^.<I^J^/^^ Diamond Jubilee 1867- 1942 "Old Glory" Goes Up; An Impressive Ceremony With The Navy At Notre Dame Volume 76 Number 4 JULY 3. 1942 i ATTENTION! U. S. NAVY OFFICERS You can't drill in uncomfor­ table shoes. Here is real quality and foot comfort that complies with regulations. These are not samples! We have hundreds of pairs stocked in our store to se­ $49 5 lect your proper size from. Exclusive representative for NETTLETON — CROSBY SQUARE — WALK-OVER — FOOT JOY — STACY ADAM — MATRIX and Q-N SHOES X-RAY FITTED BY EXPERTS ^OOTW^A.U\\\ o/ FA.^UVOt< 120 South Michigan Street The NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 1918. Vol. 76 JULY 3, 1942 No. 4 NAVAL OFFICER - TRAINEES WEIGH ANCHOR AS periods between lectures, drilling, gun- loading, rifle-range performance, first- LARGEST CONTINGENT OF V - 7 SEAMEN ARRIVES aid, and mathematics. This ordinarily is the every-day schedule for V-7 men ex­ cept that on each day one platoon will BOB DUNNE have an athletic period rather than a lecture. It was anchors awelgh Thursday night the navy marching to meals, marching for the last of Notre Dame's 1,100 naval to classes, and marching to the exercise The 1,300 coming July 6 represent officer trainees who have just completed ground in crew-neck black sweaters. many colleges- and universities and every a six week's indoctrination course at the section of the nation. Shortly after they University. The exodus began Saturday The drills will be missed only until arrive, the men will receive inoculations and by last night the entire group had Monday, however, when the larger de­ of all types. departed for parts unrevealed. tachment of incoming trainees arrives. The navy will then be occupying four Upon leaving the local station, those This Monday, July 6, the University halls here: Lyons, Howard, Morrissey, men who qualify will receive midshipmen ratings and depart for additional train­ welcomes its third and largest contingent, and Badin, which was recently evacuated ing at one of three other training centers. a unit comprising 1,300 V-7 apprentice by students. One deck officer crew will transfer to seamen, to the naval station. This "v\dll Should the arriving apprentice seamen Abbott Hall of Northwestern University be the second V-7 group to come to Notre follow the same schedule as the first V-7 at Chicago, while another deck group will Dame, the first contingent having trained unit did, an average day for the future go to Columbia University at New York. here from April 12 until May 18. There deck and engineering officers will be on The engineering class wiU proceed to a were 800 men in the first indoctrination the following order: designated training battleship. course. Breakfast at 7 a.m. From approximate­ Conducting an inspection tour of the Radio, engineering and Diesel special­ ly 8 a.m. until noon and afterwards until station Monday was Admiral E. C ists, business executives, trade experts, 4 p.m., the various platoons will alternate White, of the naval medical corps. factory chiefs, and key men in all fields made up the personnel of the commis­ sioned specialists that departed last fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiitiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiitiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii night. Some were sent to shore stations and some to ships to relieve experienced war ship officers. According to Capt. H. P. Burnett, com­ manding officer, members of the outgoing class will be stationed on ships and bases throughout the world in six months. Lt. F. C. Dugan, training officer at the sta­ tion, has stated that the men are anxious to get in the fight. Captain Burnett has been at Notre Dame since the past September when he received his captain's commission and took charge of the University's E.O.T.C. contingent. During his 32-year naval ca­ reer, the commandant received the Vic­ tory medal of World War I, the second Nicaraguan Campaign medal, and expert rifleman's badge, as well as the subma­ rine insignia. During their course here, the khaki- clad officer-trainees carried out a thor­ ough physical as well as mental program. Eleven physical instructors directed the men's sports and daily exercise period. Already Notre Dame appears to miss reviewing the thrice daily procedure of At first they look like this. THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi I EDITORIAL I Cras Moriturus FOUNDED 18 6 7 the God-created equality of men, then, Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame. "God and Democracy" Indiana, Acceptance for mailing at special rate of and only then, will the war-making dic­ postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized The following article is reprinted from tator doctrines of super races, super June 25, 1918. conclusions compiled by the Catholic, classes,, and super men be permanently Protestant, and Jewish members of the uprooted. These doctrines will be re­ 1941 senior class in the College of Law. placed by the peaceful and democratic The Notre Dame student commission had solution rooted in the principle of the 100,000 of these pamphlets printed and brotherhood of man under the father­ copies have been sent to the president, hood of God, so clearly outlined in the vice-president, and members of the Con­ American Declaration of Independence. gress of the United States as well as (No. 2 above). army and naxy camps. Because of its particular significance at this time, the "7. The American Declaration of In­ dependence was an act of faith in God. SCHOLASTIC reprints it here: i \. Its principles were acknowledged to be "Is God necessary? Yes! Without Him, self-evident trutlis by men of all religious EOBEKT D. LEMENSE, Editor there can be no real American democ­ beliefs who fought to make America free EDWARD RONEY, JK .Managing Editor racy." That was the uiMuimous conclu­ and independent. , DANIEL DOWNEY Campus Editor sion of a sy7nposium conducted by Cath­ BILL REYNOLDS Sports Editor "8. According to the American concept olic, Protestunt, and Jewish members of CHARLES KLEIBACKER Admin. Editor of democracy, liberty is a necessary con­ ROBERT' LONERGAN Promotion the 1941 Senior Class in the College of sequence of God's creative purpose. TED WEBER.. : Photo Editor Law, University of Notre Dame. A digest Without God and the eternal responsi­ GEORGE THOMPSON ...... Art Editar folloivs: JAMES CHRISOVBRGIS—.Sta^ photographer bility of each man to his Creator there GAIL FITCH, JR Advertising "1. The founders of American dem­ is no excuse, no justification for human REV. CM. CAREY, C.S.C, Faculty Advisor ocracy ofiicially declared that the justi­ liberty. This is the reason that aZi foonns fication for their work was to be found of dictatorship are essentially atheistic. Member of.Catholic School Press Association and in the 'laws of nature and of nature^s Associated Collegiate Press, Distributor of Colleg­ God: "9. Because God is the Author of lib­ iate Digest. Represented for national advertising erty, faith in Hun is an indispensable by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Avenue, New York City—Chicago—Boston—^Los "2. The whole philosophy of Aiiierican requisite for the life of America and Angeles—San Erancisco. THE SCHOLASTIC is American democracy. published thirty-three times during the schoolyear democracy is contained in the following at the University of Notre Dame. Address all man­ quotation from the birth certificate of uscripts to Editor, 267 Alumni Hall or 121 Admin­ "10. Is God necessary? Yes! Without istration Bldg., Notre Dame, Ind. American liberty, namely, the American Him, there can be no real American Declaration of Independence: Staff meetings in the Editorial Rooms, Old Ave democracy. Maria Building: Sunday through Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. " 'We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men ai-e created equal: that they are endowed "Printed in tribute to our older broth­ by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; ers — originally discussing democracy, thai among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit now fighting for it." of happiness; that to secyre these rights, govern­ IN THIS ISSUE ments are instituted among men, deriving their Copies of this leaflet will be sent you just powers from the consent of the governed.. ..' if you enclose a. self-addressed stamped "3. Our rights, therefore, come from envelope in your request to: / CAMPUS God and not from the government. Our Notre Dame Student Commission Uni­ New V-7 Group „ 3 Federal and State Constitutions, Bills of versity of Notre Dame. Notre Dame, Ind. Eights, and all laws, are not the source "Dome". Date Announced 5 of our rights but simply a recognition of Senior Ball Controversy' 7 and protection for rights that God has NOTICES : given to each man. Our constitutions and All campus organizations desiring pub­ ADMINISTRATION laws are fences buUt around the sacred licity in the Scholastic are advised to domain of our God-given inalienable hand in. their information to Dan Valuable Papers In Archives 10 rights. , - Downey, campus editor, in- room 220 , . Alcayaga Presents Degree .-.„.. 10 Walsh Hall or to bring the story to the "4. The fact that our rights come from SCHOtASTic oifices which are located up­ SPORTS God rather than from the state or gov- . stairs in the old Ave Maria press build­ emment is the main reason that dictator­ ing behind the Main Building. In either -Golf Tourney Finals ... ^ 19 ship is inconsistent with Americanism. case, the information must be handed in . , Boxers Train for Tourney .-. 19 by the Monday night of the week in, "5.
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