Envln~~·· mt ·· ~~~~~Friday,Apri/6, 1984 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'!~,!~~sl!l'l~'•~uc~A~Tl~o!!,.. THE sn'OENT ~EWSPAPER OF 1it O~JA"IASTATE L'NIVERSITV Volume 75 Issue 38 Back to the grind MSU students Wiii Starr getting back into studying as classes enter thelf thlfd week Monday. (Staff photo by Dave Smith) Senate approves $7000 in supplemental requests By TIM LeCA/N tables set on edge had been used. Asking for $1 ,000 in funds, Prchal also presented a request on behalf of the ASMSU Contrlbullng Reporter Jones noted that "CE spent $500 just for the repair of tables Typesetting Service for a new processor for the typesetting The ASMSU Senate approved over $7000 in supplemental damaged during the Rail concert." machines. budget requests at their meeting last night. Jones also said that the tables would not meet contractual Referring to the processor now in use, Prchal said, "It is Supplemental budgets are funds allocated to campus organ­ requirements for the Huey Lewis and the News concert. If the outdated to the extent that we can no longer get new parts." izations to cover costs incurred beyond their original budgets, barricades are not built, she said that they would have to be A request by KG L T for funds to cover telephone charges and which were passed last spring during budgeting. rented from the University of Montana or a Seattle company. postage also was approved. Senator Brian Cavey said that The senate approved Robert Schmunk's request for $2,500 Jones said that the barricades would pay for themselves in four KGL T had under-budgeted for a new telephone system in additional funds for Campus Entertainment (CE) Films. With­ shows with the savings on transportation costs of rented installed last year. He said that KGLThad received inaccurate out the additional funds, Schmunk said the films committee barricades, information about the projected costs of the installation. "would probably have to cancel all our weekend films." Exponent Editor Curt Prchal also received approval of funds The senators also discussed, but did not act on , a proposal to Schmunk said that the film budget for this year is nearly gone. for new photogrephic printing equipment and a print processor. create a KSU M news program and director. The proposed Funds were also approved for the construction of barricades Prchal said the photographic equipment would improve the news program would be broadcast over MSU's new educa­ to be used for crowd control for upcoming MSU concerts. Marta quality of photos printed in the Exponent. He also said that the it tional television station. Jones, CE Concerts Chatrperson said at past concerts folding would save approximately $1 500 every year. HEADUN ES Reagan defends executive branch power (UPl)At one point in his news con­ forcefully. no matter how well-Intentioned. can In between. more than 240 Amer­ House Speaker Tip O'Neill ference Wednesday night, President The Const1tut1on, he said, makes 1t offer what 1s needed 1n actions of this ican servicemen were killed, most of said he thinks Reagan has ·qualms Reagan was asked about the 1973 clear that diplomacy 1s to be con­ kind .. them in the su1c1de-bombing of the Of conscience" because "he IS War Powers Resolu11on, which gives ducted by the Executive Branch of The president repeated his view Mannes' headquarters responsible for the deaths of the Congress the authority to lim11 use of government, and for good reason. that Congress should have declared Wednesday night. a reporter Mannes." U.S troops abroad In Reagan's words, "I fUSt don't war on North Vietnam. Without a asked Reagan 1f he blamed himself O'Ne111's words were echoed by He responded quickly and think a committee of 535 indMduals declaration of war. he said. "none of or Congress for what happened Senate Democratic Leader Robert the rules of warfare could apply with He answered that the lawmakers Byrd, who said the president knows regard to lending comfort and aid to .. must take a respons1b1hty .. The that "his failed foreign policy .can't House approves new budget the enemy The result he implied. U S , he said. was trying to restore stand the scrutiny and examination" stability to Lebanon. But in the midst of Congress (UPI) The House yesterday approved a budget that will tr:m the federal was America's first defeat of this effort. Congress conducted a these accusations and deficit by $182-b1ll1on over three years. The plan allows some increases 1n The President then drew a parallel With all public debate. with many lawmakers defense and social program spending, but only 1f taxes are raised to cover between what happened in Vietnam angry words. you could almost shrilly demanding that the troops be in the middle of them. Thus. the bill carries a · pay-as-you-go" label House Repubhcan and the recent experience in believe we're an brought home. Such demands. said Leader Robert Michel says the proposal shnu!d be tagged "pray-as-you-go" Lebanon election year because. "1f we adopt this our only defense will be the power of prayer" Reagan sent the Marines to the president. could do nothing but But 1t 1s sad so many had to die to Lebanon 1n 1982 to help keep the "stimulate the terrorists." provide the politicians with their ver­ peace. and withdrew them this year, To no one's surprise. Democratic bal ammunition Accutane linked to birth defects when efforts to end the fighting had congressional leaders did not take (UPI) Federal health officials report an increase in the number of reports of , clearly failed kindly, to that kind of criticism. spontaneous abortions and birth defects among women using the drug Accutane. The drug is used for severe cystic acne and other skin problems It's made by Hottman-Laroche Laboratories. Since the product was first marketed in September 1982. the company has included a warning with each prescrip­ tion saying women who are pregnant or intend to become pregnant should DEVELOP YOUR not take the drug But the National Centers for Disease Control says continuing reports of TASTES m1scarnage and birth defects suggest a strong "cause-and-ettect relation­ MUSICAL ship" with the drug. Ottic1als say they know of no plan by the manufacturer to WITH NEW RELEASES FROM take the drug ott the market BUDGET TAPES & RECORDS! Turkish authorities holding hijacker (UPI) Turkish military authorities are holding a Synan hi1acker in custody following his attempt today to take over a Saudi Arabian Airlines 1et It took a crack anti-terrorist squad only seven minutes to apprehend the h11acker once the plane made a forced landing at the Istanbul airport Three female passengers were 1n1ured when they 1umped out of exit doors during the siege. The plane had made a refueling stop between Damascus and Jeddah. Saudi Arabia. when the hi1acker. identified as 25-year-old Ahmet Mahle). demanded to go to Stockholm It's not yet known how he took over the plane. nor 1s there any further indication of a motive in the incident Medicare nearing bankruptcy $5.49 (UPI) Federal reports released yesterday show the long-troubled Social Security system 1s now financially sound, but Medicare 1s nearing economic disaster TBBRLIRlll The findings were contained 1n annual reports to Congress by the boards of trustees of Medicare and Social Security DECl.ARAT1fM According to the studies. Social Security has turned around. primarily because of reforms passed by Congress and signed by President Reagan last year One year ago. the retirement system was headed for bankruptcy But Medicare, the nation's health insurance program for the elderly and long-termed disabled, 1s in mounting trouble. The reports say it 1s in danger of running out of money as early as 1989 $5.49 $5.49 MEN'S STORE THE BUDGET GUARA TEE MasterCard• VISA • Amencan EJ{press Open E"en1ngs Sat 10 to 6 Sun 12 10 5 WE GUARANTEE YOU'LL LOVE THESE RECORDS OR WE' LL EXCHA GE THEM, NO QUE TIO S ASKED! Light Weight Jacket SALE 6-6900 Music 7 days 26 W. Main/ a week Reg. to $45 Downtown $1499 to $2999 EXPONENT 2 Friday, April 6. 1984 Survey pinpoints lighting problems By MELISSA KORBER major improvements in campus lighting. The cost of Staff Writer improving the lighting should come from both the regular No one denies that there 1s a lighting problem on adminstration budget and parking fees. according to campus and that something must be done to protect Strout. students' safety But problems of what should be done " Lights are needed on campus as well as in the park­ and who will pay for improvements in MSU 's lighting may ing lots." pointed out Strout. prove to controversial. Everson agrees with Strout, but thinks that the adm1n­ Currently an ASMSU Senate task force. the Senate istrat1on's budget should provide most of the funds for Safety Strategy and Issues Committee (SSSIC), is inves­ improvements. tigating where campus lighting could be improved "It should be the administration's responsibilty to pro­ through a survey of students vide a safe place for students,'' said Everson "A small Although many surveys are still out, the 1nillal results parking fee increase of $1 might help to pay for the pinpoint many problem areas according to Jan Strout, improvements" SSSIC member and director of the Women's Resource Everson is opposed to a special fee which would Center cover the cost of improving campus lighting. "I don't want the cost of improvements pawned ott on students as another fee increase," said Everson. "It would be easier on everyone to share the financial News Analysis respons1blity.
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