1901. CONGRESSIONAL ·RECORD-SEN ATE. 133 Robert P. Skinner, of Ohio, lately consul at Marseilles, France, Robert E. Mansfield, of Indiana, to be consul at Valparaiso, to be consul-general at Marseilles, to which position he was ap­ Chile, to which position he was appointed during the last recess pointed during the last recess of the Senate. of the Senate, vice John F. Caples, resigned. Conrtlandt K. Bolles, of Pennsylvania, to be consul at Kehl, John Jenkins, of Nebraska, lately consul at San Salvador, Sal­ Germany, to which position he was appointed during the last re­ vador,. to be consul-general at San Salvador, to which position he cess of the Senate, vice Alexander Wood, deceased. was appointed during the last recess of the Senate. George W. Colvig, of Oregon, to be consul at. Barranqnilla, Colombia, to which position he was appointed during the last re­ COLLECTOR OF :rnTERNAL REVENUE. cess of the Senate, vice W. Irvin Shaw, appointed consul-general George W. Lieberth, of Kentucky, to be collector of internal at Singapore, Straits Settlements. revenue for the sixth district of Kentucky, to succeed David M. Pietro Cuneo, "'f Ohio, to be consul at Turin, Italy, to which Comingore, removed. position he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice Percy McElrath, deceased. Thomas R. Wallace, of Iowa, to be consul at Crefeld, Germany, to which position he was appointed during the last recess of the SENATE. Senate, vice Julian Phelps, resigned. Richard L. Sprague, of Massachusetts, to be consul at Gibral­ THURSDAY, December 5, 1901. tar, Spain, to which position he was appointed during the last Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. recess of the Senate, vice Horatio T. Sprague, deceased. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Journal of yesterday's Samuel Smith, of New Jersey, to be consul at Moscow, Russia, proceedings will be read by the Secretary. to which position he was appointed during the last recess of the Mr. HOAR. I ask unanimous consent that the list of bills and Senate, vice Thomas Smith, resigned. resolutions introduced yesterday be omitted in the reading of the Lewis A. Martin, of West Virginia, to be consul at Ciudad Journal. Porfirio Diaz, Mexico, to which position he was appointed during The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Does the Senator from Massa­ the last recess of the Senate, vice Charles P. Snyder, appointed chusetts ask unanimous consent that the reading of the Journal consul at Windsor, Nova Scotia. be dispensed with? William H. Hunt, of New York, to be consul at Tamatave, Mr. HOAR. Only so far as the list of bills and resolutions is Madagascar, to which position he was appointed during the last concerned. recess of the Senate, vice Mifilin W. Gibbs, resigned. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is there objection? The Chair George 0. Cornelius, of Pennsylvania, to be consul at St. Johns, hears none, and it is so ordered. Newfoundland, to which position he was appointed during the The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read as directed, last recess of the Senate, vice Martin J. Carter, appointed consul and approved. at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY. Joseph J. Langer, of Nebraska, to be consul at Solingen, Ger­ many, to which position he was appointed during the last recess Mr. HAL.E. I move that when the Senate adjourns to-day it of the Senate, vice Edmund Z. Brodowski, deceased. be to meet on Monday next. George N. Dale, of Vermont, to be consul at Coaticook, Quebec, The motion was agreed to. Canada, to which position he was appointed during the last recess REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF INDHN AFFAIRS. of the Senate, vice Jesse H. Johnson, appointed consul at Santos, The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ Brazil. munication from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting the Arthur H. Williams, of New Hampshire, to be consul at Sal­ report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, together with a tillo, Mexico, to which position he was appointed during the last copy of an agreement with the Indians of the Lower Brule Reser­ recess of the Senate, vice Charles Burr Towle, deceased. vation, in South Dakota, and also a draft of a bill to ratify the Frank R. Mowrer, of Ohio, to be consul at Ghent, Belgium, to agreement; which, with the accompanying papers, was referred which position he was appointed during the last recess of the to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Senate, vice Richard Le Bert, resigned. George Sawter, of New York, to· be consul at Antigua, West LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF NEW MEXICO. Indies, to which position he was appointed during the last recess The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ ·of the Senate, vice Frank R. Mowrer, appointed consul at Ghent, munication from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting two Belgium. · copies each of the journals of the house and councils of the Ethelbert Watts, of Pennsylvania, to be consul at Prague, Thirty-fourth assembly of the Territory of New Mexico; which ·Austria, to which position he was appointed during the last recess were referred to the Committee on Territories. of the Senate, vice Hugo Donzelman, resigned. REPORT OF MARITIME CANAL COMPANY. Edwin N. Gunsaulus, of Ohio, to be consul at Toronto, Onta­ rio, Canada, to which position he was appointed during the last The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ recess of the Senate, vice William L. Sewell, appointed consul at munication from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a Pernambuco, Brazil. copy of the report of the Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua; William L. Sewell, of Ohio, to be consul at Pernambuco, Brazil, to which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Com­ whichpositionhewasappointedduringthelastrecessoftheSenate, mittee on Interoceanic Canals, and ordered to be printed. vice Edwin N. Gunsaulus, appointed consul at Toronto, Canada. THE GOVER...~NT PRINTING OFFICE. · Charles V. Herdliska, of the District of Columbia, to be consul The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a commu­ at San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua, to which position he was ap­ nication from Brig. Gen. G. L. Gillespie, Chief of Engineers, pointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice William B. United States Army, transmitting the report of operations upon Sorsby, appointed consul at Kingston, Jamaica. the new building for the Government Printing Office for the year William B. Sorsby, of Mississippi, to be consul at Kingston, ended November 30, 1901; which, with the accompanying papers, Jamaica, to which position he was appointed during the last re­ was referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, cess of the Senate, vice Ethelbert Watts, appointed consul at and ordered to be printed. Prague, Austria. Jesse H. Johnson, of Texas, to be consul at Santos, Brazil, to PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. which position he was appointed during the last recess of the . Mr. PENROSE presented petitions of 74 citizens of Abington, Senate, vice John J. Girimondi, removed. 74 citizens of Honesdale, 56 citizens of Carlisle, 46 citizens of Charles P. H. Nason, of Pennsylvania, to be consul at Grenoble, Kylertown, 38 citizens of Downington, the Young Ladies' Semi­ France, to which position he was appointed during the last recess nary of Washington, 64 citizens of Washington, 53 citizens of of the Senate, vice Grenville James, removed. Valencia, 55 citizens of Rural Valley, 59 citizens of Philadel­ · Charles H. Egbert, of lllinois, to be consul at Durango, Mexico, phia, 176 citizens of West Alexander, 275 citizens of Christiana, to which position he was appointed during the last recess of the 566 citizens of Altoona, 45 citizens of .Millcreek, 98 citizens of Senate, vice Walter H. Faulkner, resigned.· Rochester Mills, 115 citizens of Pittsburg, 78 citizens of Tyrone, Alonzo B. Garrett, of West Virginia, to be consul at Nuevo 24 citizens of Montrose, 193 citizens of Philadelphia, and of 100 Laredo, Mexico, to which position he was appointed during the citizens of Berwyn, all in the State of Pennsylvania, praying for last recess of the Senate, vice Robert Butler Mahone, resigned. the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution to prohibit Edward A. Creevey, of Connecticut, to be consul at Glauchau, polygamy; which were referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Germany, to which position he was appointed during the lsst He also presented petitions of Pioneer City Council, of Carbon­ · recess of the Senate, vice George Sawter, resigned. dale; Lititz Springs Council, No. 197, of Lititz; Chester Council, Francis B. Gessner, of Ohio, to be consul at Zittau, Saxony, No. 36, of Chester; Black Creek Council, No. 51, of Weatherly; German,y, ·to which position he was appointed during the last ·James G. Blaine Council, No. 766, of Philadelphia; Local Union recess of the Senate, vice William K. Herzog, resigned. No. 884, of Shamokin; Guarantee Council, No. 95, of Wissahickon; 134 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEMBER 5, George Bancroft Council, No. 571, of Tacony; Edwin A. Shubert vessels at the Mare Island Navy-Yard, in that State; which was Council, No. 728, of West Philadelphia; Melrose Council, No. 928, referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. of Harrisburg; Shenandoah Valley Council, No. 530, of Shenan­ He also presented a petition of the Board of Tra<fe of San Fra.n· doah; Keystone Council, No. 11 of Philadelphia; Allen Council, cisco, Cal., praying that the number of ships sent to the Mare No. 753, of Allentown; Enhaut Council, No. 231, of Enhaut; Island Navy-Yard for repairs be inc1·eased and that an adequate Dunns Council, No. 918, of Dunns; Camp Curtin Council, No. 629, of appropriation be made to complete needed improvements in San Harrisburg; St.
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