Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1968-1969 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1969 Eastern Progress - 21 Mar 1969 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1968-69/23 PamphletPassing Earns Wilborn Regents' Censure By ALLEN TRIMBLE in the similarities between the posed to be all about." Due to a prior appointment, of Regents prohibits the further they had, they would have "clean- with the freedom and activities of" way in which a student of today The motion for censure was In- Clay had left the meeting soon distribution of these materials ed it up." others at Eastern, and disrupting Executive Editor is treated and the way In which troduced by Board member Wil- after the presentation of charges on the campus of the University After the meeting President the peace and endangering or Eastern's Board of Re- slaves were subjected to author- liam L. Wallace. The motion by the President. Upon his de- and disobedience to this pro - MarUn said the "Censure by the threatening to endanger the gents Wednesday voted un- ity In the ante-bellum South. stated, "The Board of Regents parture, Clap directed a state- hlbltion will constitute an of- Board of Regents was directed by safety, health, or life of any per- animously to censure Stu- In presenting this to the Board, goes on record as censuring ment to Wilborn personally fense to the Board of Regents the obscenity within the article, son. dent Association president President Martin stated that on W. Stephen Wilborn, and any censuring him (Wilborn) for his and will be dealt with ac - not the content, although they Under the authority, the guilty W. Stephen Wilborn for the February 22 Wilborn took a copy others concerned, for printing actions, regardless of the ac- cordingly." didn't agree with it (the content.)" person would be removed from distribution of a controver- of the article to the Duplicating and distributing obscene mater- tions which *e Board was yet to the campus until he has a ials. The Board does not con- The motion passed unani- In other action by the Board, hearing before the Student Wel- sial article the board con- Center and requested that 3,000 take. they passed a resolution giving copies be made. After his of- done his action and expresses mously. fare Committee. Also, any non- sidered obscene. fice was Informed of the publi- a strong protest to his actions." Following the censure motion, A subject of crisp dialogue the President the authority to student who enters the prop- In reply to the motion, Wilborn another motion was introduced between the President and wil- suspend temporarily any student erty of the University for the The censure motion came after cation he called Wilborn to his guilty of "disruptive or coercive President Robert Martin reveal- office and advised him that It said, "You are not reacting as by Board member Durham How- born during the meeting was purpose of disrupting or In- Regents, but as individuals with ard, ordering Wilborn to return the origin of the article. activity against the University" timidating could be arrested ed to the Board that Wilborn would be unwise to distribute and to have the person remov- had distributed an article to the the article. something that does not meet to the President all copies of the Wilborn said he had received for trespass council which he said contained Following President Martin's your approval." The vote on the article which have not been the article from SUSGA (South- ed from the campus. The Board also approved the censure was unanimous by all distributed. ern Universities Student Gov - The authority to act against appointment of Dr. John D. Row- "unspeakable obscenities." presentation of the circum- disruptive activity is directed The object of the controversy stances to the Board, Wilborn members present. The motion shid: "The Board ernment Associations). lette as Vice President of In- was asked to comment on the ac- Absent at the time of the cen- of Regents Instructs W. Stephen against persons guilty of ob- stitutional Research, a new di- was an article written by Ger- The President contended that struction or interfering with ald Farber, a former California cusations. Wilborn emphasized sure was Board Ex Office Chair- Wilborn to deliver all copies of vision of the University. man, Wendell Butler, Superin- the materials under discussion, he had received correspondence the activities of the University Also approved was a com- State College Professor, entitled, that the articles were reprinted of the use of coercion, riot, or as, a "matter of discussion, and tendent of Public Instruction, and still extant to the President of from SUSGA saying they had plete reorganization of the "The Student As Nigger." the University. Purther the Board not sent out the article, for if physical violence to interfere The article made an analogy that is what this university is sup- Board member, Sydney Clay. College of Education. •..» Hie Eastern Brogress Council Backs Wilborn; / Settine The Pace In A Progressive Era I J' ^r Rejects Resignation Offer reconsider their decision that warned not to do something Tbe By JOE EDWARDb the artlcle contains obscenities. later might regret. Thursday, March 21, 1969 Ten Pages Progress News Editor Voted to recommend to the Wilborn further said thaiTne 46th Year, Number ?3 The Student Council in Repents that the censure direct- bill for duplicating copies of the article was financed through the m of Council's budget. He also said 1 ItjStejp To support the J^J»~S~ that students and faculty mem- ;::: actions of Council President AlBO the Councli failed to up- bers had obtained copies of the & Steve Wilborn who was cen- noi<j a suggestion by Council- article from the Council office Breckinridge Delivers 1 sured Wednesday by the man Dennis Day that the meet- in the student union. Eastern's two-term student ISCttS1 Board, of Regents, )TSS^SSuSX^SUSPlS^ for afe.te \SS!JfJSJSS\£JSi present also disclosed that he StrlbUtlDg a controversial to voice^^ views.vlews_ "probably" win return an cop- Opinions On Ruling & article on campus. Wilbornwilborn explained to the ies of the article to President :g The Council also rejected Wll- Councll that President Martin Martin's office. :$ born's resignation, made at the toW nlm about t^, weeks ago Wilborn also told the Council :g first part of the nearly two- to take tblt duplicated copies of he has "no Idea of punishment, g hour meeting attended by an the artlcIe to the chief execu- if any," which might be placed Boards, Women's Rights . overflow, vocal crowd. -, office. Uw (Continued on Page Seven) Wilborn's censure resulted WUborn said that he also was Area of womena rights and disciplinary com- (from his distribution of the mittees which may expel or suspend students ■article "The Student As Nlg- ' c were the subjects of two opinions delivered Mon- SFSffi Major Steps Instituted !d,ay by Kentucky Attorney General John B. SR.M Martin•»» n_ said—i^ at*» thelha RegentsPsoanfa' Breckinridge. ■meeting that the article con- The opinions were in response to questions : tained "unspeakable obscenl- •ties." In Area Of Black Studies sent to Breckinridge by Eastern Student Associa- The Council also yesterday: nroirrnm which n« - tion president W. Stephen Wilborn. Voted to consider the Re- BY JOHN PERKINS „*£* o„ i. horfi ^r r?^ The entire context of Wilborn's questions and J gents' censure as violating Wll- STAFF WRITER "gat" «i tt !,££!. °i™ the responding opinions from Breckinridge follow. |horn's freedom of speech as MaJorJ 8teps *lmpiementmore J0™"' P™?*•^Q?a^SKS ^guaranteed by the first amend-biack studles and to hire more ' ^ the cutting of all federal runas "1. Does ICR.S. 164.ST0 preclude a committee of stu*- gment of the U. S. Constitution. b^ck faculty members were an- - w _ ,„ . I Voted to deny that the ax*-~_™»,JL .... K„ D„.<H.»t Mrs. Martin did emphasizeln dents or faculty and students from having original Icle distributed is "obscene." Presldent HEW would jurisdiction involving cases which may to any way " w&St uSSF* * »« '»•*«■ ** result In the suspension or expulsion of a student? Voted to ask the Regents We weare taking immediate vide special assistance toto? V any That is, could a committee of students, having heard steps," Dr. Martin said, "tode- Institution attemptingat to recruit a specific, case, recommend to this faculty committee velop a curriculum relevant to and matriculate «hlgh risk mln- that the student in question be expelled or could a Students the problems of race, the inner orlty sWdents. - j student committee, upon finding the offense committed city and the prejudices that af- P»rttait Martin also a* - by the student suffWfently grave, to constitute expul- fllct society ** nounced that he had appointed a sion, direct the case to this faculty committee, whUe ' March' He also announced Intention* ''"j*1-^*1 committee * J°£ stating their Jack of authority over said case? to employ as many faculty mem- •War the •nttreareaid j^ritfV •2; Do regulations prSSkeing for closing hours of wo- bers as possible from minority studies as It relates andKcan men's domitories, the ^flltmg of information regarding In Protest and ethnic groups. Wednesday be integrated into each collage tentative whereabouts during a set time of day, and afternoon, me Board of Regents and department. respective punishments for deviations from the regu- By JOHN PERKINS lations constitute infringements on the civU rights of A SitVco^edTxtTnded her X™ed toe hiring ofMisVlSra ™^**ZZ°Z£Z^ those women? For example, college women, the over- | arm and raised two fingers In Lynn Stone, a black social sci- adopt black studies .In to every de- whelming majority of which are 18 years old and ft-the familiar "V" for victory eJce8 Instructor.
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