Birmingham City Council Planning Committee 18 February 2016 I submit for your consideration the attached reports for the South team. Recommendation Report No. Application No / Location / Proposal Approve - Conditions 8 2015/10061/PA 1261 Bristol Road South Northfield Birmingham B31 2SP Creation of car parking area to rear Refuse 9 2014/06660/PA Knightlow Road Land off (Former Ravenhurst Playing Fields) Harborne Birmingham B17 8PB Application for residential development of 73 dwellings. Formation of public open space (of 1.6ha), provision of access via Knightlow Road & associated engineering works and demolition of former pavilion. Refuse 10 2015/09512/PA Silver Street Lidl Kings Heath Birmingham B14 7QU Demolition of existing foodstore and former neighbourhood office, and construction of replacement foodstore, formation of access and car parking, and associated landscaping Approve - Conditions 11 2016/00019/PA 14 Pershore Avenue Selly Park Birmingham B29 7NP Change of use from residential (Use Class C3) to HMO (Use Class C4). Page 1 of 2 Director of Planning and Regeneration Approve - Temporary 12 2015/10495/PA 12 months 596 Bristol Road Selly Oak Birmingham B29 6BQ Variation of condition number 4 attached to planning approval 1994/02926/PA to change closing time from 11:30pm and extend opening hours for Sunday to Wednesday until 12:00am and Thursday to Saturday untll 01:30am Page 2 of 2 Director of Planning and Regeneration Committee Date: 18/02/2016 Application Number: 2015/10061/PA Accepted: 14/01/2016 Application Type: Full Planning Target Date: 10/03/2016 Ward: Longbridge 1261 Bristol Road South, Northfield, Birmingham, B31 2SP Creation of car parking area to rear Applicant: Mr John Talbot The White House, Trench Lane, Oddingley, Droitwich, Worcs, WR9 7NB, Agent: John Edwards RIBA Rose Cottage, Shernal Green, Droitwich, Worcestershire, WR9 7YX Recommendation Approve Subject To Conditions 1. Proposal 1.1. This application is for the creation of a 12 space car parking area to the rear of a small ‘One Stop’ supermarket located to the rear of 1261 Bristol Road South, Northfield. The car park would replace an existing overgrown garden area. The shop is open 0600 – 2200 hours daily. 1.2. The car park would be accessed from an existing rear access road off Bodenham Road. It would be constructed from porous materials to minimize rainfall run off into the existing storm drains. 1.3. The Applicant states there would be no deliveries taken within the proposed car park area, deliveries would remain as existing from the forecourt area. An existing external staircase would remain in situ (it was originally proposed for re-positioning, but is now amended to remain as existing). Link to Documents 2. Site & Surroundings 2.1. The application site relates to 1261-1263 Bristol Road South, Northfield. This is a two storey end terrace property located at the end of a row of ground floor retail units with flats above. The retail parade extends to the south west and includes other retail uses such as a print and stationary shop at 1265 and barbers at 1267 Bristol Road South. 2.2. The site is at the junction of Bristol Road South and Bodenham Road, with residential properties extending to the North West along Bodenham Road and north east along Bristol Road South. There are further residential properties opposite the site to the south east. Page 1 of 6 2.3. To the rear of the site is an overgrown garden area, with a pathway provided to a rear staircase which provides access to the first floor flat. Beyond the rear boundary and between the site and the neighbouring property of 14 Bodenham Road is a vehicular access road providing access to the rear of the shops and an area of land previously used as a car repair garage at the rear of 14-22 Bodenham Road. Location Map 3. Planning History 3.1. 11/11/2015 – 2015/07502 Creation of car parking and loading area to rear of property and new vehicular access. Withdrawn by agent. 4. Consultation/PP Responses 4.1. Transportation Development – No objection. 4.2. Regulatory Services – No objection. 4.3. Letters of notification have been sent to surrounding occupiers, local residents associations, Longbridge Ward Councillors and Planning Committee members from the Northfield Constituency. Five letters of objection, and one letter of support albeit with some concerns, have been received, as summarised below. 4.4. Cllr Ian Cruise objects to this application for the following reasons; • The application does not give a definitive description of the term 'loading'. • If the term 'loading' means large goods vehicles accessing the rear of the shops, the impact on Bodenham Rd traffic movement will be increased as the goods vehicles will have to reverse onto the loading area. This will impact on local residents in the immediate area. • The extra noise created by more vehicles will have an impact on the residents in the immediate area • There is provision for parking at front. 4.5. Four letters of objection have been received from nearby occupiers objecting to the proposal on the following grounds: • There are already problems with HGV vehicles on Bodenham Road parking and blocking existing driveways and destroying grass verges and walls. • The shop will get more passing trade and therefore require more deliveries and more HGV’s causing problems. • The car park will just bring more cars to the area and not relieve any congestion. • It will encourage more traffic onto Bodenham Road. • The safety of small children is put at risk. • There is no right of access for customers • The side access is in a dilapidated state, who will keep it maintained. • A car park would have a significant visual impact on the area. • No landscaping to soften the impact. • No need for the car park. • What arrangements are in place for refuse storage? • Increased risk of flooding. • Increase in noise early in the morning and late at night. • Little thought has been given to the relocation of the rear access steps. • The car park could be misused outside normal store opening times. Page 2 of 6 • No guarantee that the car park would be maintained. 4.6. One letter of comment from a surrounding occupier, who generally supports the application as the car park may stop customers and delivery lorries parking outside their house and blocking their drive. Although, some concerns remain that by creating the car park it will encourage more customers, thus continuing the nuisance parking outside their home. 5. Policy Context 5.1. The following national policy is relevant • The National Planning Policy Framework (2012) 5.2. The following local policies are relevant. • The Birmingham Unitary Development Plan (2005) • Draft Birmingham Development Plan 6. Planning Considerations 6.1. The proposal seeks to change the use of the unused rear yard of 1261 Bristol Road South to a car park for use by customers of the ‘One Stop’ Supermarket. Access would be from Bodenham Road, with a total of 12 spaces provided. Existing concrete-sectional walls around the site would be removed and the dwarf wall repaired. 6.2. The existing garden area is unused and overgrown and its loss would not be harmful to the wider streetscene. In addition the provision of extra car parking would help relieve on-street parking in the surrounding area and would also help prevent unauthorised access and parking by vehicles on the forecourt to the front. On this basis, in this setting I consider the proposal to be acceptable. 6.3. Transportation Development raise no objection to the proposal. I concur with this view. The proposals would make better provision for car parking and help reduce congestion for residents of Bodenham Road. In summary the proposed works are not expected to give rise to any adverse parking/highway safety impact. 6.4. The applicant confirms that the car park would not be used for deliveries and loading and unloading of goods and larger good vehicles would not have access to the car park. A condition to secure this position is therefore recommended. 6.5. The applicant has confirmed that the relevant notice has been served on all interested parties that have associated access rights and Certificate B has been signed. Whilst I note the objection regarding access rights, this is a civil matter. Notwithstanding this, this proposal would not prevent access to other properties with access rights. 6.6. The proposed works would not have an adverse visual impact and Regulatory Services raise no objection to the proposal. I concur with this view. The proposed development is not expected to impact the amenity of residential occupiers by reason of noise and disturbance, given the level of existing activity at the site. I note that there is currently a well-used access between the site and neighbouring property and this would remain in use. I note the concerns of residents regarding Page 3 of 6 the use of the area as car parking. Safeguarding conditions are recommended to ensure proper use of the site, including details of refuse areas. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) 6.7. The proposed development does not attract a CIL contribution. 7. Conclusion 7.1. It is considered that the provision of a small car park would not have any detrimental impact on the visual or residential amenities of the surrounding area and occupiers and therefore it is recommended that the application be approved subject to the attached conditions. 8. Recommendation 8.1. Approve subject to conditions. 1 Requires the scheme to be in accordance with the listed approved plans 2 Requires the prior submission of details of refuse storage 3 Restricts the loading and unloading of goods from within the car park.
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