Digest WASHINGTON (AP) -- If all goes ac- cording to White House plan, Pres- ident Reagan will get to sign a com- GAZETTE promise version of his three-year tax cut bill this week. The Senate hopes to take final Guantanamo Bay, Cuba action on the measure today. The house plans its vote tomorrow. The main sticking point in the Senate is a tax break for the oil Volume 36 Number 147 Monday, August 3, 1981 industry. Senator Ted Kennedy -- angry over tax breaks given oil companies in the bill -- promised a filibuster, Air traffic controllers go out on strike but Kennedy failed to show up. NEW DELHI, India (UPI) -- Rescue WASHINGTON (AP)--Efforts to head off He said he was going to the union It will- also cause some very ser- teams aided by Army troops are try- a strike by air traffic controllers office to await the results of a ious problems for the nation's air ing to save families marooned in this morning have ended in failure. strike vote by rank-and-file air travelers, because it will ground flooded areas of northeast India traffic controllers. about half of the nation's commer- today. Talks broke off early today, and The strike vote began at midnight, cial flights, and delay those that India's news agency says the re- the head of the controllers union, and more than 80 percent of the do get off the ground. And the head gion's worst storms in recent years Robert Poli, told Transportation union members approved a walkout. of the FAA says safety will take have killed at least 288 people so Secretary Drew Lewis that the con- This percentage was necessary be- priority over, airline schedules dur- far.and left more than 50,000 the job, fore the controllers would be able ing the strike. homeless. would walk off illersch they did at 7 a.m. to strike. Since the controllers work for the Poli called the government's lat- government, any walkout would be a HOUSTON (AP) -- A man who was kept Lewis warned that the est contract offer "an insult" as Secretary violation of federal law. alive last month by an artificial strike would be a "very serious mis- he left the offices of the Federal Lewis says an injunction will be heart died yesterday in Houston, Mediation Service. take." sought against the union, and Attorn- but he had lived longer than anyone ey General William French Smith else after being given the artific- says the Justice Department 'will ial organ. definitely prosecute any strikers. Doctors at the Texas Heart Insti- Torrijos dies in air crash tute replaced the arfiticial device Heart Association has after two days with a donated human PANAMA CITY (UPI)--The body of a It was during negotiations for heart. Panamanian general who considered the canal treaties that Torrijos But ten days after his original Fidel Castro and Jimmy Carter the proclaimed then-Present Jimmy Car- 'Creative cuisine' iet heart failed, the 36 year old man World's greatest leaders was retur- ter as one of the world's two died of complications from the sur- WASHINGTON (UPI)--The American Heart ned to Panama City Sunday from the greatest leaders. .and pointed to gery. Association announces a campaign pro- jungle hillside where he died in a Cuban President Fidel Castro as moting low-fat, low-cholesteral diets plane crash Friday. the other. BELFAST (UPI) -- Northern Ireland calls a "creative cui- A day of mourning was set for with what it authorities say some measure of cala Castro praised the Panamanian as and is start- today for General Omar Torrijos-- sine" for restaurants, has returned to Belfast. a man who "selflessly and tire- a supermarket newsletter to head of the Panamanian National ing The riots that followed the death lessly worked toward the libera- reach brown-baggers. Guard and the nation's effective of Kieran Doherty, who was elected ,tion of the peoples of the Carib- association is trying to cut ruler. The to the Irish Parliament from his bean and Central America." rate of deaths from heart dis- Torrijos is perhaps best known the prison cell, appear to be over -- at In Moscow, Soviet Radio charged and plans to zero in on school for the negotiations that ended ease, least for the time being. Torrijos may have been assassinated lunchrooms this fall to improve nut- United States rule over the Panama 'He was the second IRA hunger by the CIA. ritional value of cafeteria ftod. Canal. striker to die within two days. Jamaicans work at various professions in Guantanamo Story and Photos by JO1 Ron Rust y the time most of you will be He jokenly said, "I have been the blacksmith work of forging and fading this edition of the "Daily here so long, it make my hair turn showing the horses. Gazette," Phillips Park will be the grey." Right now, Allen enjoys being a 7 site of celebrating Jamaicans and The 0-year-old Allen still has stableman, and grooming and feeding civilian and military merry-makers that twinkle of youth in his eyes, the 42 horses at the stable. He's enjoying the good food, entertain- and speaks happily of his wife, always been happy working with ment and togetherness which has oc- ten children and 18 grandchildren. horses, dnd will continue to do so curred from Thursday through today He goes back to Grandville, which is as long as his health allows him to in commemoration of Jamaica's In- part of Montego Bay, as often as remain fit, so that he can assist dependence Day celebration. possible. youngsters who will say, "Mr. Allen, Starting at noon today Jamaicans And, when asked if working for so would you help me with this horse?" began their final day of activities long in GTMO while staying away from Zepheniah Allen will be right in celebration of their independ- his family bothered him, he had a there to help. He has always enjoy- ence from British rule, dating back quick reply. ed children and horses. to Aug. 6, 1962. "Yes, it has; but, I do enjoy The festivities, highlighted by working here. I have no problems John Wilmont the presentation of the Eugenia because the people are very good and John Wilmot has been employed at Seymour Trophy to the winning sports' friendly. I go home when I can." Guantanamo Bay for 10 years, arriv- team at 1:15 p.m., will continue ing here from St. Thomas when he Allen was a blacksmith in through this afternoon until 6 p.m. Jamaica was 24 years old. when he came to Entertainment will be provided by Guantanamo Bay. He Employed by the Naval Base Civil- held that same position "Graphic Expression" and the Chou- ZEPHENIAH ALLEN has worked at here during ian Personnel Office as a work lead- most of his 17 years in GTMO. key Taylor Band. the Family Corral during the er, the 34-year-old Wilmot super- During the most few The fun then moves to the Barrel past 17 years, a job that has years, he has vises a team of from 8-to-10 Jamai- trained another, younger man to do Club for a "Splashdown," with en- made him happy over the years. can workers, performing various jobs tertainment provided by "Touch of from moving furniture to cutting Class." Shortly following, Choukey grass at the civilian barracks Taylor will play again, starting at throughout the base. 9 p.m. and will entertain through Since being here, Wilmot has en- the night's celebrating. joyed his job, but has gone back to There's more to just celebrating St. Thomas to visit family and friends as often as possible. historic of such a leremembrance as Aug. 6, 1962, for Jamaicans Wilmot, who is single for the mo- . ment, will be moving to the "little and all free, independent-minded individuals. bit cooler" climate of Canada to get For most of us, the opportunity to married in the very near future. do exactly what we want is not al- ways so closely in our grasp. But, Fitzgerald McLaughlin we as Jamaican nationals, as Ameri- One man who sincerely regrets to cans, and as Cuban exiles do have see John Wilmot leave is Fitzgerald the privilege of being free and be- McLaughlin, NCBPO's Civilian Bar- ing able to share cultures, plus en- racks manager. joy the friendship that working to- McLaughlin, who is Jdhn Wilmot's gether always brings. boss, speaks very highly of his Shortly to be profiled are four soon-to-leave work leader. Jamaicans, varying in age and length "He is my principal assistant. of time working here at Guantanamo He's done a very good job, and I Bay, Cuba. wish him the best, but I also would like to see him stay." Aug. 4, marks the day Zepheniah Allen "TEX," A CIVILIAN BARRACKS MASCOT receives plenty of attention Tomorrow, 16 years ago when the now, 57-year- Zepheniah Allen has been employed from John Wilmot (left) and Fitzgerald McLaughlin. The two men old McLaughlin came to GTMO, coming the base's Horse Stable for 17 have worked together for NCBPO during the past 10 years, develop- at from Kingston, Jamaica. His wife years, arriving from Grandville, ing into a friendship that will shortly end as Wilmot travels 4) Jamaica in 1965. to Canada in the near future to be married. (Continued on Page The Monday, August 3, 1981 Page 2 Daily gazette Special Services Club Activities BELLY DANCING ON LEEWARD. Classes ELECTION TIME HAS COME AGAIN.
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