B ROOKHAVEN, P ARKSIDE, AND UPLAND M ULTI- MUNICIPAL C OMPREHENSIVE PLAN DELAWARE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE BOROUGHS OF BROOKHAVEN, PARKSIDE, AND UPLAND August 2009 Prepared for the citizens of the Boroughs of Brookhaven, Parkside, and Upland by the Delaware County Planning Department This project was funded in part by a grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community and Economic Development, under the Land Use Planning and Technical Assistance Program (LUPTAP), and with funding from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, P.L. 93-383, as amended. Printed on Recycled Paper BROOKHAVEN BOROUGH Council and Mayor Borough Officials Planning Commission Michael S. Hess, Mayor Mary McKinley, George Letherbury, John J. Wilwert, Jr., Secretary/Manager Chair President William P. Lincke, Solicitor Margaret Eighan, Vawn Donaway, Vice F. Clark Walton, Engineer Vice Chair President Harold Hampton, Zoning Officer Ronald Jackson Harry L. Seth Jon Grant, Code Enforcement Stan Warfield Donna Erickson Officer Ronald Kerins, Jr. Daniel McCray Harry Feindt, Building Inspector Michael A. Ruggieri, Jr. Janice Sawicki PARKSIDE BOROUGH Council and Mayor Borough Officials Planning Commission Ardele Gordon, Mayor Linda Higgins, Secretary Shirley Purcival Shirley Purcival, President Joe Possenti, Jr., Treasurer Frank McCollum, Vice John J. Wills, Solicitor President Charles Catania, Engineer James Kilgallen Dave Favinger, Code Jacqueline File-Barlow Enforcement Officer Henry Ewing Joseph Ferguson, Building William Howell Inspector Jason Stamis UPLAND BOROUGH Council and Mayor Borough Officials Planning Commission Michael Ciach, Mayor Shirley Purcival, Manager Edward Mitchell Edward Mitchell, President Virginia Sentry, Secretary Dana Dudek Christine Peterson, Vice Robert E. O’Connor, Solicitor Frank Myers President Charles J. Catania, Engineer Robert Dugan Dennis Walls Joseph Ferguson, Building Joseph Stefano Sandra Miazza Inspector Georgianna Hicks Leland Hunter Moira Crawford ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TASK FORCE Tom Deitman Resident, Parkside Borough Vawn Donaway Council, Brookhaven Borough Edward Fisher* Resident, Parkside Borough Ralph Garzia* Mayor, Brookhaven Borough Lisa Hertz Resident, Upland Borough Chuck Johnson Resident, Brookhaven Borough Linda Kirby Resident, Upland Borough Kimberly Koterba* Council, Parkside Borough Eileen Mulvena Engineer, Brookhaven Borough Raymond Peden Resident, Upland Borough Joshua Sanders* Council, Parkside Borough Stan Warfield Planning Commission, Brookhaven Borough DELAWARE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT John E. Pickett, AICP, Director Lois B. Saunders, Deputy Director* George Kobryn* and Sam Haber, Project Managers Andrew Adams, Senior Information Marian Goodchild, Senior Program Specialist* Specialist* Jamie Anderson, Planner* Karen Holm, Manager Beverlee Barnes, Manager Ted Leimbach, Intern* Steven Beckley, AICP, Senior Planner Jessica Levengood, Senior Planner* Becky Bradley, Senior Planner* Joseph Russo, Planner Doris Cusano, Administrator Thomas Shaffer, Manager Justin Dula, AICP, Manager Kathleen Wandersee, Principal Planner* DELAWARE COUNTY OFFICE OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT David M. Collins, AICP, Housing Programs Manager* * Former staff member, municipal official, or task force member TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION The Comprehensive Plan 1-1 Comprehensive Planning in Pennsylvania 1-1 The Planning Process in the Three Boroughs 1-2 Vision Statement 1-3 Goals, Objectives, and Recommendations 1-4 Funding Sources 1-4 Plan Organization 1-5 How To Use This Comprehensive Plan 1-6 2 AREA PROFILE Local and Regional Setting 2-1 Historical Background 2-1 Demographic Analysis 2-4 Population Trends and Forecasts 2-4 Age Distribution 2-5 Racial Composition 2-6 Family Income 2-7 Housing Occupancy 2-8 3 HISTORIC PRESERVATION Historic Community Character 3-2 Historic Development Patterns 3-2 Historic Resources 3-6 Municipal Snapshots 3-7 Architectural Styles and Building Types 3-8 Windshield Surveys 3-9 National Register of Historic Places Designation 3-17 Archaeology 3-17 Preservation Planning in the Boroughs 3-19 Municipal Commissions and Task Forces 3-19 Municipal Historic Ordinances 3-20 Citizen Involvement 3-21 4 ENVIRONMENT Natural Features 4-1 Soils and Topography 4-1 Agriculture and Woodlands 4-3 i Shade Trees 4-4 Wetlands 4-4 Floodplains 4-4 Environmental Issues 4-9 Water Quality 4-9 Stormwater Management 4-11 NPDES II Requirements for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems 4-12 Brownfields 4-13 Environmental Programs 4-16 Watershed Protection Coordination 4-16 Environmental Advisory Councils 4-17 5 PARKS, RECREATION, AND OPEN SPACE Parks, Recreational Facilities, and Open Space Facilities 5-2 Existing Public Parks, Recreational Facilities, and Open Space Facilities 5-4 Additional Parks and Open Space in the Three Boroughs 5-8 Community Recreational Programs 5-12 Brookhaven Borough 5-12 Parkside Borough 5-12 Upland Borough 5-12 Open Space and Recreational Opportunities 5-14 Pocket Parks 5-14 Greenway Linking Opportunities 5-14 6 COMMUNITY FACILITIES AND SERVICES Borough Administration and Facilities 6-1 Borough Administration 6-3 Emergency Services 6-6 Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services 6-7 Police Protection 6-9 Education 6-12 Penn-Delco School District 6-12 Chester-Upland School District 6-14 Library Service 6-16 Utilities 6-17 Sanitary Sewers – Act 537 Planning 6-17 Water and Fire Hydrant Service 6-18 Solid Waste Management and Recycling 6-19 7 HOUSING Housing Conditions 7-1 Types of Housing 7-1 Age of Housing 7-2 ii Field Surveys 7-2 Opportunities to Maintain, Repair, and Rehabilitate Existing Housing 7-4 Residential Areas Targeted for Improvements 7-4 Expansion of Rehabilitation Assistance 7-5 Housing Maintenance Concerns 7-6 Section 8 Housing 7-8 Conversions 7-9 Owner / Renter Ratio 7-10 Development of New For-sale and Mixed Use Housing 7-13 8 TRANSPORTATION Streets and Traffic 8-1 Street Ownership and Classification 8-1 Street Conditions 8-4 Traffic Volumes 8-7 Traffic Calming 8-8 Signs and Speed Limit Issues 8-11 Traffic Signals 8-14 Parking Facilities 8-15 Streetscape Issues 8-18 Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities 8-23 Bicycle Facilities 8-23 Pedestrian Facilities 8-31 Transit Service and Travel Demand Management 8-34 Transit Service 8-35 Paratransit Service 8-37 Travel Demand Management 8-38 9 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Economic Background and Indicators 9-2 Business Survey and Market Analysis 9-3 Brookhaven 9-4 Parkside 9-8 Upland 9-9 10 LAND USE Existing Land Use Inventory 10-1 Area Distribution 10-1 Individual Borough Distributions 10-4 Future Land Use Map and Recommendations 10-5 Future Land Use Categories 10-5 Critical Parcels 10-9 iii Nonresidential Land Use Practices and Problems 10-10 Vacant and Abandoned Commercial Structures and Lots 10-10 Strip Commercial Development and Streetscape Improvements 10-11 Incompatible Uses 10-13 Delaware County Revitalization Program 10-15 Relationship Between This Plan and the Action Plan Projects 10-16 Area 2 Action Plan Projects 10-17 Zoning Ordinance Revisions 10-18 Brookhaven Borough 10-19 Upland Borough 10-19 Parkside Borough 10-20 Livability of the Boroughs 10-21 Regional Relationships 10-22 Land Use Map and Zoning Map Relationship 10-24 11 TWO-YEAR ACTION AGENDA Establish Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Partnerships 11-1 Revise and Enforce Ordinances 11-2 Maintain and Upgrade Residential Areas 11-2 Improve Community Facilities and Services 11-3 Improve Traffic Flow and Provide Streetscaping and Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities 11-3 Maintain and Upgrade Nonresidential Areas 11-3 12 IMPLEMENTATION Principal Implementation Tools 12-1 Zoning Ordinance 12-2 Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance 12-2 Official Map 12-3 Capital Improvements Program 12-3 Code Enforcement Program 12-5 Citizen Involvement 12-5 Implementation Task Force 12-6 Implementation Agreement 12-6 Use of the Plan by Borough Governing Bodies and Other Boards 12-8 APPENDICES Appendix A – Funding Programs and Technical Assistance – Sources A-1 Appendix B – Preservation Toolbox B-1 Appendix C – DEP Land Recycling Fact Sheet C-1 Appendix D – Traffic Calming D-1 Appendix E – Locations for New Sidewalks E-1 iv TABLES 2-1 Population Trends and Forecasts, 1900-2020 2-5 2-2 Racial Composition, 1990-2000 2-7 2-3 Median Family Income, 1990-2000 2-8 2-4 Housing Occupancy, 1990-2000 2-9 3-1 Brookhaven Historic Resource Windshield Survey 3-11 3-2 Parkside Historic Resource Windshield Survey 3-13 3-3 Upland Historic Resource Windshield Survey 3-15 5-1 Regional Numerical Standards for Parks and Recreational Areas, 2005 5-2 5-2 Brookhaven Borough Public Parks and Open Space, 2005 5-4 5-3 Parkside Borough Public Parks and Open Space, 2005 5-6 5-4 Upland Borough Public Parks and Open Space, 2005 5-7 6-1 Fire Hydrant Water Billing Figures 6-19 6-2 Recycling Igloo Locations 6-20 6-3 Solid Waste Statistics 6-21 7-1 Housing Types, 2000 7-1 7-2 Age of Housing Stock 7-2 7-3 Blocks Requiring Exterior Maintenance and Rehabilitation, 2005 7-3 7-4 Section 8 Assisted Units, 2005 7-8 7-5 Owner-occupied Units, 1980-2000 7-10 7-6 Median Value of Owner-occupied Properties, 1980-2000 7-11 7-7 Median Sales Prices, 1997-2004 7-11 8-1 Functional Road Classification 8-2 8-2 Bridges 8-4 8-3 Traffic Counts 8-8 8-4 SEPTA Bus Route 116 Ridership in the Three Boroughs 8-35 8-5 SEPTA Bus Route 117/119 Ridership in the Three Boroughs 8-35 8-6 SEPTA Bus Route 117/119 Ridership
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