Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 6-21-1995 Arbiter, June 21 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. "211EWS •• . PUlUNGROOB ... pLANTING SEEDS .·ghorizons DAN SKINNER, ' rehabilitation of the heavy metal laden area -. Environmental Editor. Although corporations claim reclamation is possi- Running back and punt ble,' it is hatd to imagine how successful this may be returner K.G. Adams will no Some folks hike to broaden their horizons while considering the mining process, Cyanide is used to longer be seen running the field others walk to reach places untouched by the leach silver and gold from raw ore. This process as this years Big Sky Newcomer mechanical world. larry Tuttle of Portland, Ore. is requires a leach pond which is literally a lake of liquid of the Year because of his doing all·of this and more in his "March for Reform" death. If aquatic birds are ·unlucky enough to land in of the 1872 Mining Act. these ponds, death is imminent. Additives may be academic performance. The Tuttle .is walking from Salem, Ore. to Denver, Colo. mixed to lower the cyanide potency, but this only NCAA. requirements for playing in the period of six months. He recently strolled masks the presence of the deadly substance. athletics is at least a 20 overall through Boise in the midst of the second leg of the With mitigation and attempts to bar wildlife from GPA. Adams maintained a 1.34. trip. He will travel from Boise to Missoula, through these ponds comes the risk of spillage of these toxic Wyoming, 'and then into Denver. It is not a coinci- man-made reservoirs. Thousands of gallons of dence the trip is 1,872 miles long. cyanide laced water was poured into the Salmon The Center for Environmental Equity, of which River below Stanley this spring. It Was an accident, Tuttle is the president, is coordinating the trip. but this does not matter to fish and fowl whose very Tuttle said he constantly asks himself why people survival depends on clean and clear water. are not outraged by the amount of subsidized These factors are being raised with Tuttle's "March Bolseans are preparing for the destruction of wild places, natural diversity and clean for Reform: The activist wants mining laws reformed water. The trip focuses on the Mining Law, although to ensure that water quality is protected, restoration fifth annual Boise River Tuttle did speak of logging as another example of of mining sites is required and taxpayer subsidization Festival, Even though over 300 corporate welfare. of mining operations is ended. events will take place and an The Mining law is a holdover from the days of larry Craig is currently working on a rewrite of the estimated $2,3 million will be manifest destiny and Westward migration. The law Mining Law of 1872. Craig's ....bill would grant 3 per- spent, some Boiseans wish the was initially intended to lure people from the East. cent of net proceeds after profits to the government. Now, it lures corporations from the North. Regardless His bill would retain the patenting system only for whole thing would go away. of whether the person or company staking a claim on "fair market value for the surface value only: The sec- federal land is American (the major mining conglom- retary of the interior has no authority to deny a per- erates are canadian), the cost for development and mit. There is no suitability review process. virtual ownership (patent) of the mining claim is a As far as reclamation, Craig's bill would only paltry $2.50 to $5 per acre. require to "the extent economically and technically 5 Recently, a Canadian stake was assessed at $127 practical: The cost may go up a bit for the miners, for a Montana claim that is valued at over S15 mil- but the process will change very little. It only ensures lion. Under the law, there is no royalty or fee system the right of corporations to continue to mine public which addresses the amount of money raised from land with little or no environmental safeguards. Sonic Youth frontman Thurston the sale of minerals. The miners get rich and taxpay- State. laws address some of these issues, but they Moore successfully tackles the ers and the environment are neglected. are not standardized and generally not strong enough The secretary of the interior cannot deny a permit to mandate change of the Mining law of 1872. solo beast on his new album for a badlY designed or situated mine. There are no Tuttle goes so far as to say. "the bottom line is Psychic Hearts. The album may environmental provisions in the 1872 Mining Law., there are no federal standards on federal lands that not be a massive departure from Reclamation of mining claims is a major concern. they have to adhere to: Craig's bill would change lit- the Sonic Youth recordings that Currently, there are more than 550,ooo ..abandoned tie. .. made Moore the indie superstar mine sites in the United States with.overl0,000 '.' . Tuttle beli~es miners should be required to pay miles of.pollUted streams.benl!athtl'!em.:lhe ..Coeur ·.·.·fee~~to;mlnep\1bJic.·lands,Whlle at t~e same time heis, but it does provide us with d'Alene lake waterslied is Virtuallydead.CuiTentlY,' /abolishlngthe system of r~nd' patentirigwhich allows. a fuller picture of his , estimates have reached billions of dollars to attempt . miners to purchase sites at such incredibly low prices.·; songwriting, _G I 5 fL- NEW S IUC'- K ET~' ~ NfWSBllCKU NfWSBlICKU NfWSBllCKU NfWSBlICKU NfWSBllCKU NfWSBlICKU NFWSBIICKU musicblue.astroturffevleWs'~Batmin~' n~~~issionX and moundSdeadlines.or . neipru gardeilliig nts or yo r endless summer tion packet, call the BSU New of administrative experience that Fall admission Student Information Center at'385- extends from the community col- deadline is July 26 1820,toll-free in Idaho atl-BQ(}632- lege selling to the Ivy League," said 6586, or nationwide at 1-800-824-7017. Daryl Jones, provost and vice presi- dent for academic affairs at BSU. rmmm. .. 1910_"",,,,",1000083725 Those who plan to start classes ~. J: . J IPhone (208)345-8204 Fax (208)385-3198 at Boise State University this fall "In particular, her involvement at E-tnaI [email protected] ... semester need to complete the Hew dean for the national level in the areas of admissions process by July 26. ll1is adult and continuing educational VOLUME 5••• NUMBER 1...JUNE 21 1995 Continuing ..Education includes completing the application technology will be of interest and 1heArhiter isthe ollkial student newspaper of 80ise Slate Univellily.lIs mission is 10 provide a fGlUm for for admission, providing hlgh ' has been selected benefit to the educational commu- the disMsian 01 issues impoding the campus and the community. The Arbilel'i budget COIIlists 01 fees pcid school or college transcripts and, nity in Idaho." by studenlfOr' ISU and advertising sales. II is dislributid 10 the campus and CDmmunilyon Wednesdays for some, taking the ACf orSAT Joyce Harvey-Morgan, associate Harvey-Morgan earned a doctor- during the schoolyeor.1he first copy is free, odditionol copies are $1 each, payable alThe Arbiter offices. exams. director of the Nit,iclJul Center on . ate in adult and higher education from Columbia University. She THE STAFF The admissions process can take Adult Literacy at. the University of up to three weeks to complete, said Pennsylvania, has been selected received a master's degree in com- Elltor AOOmRushManafng E.tor KoIeNeillyBeDPhoto Elltor Rick KosorichFeatures Elltor Mark Wheeler, assistant to the dean dean of Continuing Education and munity counseling from Lehigh Rhell Tonner F1hi Editor Loura De~odo MusleE.tor Joson Sievers Sports E.ton Michelle of admissions. coordinator of Outreach at Boise University, a master's in art history Schwend, Ouis Strollon Outdoor Yror Russ WoolseyOEIIYIrOlllllentai ElItor Don Skimel Copy Those who complete their State University. from Tufts University and a B.A. in ~tor Ammdo Snith SeII«. ScoII. SdvnoIjohn Assist .. Art Dlnctor-. Art DInctor history from Oberlin College. Ryan IlorxOJe 81s111Ss .... Jeff 1hoo1Json Staff Writers 00WI Bct.vmon, Nay Doherty, admissions files after July 26 will Her appointment begins August Steve Ad, Kevil GtiJ, KotIIyn 6llJce, DcMd Gropp, Polricio Greg«, KeWI Heckathoo1, Jon Hite, MrJk be given the option of attending 28 and is contingent upon approval Among her responsibilities at HoIIodoy, Joe ReIk, Aoroo Switzer, Kevil WIIl5Iow,Jon Wroten Staff PIlotllf'lllll-s Ilcmt Filii, the university as non.<Jegree-seek- by the State Board of Education. the National Center on Adult Joe Rel, Trish1hupe, GonbISchofel 0raIatf0a ..... Jon Wroten AlIvIrlisllg ~ ing students or waiting until the Prior to her current position, which Literacy, Harvey:Morgan helped I'oIri<k AcosIo Classlfl.U&ls..... UMOnisoo R"'1mro Delgado, TJ MOllison, Rhell following semester. Non-degree- she has held sincel993, Harvey- pian the center's programs, super- TciMeI.ElItorfal AdvIser Don Manis BusillSs AdvIurWiliom Hili seeking st.udents are limited to tak- Morgan serv~ as dean of commu- visCd its internal operations, assist- ing seven or fewer credits per nity education at Northampton ed in overseeing research projects THE WEATHER semester and are not eligible for Community College in Bethlehem, and evaluated results, and provided ff I'd written au the tItJtti I knelv forthe piJstl 0 yeDls,about 600 peopl&-inckJd'mg ma- financial aid ".
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