.inddnew.indd 6262 66/15/06/15/06 55:26:17:26:17 PMPM THE U.S. BORDER AND BECOMES SOLELY A CANADIAN RIVER • THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER HAS THE LARGEST DISCHARGE OF ANY RIVER IN NORTH AMERICA. (SOURCES: “PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE THOUSAND ISLANDS,” BY MARY BEACOCK FRYER AND THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER RESTORATION COUNCIL) TEXT BY CHARLES McCHESNEY VIEW FROM ABOVE PHOTOGRAPHER/PILOT CAPTURES BEAUTY OF THOUSAND ISLANDS 63 The plane came fi rst. Ian Coristine didn’t even know about the Thousand Islands in 1992, but he had pontoons on his single-engine airplane and decided CENTRAL NEW YORK MAGAZINE to go exploring over a body of water. Living in Hudson, Quebec, near Montreal, Coristine fl ew over the St. Lawrence Seaway. “What’s this?” he remembered thinking when he came above the fresh water archipelago where Upstate New York meets Canada. It was love at fi rst fl ight. Since that day, Coristine, 57, bought an island near the eastern end of the Thousand Islands and adopted the life of “Island People.” He’s also become something like the offi cial JULY/AUGUST photographer for the islands, having published a triology of photography books on the area. The latest is “The Thousand Islands” (1000 Islands Photo Art Inc.), published in May. Photos from the book are featured in an exhibit, “Aerial Perspective Part II,” opening July 14 at PHOTOGRAPH BY DICK BLUME the Antique Boat Museum in Clayton. As in his previous books, “The 1000 Islands” CONTINUES ON PAGE 70 ➤ Boldt Castle on Heart Island, near Alexandria Bay. Pilot and photographer Ian Coristine has authored three photography books on the Thousand Islands. jjaa tthousandhousand iislandsslands new.inddnew.indd 6363 66/15/06/15/06 55:26:40:26:40 PMPM THOUSAND ISLAND FACTS: THE THOUSAND ISLANDS EXTEND ON THE CANADIAN SIDE FROM WOLFE ISLAND NEAR KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TO THE BROCKVILLE NARROWS AT BROCKVILLE, ONTARIO. • ON THE AMERICAN SIDE THEY EXTEND FROM TIBBETS POINT ON LAKE ONTARIO TO MORRISTOWN. • FRENCH NAME 64 The Thousand Islands Bridge. Says Coristine of this shot: “If this CENTRAL NEW YORK MAGAZINE picture included a soundtrack, you’d be listening to the deafening bellow of this JULY/AUGUST JULY/AUGUST ship’s foghorn, which the helmsman in the center window of the bridge is leaning on heavily.” jjaa tthousandhousand iislandsslands new.inddnew.indd 6464 66/15/06/15/06 55:27:08:27:08 PMPM FOR THE THOUSAND ISLANDS IS MILLE ILES. • NATIVE AMERICAN NAME TO THE ISLANDS IS GARDEN OF THE GREAT SPIRIT. • THE ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY TOOK FOUR YEARS TO BUILD, BEGINNING IN 1955. (SOURCES: “PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE THOUSAND ISLANDS” AND THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER RESTORATION COUNCIL) 65 CENTRAL NEW YORK MAGAZINE West of Bartlett Point and French Creek Bay. “Out to photograph Clayton on a quiet morning, I was fascinated JULY/AUGUST by this low sheet of cloud cascading over the shoreline just west of Bartlett Point and French Creek Bay,” says Coristine. jjaa tthousandhousand iislandsslands new.inddnew.indd 6565 66/15/06/15/06 55:27:39:27:39 PMPM NATIVE AMERICAN FOLKLORE TELLS THIS TALE: LONG AGO, MANITOU, THE GREAT SPIRIT, CAME DOWN TO EARTH, BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WERE FIGHTING. HE CALLED THEM TOGETHER AND GAVE THEM A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN, TELLING THEM THEY MUST NOT FIGHT. FOR A TIME, ALL WENT WELL. BY AND BY, THERE WERE THE 66 A view of Crossover Island Light. A picture of a perfect refl ection is CENTRAL NEW YORK MAGAZINE equally viewable right side up or upside down, Coristine says. To get this shot, JULY/AUGUST JULY/AUGUST he paddled out in a canoe, and then, “sat absolutely still for a considerable time waiting for the ripples to dissipate.” jjaa tthousandhousand iislandsslands new.inddnew.indd 6666 66/15/06/15/06 55:28:32:28:32 PMPM CRIES OF WAR. MANITOU RETURNED AND WRAPPED THE GARDEN IN HIS BLANKET. AS HE WAS ABOUT TO PART THE SKY-CURTAIN, HIS BLANKET BROKE. DOWN TUMBLED THE GARDEN INTO THE ST. LAWRENCE, BREAKING INTO PIECES, BIG AND LITTLE, THAT BECAME THE THOUSAND ISLANDS. (SOURCE: WWW.ROCKPORTCRUISES.COM) 67 CENTRAL NEW YORK MAGAZINE Thousand Island Country Club’s Lake Course on Wellesley Island. Coristine seldom plans his photo outings. “Planning or even anticipating specifi c subjects seldom works. I look for weather that JULY/AUGUST offers promise and then go out and see what can be found.” Such is the case with this shot. Says Coristine: “I found a fl ock of seagulls circling like gliders in a weak thermal over a water hazard on the Thousand Island Country Club’s Lake Course on Wellesley Island.” jjaa tthousandhousand iislandsslands new.inddnew.indd 6767 66/15/06/15/06 55:28:53:28:53 PMPM 68 CENTRAL NEW YORK MAGAZINE JULY/AUGUST JULY/AUGUST The Lake Fleet and Admirality islands. They are located in Canadian waters off Gananoque, Ontario. jjaa tthousandhousand iislandsslands new.inddnew.indd 6868 66/15/06/15/06 55:29:31:29:31 PMPM centralTHE GOOD LIFE new yorkMAGAZINE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 63 of aerial photography are and “Water, Wind and Sky,” shot on clear days at high Coristine presents views of noon, he says. Coristine’s second the islands from a variety THOUSAND ISLANDS Sales of the fi rst book, “The and third books are of perspectives. There are 1000 Islands,” published in available at the Antique photos he took while fl ying Boat Museum, at 2002, exceeded Coristine’s shops in the Thousand MARKETPLACE his plane, photos taken from expectations, selling out the Islands and online at a canoe and photos shot on print run of 10,000. It has www.1000islands his own island. photoart.com. sold an additional 20,000 That contrasts with other “Water, Wind and Sky” copies since. The second is $45; “The Thousand photo books of the Thousand book, which Coristine says Islands” is $29.95. Islands, Coristine says. was designed more for He recalls one that had “Island People, the real river wonderful photos, but most of it had been shot from lovers,” and printed in 2005, Downtown along a nearby highway. has sold more than 6,000 Alexandria Bay Coristine says because his copies, he says. 315-482-4503 The third book Coristine PHOTOGRAPHS FROM • 31 Rooms plane is always at hand (he ties it down right next to his calls a “replacement for the IAN CORISTINE’S • AC BESTSELLERS/ www.thousandislands.c om/theship/ cottage) he is able to shoot at fi rst book rather than doing a • Cable TV WWW.1000ISLANDS E-Mail: [email protected] ❖ any time of day. Most books fourth printing.” PHOTOART.COM The Experience Awaits Subtle sophistication & casual elegance in the heart of the beautiful Thousand Islands. 17 Holland St • Alexandria Bay, NY 1-800-ENJOYUS • www.riveredge.com jjaa tthousandhousand iislandsslands new.inddnew.indd 7070 66/15/06/15/06 55:30:17:30:17 PMPM.
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