Poultry & Waterfowl Saturday 29Th August 2020

Poultry & Waterfowl Saturday 29Th August 2020

Catalogue Sale of Pure Bred Poultry & Waterfowl To be held on Saturday 29th August 2020 Sale at 10am Deadstock & Eggs, 10am in the Main Ring Followed by Poultry in Catalogue Order Anyone attending will need to wear a face covering Catalogues £1 Buyers Premium 6% Page 1 VENDORS . Doors open at 7.30 until 8.45am for unloading strictly drop & go . All Birds must be penned by 8.45am . Please ensure any reserve prices for birds are given to the booking in staff at time of penning and before 8.45am . Unsold lot fee per cage is £1.50 + VAT. Commission charged at 15% on goods sold with a minimum of £1.50 + VAT per cage/lot . To maintain catalogue integrity, any alternation to catalogue entries will incur an extra fee of £1 + VAT per cage in addition to commission charged . A charge of £1.50 + VAT per cage will be made for cancellations after the catalogue has gone to print . Minimum bid price per cage is £5 for classes 1-18 Page 2 BUYERS . Sale commencing at 10am with dead stock & eggs in the main ring followed by Poultry and Waterfowl in catalogue order. Buyers Premium 6% inc VAT . Viewing strictly from 9am. All buyers must collect a special number for the sale from the main office to enter the ring/sellers area to bid on deadstock or birds. Only enter this area when you want to bid on a specific lot . Bid price is per cage and not per bird . All stock must be paid for & removed on the day of sale . All stock must be carried in appropriate carriers & boxes . Terms of Sale - Cash, Credit / Debit Cards . Sale will follow catalogue order . All birds have been placed in classes according to vendor . Please listen carefully to auctioneer at time of sale who may announce any changes to catalogue entries . Any discrepancies with description of stock bought must be resolved before leaving the auction premises . We kindly remind everyone that the market is open for buyers and sellers to attend and we continue to discourage onlookers For further information contact Jeremy Greenhalgh on 07815727993 Page 3 CAGE VENDOR DESCRIPTION HATCHING EGGS 12 Blue Rose Comb Bantam, Show Stock M Rangeley 1 12 Exhibition Orpington, Various Colours, Show Stock M Rangeley 2 3 D Caygill 10 Hatching Eggs 4 D Caygill 10 Hatching Eggs 5 D Caygill 10 Hatching Eggs 6 E Brennan 12 Lavender Bantam Pekin Eggs 7 E Brennan 12 Lemon Bantam Pekin Eggs 8 A P C Goodwin 12 French Copper Black Maran 9 A P C Goodwin 12 French Copper Black Maran 10 A P C Goodwin 12 Cuckoo Maran 11 A P C Goodwin 12 Cuckoo Maran 12 J Sharpe 12 RIR LF Eggs 13 J Sharpe 12 Cream Legbar LF Eggs 14 J Sharpe 12 Exchequer Leghorn LF Eggs 15 J Sharpe 12 Cream Legbar LF Eggs 16 J Sharpe 12 RIR LF Eggs 17 R Duncan 12 Hatching Eggs 18 R Duncan 6 Hatching Eggs 19 R Duncan 6 Hatching Eggs 20 Thompson 12 White Crested Polish 21 Thompson 12 Gold Laced Polish 22 Thompson 12 Gold Laced Polish 23 Thompson 12 Gold Laced Polish 24 Thompson 12 Red Saddled Yokahmas 25 Thompson 12 Gold Pencilled Hamburgs 26 Thompson 12 Cuckoo Longhorn 27 Thompson 12 Cuckoo Longhorn 28 Thompson 12 Cuckoo Longhorn 29 Thompson 12 Silver Appenzelter 30 Thompson 12 Silver Appenzelter 31 Thompson 12 Silver Appenzelter 32 Thompson 12 Silver Spangled Hamburgs Page 4 33 Thompson 12 Mixed Crested Polish 34 W & A Whipp 12 Light Sussex Hatching Eggs 35 W & A Whipp 12 Light Sussex Hatching Eggs 36 W & A Whipp 12 RIR Hatching Eggs 37 W & A Whipp 12 RIR Hatching Eggs 38 J Hindle 12 Cuckoo Maran 39 J Hindle 12 Cuckoo Maran 40 P Drake Tray White Sussex Hatching Eggs 41 P Drake Tray Welsummer Hatching Eggs 42 D H Lucas 1 Doz Blue Silkie Eggs 43 D H Lucas 1 Doz Blue Silkie Eggs 44 D H Lucas 1 Doz Blue Silkie Eggs 45 D H Lucas 1 Doz Blue Silkie Eggs 46 D H Lucas 1 Doz Blue Silkie Eggs 47 D H Lucas 1 Doz Blue Silkie Eggs 48 D H Lucas 1 Doz Blue Silkie Eggs 49 D H Lucas 1 Doz Blue Silkie Eggs 50 D H Lucas 1 Doz Mixed Silkie Eggs 51 D H Lucas 1 Doz Mixed Silkie Eggs 52 Thompson 12 Gold Pencilled Hamburgs 53 Thompson 12 Silver Spangled Hamburgs 54 Thompson 12 Cuckoo Leghorn 55 Thompson 12 Cuckoo Leghorn 56 Thompson 12 Appenzellers 57 Thompson 12 Appenzellers 58 Thompson 12 Gold Laced Polish 59 Thompson 12 Gold Laced Polish 60 S Hughes 1 Doz Blue Rose Comb Eggs, Show Stock 61 S Hughes 1 Doz Black Silkie Eggs, Show Stock 62 J Falshaw 12 Hatching Eggs TBC 63 J Falshaw 12 Hatching Eggs TBC 64 J Falshaw 12 Hatching Eggs TBC 65 J Falshaw 12 Hatching Eggs TBC 66 J Falshaw 12 Hatching Eggs TBC 67 J Falshaw 12 Hatching Eggs TBC Page 5 68 J Falshaw 12 Hatching Eggs TBC 69 J Falshaw 12 Hatching Eggs TBC 70 J Falshaw 12 Hatching Eggs TBC 71 J Falshaw 12 Hatching Eggs TBC 72 P Hullah 12 Am Samani 73 P Hullah 12 Am Samani 74 P Hullah 12 Pekin Bantam 75 P Hullah 12 Pekin Bantam 76 P Hullah 12 Silver Seabright 77 P Hullah 12 Silver Seabright 78 D Smith 1 Doz Cream Legbar 79 D Smith 1 Doz Cream Legbar 80 Thompson Gold Pencilled Hamburgs 81 Thompson Gold Pencilled Hamburgs 82 Thompson Silver Spangled Hamburgs 83 Clogher Valley Poultry 1 Doz Welsummer, Exhibition Standard 84 Clogher Valley Poultry 1 Doz Buff Orpington, Exhibition Standard 85 Clogher Valley Poultry 1 Doz Silverlaced Wyandotte, Exhibition Standard 86 Clogher Valley Poultry 1 Doz Gold Laced Wyandotte, Exhibition Standard 87 Clogher Valley Poultry 1 Doz Barnevelder, Exhibition Standard 88 Clogher Valley Poultry 1 Doz Guinea Eggs 89 Clogher Valley Poultry 1 Doz Guinea Eggs DEADSTOCK 100 E L Bailey Show Box 101 E L Bailey Show Box 102 E L Bailey Incubator 24 Egg 103 E L Bailey Incubator Poly Hatch 30 Egg 104 E Whitfield 3 x 30 Egg Plastic Egg Trays (Red, Black, Green) 105 E Whitfield 2 x 30 Egg Plastic Egg Trays (Red, Blue) 106 T Moody Dog Cage 107 T Moody Feeder 108 T Moody Dog Cage 109 T Moody Drinker 110 T Moody Brinsea Incubator 111 T Moody Cage 112 T Moody Carrier Page 6 113 T Napthine Large Blue Feed Drum 114 T Napthine 2 18" Triple Show Cages 115 T Napthine 2 18" Triple Show Cages 116 T Napthine RCOM 20 Incubator & Cradle 117 T Napthine Wall Mounted Feed Trough 118 L Greeves Incubator Cabinet Only 119 L Moss Chicken Ark 120 T Buck 2 Duck Baths 121 T Buck 2 Duck Baths 122 T Buck 2 Poultry Show Boxes 123 T Buck 2 Poultry Show Boxes 124 R Duncan Qty Plastic Poultry Rings 125 S Davies Poultry Crate 126 S Davies Poultry Crate 127 S Davies Poultry Crate 128 Clogher Valley Poultry 5kg Feeder with Rain Hat & 12 litre Drinker Combo 129 Clogher Valley Poultry 5kg Feeder with Rain Hat & 9 litre Drinker Combo 130 Clogher Valley Poultry 2.5kg Feeder with Rain Hat & 3 litre Drinker Combo 131 S Hughes Large Poultry Crate 132 S Hughes Large Bell Feeder 133 V & D J Kempson Various Heat Lamp Shades & Galvensied Troughs 134 V & D J Kempson Poly Hatch 48 Egg Incubator 135 V & D J Kempson Poly Hatch 48 Egg Incubator 136 V & D J Kempson Egg Rotator 137 J Falshaw Deadstock, TBC 138 J Falshaw Deadstock, TBC 139 J Falshaw Deadstock, TBC 140 J Falshaw Deadstock, TBC 141 J Falshaw Deadstock, TBC 142 J Falshaw Deadstock, TBC 143 J Falshaw Deadstock, TBC 144 J Falshaw Deadstock, TBC 145 J Falshaw Deadstock, TBC 146 J Falshaw Deadstock, TBC 147 J Falshaw Deadstock, TBC Page 7 148 J Falshaw Deadstock, TBC 149 J Falshaw Deadstock, TBC 150 J Falshaw Deadstock, TBC 151 J Falshaw Deadstock, TBC 152 M Reynolds Arcon 20 Digital Incubator 153 R Metcalfe Pet Carrier 154 R Metcalfe Hen Crate 155 R Metcalfe Incubator 156 R Mayers 1 x 24 Fancy Fowl Magazines, Unread 157 R Mayers 1 x 24 Fancy Fowl Magazines, Unread 158 R Mayers 1 x 24 Fancy Fowl Magazines, Unread 159 R Mayers 1 x 24 Fancy Fowl Magazines, Unread 160 C Ward 2 Rolls of Mineral Felt 161 C Ward 2 Rolls of Mineral Felt 162 C Ward 2 Rolls of Mineral Felt 163 C Ward 2 Rolls of Mineral Felt 164 C Ward 2 Rolls of Mineral Felt CAGE & AVIARY 200 E Brennan Pair Palm Doves 201 E Brennan Pair Barbary Doves 202 T Buck Pair Canary 203 T Buck Pair Canary 204 T Buck Pair Canary 205 T Buck Pair Californian Quail 206 L J Rostron 6 Pekin White Quail 207 R P Benson Pair Diamond Doves 208 R P Benson Pair Diamond Doves 209 A Thomson - Painter Trio Bob White Quail, 10 Months 210 F Mason 3 Black Masked Young Lovebirds & Large Cage 211 F Mason Pair Young Budgies 212 F Mason 2 Pastel Lovebirds 213 F Mason Pair Young Budgies 214 F Mason 2 Yellow Fisher Lovebirds 215 F Mason Pair Young Budgies 216 F Mason 3 Pied & Unusual Coloured Quail Page 8 217 F Mason 3 Pied & Unusual Coloured Quail 218 F Mason 3 Pied & Unusual Coloured Quail 219 I Littleton 4 Fife Canaries 220 I Littleton 4 Fife Canaries 221 I Littleton 4 Fife Canaries 222 I Littleton 4 Fife Canaries GEESE 250A M Coxhead Pair Barnacle Geese 2019 Hatched 251A M Coxhead Pair Pinkfooted Geese 2019 Hatched, Pinioned 252A M Coxhead Pair Bar-headed Geese 2019 Pinioned 253A M Coxhead 2 Black Shouldered Peahens 2018 254A M Coxhead Pair Buff Geese 255A H Walmsley Pair Hawan Geese, NaNa, Large Cage on Floor 256A P Hullah Trio Goslings 257A P Hullah Trio Goslings 258A P Hullah Trio Goslings 259A E Whitfield 2 Grey Chinese Goslings, 14 Weeks 260A E Whitfield 2 Grey Chinese Goslings, 14 Weeks 261A L McKechnie Pair Toulouse Geese 262A L McKechnie Pair Toulouse Geese 263A J Hindle Pair Brown African Geese 264A J Hindle Pair Brown African Geese 265A M Booth Trio Chinese Geese, March 2020 266A M Booth Trio Chinese Geese, March 2020 267A T Buck 2 Female Embden 268A T Buck Pair Chinese Geese 269A T Buck 2 Female Chinese Geese 270A K Boydd Pair Grey Chinese Goslings 2020 271A K Boydd Pair Grey Chinese Goslings 2020 272A K Boydd Pair White Chinese Geese 2019 273A K Boydd 2 Female White Goslings 2020 274A A Thomson - Painter Pair Indian Blue Peafowl 2 Years 275A A Thomson - Painter

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