ISSN 1211-8788 Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae (Brno) 88: 5–19, 2003 Largidae and Pyrrhocoridae of Thailand (Heteroptera) JAROSLAV L. STEHLÍK1 & ZDENÌK JINDRA2 1 Moravian Museum, Department of Entomology, Hviezdoslavova 29a, 627 00 Brno, Czech Republic 2 Czech University of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, 165 21 Prague-Suchdol, Czech Republic STEHLÍK J. L. & JINDRA Z. 2003: Largidae and Pyrrhocoridae of Thailand (Heteroptera). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae (Brno) 88: 5–19. – This paper adds 29 species of the superfamily Pyrrhocoroidea to the fauna of Thailand (9 species previously known), including three new species of Pyrrhocoridae: Ectatops major sp.nov., Indra dentipes sp.nov., and Pyrrhopeplus immaculatus sp.nov. The species Dindymus rutilans Walker, 1873 syn.nov. of Pyrrhocoridae is synonymized with Dindymus semirufus Stål, 1863. Key words. Pyrrhocoroidea, Pentatomomorpha, Heteroptera, new species, Thailand, distribution Introduction Information on Oriental Pyrrhocoroidea is limited. The only comprehensive work on the Indian subcontinent is that by DISTANT (1903a) on the territory of former India, Ceylon and Burma. Unfortunately, this work includes only limited data on distribution. Some further data are also given in four DISTANT'S papers: (1879a: 12 species from Northeastern India), (1879b: 6 species from Tenasserim, Burma), (1919: 15 species from "Indochine"), and (1903b: 11 species from Malaysia). More data from the Oriental Region can be found in FREEMAN (1947) but the work deals only with the genus Dysdercus Guérin Meneville, 1831. All other geographic information is scattered, being a part of species descriptions. Previous to this publication, the Largidae and Pyrrhocoridae of Thailand lacked adequate study. This fauna in neighbouring Laos is also the subject of a recent contribution to the literature (STEHLÍK in press). A previously unidentified species of Macrocheraia Guérin, 1834 (Largidae) has been reported from Thailand by SCHAEFER & AHMAD (1999). It is probably the single species M. grandis grandis (Gray, 1832) within the genus. Eight species of Pyrrhocoridae have been reported from Thailand to date: Dindymus sanguineus (Fabricius, 1794) (by LETHIERRY & SEVERIN 1894), Dindymus semirufus Stål, 1863 [reported by WALKER (1873) as D. rutilans Walker, 1873], Dysdercus cingulatus (Fabricius, 1775) (by FREEMAN 1947), Dysdercus poecilus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1843) (by FREEMAN 1947), Ectatops indignus (Walker, 1873) [by WALKER (1873) also as E. imitator (Walker, 1873) and by DISTANT (1903a) as E. ophthalmicus var. rubiaceus Amyot et Serville, 1843], Euscopus indecorus (Walker, 1873) (by WALKER 1873), Melamphaus faber (Fabricius, 1787) (by STÅL 1868), and Probergrothius nigricornis (Stål, 1861) (by STÅL 1863). 5 J. L. STEHLÍK & Z. JINDRA In the present study, 7 species of Largidae and 21 species of Pyrrhocoridae, including three new species in the latter family, are added to the pyrrhocoroid fauna of Thailand (altogether 38 species known). Materials and methods Genera and species are listed in alphabetical order within the particular families. Distribution is given for each species, based on published data. More detailed data on the distribution of some species in China are included in a catalogue by KERZHNER (2001). For information on original binomina and synonyms of species mentioned, the reader is reffered to the worldwide catalogue by HUSSEY (1929). In the present work, distribution is given as supplementary information without listing the sources. Names of species are given in their latest combination. The following abbreviations are used for distribution: OR . Oriental Region PA . Palaearctic Region Abbreviations of the names of institutions whose material has been utilised in this study: BMNH . British Museum (Natural History), London MMBC . Moravian Museum, Brno MNHN . Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris NHMB . Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel NMPC . National Museum, Prague ZJ . private collection, Z. Jindra, Prague ZSMC . Zoologische Staatssammlung, Munich Family Largidae Subfamily Physopeltinae Tribe Physopeltini Iphita limbata Stål, 1870 Material examined. Mae Hong Son prov.: Soppong env., 19°27’N, 99°20’E, 1,500 m, 7.–12.V.1996 (S. Beèváø leg.) 1 ♀ (ZJ). Nan prov.: Ban Bo Klua env., 13.–26.V.2002 (P. Prùdek & M. Oboøil leg.) 1♂ (ZJ). Tak prov.: Um Phang env., 16°04’N, 98°53’E, 500 m, 26.V.1991 (D. Král leg.) 3 ♂ 2 ♀ (ZJ). Distribution. OR: India, Bangladesh, Myanmar (Burma), Laos, ?Indonesia (Sumatra). PA: China. 6 Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Biol. (Brno), 88, 2003 Largidae and Pyrrhocoridae of Thailand Iphita coimbatorensis (Distant, 1919) Material examined. Bangkok, 1885 (Harmand leg.) 2 ♂ 1 ♀ (NMHN). Distribution. OR: India. Physopelta cincticollis Stål, 1863 Material examined. Nan prov.: Ban Bo Clua env., 13.–28.V.2002 (P. Prùdek & M. Oboøil leg.) 1 ♀ (ZJ). Distribution. OR: O-India, Laos, Indonesia (Sumatra). PA: China, Korea. Physopelta gutta gutta (Burmeister, 1834) Material examined. Chiang Mai prov.: Doi Chiang Dao Mts., 19°25’N, 98°52’E, 1,000 m, 17.–24.VI.1991 (D. Král leg.) 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (ZJ). Nan prov.: Ban Bo Klua env., 13.–26.V.2002 (B. Prùdek & M. Oboøil leg.) 1 ♂ (ZJ). Tak prov.: Um Phang env., 16°04’N, 98°53’E, 500m, 26.V.1991 (D. Král leg.) 1 ♀ (ZJ). Chumphon prov.: Pha To env., 9°48’N, 98°47’E, (K. Majer leg.) 2 ♂ (ZJ). Distribution. OR: Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Laos, Indonesia (Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Timor), Philippines. PA: China, Taiwan, Japan. Physopelta quadriguttata Bergroth, 1894 Material examined. Chiang Mai prov.: Doi Inthanon, 19.–20.VI.1990 (Malicky leg.) 1 ♂ (ZSMC). Nan prov.: Doi Phuka Nat. Park, 28. IV.–12. V. 2002 (P. Prùdek & M. Oboøil leg.) 1 ♂ 2 ♀ (ZJ). Distribution. OR: India (Kerala, Nagaland, Sikkim), Laos. PA: China, Taiwan. Physopelta robusta Stål, 1864 Material examined. Mae Hong Son prov.: Ban Huai Po, 17.–23.V.1991 (J. Horák leg.) 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (NMPC); Soppong env., 19°27’N, 98°20’E, 1,500 m, 28.–31.V. 1995 (V. Kubáò leg.) 1 ♂ (ZJ); Ban Si Lang, 1,200 m, 20.V.–22.V. 1996 (O. Hovorka leg.) 1 ♀ (ZJ); ditto, 7.–12.VI.1996 (J. Horák leg.) 1 ♀ (ZJ). Nan prov.: Ban Bo Klua env., 13.–26.V.2002 (P. Prùdek & M. Oboøil leg.) 1 ♀ (ZJ). Chantha Buri prov.: Khao Khitchakut Nat. Park env., 23.–26.IV.1998 (P. Prùdek & R. Šigut leg.) 1 ♂ (ZJ). Distribution. OR: Laos. Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Biol. (Brno), 88, 2003 7 J. L. STEHLÍK & Z. JINDRA Physopelta slanbuschii (Fabricius, 1787) Material examined. Mae Hong Son prov.: Mae Hong Son, Thai/Burma frontier, 1,300 m, 17.–21.VI . 1993 (J. Schneider leg.) 1 ♀ (ZJ). Chiang Mai prov.: Chiang Dao, 19.–21.V.1997 (M. Snížek leg.) 1 ♀ (ZJ); Fang, Tha Ton, 26.V.1997 (M. Snížek leg.) 1 ♀ (ZJ). Distribution. OR: Pakistan, India (Bengal, Assam), Myanmar, Laos, Malaysia (Penang). PA: China, Taiwan, Japan (Ryukiu Isl.). Tribe Lohitini Macrocheraia grandis grandis (Gray, 1832) Material examined. Mae Hong Son prov.: Mae Hong Son env., Thai/Burma frontier, 1,200 m, 17.–21.V.1993 (J. Schneider leg.) 1 ♂ (ZJ); Khun Yuam village env., 28.–31.V.1996 (F. Kantner leg.) 1 ♀ (ZJ). Chiang Mai prov.: Chiang Mai, 1987 (Lehman leg.) 1 ♂ (ZSMC); Chiang Mai env., VIII. 1987 (D. Král leg.) 4 ♂ (ZJ). Nan prov.: Ban Huay Kon env., 13.–26.V.2002 (P. Prùdek & M. Oboøil leg.) 5 ♀ (ZJ); ditto, 27.V.–10.VI.2002 (P. Prùdek & M. Oboøil leg.) 1 § (ZJ). Tak prov.: Um Phang env., 16°04’N, 98°53’E, 500 m, 26.V.1991 (D. Král leg.) 5 ♀ (ZJ). Distribution. OR: India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos. PA: China. Family Pyrrhocoridae Antilochus coquebertii (Fabricius, 1803) Material examined. Mae Hong Son prov.: Ban Huai Po village env., 24.–30.VI.1993 (J. Schneider leg.) 2 ♀ (ZJ); Soppong env., 19°27’N, 99°20’E, 1,500 m, 7.–12.V.1996 (S. Beèváø leg.) 1 ♀ (ZJ). Distribution. OR: Kashmir, India, Myanmar Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia (Malacca), Andaman Isl. Antilochus nigripes (Burmeister, 1835) Material examined. Chiang Mai prov.: Chiang Dao, 27.V.–2.VI.2002 (B. Mukovský leg.) 1 ♂ (ZJ). Chantha Buri prov.: Khao Khitchakut Nat. Park env., 23.–26.IV.1998 (P. Prùdek & R. Šigut leg.) 1 ♀ (ZJ). Distribution. OR: India (Assam), Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Tenasserim), Laos, Indonesia (Sumatra), Philippines. 8 Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Biol. (Brno), 88, 2003 Largidae and Pyrrhocoridae of Thailand Antilochus russus Stål, 1863 Material examined. Chiang Mai prov.: Fang, Hot Spring, 25.V.1997 (M. Snížek leg.) 1 ♀ (ZJ) . Nan prov.: Ban Huay Kan, 27.V.–10.VI.2002 (P. Prùdek & M. Oboøil leg.) 1 ♀ ( ZJ). Tak prov.: Thung Yai Wildlife Sanctuary, 15°30’N, 98°48’E, 300 m, Mixed riverside forest, (M. J. D. Brendell leg.) 1 ♂ at light (BMNH). Distribution. OR: India (Assam, Sikkim), Bhutan, Myanmar (Tenasserim). PA: China. Ascopocoris rufus (Hsiao, 1964) Material examined. Mae Hong Son prov.: Ban Huai Po, 9.–16.V.1991 (J. Horák leg.) 1 ♂ (NMPC); Suan Pu, 5.V.1992 (J. Strnad leg.) 1 ♀ (NMPC); Pai env., Soppong, 28.V.–5.VI.1997 (M. Snížek leg.) 1 ♀ (ZJ). Chiang Mai prov.: San Pakia village, 19°19’N, 98°50’E, 1,400 m, 1.–15.V.1998 (V. Kubáò leg.) 1 ♂ (MMBC). Nan prov.: Ban Huay Kon env., 27.V.–10.VI.2002 (P. Prùdek & M. Oboøil leg.) 1 ♀ (ZJ). Chantha Buri prov.: Khao Soi Dao, 5.–13.V.1998 (J. Horák leg.) 1 ♂ (ZJ). Chumphon prov.: Pha To env., 9°48’N, 98°47’E, 14.–21.III. (K. Majer leg.) 1 ♂ (ZJ). Distribution. OR: Laos PA: China. Dindymus albicornis (Fabricius, 1803) Material examined. Satun prov.: Thale Ban, 6°45’N, 100°09’E, 200 m, 8.–13.IV.1997 (J. Kolibáè leg.) 2 fm (MMBC). Distribution. Myanmar (Tenasserim), Malaysia (Malacca), Indonesia [Sumatra, Java, Natuna Besar (= Great Natoena), Kalimantan, Timor]. Dindymus lanius Stål, 1863 Material examined. Nan prov.: Doi Phuka Nat. Park, 28.IV.–12.V.2002 (P. Prùdek & M. Oboøil leg.) 1♂ (ZJ). Distribution. India (Assam), Myanmar, PA: China.
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