Check OBAMA dailyiowan.com today for live VISITS updates from the president’s IOWA visit to Quad Cities. TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 2011 Pawlenty lists Iowa legislators who back him GOP presidental-nomination Locals to oppose Obama candidate Tim Pawlenty named 10 Iowa legislators to his Iowa Legislative Steering Committee Group hopes to bring national health insurance and withdrawal from Afghanistan to forefront of 2012 race. on Monday, according to a cam- paign press release. Among the lawmakers is Sen. Shawn Hamerlinck, R-Dixon, who has come under fire for his June comments to Iowa student lobby- ists, telling the students at the Statehouse to leave the “political circus” to the Legislature. Rep. Erik Helland, R-Johnston, is the Majority Whip in the Iowa House and is the state director of Pawlenty’s campaign. “I am fortunate to have this tal- ented group of legislators on my team,” Pawlenty said in the release. “Their experience and knowledge combined with their eagerness to restore American prosperity bolsters my Iowa cam- paign’s efforts to build successful coalitions in this important state.” Pawlenty also chose Rep. Chris Hagenow, R-Windsor Heights, the cur- rent chairman of the House Committee on Government Oversight. Other legislators in the Iowa Legislative Steering Committee are Sen. Randy Feenstra, R-Hull; Rep. Linda Miller, R-Bettendorf; Rep. Matt Windschitl, R-Missouri Valley; Rep. Chip Baltimore, R- Boone; Rep. Joel Fry, R-Osceola; and Rep. Steve Lukan, R-Dubuque. — by Ariana Witt Obama issues disaster declaration for 6 Iowa counties President Obama authorized a DAVID GUTTENFELDER/ASSOCIATED PRESS Presidential Major Disaster Medics carry a Marine who was overcome by heat exhaustion to a medical-evacuation helicopter in the Nawa district of Afghanistan’s Helmand province on July 6, 2009. Declaration for six Iowa counties affected by flooding along the President Obama plans to end U.S. combat operations in Afghanistan by 2014, but an Iowa City chapter of Health Care Not Warfare is pushing for a more immediate exit. Missouri River Monday, according to a press release from Gov. Terry By LINDSAY DOUGLAS “One more death is one unnecessary Branstad’s office. [email protected] death,” said Cox. Branstad received notice of He said the money-less and staff-less Obama’s decision Monday. Organizers in Iowa City are frustrated campaign is one of two in Iowa that will be According to the release, the pres- at President Obama’s war record and devoted to providing an alternative to a ident’s declaration will provide fed- are organizing caucus delegates to push renomination of Obama. The group plans eral funds for Fremont, Harrison, for a quicker end to the war in to hold monthly meetings until the cau- Mills, Monona, Pottawattamie, and Afghanistan. cuses to ensure their success. The other Woodbury Counties. With the group Health Care Not War- group is focused on corporate money, fami- This marks the 12th presiden- fare, University of Iowa history Professor ly farming, and environmental issues but tial disaster declaration in the hasn’t decided on a name. state since March 2007. Jeff Cox is spearheading that movement “Everybody knows he’s going to be “I am pleased to see the by recruiting volunteers to act as re-elected,” Cox said. “The real alter- Presidential Major Disaster precinct coordinators who will attend Declaration for these six counties 2012 Iowa caucuses and persuade native is to give people the opportunity came through,” Branstad said in uncommitted delegates to stand up for to talk about the direction of our coun- the release. “As we are still national health-care insurance and try.” actively fighting the flood, this peace in Afghanistan. Attendees at Monday’s meeting agreed. JESSA HANSEN/THE DAILY IOWAN declaration provides a much Cox said he is not particularly commit- “If you’re a loyal Democrat with a big ‘D’ Health Care not Warfare Caucus Campaign holds a meeting in the Iowa needed financial boost to our ted to anyone but said Obama has been City Public Library on Monday. The campaign intends to elect dele- local governments.” promising to get troops out of Afghanistan gates at the 2012 Iowa caucuses who support health care for all and The disaster declaration will since he’s been in office,and it hasn’t happened. SEE DELEGATES, 3 back withdrawing all American forces from Afghanistan. also fund conducting hazard-miti- gation projects for all of Iowa, which would minimize the effect of future natural disasters. — by Ariana Witt IC Public Library gives McCallum DAILY IOWAN TV To watch Daily Iowan TV, go online runs again at dailyiowan.com. local literacy a free ride mentary-school students keep their library. It’s an incentive to The candidate says Iowa The Iowa City their minds sharp over the long both ride the bus and read.” summer months, said Heidi Mason City High School stu- City needs leadership Public Library’s Lauritzen, the Public Library dent Sam Vrieze said she focused on expanding the circulation services director. agrees. circulation totaled “A lot of education studies out “It’s a good idea,” she said. city’s tax base. “More people would probably 1,525,831 in there show that if kids don’t By ZACHARY POUND read over summer, the progress come to the library.” fiscal 2010. they made in classrooms over Summer typically brings the [email protected] the school year before slips a library’s busiest months, Lau- lot,” she said. “If they continue to ritzen said, due to the number of Local developer Mark McCallum By LUKE VOELZ summer camps and youth-tar- INDEX read, that helps them be ready announced his candidacy [email protected] geted reading activities. Winter to start their next grade.” Classifieds 9 Spotlight 2 comes as a close second because for Iowa City City Coun- City bus tickets are facing a Library patron Adriana Crossword 6 Sports 10 of the academic rush around cil Monday with plans to cheaper, plastic alternative: Mendez, who rides the bus daily finals weeks. Opinions 4 improve housing and library cards. using a bus pass, said the pro- These circulation trends have Iowa City Public Library offi- gram would help Iowa City’s lit- remained steady despite a digi- historical preservation. WEATHER cials said the library’s Ride & eracy while also supporting pub- tal-book industry that brought The 24-year resident Read program, which allows lic transportation. almost $300 million in revenue Mark McCallum library cardholders a free ride to of Iowa City said he HIGH LOW “I think it’s a great idea to get over 2010, a 30-fold increase Council Candidate the library on city buses, has plans to focus on diversi- 79 59 people more invested in read- from five previous years, accord- increased in popularity since its ing to an International Digital ing,” she said. “This is a fairly lit- fying downtown housing with multi-fam- Sunny, breezy founding in 2007, along with cir- Publishing Forum survey. culation. erate community, but more peo- The program has helped ele- ple should still be coming to SEE READ AND RIDE, 2 SEE MCCALLUM, 3 2 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, June 28, 2011 News dailyiowan.com for more news The Public Library director said they probably READ AND RIDE counts e-books in its yearly won’t have an effect on gen- Circulation CONTINUED FROM 1 circulation statistics, Lau- eral library circulation in Iowa City Public Library The Daily Iowan ritzen said, which have the immediate future. yearly circulation in grown steadily over the last “[Purchasing digital Volume 143 Issue 17 decade. The library had number of items loaned. books] certainly could BREAKING NEWS STAFF more than 1,500,000 items Each fiscal year runs from This popularity has [become more popular than Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: loaned each year since July 1 to June 30: bought more digital-inter- library rentals],” she said. E-mail: [email protected] William Casey . 335-5788 2009. • 2011 (until May): 1,427,613 Fax: 335-6297 Editor: ested patrons to the library, “Perhaps far in the future, Adam B Sullivan . 335-6030 “What I’m reading right • 2010: 1,525,831 CORRECTIONS Lauritzen said. now in library press is that but right now I think it’s Managing Editor: • 2009: 1,539,774 Call: 335-6030 Emily Busse . 335-5855 “In some cases, digital many libraries are having just another option for peo- • 2008: 1,468,842 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro Editors: rentals are replacing physi- circulation going up,” she ple — another service the Hayley Bruce .. 335-6063 Public Library is providing. • 2007: 1,378,519 accuracy and fairness in the report- cal ones,” she said. “In other said. ing of news. If a report is wrong or Ariana Witt . 335-6063 Opinions Editor: cases, new patrons are get- Though digital books are That’s where they get their Source: Iowa City Public Library misleading, a request for a correc- Shay O’Reilly . 335-5863 ting library cards just so they also available for online introduction to what a tion or a clarification may be made. Sports Editor: can download materials.” purchase, the circulation service like that is.” PUBLISHING INFO Seth Roberts . 335-5848 The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is Arts Editor: published by Student Publications Nina Earnest . 335-5851 Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Copy Chief: Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Beau Elliot. 335-6063 except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and Photo Editor: university holidays, and university Rachel Jessen . 335-5852 vacations. Periodicals postage paid Design Editor: at the Iowa City Post Office under the Alicia Kramme .
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