Unburdening Broadway: Spotlight on the American's with Disabilites Act Naomi Edwards

Unburdening Broadway: Spotlight on the American's with Disabilites Act Naomi Edwards

Journal of Law and Policy Volume 27 | Issue 1 Article 3 Fall 10-1-2018 Unburdening Broadway: Spotlight on the American's with Disabilites Act Naomi Edwards Follow this and additional works at: https://brooklynworks.brooklaw.edu/jlp Part of the Law and Society Commons Recommended Citation Naomi Edwards, Unburdening Broadway: Spotlight on the American's with Disabilites Act, 27 J. L. & Pol'y 94 (2018). Available at: https://brooklynworks.brooklaw.edu/jlp/vol27/iss1/3 This Note is brought to you for free and open access by the Law Journals at BrooklynWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of Law and Policy by an authorized editor of BrooklynWorks. $N+$&)6NIN4 +&(,)",07 SP(%LI43% (N %36 ,16&I*,NS "I%3 )IS,+ILI%I6S ,*% Naomi Edwards* Inspired by the Shakespearian play, someone once said, “All the world’s a stage, some of us just have better seats,” 1 but what if you cannot even get into the theater to take your seat? Imagine you just watched the Tony Awards, the performers were spectacular, the musical numbers are stuck in your head, and you cannot wait to buy tickets to this year’s best musical. You go online, research the theater where the production is playing, and your heart sinks. There is a small step into the front of the theater, and the nearest handicapped bathroom is located in a hotel next door. It would be too onerous of a task to attempt to see the production in your motorized wheelchair. Instead you are left hoping that they will make a movie version.2 ] JYkY !andida-e, Brooklyn Law @cLool, 201C) BY#Y, Macaualy Tonor. !olleMe a- !UNY, 201EY I would like -o -Lank 5y 1aren-., !Larle.wor-L and Maria Edward., for -Leir con-inuou. lo+e and .u11or- -LrouML -Li. 1roce..Y >Li. no-e would no- La+e deen 1o..idle wi-Lou- your in.1ira-ion and encouraMe5en-Y >Lank you for 1u--inM u1 wi-L 5y .-re..Zinduced idio.yncra.ie., and infa-ua-ion. wi-L fic-ional cLarac-er.Y I would al.o like -o -Lank -Le en-ire .-aff of -Le Journal of Law and Policy for -Leir 5eaninMful feeddack and edi-inM, 1ar-icularly Ja5e. #llen, and jacLary @La1iro, your in.iML-. 5ade 5e a de--er wri-erY 1 Perfect Pairings: Broadway Inspired Nights, >TE @TOP@ #> !OLUMBU@ !IR!LE, >IME 9#RNER !>RY, L--1.BXXwwwY-Le.Lo1.a-colu5du.circleYco5X1erfec-Z1airinM.ZdroadwayZin.1iredZ niML-.X _la.- +i.i-ed No+Y 28, 2018^) see 9ILLI#M @T#SE@PE#RE, #@ YOU LISE I> ac- 2, .cY DY 2 See >a55y kuckwor-L, Congress Wants to Make Americans with Disabilities Second-Class Citizens Again, >TE 9#@TY PO@> _Oc-Y 1D, 201D^, L--1.BXXwwwYwa.LinM-on1o.-Yco5Xo1inion.XconMre..Zi.ZonZ-LeZoffen.i+eZaMain.-Z a5erican.Zwi-LZdi.adili-ie.X201DX10X1DXfF080ECcZdHFCZ11eDZCeF8Z CG UNBURDENING BROADWAY CF IN>ROkU!>ION >Le keclara-ion of Inde1endence declare., a. a uni+er.al -ru-L, N-La- all 5en are crea-ed e/ualY?H In.1ired dy -Li. ideal, -Le Uni-ed @-a-e. La. enac-ed ci+il riML-. leMi.la-ion -o en.ure -La- -Le 1rinci1le. laid ou- in -Le keclara-ion of Inde1endence deco5e a reali-yYG In -Le 1CE0., leMi.la-or. and ci+il riML-. ad+oca-e. relied on -Le.e 1rinci1le. of e/uali-y wLen craf-inM -Le !i+il RiML-. #c- of 1CEGYF VollowinM -Li. -radi-ion,E -Le #5erican. wi-L ki.adili-ie. #c- _N#k#?^ wa. enac-ed on July 2E, 1CC0 wi-L -Le lof-y Moal of endinM di.cri5ina-ion on -Le da.i. of di.adili-yYD 9Len for5erZ Pre.iden- UeorMe TY 9Y Bu.L .iMned -Le #c- in-o law, Le co51ared -Le leMi.la-ion -o -Le fallinM of -Le Berlin 9allY8 On -La- day, Le declared -La- -Le #k# .-ood a. leMi.la-i+e e+idence -La- eE288FGGafC8g.-oryYL-5l&u-5g-er5'YCFdaDDcHfFdD _de.cridinM -Le .-ory of Li.a !arl wLo ea1erienced a .i5ilar .i-ua-ion wLen .Le wa. -urned away a- a 5o+ie -Lea-er decau.e -Le 5anaMer would no- allow Ler -o en-er in Ler wLeelcLair^Y H >TE kE!L#R#>ION OV INkEPENkEN!E 1araY2 _UY@Y 1DDE^Y G !i+il RiML-. !a.e., 10C UY@Y H, 18P1C _188H^ _.-a-inM -La- Nall 1er.on. .Lall de en-i-led -o -Le full and e/ual enKoy5en- of -Le acco55oda-ion. iofh Y Y Y 1lace. of 1udlic a5u.e5en- Y Y Y N^Y F See #Y SY @ando+alZ@-rau.`, Travelers, Strangers and Jim Crow: Law, Public Accommodations, and Civil Rights in America, 2H L#9 3 TI@>Y REVY FH, FHPFF _200F^ _N>Le .-ruMMle for ci+il riML-. in 1udlic 1lace. wa. no- .i51ly an eladora-ion of -Le Re+olu-ionary rLe-oric of riML-. or a new dir-L of freedo5Y I- wa. in fac- a reconfiMura-ion of 1reZEnliML-en5en- cor1ora-i+e and co55uni-arian 1ri+ileMe. in-o indi+idually 1o..e..ed en-i-le5en-.Y?^Y E >Le #k# wa. N5odeled af-er -Le !i+il RiML-. #c- of 1CEG, wLicL 1roLidi-. di.cri5ina-ion on -Le da.i. of race, color, reliMion, .ea, or na-ional oriMin Y Y Y -Le #k# i. an Ne/ual o11or-uni-y? law for 1eo1le wi-L di.adili-ie.Y? #k#YMo+ Infor5a-ion and >ecLnical #..i.-ance, Introduction to the ADA, L--1.BXXwwwYadaYMo+Xadagin-roYL-5 _la.- +i.i-ed #uMY H0, 2018^Y D See #5erican. wi-L ki.adili-ie. #c-, G2 UY@Y!Y * 1218H_a^_1^ _1CC0^Y 8 !li1 of #5erican. wi-L ki.adili-ie. #c- @iMninM, !Z@P#N _July 1F, 201F^, L--1.BXXwwwYcZ.1anYorMX+ideoX&cGFGGFHEXa5erican.Zdi.adili-ie.Zac-Z .iMninM) see generally @-a-e5en- dy Pre.iden- of -Le Uni-ed @-a-e., @-a-e5en- dy Pre.iden- UeorMe Bu.L U1on @iMninM @Y CHH, 1CC0 UY@Y!Y!Y#YNY E01 9L 28FDFH _LeMY Ti.-Y^Y CE JOURNAL OF LAW AND POLICY -Le Uni-ed @-a-e., Nwill no- acce1- Y Y Y will no- eacu.e Y Y Y iandh will no- -olera-e di.cri5ina-ion in #5ericaY?C #l-LouML -Le 1a..aMe of -Le #k# led -o 5ore inclu.ion of 1eo1le wi-L di.adili-ie.,10 -Lere re5ain 5any area. of #5erican 1udlic life wLicL are inacce..idle or unacco55oda-inM -o -Le 1Ly.ically di.adledY11 >Lere are darrier. -o en-ry, wLicL 5ake facili-ie. inacce..idle, a. well a. darrier. -o u.e, wLicL 5ake facili-ie. unacco55oda-inMY12 E+en -oday, 5any 1udlic 5e5orial.1H and 5u.eu5.1G La+e deen docu5en-ed a. le.. -Lan one Lundred 1ercen- wLeelcLair acce..idleY Vur-Ler5ore, re.-auran-. La+e deen known -o Nacco55oda-e? wLeelcLairZdound 1a-ron. -LrouML -Le u.e of al-erna-e 1a..aMeway. -La- direc- -Le5 -oward le.. -Lan Lo.1i-adle C IdY 10 Americans with Disabilities Act Anniversary Marks Progress, Setbacks in Accessible Design: Progress Impeded by an Imperfect Law, P#R#LYjEk VE>ER#N@ OV #MY, L--1BXXwwwY1+aYorMXre.earcLZre.ource.Xre.ource.Xacce..idleZ de.iMnXacce..idili-yZre.ource.XadaZa-Z2FZa5erican.Zwi-LZdi.adili-ie.Zac- _la.- +i.i-ed #uMY H0, 2018^Y 11 Id. In addi-ion -o -Le inacce..idili-y -La- i. allowed under -Le #k#, 1eo1le wi-L di.adili-ie. face addi-ional cLallenMe. wi-L nonZco51liance wi-L -Le 1ro+i.ion. of -Le #k#Y #. recen-ly a. 201F, accoun-. indica-e reMular and wide.1read, Nnonco51liance wi-L -Le 5anda-e. of -Le #YkY# Y Y Y Y? Saaryn Uu.-af.on, More Work Needs to Be Done to Prevent Exclusion of the Disabled, NYYY >IME@ _July 2E, 201F^, L--1.BXXwwwYny-i5e.Yco5Xroo5fordeda-eX201FX0DX2EX-LeZa5erican.Zwi-LZ di.adili-ie.Zac-Z2FZyear.Zla-erX5oreZworkZneed.Z-oZdeZdoneZ-oZ1re+en-Z eaclu.ionZofZ-LeZdi.adledY 12 See infra @ec-ion IIYB) Marc Ter.LderM, Serial Suer Targets Broadway Theaters, VORBE@ _VedY 1C, 2018^, L--1.BXXwwwYforde.Yco5X.i-e.X5arcLer.LderMX2018X02X1CX.erialZ.uerZ-arMe-.Z droadwayZ-Lea-er.X7DFaDeCCc1GGCY 1H In early 201D, a 5e5orial -o Vranklin kelano Roo.e+el- 5ade Leadline. for deinM Ninacce..idle -o wLeelcLairZu.inM +i.i-or.Y? NYC Memorial to Wheelchair-Using FDR Inaccessible to Wheelchair-Using Visitors, Lawsuit Says, VOX NE9@ _MarY 1D, 201D^, L--1BXXwwwYfoanew.Yco5Xu.X201DX0HX1DXnycZ 5e5orialZ-oZwLeelcLairZu.inMZfdrZinacce..idleZ-oZwLeelcLairZu.inMZ+i.i-or.Z law.ui-Z.ay.YL-5lY 1G Accessibility, UUUUENTEIM, L--1.BXXwwwYMuMMenLei5YorMXacce..idili-y _la.- +i.i-ed #uMY H0, 2018^ _N>Le 5u.eu5 i. wLeelcLair acce..idle eace1- for -Le TiML Uallery, wLicL i. a- -Le -o1 of -Le fir.- ra51 and La. -wo low .-air. a- -Le en-ranceY?^Y UNBURDENING BROADWAY CD en-rance.Y1F #ddi-ionally, i- i. no- unco55on for re.-auran-. -o La+e in-erior .-air., wLicL of-en-i5e. 1re+en- 1Ly.ically di.adled 1a-ron. fro5 acce..inM 5ain dininM area.Y1E #l-LouML .ucL acco55oda-ion. are technically inZline wi-L -Le re/uire5en-. under -Le #k#,1D -Ley 5ain-ain darrier. -La- 5ake i- 5ore difficul- for indi+idual. in wLeelcLair. -o enKoy -Le Mood. and .er+ice. 1ro+ided dy -Le.e e.-adli.L5en-.Y18 >Li. kind of N.Lor-cu- co51liance? wi-L -Le #k# i.

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