Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1942-02-19 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1942). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1743. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/1743 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. XAVIER UNIVERSITY NEWS z 553 A Student Newspaper With All-Department Coverage VOLUME XX-VIII CINCINNATI, OHIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1942 NO. 13 Old Members Tavern Holds Alumni Medal Prize To Winner At Heidelbe.rg Anniversary Of Oratorical Contest Friday :':.~.n ~::~::~ C elebr ati on l_P_R_E_X_Y_&_P_UP_I_L_R_EG_I_S_TE_R__ I Newcomers Vie forty-eight and the other of fif­ Two literary contests featured With Veterans ty years, were special guests at the annual Anniversary meet­ the last meeting of the Heidel­ ing of the Mermaid Tavern, held berg Club, Thursday, February Friday evening, February 13, in Vocal Selections By Clef 12, at the Fenwick Club. Rev. the Tavern quarters. The Lim­ Frederick A. Meyer, S. J., who erick contest for undergraduate Club Feature Intermissions joined the club in 1894, and Dr. members was won by Leland Dykman, who became a mem­ Si:hneider, ;while the selection Ascending the forensic plat­ ber in. the year 1892, were the rendered by Edward Vonder­ form Friday evening at 8: 15 in honored guests. Haar, '31, was judged best of the Mary .G. Lodge · Reading Fathers of the members of the those submitted by alumni Room, three seniors, one junior, German club were also invited members. In the French ver$e and two sophomores will com­ to attend the meeting by Dr. contest, Host Robert Kaske re­ pete' for the Alumni Medal in Eric J. Seemann, moderator, and ceived the award, with Rev. the 48th Annual 'W'ashington .James Berens, president of the. Paul Sweeney, S. J., moderator, Oratorical Contest. organization. ' A regular meet- winning the graduate prize. The seniors are James Cent­ ing was conducted for the ben­ Mr. Louis Sanker, '14, a mem­ ner,. James Lemkuhl, and 'W'il­ efit of the guests present. ber of the Greater Cincinnati liam Seidenfaden. Jack Boyce, Robert Benkeser, senior sci­ Poetry Society, entertained the junior, and Joseph Sommer, and ence student, talked on "Biog­ Taverners with an interesting Bernard Gilday, sophomores, raphy of Madame Marie Curie." address. Mr. Sanker is a dis­ complete the list of speakers on Following him, Ray Burns, tinguished poet, well known by the program. sophomore pre-medical stud~IJ.t, literary societies throughout the The order of the speakers and city for his interesting works. addressed the group on. the sub­ -Courtesy Cincinnati Tlmes-Stla.r · the titles of their orations are: ject: "The Inter~si .of the Hei­ The next regular meeting of Centner, The Catholic Approach The age extremes in the nation-wide registration met at Local ·delberg Club in Xavier Univer­ the Tavern will be held Mon­ to the Social Problem; Lemkuhl, Board No. 15, when Xavier University President, Celestin J. Steiner, sity." day, February 23. Freedom Is Our Creed; Sommer, S. J., age 44, and Chet Mutryn, age 20, junior student and star Catholic Roots of American De­ halfback, were registered here Saturday. mocracy; Seidenfaden, Are You Puerto Rican Xavierite a Liberal; Boyce, Tragedy;. and Patna Ra ffl e Gilday, Catholic America in tha On Boat Saved Froni Sub Frosh Pebate ) World Today. ers Prizes Judges for the contest, chosen '~ ., . ., ~. -··· ·· 1- ... ·" _-.~ · ' Off· • .,1 · · •• '.J. · circiinii arc:iu~ci the. li~~i:.: ·: ·N,ext~."F-rid.a,y 'from· ·among prominent .. alu:inni Bomber Chases 3 U-Boats "The nearest submarine came by the Rev. Joseph J. Benson, Encircling Unarmed Ship toward us, submerged, and Seasonal public debates of the National Defense receives a S. J., dean of the college of lib­ caflle up on the other side of the eral arts, are, Thomas Geoghe-. Freshman Debating Tteam will boost in the annual Patna Mis- gan, '02, Raymond F. McCoy, '34, By Joe Thesken liner. 'W'e were expecting the begin Friday afternoon, Febru­ sion Raffle at Xavier as James worst, for our boat was totally and Leonard C. Gartner, '37. Aboard the liner U. S. S. ary 20. The frosh team will Lemkuhl, chairman of the Raf­ unarmed. · The subs formed a fle committee, announced that a ' Three of. the speakers, Cent­ Coamo, Daniel Saint-Villiers, menacing circle. meet St. ~avier High School at ner; Seidenfaden and Gilday, nineteen.,.year-old Puerto Rican $25 United States Defense Bond "After eight long minutes, a the high-school auditorium. The will be among the prizes offer­ are veterans of Oratorical com­ youth and now a frosh pre­ petition. Boyce, Lemkuhl and dent.al student at Xavier, leis­ U. S. bomber was sighted com­ subject is: "Resolved: That ed to the winners of the Raffle. ing in answer to a frantic S.O.S. B~sides the Bond, the list in­ Sommer are making their first urely strolled the steamer's every able-bodied male citizen bid for the prized Washington deck, inhaling the brisk ocean call for .relief. At the sight of of the United States should be cludes' a Zenith Universal Port­ the bomber, the subs dropped able Radio, Kodak 35 Candid medal. breeze. The mid·-afternoon sun required to have one full year Making its first public appear­ beat down upon the liner as it under the waves and disappear­ Camera, Remington Du<!-1 Elec­ ed. The ship steamed up and of full-time military training tric Razor, and a genuine Indian ance of the '42 concert season, ploughed· steadily toward New the Xavier Clef Club will pre­ York harbor, its northern desti­ proceeded unmolested up the before r.eaching the present leopard skin, donated by Re.v. John Kilian, procurator for the sent a program of varied vocal natfon. Atlantic seaboard to New York draft age." This is -the Nation­ harbor. Patna Mission. selections during the intermis­ 'W'hen he boarded the boat at al high school debate topic. Mr. "Upon landing,"· continued Two books of chances will be sions of the speaking program. San Juan on the morning of 'W'illiams, the moderator, an­ Students, parents, alumni, February 1, Daniel Saint-Vil­ frosh Saint-Villiers, "I took the. distributed· to each student this train for Cincinnati where I en­ nounced at the meeting Tuesday week, and an earnest effort is and friends of Xavier are in­ liers little realized that on that that Richard McCarthy and Vin­ vited to attend this annual for- same day would occur the most rolled at Xavier for the second expected to surpass last year's cent Delaney will represent the ensic contest. exciting experience of his life. semester as a· pre-dental stu­ effort, the chairman said. dent'.' freshmen, upholding the affirm­ For what occurred that after­ ative side of the argument. noon will forever remain for him With such an experience fresh a thrill-packed memory. in his memory, Saint-Villiers On Friday· afternoon, Febru­ probably finds college life in ary 27, the team will engage the .Forum Speakers Discuss The Puerto Rican's account of America quite tame. freshmen of Our Lady of Cin­ ·his adventures, as told to this cinnati College. Herbert Mail­ reporter in the comparative ander and Don Mahler ·will de­ Basis For Lasting Peace peace of the Biology Lobby, fend the affirmative o'f the topic: stands as a graphic word picture War Confuses Discussing the eventual peace on Jurisprudence, informed the "Resolved: That during the ·conference at the close of the assembly that the rights men­ of danger on the high seas. present war, all radio stations "I was startled first by the present war, Dean John C. Fitz­ tioned by the Declaration of ·Traditionists in the United States and posses­ shrill sound of the alarm sys­ gerald of Loyola University, Independence and in the Bill of sions should. be governmentally tem echoing over the boat. All 'W'ar is interfering with the Chicago, and James V. Hayes, Rights find their source in Cath­ controlled.'' of us were hustled into our life­ Traditionists! 'I'he group con- 'W'ashington, D. C~, attorney and olic Scholastic Philosophy. preservers, and stationed at structed its constitution so auth9rity in jurisprudence, pre­ The speakers were introduced .vre-arranged positions near the painstakingly that now, since sented their opinions .on the to the audience by Rev. Al­ life-boats. • I glanced over the the National speed-up has President Dons question when they appeared in phonse L. Fischer, S. J., direc­ starboard side and saw a sub's placed their scheduled election­ Lieutenant's Bar the Xavier Forum Series, last tor of the lecture series. The metal ·back gleaming beneath date after the end of the school­ Sunday at Taft auditorium. date of the next lectur:e~'Will be the . water's surface forty feet term, the organization finds it­ The subject of their lecture­ Sunday, March 15. r ''. away. Two other subs were self hard-put to find a legal so­ The Order· of the Sword and discussion was "God and Man in -------------,.·.-;.<~ lution. · Plume made another contribu­ a Democracy." Considering the The Constitution Committee, tion to national defense last principles upon which our dem­ Condolences Lenten Mass however" including James Ber­ week when J'ohn T. Schuh, '39, ocratic form of government was ens, Lawrence Splain, and Neal president of the organization, so successfully founded, the The faculty and student' Xavier students are re­ Faessler, reports that progress is donned the uniform of a second lecturers agreed .that the inher­ body of Xavier University mmded that Mass is cele­ being made in that direction.
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