
300-Pupil School District Schools Graduate Opens in Abqaiq 7Wtudents This Week Issuing Licenses Pmvince, lostweek accepted mt h4edimt-Abiq th tenthcornpony- built school for Sons of Muslim and Amb emploper on behalf d the mtsmatlmd Drivers Li- SP. ceanes no longer may be ob- ' WUUI by non-ratdenta of-- nh thrmgh the BduaLn Li- R.H. Devenney, CF. Heywood Receive - I thegrlhutesby8.m~. ~u- oeane awru. Thi. ruling be- per, htb MmaaOr. came etfmtive July 12. New Positions in Has Tar~ura RM Tanurn. Propn now m Arnmco em- wph'H. Devenney. General 1953 to become &perintendent Members of the gr&uthg ploy~mwt owthese It- class are Robti B. DdOIln, canes from Eumpean cltien. &perlntendent, MaterialSupply of Resldential Servhesdivislon and Communlty Servlces deprb of Community Servlces depart- Willlam 0. F.Lrbank, ~UUIM The length of the required to R. Ooadnle, Ua~oIdL. Husall. owa 1lcenWe vuies h dtf- ment, Ras Tanura, has been ment. After a brlef stint as appointed Ganeral Superinten- General Offlce Coordinator of WUllam J. Lurid, Oerrwldlu8 ferent loaditlea. For Instnnce. M. Uer. Walter D. Pd. in PubIt t&m a week to get dent, JnQlstrlal Relations, Rae Residential Services. Heywood Tanura.and Charles F. Heywood, wasappolnted General &perin- Kevln B. Mchmod. YL0h.a a Ilomae, while In The N. Uley, K.thryn B. Van om rmy Ganonl &perintendent, Cam- tendent, Community 8ervices ~.euor ~~rt Home, (JudlP I(. WbM. munlty Semlces depprtment. dewrtment in 1956. be obtaluod h taro day6 or less. HOwud 16. Wbitwy. d No tgt. uerequired for the Wahran.assumes the respanst- billtiem of Devenney's former Eileen P. WUllm. Ilouue; howsver, me rmut Sidon Delivers Abq.Lq'6 Ellent Man- prmmt a mtlllvdtd or recently position. * ,Both ass-nts will be- day wu, R. A. Ed. VIW expired mtsmatid Llcanse Resident, Rdntlw. I(ioh..l of the come effective 8ept. 1. 284,839 BPD or 8 valid licsllle bstd Moore preseted the mduwoy or rome other county Prlor to coming to Ran Tanura Devenney was Asslatant NEW YORK - mude oil deliv- oratlon. Montez Ells&& h order to be glvh the mter- Beavers dalhrend the vale- mtidIlcsllle. Manager. Materlal. Supply and wed from Sidon, Lebanon, dur- Tmffic department. General IIU June ammuted to 8,515.181 dlctory -. F. E. Abbcu, b&rela. or an average of Awq wm Manu= Kandah To Attend Offlce, Dhuhm. Devenney jolned Anmco June 28, 1947. 284,858 barrels per calexh Harvard Law School Devenney will replace R.F. dav, the Trans-Arabian Plw- Arnot Commends Aolme8, who will return to the United gotom in Awtafter 11 ~. yeare wlth Anmco. 022 barrels, or an average of Three Districts Heywood arrlved In Saudl 381.431 barrels per calenda~ divhh. Abps@, wUl leave Adia Oct. 19, 1946, to work day. during the correapondlng Faul Amot. Vice President. &udl ArabbJuly 18m a year's in the Pumhutng and Stores period laat year. and Gemral Muuger. Opera- h.timd leave. department, Dhahmn. In 1818, Durlng the first six months tio~.sent a letterof commen- He wUl attand the Hnnud he wa8 transferred to Abqaiq d 1959, Taplhe delivered datlon to the Mmttlct mr Law School where he hu bean In O@zntion and Planning, 84,906,789 bnrrels of crude of eachAnmcodimtrlct in rac- awudd .frll0Wwhlp. and in 1951 he became Asdat- oil. an average of 359. Wsbnr- ognltion of the mukd improve Kmd& bemu hb employ- ant &perintendant. Communlty rels per calexh day. Ibb men1 in ufe mrda &log ment vUh Arunco. July 28. Snrvlcee deprtment, Abqaiq. compares wlth 81.598.855bar- the flrrt Siffof 195s over the 1961. He returned to Dhahran in rpb. anaverageof 556,900 bar- name wlx-month period h 1M8. rels per cdsndu day, during An impmvement of W per the correapandlng perlod kt cent wu shown in acol&nt y&. freQlenoy nt8.d a rsduotlon 0f3aperc~~t~~mda~ntbe OA. Seager in New number of motor vsbiole M- - cldenta mported for the lw Exploration Post period. as well. Jn commenting on the mord 0. A. Seager, formerly Amot mid. "Pleue convey my wer,ou Operations, and permod co~lulatiauto all rECEntb retumed fmmthe New members of yan orplllntim York office, hwbsen armointed for Wlr out.tau&# omtrlta- AswlsUnt Oemral &er. UOM tornrd lmprond ..6.8 ExploraUon. effective AUK. 1. and etttciency h thelr apn- BBneerwffl report to Pnul 8. UOM. we dl taka jlutm&a* Ornot. Vice President and prfde h the pavg~~mrof yau General Manager. Operation#. dUtrict hacctd.ntpravnrlls." Shorr.cominga and going~ 'South Sea Island Magic' r . ; wutheM.llaplad the axe*kmlb. BUL XuYNdl. )INNER-DANCE COMMITTEE mmkn for du uml-fml rlmduled by tha Dhohmn Wornv s hupfor tomonow nlaht In ih. Dhohmn Dlnlno &all on: (left to rlht) Mn. C.C. WIIklm, publleity~ uh. .w. N. &tthnri dlnner-danm sholnmn;-~n. J.M. WIlm, &wtbni &I. H. 1.- B.ordtley, nnu; Mn. J.L. Flbpotrick, Dkhmn 3175, tlskotmlaj Mn. H.C. KrI8cdl.non. mW1nmnt. School scoop l?@ Clam8 of 1860 wan hom inthe Perelan Boom ol the Ib. Abqdq Eonlor &dlIlohool. to the arrant Ru Tmn aUf Bolus. A J~MZh...~d.Uv~d two mdlutlon olur 1ut amky w.. uMd I. d.oontlon. -Blab- of tb. mqor rddnwmr h th. ard Holmw, hen1bprln- ~cand~I#wrrhloh Francine Roy, teadent of ~~ &sktloM, rclrehsld me =ah# OUuLy 31 wuuunter of oerumoolw. ln the -or &a The welooam wu given by Babal &atdum. Dr. Bacchus Wed Jlrw~tJUd~b.~rmr-31 olul anrye by ndwrt BlOIM. TIm aha ol a1.m for tb put ho pus wffl wu d by RlmM mod- wu the &hut mr IFeU d ~oluUauol kn- by=~.du~rrou~ weU by -tine ~$rboIm. Ih. ninth-prd.n wlu bold heel. 01 Bollor at tbo ban- tbo .@u&t h wxl well'* pwt were Bl-a, wmb. Lut wahmw imm Gwenn Boyd. -Robert Delokn. 8dl2(h.EmlorRanwu Bill F.irb8llk. &QM a0od.l~ haaiUOuu-. QI mmld HuWll. Bffl Irmd, Ymash Jnly a?, ma GOBI- Qarrle balk. muddy Fumu. maam-. In the Kavln Rickwad, Yit. Uley. ~~lobpal~tum &tby vm Home, M wufouowdby.~for Whlred, bfao Whl(oay. d Ou VeaUteaIntha tut EUeen WUmon. l.uuw.erm Xodontsr Bazven. with 8 €4. IS XwlcM. rrrallnhd to ~holutloaverage, wu nund ~tbe0~entmd valedlotwkn ud YUoW mawm. A 1- orow3 xmn, with. 99.11 .oLdutlc .very. vms d uMr tad of tbo 014. d 1880 at John T. Robinson Completes 15 years of Aramco Service urlvd h llwdi Ar&L QN- Dny, lM4. 81. fLnt ...i~~wu at m. ~~aC%lUa Ftdd y.ohlnbt. At ad time. thedrlugmd ofrnterwolbnuuput- d thew.Iolthe Mulhlm raop. m IWI, ou ~p.- Dokovsrthewrtuwdb. d RoblMm bu *baeth.n bu put d UW dM.lm. The m&tasmo d deep- mllpnnptud0 m&y w&r lor 0- or l&upL.1 w. LIIoMBI WHly md enRlo& for Uthrwdh- w-. * N.rly& 4 'cmaulyall ll wadu ths jurudMmdOUO~~-. Jhlrd AUDe QU- pnruph Uu .pn.torn mdhdb#waub for ==YJM rL..Oq- murid In WI. T* haw -.4IIIU1+-Yu. old. -- LB.& 1 ~lunmld~h~ -9- my ro, lorn Shoppers' Guide Orientalist Here New Stores in al-Khobar On Short Visit bnubu. AUa Edmahda .bow from WIaaonaln mld meIn wimu oolon us I1.o iaoludd in the ihlpment. MOM .tr&it.mk. BBm pmh of five-root Thtul bow. NYLON HOSE whlobaaudukethe nutlnl Nylon bow with .amlesm dl of the fdellunn. AU mesh fmm Bolepmof and Rejinery Ramblings thk can ha affwuvalg muted, CaWb hnohwur oomplete bmver, by #-the born Umsru.took. on .Id ud rml(q lunv 01 lt'm wu ilmr time at atop W.D.McLbughlin, AEA Treasurer them, tJI Lrq~1 Chiarm rim .ad lbp; Up1 ilowern in bowl@,with the rloa vimihle in myNd color., violst., 1Uiea By BRIGHT the oemmto vork when hdd up Of the sulky, rose., mixed to Um llght -prb.p acuriau 00-. bad the won't-dt @Uon from whtob to eat rlm. liat. priced from 8R1.50 to but mymtorlau are the ny. of 12. Magazine Accepts the Orient -- are BB 4. Ibs IhllaM are hklraa &-in- bowls ueamwtlve. and if yar don't llka rim, you cdduse Umm for codlomma, whlcb might, however, pmvediffidt to atwith caop.tlol. hh. OramLdeOfgoh hmd*o wood avrlap from Boq imdyada brl.Wcolor, udthe Kong.~udNrlonnqeh atnw ht hu a rlbbon trim in ai~from t@v f@nm to pr- the umr odor. Ihe oomblna- pnhun bloolu ud prloem from tion i.8852, or BBPS for the BR6tosRm. Moulve lamp htand8829fortheb.(l. ue8RSO. 40. ud 60. Cmdle Vdty Fair llngerle ia dcm lunp from Perab, wlth the now, indudlug nom close fit- predsnt~noi the curved BU ting nlghtgotms hNre that 1- whlte ppr globe*, are to Award, the hlgheet honor In BB 40. Colorful Japanem .ilk- you will elwp Ught. Prioen Bcouanp, to mas Blodgetr, embmldered prhb ue8B 21. are BR 47 to 115 for the nlsbt- Gwen Boyd. .Id Jerrle Wer. Aormmand up the meetfrom gow;88 86-71 for.lip:BR 71 The pred&.tlm wrs made by the New Ceylon Wore ia the for pjunu -- one plr deco- Mrs. C.A. Johnson. AU threa ~tedTndlry Corn-. ape- nted wW atoned a-en* glrb bscrma fimt-clue Girl otrliuin olntW& for every- dellad to mckyar to alwp. 8cmteayeuagoandallthrw ITALIAN SHOES - torry0lolh ihlTt. wlth a nLi.h I-lenther lhoes Bride's Mother V-nwk are 88 26 in &rkblue. for women mme in dl slzna. ornogo. yeUw, ud whlte. .h.de.. ud .m&. Pricw Here for Wedding Plluw #him fromltnly am range from8RBo toll% Italian ABPAI9 Mn. Mugaced BR 3640.
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