WAR BULLETIN F o r Viclory .. B u y indicted by a fedcnil Ja rr todsT> eharg* ed wUh Tialatlen «f the knU«tniit taw UNITES STATES DEFENSE In ui klltced coniplncr to monopollxa BOI^DS* st a m p s cuollne ■lonce and ' " 'A Regional .Newspaper Serving Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties y O L . 24, NO. 28S TWIN FALLS. IDAHO, TUESDAY. MARCH 17. 19-12 PRICE B CENTS M’ARTHUR GOES TO AUSTRALIA Hero of Bataan 123 Dead, 900 Hurt in 6-State Tornado Made Chief for ERRIFICINDS Buck Private, 34, Tlu-ee Injiircd in Tliis Terrific Crash r — — LABOR GIVES UP Leads Symphony United Nations BLASl W A B ; By EVEJIKTT R. IIOLI.HS Throiigh Number RIGHI TO STRIKE WASHINGTON. March 17 (U,R)—flcii. D ow k\m M ac- RICHMOND, Va.. March 17 Arthiir, foromo.st commander of the allied war chieftains, (UJ*J—For 10 years Allen Piini- arrived in Au.tlrah’a from Ihu'lielejinnerL'il I’hiliiipincs today ED B A D S ham of Ooston played flri.t violin In Uie Philadelphia symphony NTIL WAR ENOS and hii.H a-H.siimed .siijireme ciimmand of the United Nations Dy Tiie Auoei>l<(I rrcis orchMlBi. Tlien he wM draficil WASHINGTON. M arch . 17 M-)— forcca there in Australia’s hour of peril. Torns\dic storms ripped in to U\6 WTTOi'. Lenders ot orKnnlzed latxir Indicated 'rh a \c o lo rtiil d e fe n d e r of th e Dhilipjiiiie.^ reached Au.-s- over ft COO-milc Htnp of six He wiw ovcf-Joyed when Jir today that labor had yielded ILi tralia after it Hccret airplane learned th a t Uie orcJie.itra would right to strike during Uie war as i .southern and, midwMtern piny an cnuagcmenl liere near more naU.ifactory answer lo Uu flinht, only u few liours after .sUiles yc.'itcrduy, leaving in Camp Lee, where he Li stationed, problems or pro<lucUon and national official disclosure that Amer­ their wake at Iciust 12,'i dead, and last niKht he got leave to ko u nity Uiao rciirlcllvr leglslnUve en- To Australia ican troops—air and ground over noo injured and millions to tlie concert. actment.1 by coiiKre.w, , When tlie orchestra had com­ William Clreen, president of the forces ‘‘in con.siderable n u m ­ of dolliir.s in property diimaKC. pleted itn concert Condiicujr bers"—have landed in Aus­ TcrrUlc wln(l3 cut acrosa Uic American Federation of Labor, and norlhwciiwrii sccllon of MLvili.:lj)pl BuKene Orm andy pau.-.ed on Uic Philip Murray, rhalrman of the CIO. tralia and are prepiirinK to ixxtlum and middenly Mked Prl- who called a t the Whlt« H oaie wlU» meet Japan’s blown ngain.st wlicrc nl Icruil 03 were known dead, Vftio Parnliani to comc forward. niemberi of the labor-war- bo<ird, and approxlmnlely 020 oUicrn In­ tlie southwest Pacitic ba.s- jured. lIlHli winds alio.lcll a LraU Tlien Ilf handed him liLs biiion riL-icla'.cd a lier an liour'ii conferencc of dentil mid dcitrucuoii In wcat- and a-'krd him to direct tlie en­ w ith Uin Pre.il(lent Uiat It was tidii. crn Kciitiieiy anti Tennf.v.ee. Blruclc tire en;.enible In John I'hllllp ngtced wnKc rales an(l standards Mac.\rthur. the war department iouil\ ccntrnl cuid norUi ccntral In­ Sou.sa'3 •'StBRi and Stripe.^ For- would bn fixed, without re/.ort to announced, was ordered t>y Pre,-il- diana. ond killed at leii-tl 20 In strikes, or InterrupUon to protliic- dent nowcvelt to leave Uio Philip­ eiuil ccntriU lUlnoia. Slorma Tlie audience of 3,000 cheered llnii. tlirouKh thej.e Uiree m ethods: pine;! 23 days ago nnd go to Aus- ’rcporud as far wc-it aa west wildly as th e 34-year-old snldlcr CollecUvc bargaining, conclllnUon irnlla "ns sooh ns Uio necessary triU Mluoiirl. In uniform directed the cray- or mediation, or operaUons of the iirranHcnifnla could be made." Tlie loll of dead and e.nllmaled benrds of tlie staid symplinny naUnnal labor board. nif* 02-year-old general, whose number of Injured by au^^e.'^: tlirouRh Uie spirited linrs- At ttie T l\c tv.'o lop men In orKiv«l7«t ncvi cowmRnil tm btntea th e P h il­ Dead Injured flnLili, Uiey dapped him buck for labor. dbciLMlng by turns Uie p a r­ ippines where htn stnnd against two curtAln caiLi. ’ ley wlUi the chief executtlve. gavt w hat r.eenietl llko hopeles.i odd* won Ml-viLvslppl ............. ....G5 f— a plcuiro of satl.sfactory production him undying fame, was shifted at Illinois ----------------------- 20 1 Kentucky_______-......16 of war malerlaLi with labor devollng the request of the Australian gov­ Tenne.viee -— ...-....20 ! every force and effort to turning ernm ent which regards him a.i the Price Control out war .supplle/i, only lender capable of stemming Indiana .......-............... 1! Murray said it was agreed the Japanese sweep of conquest. MLviLviljipl, linrdeNl lilt, rushed nil “voluntary action on the part of »Tal!nblo aid to Uie dlsiuiter / Aimofinremant Cheered ’ coverlnj an area of ISO miles Hits Most of Thren roen were injured and tn-o were Sn the lionpltal this afternoon a« a rrauU of the two-car <ma.ih- labor to yield lu right to strike was and about 100 mlle.i deep. The op which l» pictnred abore. The era-ih occurred two mile* sooth of Twin Falls on the airport road about a more satisfactory answer to the Congressional Circles here cheered tlon. mostly rural wiu» only a few 7:43 a. m. In the hosplUI are -llm Staiiillte. Hansen, and J. N. (Jack) Molyneux. former street superinten­ problem of producllnn and naUonal Uie announcem ent and said tluit Nation’s Food dent for Twin Falls. Malyiieax nas drlvlnc the ear a t the left while the auto ihonrn upside down was 4mlty Uian restrictive enactmenta MncArUiur's arrival In Aastralla icaltercd clUes. WM without com. by the federal congre.is." will boost the morale of all the munlcaUon for several houra it D j WILLIA.M FEIIRIS operated by Ben ll«u. 35. Hanien. State rolleeman V. K. Barron is shown hBldlnt a post whieh was knock­ many placM. Torrential rains fpl' ed dow n a* the two cars left the road anil entered a field. (Tlmr»-Nc«-» I’hoto anil C nsravtne) Green remarked that “It United Nations’ flghtlnK forces In a Jowed tho hlHh winds and washed CKICAOO. M *ch 17 1.1’)-D lnner agreed Uiat Uie 40-hour weck shnll critical hour. out many roftd.i. tables are the site of an economic l>e rccognlred ns standard, that Chalniinn Tom Connally. D.. Tex., Sends Aid war with a rapidly expandlnu front, time and a half should bo paid Tor of Uie r.enali* foreign relations com­ TIIB American Red Cross dispatch ft survey of price control mca/.ures overtime and double Ume for Sun- m ittee. predicted Uint Uie United rd 50 dlaaster workers Into southern on foods disclosed today. Nallon.s’ Iroopn win “respond glorl* and mldwestem sUtes to dUect »ld The front ranges from canned to­ It was left undecided, he adSed. oiBly" lo MacArthur's leadership, '' toe vletlma of the «lde-mrei.i] tor- mato Juice through an extended Idaho Placed in ™ IN HOSPITAL wheUier doulile lime would be paid and Bftld "It u fortune for liw clv- nadoes and called XOO B^d Crou menu to canned Machet. and ' only for work on the SabbaUi. lllr.1^ world Jh^it he lj^ c n } .-_ ,.-» . lo dat)-ln UioWftettr-Tena. h o a it* Jfe w ho ahya Ttvtn'frer.h v ._ . wheUier 11 would be paid for a s , b«n" conceded by top Relief headquarters were estab­ t&bles can have a' ccmpiel« prlee- <CaBltna«4 IB P u* *, 1> mllllnry authorlUes for weeks — lished In Memphis. Tenn.. with Nat control meal. wlUi meat induded. I F I E R l A S H f while' deninmli for MacArthur's Office of price adnilnlstfatlon New Defense Zone •rcscue" from Uie Phlllpplne-i were C. Wlkon of the WaahlnsWn staff Tft'o men were In Uic county gen- In charfic. nutliorltles. leading Uie campaltm made In conRress and la A ustralia TJje Memphis Re<l Cros.i chaptcr a«alnst InflaUon at meal Ume. nn SAN FRANCISCO, i\Invch-17 (/P)—Tlic army extended its crai hospital here tod:>y for treat­ —that n presltlenllal order would be UleKT-aphed national headquarters believed ready to as.iume the offcn' alien control propram (o the Rocky mountain.s, and even ,be­ m ent of Injuries recclvnl in an earl> LOHERY STARTS Oeor{fl ' t>ulherland neces-sary to make him leave his val­ that a caravan carrylna 15 doctors a gainst additional sollcnt-i li yond today,'in a proclamation HcltinK: up Utah, Nevada, m orning two-car cra.ili .louUi of Uit iant little army that has held the Undrd ufely In Australia today atyl 20 nurses had left for the Ore n ear future. If It should bi cltj-, and operator of one of ;,he Japanese a t a -slandr.Ull on the B a­ nadn. MUs., area. neceiL'.ary. • Idaho a n d M o n tan a a.s m ilitary arcii.s. were Gen. lloufla* MacArUiur, taan bntilefronl. The storms struck separately In Major action so far Will become I t al.'^o d esig n ated OH-l new pro h ib itcti zones in the.se stale.- machines was charued wiUi reckless STRANTS hero of Bataan, and his two cap­ MflcArthur wa-s accompanied to driving.
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