Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA Pt. 319 comply with (c)(1)(i) or (ii), it may bear Subpart E—Sausage Generally: Fresh a common or usual name that is not Sausage false or misleading, except that the 319.140 Sausage. product may not bear the name ‘‘Me- 319.141 Fresh pork sausage. chanically Separated (Beef).’’ 319.142 Fresh beef sausage. (3) Spent skulls or vertebral column 319.143 Breakfast sausage. bone materials from cattle younger 319.144 Whole hog sausage. than 30 months of age that exit the 319.145 Italian sausage products. AMR system shall not be used as an in- Subpart F—Uncooked, Smoked Sausage gredient of a meat food product. 319.160 Smoked pork sausage. [69 FR 1884, Jan. 12, 2004] Subpart G—Cooked Sausage Subparts B–G [Reserved] 319.180 Frankfurter, frank, furter, hotdog, weiner, vienna, bologna, garlic bologna, PART 319—DEFINITIONS AND knockwurst, and similar products. 319.181 Cheesefurters and similar products. STANDARDS OF IDENTITY OR 319.182 Braunschweiger and liver sausage or COMPOSITION liverwurst. Subpart A—General Subpart H [Reserved] Sec. Subpart I—Semi-Dry Fermented Sausage 319.1 Labeling and preparation of standard- [Reserved] ized products. 319.2 Products and nitrates and nitrites. Subpart J—Dry Fermented Sausage 319.5 Mechanically Separated (Species). [Reserved] 319.6 Limitations with respect to use of Me- chanically Separated (Species). Subpart K—Luncheon Meat, Loaves and 319.10 Requirements for substitute stand- Jellied Products ardized meat food products named by use 319.260 Luncheon meat. of an expressed nutrient content claim 319.261 Meat loaf. and a standardized term. Subpart L—Meat Specialties, Puddings and Subpart B—Raw Meat Products Nonspecific Loaves 319.15 Miscellaneous beef products. 319.280 Scrapple. 319.29 Miscellaneous pork products. 319.281 Bockwurst. Subpart C—Cooked Meats Subpart M—Canned, Frozen, or Dehydrated Meat Food Products 319.80 Barbecued meats. 319.81 Roast beef parboiled and steam roast- 319.300 Chili con carne. ed. 319.301 Chili con carne with beans. 319.302 Hash. Subpart D—Cured Meats, Unsmoked and 319.303 Corned beef hash. Smoked 319.304 Meat stews. 319.305 Tamales. 319.100 Corned beef. 319.306 Spaghetti with meatballs and sauce, 319.101 Corned beef brisket. spaghetti with meat and sauce, and simi- 319.102 Corned beef round and other corned lar products. beef cuts. 319.307 Spaghetti sauce with meat. 319.103 Cured beef tongue. 319.308 Tripe with milk. 319.309 Beans with frankfurters in sauce, 319.104 Cured pork products. sauerkraut with wieners and juice, and 319.105 ‘‘Ham patties,’’ ‘‘Chopped ham,’’ similar products. ‘‘Pressed ham,’’ ‘‘Spiced ham,’’ and simi- 319.310 Lima beans with ham in sauce, lar products. beans with ham in sauce, beans with 319.106 ‘‘Country Ham,’’ ‘‘Country Style bacon in sauce, and similar products. Ham,’’ ‘‘Dry Cured Ham,’’ ‘‘Country Pork 319.311 Chow mein vegetables with meat, Shoulder,’’ ‘‘Country Style Pork Shoul- and chop suey vegetables with meat. der,’’ and ‘‘Dry Cured Pork Shoulder.’’ 319.312 Pork with barbecue sauce and beef 319.107 Bacon. with barbecue sauce. 259 VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:09 Mar 19, 2021 Jkt 253029 PO 00000 Frm 00269 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\09\9V2.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB § 319.1 9 CFR Ch. III (1–1–21 Edition) 319.313 Beef with gravy and gravy with beef. part and otherwise in accordance with the general provisions in this sub- Subpart N—Meat Food Entree Products, chapter. Any product for which there is Pies, and Turnovers a common or usual name must consist 319.500 Meat pies. of ingredients and be prepared by the use of procedures common or usual to Subpart O—Meat Snacks, Hors d’Oeuvres, such products insofar as specific ingre- Pizza, and Specialty Items dients or procedures are not prescribed 319.600 [Reserved] or prohibited by the provisions of this subchapter. Subpart P—Fats, Oils, Shortenings (b) Any binder or antimicrobial agent that has been found to be safe and suit- 319.700 Margarine or oleomargarine. 319.701 Mixed fat shortening. able by the Food and Drug Administra- 319.702 Lard, leaf lard. tion and the Food Safety and Inspec- 319.703 Rendered animal fat or mixture tion Service may be used in the produc- thereof. tion of meat products with standards of identity in this part, where the product Subpart Q—Meat Soups, Soup Mixes, standards and applicable Federal regu- Broths, Stocks, Extracts lations already permit the use of these 319.720 Meat extract. types of ingredients. 319.721 Fluid extract of meat. [35 FR 15597, Oct. 3, 1970, as amended at 68 FR Subpart R—Meat Salads and Meat Spreads 22578, Apr. 29, 2003] 319.760 Deviled ham, deviled tongue, and § 319.2 Products and nitrates and similar products. nitrites. 319.761 Potted meat food product and dev- iled meat food product. Any product, such as frankfurters 319.762 Ham spread, tongue spread, and and corned beef, for which there is a similar products. standard in this part and to which ni- trate or nitrite is permitted or required Subpart S—Meat Baby Foods [Reserved] to be added, may be prepared without nitrate or nitrite and labeled with such Subpart T—Dietetic Meat Foods [Reserved] standard name when immediately pre- Subpart U—Miscellaneous ceded with the term ‘‘Uncured’’ in the same size and style of lettering as the 319.880 Breaded products. rest of such standard name: Provided, 319.881 Liver meat food products. That the product is found by the Ad- AUTHORITY: 7 U.S.C. 1633, 1901–1906; 21 ministrator to be similar in size, fla- U.S.C. 601–695; 7 CFR 2.18, 2.53. vor, consistency, and general appear- SOURCE: 35 FR 15597, Oct. 3, 1970, unless ance to such product as commonly pre- otherwise noted. pared with nitrate and nitrite: And pro- vided further, That labeling for such Subpart A—General product complies with the provisions of § 317.17(c) of this subchapter. § 319.1 Labeling and preparation of standardized products. [44 FR 48961, Aug. 21, 1979] (a) Labels for products for which § 319.5 Mechanically Separated (Spe- standards of identity or composition cies). are prescribed in this part shall show the appropriate product name, an in- (a) Mechanically Separated (Species) gredient statement, and other label in- is any finely comminuted product re- formation in accordance with the spe- sulting from the mechanical separation cial provisions, if any, in this part, and and removal of most of the bone from otherwise in accordance with the gen- attached skeletal muscle of livestock eral labeling provisions in part 317 of carcasses and parts of carcasses and this subchapter, and such products meeting the other provisions of this shall be prepared in accordance with paragraph. Examples of such product the special provisions, if any, in this are ‘‘Mechanically Separated Beef’’, 260 VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:09 Mar 19, 2021 Jkt 253029 PO 00000 Frm 00270 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\09\9V2.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA § 319.6 ‘‘Mechanically Separated Veal’’, ‘‘Me- Analytical Chemists (AOAC),’’ 16th edi- chanically Separated Pork’’, and ‘‘Me- tion, 1995, §§ 960.39, 976.21, 928.08 (Chap- chanically Separated Lamb’’. At least ter 39), and 940.33 (Chapter 45), which is 98 percent of the bone particles present incorporated by reference, or, if no in such product shall have a maximum AOAC method is available, in the size no greater than 0.5 millimeter in ‘‘Chemistry Laboratory Guidebook,’’ their greatest dimension and there U.S. Department of Agriculture, Wash- shall be no bone particles larger than ington, D.C., March 1986 edition, sec- 0.85 millimeter in their greatest dimen- tions 6.011–6.013, Revised June 1987 sion. The product resulting from the (pages 6–35 through 6–65), or by appro- separating process shall not have a cal- priate methods validated by scientific cium content exceeding 0.75 percent, as bodies in collaborative trials. The ‘‘Of- a measure of a bone solids content of ficial Methods of Analysis of the Asso- not more than 3 percent, and shall have ciation of Official Analytical Chem- a minimum PER of 2.5 (except as modi- ists,’’ Chapter 39 and Chapter 45, sub- fied in paragraph (e)(1) of this section). section 45.2.06 (AOAC Official Method Such product also shall have a protein 940.33), 16th edition, 1995, are incor- content of not less than 14 percent and porated by reference with the approval a fat content of not more than 30 per- of the Director of the Federal Register cent, or it shall be deemed to be prod- in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 uct for processing. Such product failing CFR Part 51. to meet the bone particle size, calcium, [47 FR 28256, June 29, 1982, as amended at 54 or PER requirements of this paragraph FR 40631, Oct. 3, 1989; 59 FR 33642, June 30, shall only be used in producing animal 1994; 62 FR 45026, Aug. 25, 1997; 65 FR 34389, fats. Where such product meets the May 30, 2000; 69 FR 1874, Jan. 12, 2004] bone particle size, calcium, and PER requirements of this paragraph, it may § 319.6 Limitations with respect to use also be used in the formulation of meat of Mechanically Separated (Spe- food products in accordance with cies). § 319.6. (a) Meat food products required to be (b) Mechanically Separated (Beef) is prepared from one species shall not inedible and prohibited for use as contain Mechanically Separated (Spe- human food. cies) of any other species.
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