nal of Precision Teaching and Celeratio Volume 18, Number 2 Fall 2002 1 Editor's Comments i;i. GUEST EDITORIAL 2 Guest Editors' Comments rQ! : RESEARCH AND APPLICATION ARTICLES FROM IRELAND 6,' [, . 3 Compound Performance: The Role of Free and Controlled Operant Co 1,:I' .. ! % Philomena Smyth &Michael Keenan 16 Comparison of Two Teaching Structures Examining the Effects of Component Fluency on the Performance of Related Skills Claire McDowell &Michael Keenan 30 A Senior Citizen's Self-Management of Positive and Negative Inner Beha Emma E Cobane &Michael Keenan 37 Comparing Levels of Dysfluency Among Students with Mild Learning Difficulties and Qpical Students Claire McDowell, Michael Keenan &Ken l? Kerr 49 The Saplings Model of Education: Case Studies in Autism Ken l? Kerr, Audrey Campbell & Shauna McGrory 61 Teaching Component Skills to Improve Golf Swing Claire McDowell, Chris Mclntyre, Robert Bones & Michael Keenan CHART SHARES 67 Evan's Rate of Hand-Biting During a Six-Hour School Day Philomena Smyth & Nicola Hardy 69 Rick's Reading Progress Leah White 78 Tracking Curricular Progress with Precision Michael A. Fabrizio, Kristin Schrimer & Kelly Ferris 80 Teaching Visual Pattern Imitation to a Child with Autism Michael A. Fabrizio &Kristin Schrimer 83 Anna's Food and Stroke Chart Malcolm Neely 86 Single vs. Multiple Movement Frequencies: How Many Times Should We Dana J. Stevens DISCUSSION ARTICLES 88 A Review of Edward R. Tufte's 'The Visual Display of Quantitative In John W Eshleman AUTHOR GUIDELINES 95 Manuscript Submission Guidelines and Basic and Advanced Charting Guidelines ERRATUM and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 102 Erratum 103 Acknowledgements A Publication of .-*T.p I -TheStandard Celeration Society JournaI of Precision Teaching and Celeration Editor: RICHARD M. KUBINA JR., The Pennsylvania State University - University Park Associate Editor: CLAY STARLIN, University of Oregon Editorial Assistants: SHANNON GORMLEY, The Pennsylvania State University -University Park WILLIAM THERRIEN, The Pennsylvania State University -University Park I 11 Board of Consulting Editors 1 DEIRDRE BEEBE FITZGERALD, Eastern Conneticut State University DAVID BICARD, Florida International University THOMAS E. BOYCE, University of Nevada - Reno SUE CASSON, Precision Tutoring, Illinois MICHAEL LAMPORT COMMONS, Harvard University MICHAEL FABRIZIO, University of Washington BETH A. GLASBERG, Rutgers University DAVID LEE, The Pennsylvania State University- Great Valley MORTEN HAUGLAND, Otterbein College PAUL MALANGA, University of South Dakota SHALHA ALA'I-ROSALES, University of North Texas CLAIRE ST. PETER, University of Florida Past Editors CLAUDIA MCDADE, (1990-2001), Jacksonville State University PATRICK MCGREEVY, (1980-1990), Private Practice Honora y Editor for Life OGDEN LINDSLEY, Kansas Universitv STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: As the official journal of the Standard Celeration Society the Journal of Precision Teaching and Celeration has dedicated itself to a science of human behavior founded on a technology of direct, continuous and standard measurement. This measurement technology includes: a standard unit of behavior measurement - frequency; a standard measure of change in behavior frequencies -celeration; a standard measure of the variability of behavior frequencies - bounce; and a Standard Celeration Chart to display frequency, celeration and bounce data. The Standard Celeration Chart enables chart based statistical procedures to determine changes in frequency- frequency jumps, changes in celeration - celeration turns and changes in bounce - bounce verge. Executive Board of The Standard Celeration Society President: ABIGAIL CALKIN Past President: CHARLES MERBITZ This book belongs to Michael Fabrizio. Vice President: KEN KERR Please enjoy it thoroughly, treat it Secretay:SANDY MACLEOD gently, and return it promptly. Treasurer:BRAD FRIESWYK The Standard Celeration Society (SCS) publishes the Journal of Precision Teaching and Celeration (ISSN# 1088-484X) two times a year. SCS members receive the Journal of Precision Teaching and Celeration. To join the SCS fill out a membership application located at the back of the journal. Please send SCS membership to Brad Frieswyk, SCS Treasurer, PO Box 256643, Chicago, IL 60625-6643. Membership dues: Student -25.00 yearly membership includes two issues of the Journal of Precision Teaching and Celeration and a copy of the Standard Celeration newsletter; Regular - 50.00 yearly membership includes two issues of the Journal of Precision Teaching and Celeration and a copy of the Standard Celeration newsletter; Sustaining - 100.00 yearly membership includes two issues of the Journal of Precision Teaching and Celeration, an extra copy of each issue, and a copy of the Standard Celeration newsletter; Institutional - 90.00 yearly membership includes two issues of the Journal of Precision Teaching and Celeration and a copy of the Standard Celeration newsletter. To join the SCS or order journals with a credit card please visit: https: / /www.paypal.com . Open an account and choose the "Send Money Option." Send money to [email protected] Celeration Society members please send your change of address or other membership questions to the Standard Celeration Society treasurer Brad Frieswick, PO Box 256643, Chicago, IL 60625-6663. EDITORIAL Editor's Comments R. M. Kubina Jr. Editor Kessissoglou and Farrell (1995) asked, and this issue serves as an indication of what "Whatever happened to precision teaching?" They others have accomplished outside the USA. Ken noted that in the 1980s British journals witnessed Kerr and Claire McDowell serve as guest editors several articles detailing Precision Teaching and its and have six articles and one chart share showing use in education. Speculating about the decline of how PT research and practice has occurred in published reports of Precision Teaching, Ireland. While the venue may differ from the Kessissoglou and Farrell surmise that either people United States, the Precision Teachers from Ireland no longer have interest in Precision Teaching or show how the Standard Celeration Chart speaks a perhaps schools continue to use the method but do universal language when it comes to data. not publish results. Volume 18, issue 2 also contains a commentary It would indeed seem a formidable task to from the guest editors, a discussion article, and five investigate the use of Precision Teaching in other additional chart shares. countries beside the United States of America where Precision Teaching remains active with the REFERENCES Journal of Precision Teaching and Celeration and publications in other mainstream journals (e.g., Kessissoglou, S., & Farrell P. (1995). Whatever American Psychologist, Teaching Exceptional Children, happened to precision teaching. British Exceptional Children). Precision Teaching, however, Journal of Special Education, 22(2), 60-63. does have a distinctive international presence JOURNAL OF PRECISION TEACHING AND CELERATION, VOLUME 18, NUMBER 2,2002, PAGE 1 GUEST EDITORIAL Guest Editors' Comments Ken P. Kerr and Claire McDowell Guest Editors It is fitting that the current volume of the intervention for children with autism are needed Journal ofPrecision Teaching and Celevation (JPTC)is to sustain interest and foster growth. We look to prefaced by the recognition of the increasing the Standard Celeration Society to help provide interest in Precision Teaching (PT) in Ireland and the necessary environmental support. We also the context in which it has been promoted. In an recognise that we have a personal responsibility eloquent description of PT, John 0. Cooper (1996) to share our knowledge base and a professional stated that "PT stimulates many questions and responsibility to learn more from established discoveries from students and teachers that result practitioners so that PT will continue to grow. in rapid instructional change .... PT seems as if it For now, we are proud of our contribution is an uncultivated lovely WILD FLOWER (p.4). to the PT literature. Smyth and Keenan consider Due recognition should be given as to how this how controlling the number of practice "wild flower" has come to Ireland. Two opportunities on component skills will affect professionals have helped create the environment compound skill acquisition and performance. wherein PT has flourished. John 0. Cooper, who McDowell and Keenan also consider teaching has provided numerous resources to help our sequences using component-compound analysis. development, and Mickey Keenan (University of McDowell, Keenan, and Kerr compare levels of Ulster) both deserve credit for cultivating, either dysfluency on three tasks between students with directly or indirectly, all of the professionals who Mild Learning Disabilities and typical students. In have contributed to this volume. We are thankful terms of sporting skill acquisition and to both. maintenance, McDowell, McIntyre, Bones, and On reflecting upon our current stage of Keenan use PT to systematically improve the golf professional development we are pleased to say swing through fluency tuition. Cobane and that PT has taken root in Ireland. The Saplings Keenan focus on how specific practice affects Model of Education (Co. Kildare) and Abalta positive and negative inners experienced by an (Galway) are two centres where PT is used in the elderly person throughout the day. Finally, Kerr, education of children with autism. In addition, the Campbell, and McCrory introduce The Saplings University of Ulster is a central component in Model of Education and
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