At Holy Family Catholic Church: 338 W. University Blvd., Tucson February 7, A.D. 2021 VERITATEM FACIENTES IN CARITATE - LIVING THE TRUTH IN CHARITY From The Liturgical Year, Week of Sexagesima by Dom Gueranger, O.S.B. Come, be converted unto Me, saith the Lord. Let us come weeping, and pour out our tears before God, for we have been negligent, and because of us is the earth suffering. We have committed iniquity, and because of us are the foundations of the world moved. Let us hasten to avert the wrath of God; let us weep, and say: O Thou, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us! Behold, now are close at hand those days of salvation, which the cycle of the year brings round to us, and in which we desire, by the exercise of salutary abstinence, to apply a remedy to our evil doings. For, as the apostle says: This is the acceptable time, and, these are the days of salvation, wherein a spiritual cure is given to the soul that seeks it, and the evil delights of sin are rooted from the mind. Hereby, we, whose evil habits are ever forcing us to a downward tendency, are by the uplifting mercy of God, encouraged to rise above this earth; that thus, by the devout observance of what these days require, we may not only be delivered from the guilt of our sins, but may moreover deserve to be companions with the elect in eternal bliss. Amen. ASH WEDNESDAY, Feb 17th Bring out your Palms by Sun, Feb 14th! Masses with blessing & distribution of ashes: Please place your old blessed palms in the 8:00am Latin Low Mass* designated basket at the back of church. 5:00pm Mass in English On Feb 15th, the palms will be burned 6:30pm Latin High Mass* to make the ashes for Ash Wednesday. (*Sign-up required via Flocknote for Latin Masses) (Palms brought in later will not be accepted.) Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence. Holy Family Parish Parish Staff Canon Jonathon Fehrenbacher, Parish Administrator Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite, Mrs. Sylvia Cordova, Office Mgr & SEP Compliance Officer “English Mass” [email protected] Mail: 338 W. University Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85705 FOR DONATIONS, please make check out to Tel: (520)623-6773 Holy Family Parish and mail or drop into the collection Email: [email protected] Or donate securely online through the Diocese of Tucson: Office closed to Public (per Diocesan Protocol) www.cathfnd.org/hope Sat 2/6 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 p.m. Parishioners Rev. Jim Shea, C.Ss.R. Sun 2/7 7:00 a.m. † Jesus Lariva Rev. Abram Dono, S.T. Sat 2/13 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 p.m. Parishioners Rev. Jim Shea, C.Ss.R. Sun 2/14 7:00 a.m. † Oscar White Rev. Abram Dono, S.T. Saint Gianna Oratory Oratory Staff Canon Jonathon Fehrenbacher, Rector Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, Mrs. Teri Gauger, Oratory Secretary “Traditional Latin Mass” Mr. Matthew Lancaster, Music Director Mailing Address: Saint Gianna Oratory Website & Online Bulletin: saintgianna.net P.O. Box 87350, Tucson, AZ 85754 “Join our Flocknote” from our website to sign-up for Weekend Telephone: (520) 883-4360 Masses and receive email updates on other important information. Office Hours: Wed & Fri: 9am– 4pm FOR DONATIONS: 1) Please write check to Institute of Email: [email protected] Christ the King and mail or drop into the collection. St. Gianna Office is not located at HFP 2) or donate securely using the DONATE button on our website Sun. 2/7 Sexagesima Sunday / 2nd class / Violet Church Cleaning Volunteers 8:45 am Low Mass by Lourdes Orozco Mass (Exsurge): Comm. pro Papa, Credo, Pref. of the Most Holy Trinity † Margaret Allchorne 11 am High Mass Litany of St. Joseph & Throat Blessing by Angela Jamison 4 pm Low Mass Msgr. Gilles Wach by SGO Mon. 2/8 St. John of Matha, Confessor / 3rd class / White † Don Clark 5:00 pm Low Mass by Jennifer Bennett Mass (Os justi): Gloria, Comm. pro Papa, Common Preface Litany of St. Joseph Tue. 2/9 St. Cyril of Alexandria, Doctor of the Church / 3rd class / White 5:00 pm Low Mass Canon Adrian Sequeira Mass (In medio): Gloria, Comm. pro Papa and of St. Appolonia, Common Preface by Janet Alvarez Litany of St. Joseph Wed. 2/10 St. Scholastica, Virgin / 3rd class / White † Wendelin & Margaret Fischer 5:00 pm Low Mass by Mr. & Mrs. Tom Taleck Mass (Dilexisti): Gloria, Comm. pro Papa, Common Preface Litany of St. Joseph Thur. 2/11 Apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes / 3rd class / White 5:00 pm Low Mass Rylie Mossburg Mass (Vidi civitatem): Gloria, Comm. pro Papa, Tract, Credo, Preface of B.V.M. by the Mossburg Family Litany of St. Joseph Fri. 2/12 Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order, Confessors / 3rd class / White 5:00 pm Low Mass Sallyanne Fisher *Abstinence Mass (Justi decantaverunt): Gloria, Comm. pro Papa, Tract, Common Preface by James Fisher Litany of St. Joseph Sat. 2/13 Our Lady on Saturdays / 4th class / White 8:00 am Low Mass † Jan Anderson Votive Mass of O.L. on Saturdays (Salve Sancta Parens): Gloria, Comm. pro Papa, by Dr. & Mrs. Andy Stropko Preface of B.V.M. Sun. 2/14 Quinquagesima Sunday / 2nd class / Violet Charlie Davis by Nancy Thornes 8:45 am Low Mass Mass (Esto mihi): Comm. pro Papa, Credo, Pref. of the Most Holy Trinity For the Sick 11 am High Mass Litany of St. Joseph by SGO 1 pm Low Mass* † Douglas Brunner *New time by Mary Lou Higgins CONFESSION schedule: Beginning 30 minutes before all Latin Masses EXCEPT AFTER 5:00pm weekday Mass. Also available with visiting priest Sat 3:30pm-3:55pm. Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes From the Rector’s Desk: Feast Day, Feb 11 Dear Faithful, O ever immaculate Virgin, Mother of mercy, At the close of Christmastide with the glorious celebration health of the sick, refuge of sinners, comfort of of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Feb 2, I the afflicted, you know my wants, my troubles, want to express to you my gratitude for your Christmas presents and cards, and especially for the generous gifts my sufferings; deign to cast upon me a look of for the purchase of cassocks for Abbe’ Molisse and me! mercy. By appearing I hope that you, too, feel blessed as I have tried to make in the Grotto of sure you still have daily access to Confession and the Sac- Lourdes, you were raments throughout these last eleven trying months. pleased to make it a Thanks to St. Joseph’s intercession and your prayers, I privileged sanctuary, have been blessed with good health and not a single sick day since this began. whence you dispense your favors, and al- By the grace of God, our numbers continue to increase and so do my responsibilities! Deo gratias! With many ready many sufferers more needing the Sacraments, sick calls, home visits to have obtained the shut-ins, catechism for adults and children, marriage prep- cure of their infirmi- aration, the current Sunday schedule is unsustainable long -term for a single priest. ties, both spiritual and corporal. I come, Next Sunday, Feb 14, we will begin a new “temporary” schedule of Masses at St. Gianna Oratory: therefore, with the most unbounded con- 8:45am Low Mass with organ 11:00am High Mass fidence, to implore 1:00pm Low Mass (No Confessions) your maternal inter- I will continue to offer three Masses on Sundays to cession. Obtain, O accommodate as many faithful as possible given the limi- loving Mother, the tations of numbers imposed by current protocols, but for grant of my requests. the time being, in order to take my own Sunday rest, I will I will endeavor to imitate your virtues, that I give this schedule a try. Thank you for your patience and understanding with this change. may one day share your glory, and bless you in Please continue to pray for me as I remember you and eternity. Amen. your families daily at the Altar. Deceased: Alice Humbly & gratefully yours in Christ the King, Gallardo, Alice Aversa; George Thurman, Clare Soto; Janice Canon Jonathon Fehrenbacher Hackert, “Carol”, Joseph Deitering: John Moorehouse; Douglas Brunner; Josie Rivera; William Brown; Esther Var- gas; Lucy Ahn; Rebecca Felix; Msgr. Todd O’Leary; Fr. Rob- ert Tamminga; Yvonne Sturm; Gerard O’Hora; Marie Yap- pel; Fr. Raul Valencia; Fr. Evan Harkins; Liz Rafferty; Con- nie Urschel; Healing: Maria Acosta; Dr. Winston Ryan; Clint Awana, Berne and Jim Yee, Anne Forrestl, Sylvia Cordova, Blanca Zapata, Jackie Fehrenbacher, Barbara Mayerle, Mike & Deb- bie Silva; Albert Chambers; Nan Arena; Richard Jamison; Arlene Gallardo; Kellee Smith; Rene’ Locke; George Hoge; Sue Williams; Ray Grillo; Michael Burdi; Sadie & Greg Thought from St. Francis de Sales Schuller; Emily Valencia; Kenneth Snyder; Guadalupe de Vega; Noranita Arms; Patti Hill; Mickie Roudebush & fami- We shall steer safely through every storm, so long as ly; Frankie Verdugo; Carol Wray; James Larson; ; Nancy our heart is right, our intention fervent, our courage Gorman; Bill Halstead; Josie Castillo; Nick Lepore; Beverly steadfast, and our trust fixed on God. If at times we are Bolton; Margaret Bradbury; Christopher Thomas; Susan somewhat stunned by the tempest, never fear. Let us take Hansen; Alfonso Ruiz; Thaddeus Stypa; Colleen Gallegos; breath and go on afresh. Sexagesima scandalized, and I am not on fire? If I must needs glo- ry, I will glory of the things that concern my infirmi- Sunday ty.
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