Table of Contents MAIN STORIES Reviews by Faren Miller:.....................................17 Budrys Buys Tomorrow...........................................6 Nightside the Long Sun, Gene Wolfe; Cold Al­ Baen To Do Hardcovers.........................................6 lies, Patricia Anthony; Dog Wizard, Barbara B. Dalton’s Sense of Wonder...................................6 Hambly; The Wealdwive’s Tale, Paul Hazel; Ark Orion Grows Again.................................................6 of Ice: Canadian Futurefiction, Lesley Choyce, SFBC at 40.................................................................6 ed. SF Foundation Moving...........................................6 Reviews by Edward Bryant:.................................19 THE DATA FILE The Thief of Always, Clive Barker; Souls in Pawn, (ISSN-0047-4959) Publishing News.......................................................7 George Hatch, ed.; Wilding, Melanie Tem; EDITOR & PUBLISHER Awards........................................................................7 SHORT TAKES: Suicide Art, Scott Edelman; Charles N. Brown Clarion News............................................................7 Dead Time, Richard Lee Byers; The Cat Inside, ASSOCIATE EDITOR Call for Papers..........................................................7 William S. Burroughs. Faren C. Miller Announcements.......................................................7 Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe:..................................23 Bookstore News.......................................................7 Deus X, Norman Spinrad; The Call of Earth: ASSISTANT EDITORS Book News.............................................................. 61 Homecoming, Volume 2, Orson Scott Card; Marianne S. Jablon Rushdie Update.....................................................61 Kingdoms of the Wall, Robert Silverberg; Live Carolyn F. Cushman Legal News.............................................................. 61 from Golgotha, Gore Vidal; Et Tu, Babe, Mark EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Magazine News.......................................................61 Leyner; Tales of Midnight, R.A. Lafferty; Argo, Dorothy A. Taylor Rights & Options...................................................61 R. A. Lafferty; SHORT TAKES: Planets in Peril: CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Publications Received...........................................62 A Critical Study of C.S. Lewis’s Ransom Trilogy, Software Received.................................................62 David C. Downing; Michael Moorcock: Death is Edward Bryant Catalogs Received.................................................62 No Obstacle, Colin Greenland. Mark R. Kelly INTERVIEWS Reviews by Russell Letson:..................................27 Russell Letson Michael Whelan: Breathing Space.......................4 Hard Landing, Algis Budrys; The Positronic Man, Tom Maddox C.J. Cherryh: Adjusting the Language.................5 Isaac Asimov and Robert Silverberg; Assemblers Scott Winnett SPECIAL FEATURES of Infinity, Kevin J. Anderson and Doug Beason. Gary K. Wolfe Arthur C. Clarke 75th Birthday Celebration.....7 Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:............................29 Political Science Fiction by Frederik Pohl.......32 Sky Road, Ann Tonsor Zeddies; Waylander II: SPECIAL PROJECTS COLUMNS & DEPARTMENTS In the Realm of the Wolf, David A Gemmell; William G. Contento People and Publishing.............................................8 Shadow Dance, Anne Logston; The Oathbound CON REPORTERS Reports from the Electronic Frontier, Wizard, Christopher Stasheff; The Castle of the Beth Gwinn Tom Maddox......................................................11 Silver Wheel, Theresa Edgerton; Tek Vengeance, Jane Jewell Editorial Matters....................................................60 William Shatner; Child of an Ancient City, Tad Locus Letters..........................................................60 Williams and Nina Kiriki Hoffman. Locus, (ISSN-0047-4959), The Newspaper of the LOCUS LOOKS AT BOOKS CONVENTIONS & CONFERENCES Science Fiction Field, is published monthly by LOCUS Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews 1992 World Fantasy Convention........................36 PUBLICATIONS Editorial address: 34 Ridgewood by Mark R. Kelly:...............................................13 LISTINGS Lane, Oakland, CA 94611. 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