CHAWLEIGH PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Thursday 14 September 2017 at 7:30 pm in The Annexe, Jubilee Hall, Back Lane, Chawleigh, EX18 7HH PRESENT Cllr S Godly (Chair), Cllr B Batty, Cllr D Cockram, Cllr T Hall, Cllr H Martin, Cllr L Parish, Cllr G Wood. IN ATTENDANCE Parish Clerk: Dr J Cross Cllr C Eginton (Mid Devon District Council) and Cllr P Heal (Chairman, Mid Devon District Council) Members of the public: 2 1. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION 17.200 The Chair invited representations from the members of the public. It was reported that a drain on the corner of Butts Cottage was causing a pool of water to form during heavy rain and cause flooding into nearby properties. The problem had been reported to the Highways team a number of times since July. It was agreed to raise these concerns with Steve Tucker Action Clerk. A request was made for the Council to consider the installation of speed monitoring cameras at a cost of £500 for two weeks to monitor vehicle speeds through Chawleigh. The issue of speeding cars was discussed under minute 17.221 below. Standing Orders were suspended 2. COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS 17.201 Devon County Council Apologies were received from Cllr Squires. 17.202 Mid Devon District Council Cllr Eginton reported that the six-monthly inspection had been completed of Mid Devon District Council’s properties in Chawleigh. The excessive weed growth on the footpaths will be dealt with by the Litter Buster team. 17.203 Cllr Eginton introduced Cllr Heal, Chairman of Mid Devon District Council, who is also a parish councillor at Lapford. He provided a summary of his role and the key issues facing the District Council. He advised that the District Council’s annual State of the District Debate will take place in the Autumn and will be on the future of policing in Mid Devon. The meeting reconvened under Standing Orders 3. APOLOGIES 17.204 Apologies were received from Cllr Flavin, Cllr Watson and Cllr Squires (Devon County Council). 4. CODE OF CONDUCT 17.205 Register of Interests There were no updates to the Register of Interests. 17.206 Personal interests No personal interests in items on the agenda were declared. 17.207 Disclosable pecuniary interests No disclosable pecuniary interests in items on the agenda were declared. 5. MINUTES 17.208 Meeting held on 3 August 2017 Page 1 of 8 Minutes Chawleigh Parish Council Meeting held on 14 September 2017 The draft minutes of the Council meeting held on 3 August 2017 were considered and were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Batty. seconded by Cllr Parish, carried unanimously. There was a break in proceedings for the Chair to sign the approved minutes 6. PLANNING MATTERS 17.209 Planning applications list No planning applications were received. 17.210 Planning applications received after publication of the agenda No planning applications were received. 17.212 Mid Devon District Council planning decisions The following decisions were noted: Ref. Description Decision 17/00733 Erection of an agricultural livestock building (1350 sq.m.) Permitted with MFUL Address: Land at NGR 270036 111582 (Southcott Farm) conditions Chawleigh Devon 17/01088 Hilltown House Chawleigh Chulmleigh Devon EX18 7HP Permission HOUSE Description: Erection of single-storey rear extension, two-storey granted extension, and front porch. 17/01196 Wood View Eggesford Chulmleigh Devon EX18 7JY Permission NMA Description: Non-Material Amendment for 16/01960/FULL - To granted amend location of garage and alter fenestration. 17/00860 Playing Field at NGR 271205 112588 Chawleigh Permission FULL Devon Description: Erection of a 10m lighting column with a granted pair of 150 Watt LED floodlights to provide emergency lighting for Devon Air Ambulance. 16/00545 Description: Erection of lean-to sunroom and carport/barn with Permitted with FULL storage following demolition of existing shed, erection of a fence conditions to rear and retention of post and rail fence to front of property Address: Swallow Barn Chawleigh Chulmleigh Devon EX18 7HJ. 7. FINANCIAL MATTERS 17.213 Receipts and account balances The list of receipts and account balances was noted. Receipts of £1,096.96 had been received. The following balances were noted: • Current Account - £7,591.15 (as at 31/08/17) • Shop Account – £6,012.95 (as at 05/09/17) • Bonus Saver Account - £4,011.95 (as at 05/09/17) 17.214 Payments The list of payments was tabled at the meeting. The payment for the Clerk’s overtime hours (cheque 001303) was re-issued to replace the previously approved cheques 001294-001296 as they were incorrectly completed. It was resolved to approve the list of payments. Proposed by Cllr Wood, seconded by Cllr Martin, carried unanimously. Cheque Payee Description Amount (£) 001297 Jubilee Hall Emergency vehicle signs and Twenty’s plenty 442.50 road signs 001298 CANCELLED 0.00 001299 The Sign Maker Earl of Portsmouth signpost 214.15 001300 Plandscape Grass cutting (August) 138.60 001301 Viking Office consumables 103.14 001302 I Stapleton Caretaker (September) 120.00 001303 J Cross Clerk overtime (March-July) 663.66 Total 1,682.05 Page 2 of 8 Minutes Chawleigh Parish Council Meeting held on 14 September 2017 17.215 Financial Report Bank Reconciliation The report on the verification of bank reconciliations for the period 1 April – 30 June 2017 was noted. Cllr Hall recommended that the quarterly verifications should be tested against the Financial Regulations for the rest of the year and the procedures reviewed at the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2018. Proposed by Cllr Hall, seconded by Cllr Cockram, carried unanimously. 17.216 Training and Development The Clerk presented the list of proposed training and development. It was resolved to approve attendance at the following training events: • Code of Conduct and Standard Issues, Mid Devon District Council: Cllr Batty, Cllr Flavin, Cllr Hall, Clerk. • Town and Parish Clerks Annual Meeting, Mid Devon District Council: Clerk. Proposed by Cllr Batty, seconded by Cllr Parish, carried unanimously. 8. DEVON AIR AMBULANCE NIGHT LANDING SITE PROJECT 17.217 Cllr Wood reported that he had met with MAT Electrics and Toby Russell, Devon Air Ambulance Trust Community Landing Site Development Officer, to pinpoint the site for the lighting equipment that would comply with the plans and ensure the works were 3m away from the water drains, as required by South West Water. Installation of the lighting equipment will take place between the middle and end of October and should only take one day. Once completed, helicopter training flights will be undertaken. It was agreed that Cllr Wood and Cllr Godly would be listed as the main contacts who will be informed by Devon Air Ambulance when a helicopter landing was due during the hours of darkness. They will also inform Devon Air Ambulance when the Playing Field was not available for helicopter landings, e.g. during the annual Fair. Once the Clerk received the invoice from MAT Electrics, she will submit a claim for the agreed grant from Devon Air Ambulance for the full costs of the installation of the lighting equipment. It was agreed that the remaining costs will be paid from the Council’s current account if the invoice is received before the next Council meeting. The transfer of funds from the Council’s shop account will be considered at the next meeting. Cllr Eginton left the meeting 17.218 A concern was raised by a member of the public that the helicopter may be restricted from landing on the Playing Field if it was being used, e.g. for the Fair. It was noted that the Playing Field is a village facility for the whole community and that this would only happen on rare occasions. The helicopter would still be able to land on other sites available in the local area. 9. MID DEVON TOWN, PARISH AND COMMUNITY FUND 2017/18 17.219 Cllr Cockram reported that in order to ensure the Playing Field complies with the Devon Air Ambulance’ safety and operational requirements, the following actions needed to be completed: • To refurbish and re-locate the goalposts • To replace and re-locate low level wooden benches • To purchase heavy duty combination padlocks for the Playing Field access gates It was agreed that: • Cllr Cockram and Cllr Godly would get an estimate for the materials, equipment, heavy machinery and labour Action Cllrs Cockram, Cllr Godly • The Clerk would get an estimate for the padlocks Action Clerk • The Clerk would draft the application form to bid for £500 from the Town, Parish and Community Fund Action Clerk Proposed by Cllr Wood, seconded by Cllr Parish, carried unanimously. Page 3 of 8 Minutes Chawleigh Parish Council Meeting held on 14 September 2017 10. PAYMENT FOR HIRE OF JUBILEE HALL 17.220 The Clerk presented the tabled invoice of £100 for the hiring of the Jubilee Hall between June and October. It was resolved to approve the payment. Proposed by Cllr Wood, seconded by Cllr Batty, carried unanimously. 11. SPEEDING CARS IN VILLAGE 17.221 Cllr Godly advised that Dave Waring, Police Community Officer, would be monitoring speeds in the village and once he has sufficient information, he would present a report to the Council. The information will be used to decide whether further action, e.g. a SCARF test, is required. Following discussion, it was agreed: • To confirm if a SCARF test needs to be recommended by Dave Waring, following an initial report on the traffic speeds through the village Action Clerk • To confirm if Dave Waring receives the reports residents have submitted on speeding cars Action Clerk • To put a message in the Dart Magazine, re-iterating the importance of reporting speeding vehicles to the police and advising reporters to ask for a Log Number.
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