deformacji typu fałdowego. W strefie okalającej strukturę AenJleMOH KaK cyAeTCKo-caCKO-TYP"1HrCKaJl 30Ha, "1ni.t W"1- sudecką tworzyły się w tym czasie osady asocjacji flisz~ pe - KaK cppaHKo-YewcKaJl 30Ha. 0Tno>KeHi.tJl MopaacKo­ wej a na pograniczu obu stref utwory typu olistostromów, -clorne3cKoiir 30Hbl npi.tHaAne>KaT K BHewHeH uen1-1 eapo­ zachowane dziś fragmentarycznie w strukturze kaczawskiej nei:1cK1-1x Bap"1CU"1AOB . i bardzkiej. - Kap6oH a npeAenax paccMaTp1-1aaeMoro pai'loHa npeA­ Utwory węglonośne wchodzące w skład zapadliska CTaaneH OCaAKaMi.t, aynKaHi.tTaMi.t "' "1HTPY3"1JlM"1 rpaHi.tT0- Sudetów Środkowych okteślono jako molasę młodszą, "1AOB. Pa3HOCTb B03pacTa, cpau1-1anbHoro npeACTaaneHi.tJl która zdeponowana została w wewnętrznej strefie łuku 1-1 CTeneHi.t npeo6.pa>KeH"1Jl oTno>KeH"1H coceAYK>Llli.tX c co- waryscydów europejskich. W tabeli przedstawiono k~ 6oi:1 B cyAeTCKOH CTpYKType, yKa3blBałOT Ha 6onbwoe relację jednostek litostratygraficznych silezu czeskiej i pol­ ropi.t30HTanbHOe nepeMell.leHi.te. npo"1CXOAJlll.1"1e OAHOBpe­ skiej części zapadliska Sudetów Środkowych. Molasa MeHHO aepT1-1KanbHb1e AB"1>KeH"1Jl Bbl3Ban"1 o6pa3oBaHi.te węglonośna Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego zloka­ B B"13ei'lcKoM 1!pyce B ueHTpanbHblX CyAeTax Me>Krop­ lizowana jest w strefie zewnętrznej łuku waryscyjskiego Horo nporn6a 3anonHeHHOrO OCaAKaMi.t Ti.tna MonaCCbl, a środkowoczeskie zagłębia węglowe leżą w obrębie wa­ He HapyweHHblMl-1 CKnaAl.faTOCTbłO. B 30He OKpy>1<at0L11eH ryscyjskiego masywu śródgór;;;kiego . cyAeTcKyt0 CTPYKTYPY 06pa3oaan"1cb B :no apeMR ocaAKi.t cpn"1weaoi:1 accou1-1au"1"1, a Ha rpaHi.t lTi.tx 30H - ocaAKi.t Ti.tna oni.tCTOCTpOMOB, KOTOpblX cpparMeHTbl coxpaHi.tnllJCb PE3K)ME AO c1-1x nop B Kal.faBCKOH "1 6apACKOH cTpyKTypax. YrneHOCHb1e oTno>KeHi.tR BXOAJlll.1"1e · a cocTaa npo­ Kap60HCK"1e OTno>KeH"1Jl t0ro-3anaAHOH nonbW"1 BXO­ rn6a ueHTpanbHblX CyAeToB np"1Yi.tcneHbl K MnaAwei:1 AJlT B COCTaB non"1reH"11.feCKOH cyAeTCKOH CTpyKTYPbl Monacce, oca>KAeHHOH BO BHyTpeHHeH 30He AYrl-1 eapo­ "1 MopaBCKO-C"1ne3CKOH 30Hbl, a TaK>Ke ee ceaepo-3anaA­ nei'lcKi.tX aap1-1cui.tAOB. B Ta6n"1ue 1 npeACTaaneHa Koppe­ HOrO npOAOn>KeH"1Jl B OCHOBe nepMCK"1X "1 Me3030HCK"1X nRUi.tR m1TOCTpaTi.1rpacp"1YeCK"1X eA"1H"1U C"1ne3a l.feWCKOH oCaAKOB npeACYAeTCKOH MOHOKn"1Han"1 (p"1C 1). CyAeT­ 1-1 nonbĆ:KoH yacTei'I npont6a UeHTpanbHblX Cy.QeToB. CKaJl CTPYKTypa, B COCTaB KOTOpOH BXOAJlT co6CTBeHHO YrneHocHaJl Monacca BepxHec1-1ne3cKoro yronbHoro 6ac­ CyAeTbl, npeACYAeTCK"1H 6noK "1 np"1nerat0L11aJ1 YaCTb cei:1Ha HaXOA"1TCR BO BHewHeH 30He sapi.tCU"1HCKOH Ayrn, npeACYAeTCKOM MOHOKn"1Han"1, COCTaBnJleT C060H cppar­ a ueHTpanbHOl.fell.ICKi.te yronbHb1e 6accei'IHbl pacnono>Ke­ MeHT BHyTpeHHeH uen"1 eaponeMCK"1X aap"1CU"1AOB, onpe- Hbt B npeAenax sap1-1cu1-1i:1cKoro Me>KropHoro Macc1-1sa. ANTONI M. ŻELICHOWSKI Geological Institute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warsaw THE CARBONIFEROUS IN WESTERN POMERANIA UKD 551-735.1/.2.022 : 561/562 : 552.5(438-16 Pomorze Zachodnie) In the last two decades, Carboniferous strata have R . Dadlez (1) proposed subdivision of the Lower Car­ been encountered in some tens drillings in western Pome­ boniferous into a few complexes. In the --faiier subdIVłsfoil,'­ rania. Both the Dinantian and Silesian have been recorded quartz sandstones encountered beneath the Permian in there. The bistory of studies on these rocks goes back to over a dozen boreholes were assigned to the Upper Carbo­ 1961 when J. Poborski and L. Cimaszewski· described niferous, in accordance with contemporaneous strati­ Lower Carboniferous dolomites and daystones from the graphic interpretations. borehole column Bobolice 1. The progress in drillings Stratigraphic studies on Carboniferous and Devonian· works, mainly carried out by the oil industry as well as strata, initiated at the beginning of the seventies, questioned the Geological Institute, gave new boreholes of the Car.:. severa} earlier views (7, 21). H. Matyja (12) and K . Ko­ boniferous. The studies on macrofauna, carried out by rejwo (8-10) showed Tournaisian age of several sequences K . Korejwo (7), showed the presence of the Tournaisian, hitherto regarded as the Visean. Palynological analyses Visean and Upper Carboniferous. Drillings made in carried out by E. Turnau ( 19 - 20) showed that a part - area between Kołobrzeg and Chojnice revealed the presence of rocks previously assigned to the Upper Carbóniferous of Carboniferous · rocks markedly differing in lithology actually represent the Dinantian whilst H. Krawczyńska­ from those known in northern G.D.R. (6, 17) whilst the -Grocholska (11) and H. Kmiecik evidenced the presence Silesian resetnbling coeval strata from Riigen and northern of the Westphalian. The stratigraphic works were accom­ Mecklenburgia were found in area between Trzebiatów panied by petrographic analyses (4, 13), supplementing and Kamień Pomorski not before the mid-seventies. lithostratigraphy (1, 21 ). The lithology of Diriantian strata The stratigraphic studies were accompanied by attempts is here discussed with reference to lithological subdivision to establish local lithostratigraphic subdivisions made proposed by R. Dadlez and subsequently modified by the by J. Kuchciński, B. Sikorski, J. Ryba and A. Łobza, present author (22) and the Silesian - with reference mainly on the basis of well logs. Taking into account to the subdivision proposed by the present author. lithological differentiation of strata in the interval between In western Pomerania, Carboniferous strata have been Upper Devonian carbonate compl ex and Permian rocks, found in a bełt stretching along the Baltic coast from the 356 CORRELATIONS OF THE CARBONIFEROUS IN NORTHERN GDR, NORTHERN POLAND AND LATVIA Northern GDR Northern Poland - Pomerania Latyia Northern Riigen Is. NW part Central part**, NE part Mecklemburgia and Hiddensee Is. Kamień Pomorski, Świdwin, (17) Koszalin, i (~_._?) '. Trzebiatów Bydgoszcz Brda 1 .,.._. Monchguter Sch. i::~ 160m ·a.§ ~ _.........._ ---- ,........ ......_ ....... / ~ ~ I -...... ~ "'-./" ~ '-./" 'v' Dziwna Formation Dziwna Fm. 68+170 m t5fr< 1 R amb" mer Sc h . - , 95 +248 m 150+170 m , · Trenter Sch. 100 _+130 m o brown-red siltstones Dornbusch Sch. Rega Fm. - 180_+200 m 130_+170m ~ u t-------....1 s 1 t<--- with ~" • .., • „ i... i.. Jasmunder Sch. sandstones and """ ~ ~ '.~ 270+310 m conglomerates at the sandstones, ~ ..c:: Wolin Fm base 180-330 m siltstones, coals, ~ -+-----------------1-ł 41_+282 m .(825 m) marine horizons I.I„"" ... """""""'"'"' .... ""' ...... "" ·107_+404 m ~ Lohmer Sch. 25_+50 m „ ~i.-----------------4-1 ~,,~J ~~ ... ~~~ ... ~~~~~ ... ~ < Wieker Sch. 50 + 70 m ,-„„ Hiddenseer Sch. 40 _+ 50 m J" i..""'"""' -: itfflh a~d 5Jalkow _s~~ ~- „ ' - -• .~;::s i:i:i cla'y"ollo~ ~ ~~ stones, stigmana ~ .: 1~-~~:'"rriri~ ,„ . - ,J . ' ,.. ,_. ", 1.o .............. .,. ... ,i.,. ... „i,.."'-...... .,.--.....~.... ~-ui....., "'""'~i..,,,..i..„ claystones, Riigenls. - Nadarzyce Complex Hiddensee sandstones, mar Is, over 250 m >"' sandstones, conglomerates limestones claystones 400_+500 m over over 300 m - 400m >"' Drzewiany d Q Kurowo Complex Complex oj ~"~ oj up to 400 m ~ "'.... ~ 400 m a gb oj > a > limestones a a oo~ o ,,,a I oo __Kurow9 Complex 500 m ~i)':~ dO >~ I o >.- or- over 150 m .; t1 ~ +. ~+ 8 uO >.o ;.:: .Q ~ ~~ - a a "'oo dO "'oo i::"' • o!"'"\ do E-< :at:.; + • O N i::"' ~~ + E-< Chmielno ; ~g ; ~o Łobżonka Complex Supercomplex d Eo- a-os„. d -~ -~ over 300 m up to 400 m <Il- ";;i -- gap e ..c:: e;::s ;::s o o -~] E-< E-< "' .... a "' -s - ~ g -~ e'i' a d I• a"'+(.) Q) ' E-< · ~ QO ·~8 L--------7 e .t:;: oo Sąpolno Complex Sąpolno ,~ d .., E-< a~- · ~+ over 130 m Complex · / o "O Q) -o Nic. su.* - d"' Oo o oj <Il -o- - - .-. .... "O "'J:) O+A ,y~-: ~-u.: Lie.-stL'*"" * "Nic - Ńicaskaja ISui te,: Lie - Lietiżhskaj~ j S11ite ~ ! Pap - Paplakskaja I Sui te. ** Strata here assigned to the Silesian are regarded as the Rotliegendes in (14, 15). 357 vicinities of Kamień Pomorski to Koszalin and also from grains, debris of trachytes, rhyolites and volcanic glass the latter town to Chojnice. South-west of the Koszalin - as well as quartz grains and micas. Among feldspars, Chojnice zone, single drillings entered the Carboniferous, K-feldspars varying in degree of alteration, kaolinitiza­ failing to reach its base. tion, carbonatization and sulfatization predominate. Some feldspars display regeneration rims. No direct sources LITHOLOG I CAL-ST RATIG RAP HIC of volcanic materiał were found in Pomerania and Dinan­ CHARACTERISTICS tian volcanism is here represented by diabase dykes only (4). Dinantian Sandstones occurring in eastern and western parts of this region are mainly built ·of quartz (Trzebiechów In western Pomerania, the Dinantian is subdivided complex). Some anhydrites from the Kołobrzeg area ori­ into a .few lithological complexes, i.e. informal units which ginated in result of epigenetic changes of feldspars and when formalized will correspond to the lithostratigraphic others - in result of evaporation. ones of the formation rank. The supercomplex differentiated The Chmielno supercomplex is 400 m thick, wedging here corresponds to group. out to NE. Using the available stratigraphic data (8, 10, The Sąpolno complex is regarded as the lowermost 12, 20), it is dated at the Tournaisian and Visean. Datings lithostratigraphic unit of the Dinantian. It is recognized obtained for the SW -NE section show that sedimenta­ in borehole columns in area between Trzebiatów, Kosza­ tion of its rocks started in the Early Tournaisian (Tnl b-2),
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